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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2014

Winter Evenings by Quraishi, Humra
Pranks, Tricks, and Practical Jokes by Owen, Ruth
Modern Language Review (109: 1) January 2014 by
The Moneychangers by Sinclair, Upton
Modern Poetry in China: A Visual-Verbal Dynamic by Manfredi, Paul
That Dream Shall Have a Name: Native Americans Rewriting America by Moore, David L.
寄至何方 Where To Mail by Huang Yiluan
Tagore For The 21St Century Reader by Sinha, Aruna
Խենթը by Րաֆֆի
The Digital Afterlives of Jane Austen: Janeites at the Keyboard by Mirmohamadi, K.
Re-Orientalism and Indian Writing in English by Dwivedi, O., Lau, L.
Affective Disorder and the Writing Life: The Melancholic Muse by
Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life by Christie, W.
The Intellectual and the People in Egyptian Literature and Culture: Am?ra and the 2011 Revolution by A. El-Desouky, Ayman
Plutarch's Sertorius: A Historical Commentary by Konrad, C. F.
Historical Writing in Britain, 1688-1830: Visions of History by
Fairy Tales, Natural History and Victorian Culture by Talairach-Vielmas, Laurence
Language, Education and Nation-Building: Assimilation and Shift in Southeast Asia by
Northern Irish Poetry and Theology by McConnell, G.
Social Invisibility and Diasporas in Anglophone Literature and Culture: The Fractal Gaze by Kral, F.
Ireland, Memory and Performing the Historical Imagination by Caulfield, Mary P.
The Persian Empire in English Renaissance Writing, 1549-1622 by Grogan, J.
The Postcolonial Historical Novel: Realism, Allegory, and the Representation of Contested Pasts by Dalley, H.
Literary Aesthetics of Trauma: Virginia Woolf and Jeanette Winterson by Van Der Wiel, Reina
Indian Writing in English and the Global Literary Market by
The New Literary Middlebrow: Tastemakers and Reading in the Twenty-First Century by Driscoll, B.
Work and Leisure in Late Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Visual Culture: Time, Politics and Class by White, C.
The Perils of Print Culture: Book, Print and Publishing History in Theory and Practice by McElligott, Jason
Lyotard, Literature and the Trauma of the Differend by Sawyer, D.
Modernism and Cosmology: Absurd Lights by Ebury, K.
Sensational Pleasures in Cinema, Literature and Visual Culture: The Phallic Eye by
Lost Plays in Shakespeare's England by
Shakespeare, Dissent, and the Cold War by Thomas, Alfred
A Conrad Chronology by Knowles, O.
John Thelwall and the Materialist Imagination by Solomonescu, Yasmin
Idleness, Indolence and Leisure in English Literature by
The Peripheral Child in Nineteenth Century Literature and Its Criticism by Cocks, N.
Colonial Girlhood in Literature, Culture and History, 1840-1950 by
Shakespeare's Boys: A Cultural History by Knowles, K.
Postmodern Metanarratives: Blade Runner and Literature in the Age of Image by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Pragmatic Literary Stylistics by
Nabokov's Eros and the Poetics of Desire by Couturier, M.
Women Writers and the Hero of Romance by Wilt, J.
Shakespeare's Staged Spaces and Playgoers' Perceptions by Farabee, D.
Exoticizing the Past in Contemporary Neo-Historical Fiction by
Post-Cinematic Theatre and Performance by Woycicki, P.
Jane Austen's Possessions and Dispossessions: The Significance of Objects by Byrne, Sandie
Contemporary Approaches in Literary Trauma Theory by
D. H. Lawrence: Nature, Narrative, Art, Identity by Beer, J.
Cyber Ireland: Text, Image, Culture by Lynch, C.
Food and the Literary Imagination by Archer, J., Turley, R. Marggraf, Thomas, H.
The Gothic and the Everyday: Living Gothic by
Performing Environments: Site-Specificity in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by
Detective Fiction and the Ghost Story: The Haunted Text by Cook, M.
Blake and the Methodists by Farrell, M.
Violence, Trauma, and Virtus in Shakespeare's Roman Poems and Plays: Transforming Ovid by Starks-Estes, L.
Irish Gothics: Genres, Forms, Modes, and Traditions, 1760-1890 by Morin, Christina, Gillespie, Niall
Transatlantic Literature and Culture After 9/11: The Wrong Side of Paradise by
Northern Irish Poetry: The American Connection by Kennedy-Andrews, E.
Contemporary Crisis Fictions: Affect and Ethics in the Modern British Novel by Horton, E.
Contemporary British Literature and Urban Space: After Thatcher by Duff, K.
Science Fiction, Alien Encounters, and the Ethics of Posthumanism: Beyond the Golden Rule by Gomel, E.
Contemporary Scottish Gothic: Mourning, Authenticity, and Tradition by Baker, T.
Book Destruction from the Medieval to the Contemporary by
Literature After Postmodernism: Reconstructive Fantasies by Huber, I.
Thomas Hardy, Time and Narrative: A Narratological Approach to His Novels by Ireland, K.
Blake's Drama: Theatre, Performance, and Identity in the Illuminated Books by Piccitto, Diane
Sexuality and the Gothic Magic Lantern: Desire, Eroticism and Literary Visibilities from Byron to Bram Stoker by Jones, D.
Aquinas's Philosophy of Religion by O'Grady, P.
James Joyce, Urban Planning and Irish Modernism: Dublins of the Future by Lanigan, L.
Contemporary Asylum Narratives: Representing Refugees in the Twenty-First Century by Woolley, A.
Urban Enlightenment and the Eighteenth-Century Periodical Essay: Transatlantic Retrospects by Squibbs, R.
British Women Writers and the Short Story, 1850-1930: Reclaiming Social Space by Krueger, K.
Contemporary African Literature in English: Global Locations, Postcolonial Identifications by Krishnan, M.
Serial Memoir: Archiving American Lives by Stamant, N.
Shakespeare, Cinema and Desire: Adaptation and Other Futures of Shakespeare's Language by Ryle, S.
The Return of Theory in Early Modern English Studies, Volume II by
New Directions in the History of the Novel by
British Women's Life Writing, 1760-1840: Friendship, Community, and Collaboration by Culley, A.
A Fractured Landscape of Modernity: Culture and Conflict in the Isle of Purbeck by Wilkes, J.
Zizek and Performance by
The Beginnings of University English: Extramural Study, 1885-1910 by Lawrie, A.
Race, Ethnicity and Publishing in America by
William Cobbett, the Press and Rural England: Radicalism and the Fourth Estate, 1792-1835 by Grande, James
Shakespeare and the Embodied Heroine: Staging Female Characters in the Late Plays and Early Adaptations by Leigh, L.
Literary Translation: Redrawing the Boundaries by
Literature and Encyclopedism in Enlightenment Britain: The Pursuit of Complete Knowledge by Rudy, Seth
Race and Identity in D. H. Lawrence: Indians, Gypsies, and Jews by Ruderman, J.
Romantic Englishness: Local, National, and Global Selves, 1780-1850 by Higgins, D.
Travel Writing and the Transnational Author by Knowles, S.
Stylistic Approaches to Nigerian Fiction by Tunca, D.
Commemorating Writers in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Nation-Building and Centenary Fever by
Compromise and Resistance in Postcolonial Writing: E. M. Forster's Legacy by Fernández Carbajal, Alberto
The Narrative Turn in Fiction and Theory: The Crisis and Return of Storytelling from Robbe-Grillet to Tournier by Meretoja, H.
Magical Realism and Cosmopolitanism: Strategizing Belonging by Sasser, K.
The Orphan in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: The Vicissitudes of the Eighteenth-Century Subject by König, E.
Pynchon and Philosophy: Wittgenstein, Foucault and Adorno by Eve, Martin Paul
Strategies of Representation in Auto/Biography: Reconstructing and Remembering by
Antonin Artaud: The Scum of the Soul by Murray, Ros
Shakespeare's 'Whores': Erotics, Politics, and Poetics by Stanton, K.
No Accident, Comrade: Chance and Design in Cold War American Narratives by Belletto, Steven
Alan Hollinghurst and the Vitality of Influence by Johnson, Allan
Reading Women's Worlds from Christine de Pizan to Doris Lessing: A Guide to Six Centuries of Women Writers Imagining Rooms of Their Own by Jansen, S.
B. S. Johnson and Post-War Literature: Possibilities of the Avant Garde by
Shakespeare and the Performance of Girlhood by Williams, D.
Novel Craft: Victorian Domestic Handicraft and Nineteenth-Century Fiction by Schaffer, Talia
The Spectral Metaphor: Living Ghosts and the Agency of Invisibility by Peeren, E.
Hölderlin and the Poetry of Tragedy: Readings in Sophocles, Shakespeare, Nietzsche and Benjamin by Tambling, Jeremy
Cárcel Y Creación: Narraciones de Encierro Y Represión Política En El Caribe Insular Hispánico by Rivera-Rivera, Wanda I.
New Poetics of Chekhov's Major Plays: Presence Through Absence by Golomb, Harai
Wisanzhe Dumuna by
Literature and Film, Dispositioned: Thought, Location, World by Gavin, Alice
Medieval Invasions in Modern Irish Literature by Ulin, J.
Literature and Politics in the 1620s: 'whisper'd Counsells' by Salzman, P.
One Night @ The Call Centre by Bhagat, Chetan
Fin-De-Siècle Fictions, 1890s-1990s: Apocalypse, Technoscience, Empire by Mousoutzanis, A.
The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade by Shumway, Rebecca
Material Cultures of Early Modern Women's Writing by
Legal Fictions: Constituting Race, Composing Literature by Holloway, Karla Fc
Revisiting the Tempest: The Capacity to Signify by Bigliazzi, Silvia
Fuera del Canon: Escrituras Excéntricas de América Latina by
Escrituras Impolíticas: Anti-Representaciones de la Comunidad En Juan Rodolfo Wilcock, Osvaldo Lamborghini Y Virgilio Piñera by Miller, Karina
Editing, Performance, Texts: New Practices in Medieval and Early Modern English Drama by Sanders, Julie, Jenkins, Jacqueline
Wiwanzhe Guama: Dichos Y Cuentos de Los Wiwa by
Selected Early Poems by Loseff, Lev
Butch Geography by Waite, Stacey
Summa Technologiae: Volume 40 by Lem, Stanislaw
A God in the House: Poets Talk about Faith by
A Glossary of Literary Terms by Abrams, M. H., Harpham, Geoffrey
El prodigio de Alemania by Calderon De La Barca, Pedro, Coello, Antonio
Narrative Structure and Philosophical Debates in Tristram Shandy and Jacques Le Fataliste by Whiskin, Margaux
Narrative Structure and Philosophical Debates in Tristram Shandy and Jacques Le Fataliste by Whiskin, Margaux
Rousseau and the French Revolution 1762-1791 by McDonald, Joan
Pliny the Younger: A Life in Roman Letters by Winsbury, Rex
The Existential and Its Exits: Literary and Philosophical Perspectives on the Works of Beckett, Ionesco, Genet and Pinter by Dobrez, L. A. C.
Chaucer and Langland: Historical and Textual Approaches by Kane, George
The Fable as Literature by Blackham, H. J.
Jane Austen and Her Works by Tytler, Sarah
Rewriting the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon Verse: Becoming the Chosen People by Zacher, Samantha
Taming Anger: The Hellenic Approach to the Limitations of Reason by Kalimtzis, Kostas
Alcibiades and the Socratic Lover-Educator. Volume Editor, Harold Tarrant, Marguerite Johnson by
Emotional Excess on the Shakespearean Stage: Passion's Slaves by Escolme, Bridget
London's Burning: Pulp Fiction, the Politics of Terrorism and the Destruction of the Capital in British Popular Culture, 1840 - 2005 by Taylor, Antony
Convict Jack by Blee, Jill
Space and Time in Ancient Greek Narrative by Purves, Alex C.
Young Thomas More and the Arts of Liberty by Wegemer, Gerard B.
Voltaire: Choix de Contes by
Memoirs of the Late Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton: Volume 1: With a Selection from Her Correspondence, and Other Unpublished Writings by Benger, Elizabeth
Memoirs of the Late Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton: Volume 2: With a Selection from Her Correspondence, and Other Unpublished Writings by Benger, Elizabeth
Modernism and Popular Music by Schleifer, Ronald
Giving Women: Alliance and Exchange in Victorian Culture by Rappoport, Jill
The Oxford Handbook of Nineteenth-Century American Literature by
The Stories We Are: An Essay on Self-Creation, Second Edition by Randall, William
Stories about Stories: Fantasy and the Remaking of Myth by Attebery, Brian
Kritik einer Gebrauchssemantik: Zur Schnittstelle zwischen Semantik und Pragmatik by Lippold, Eva
Fronto: Selected Letters by Fronto, M. Cornelius
Reading and the Reader: The Literary Agenda by Davis, Philip
Nalopakhyanam; Or, the Tale of Nala by
The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer: Text & Critical Introduction by Moore M. a., Ray
Romancero General: En Qve Se Contienen Todos Los Romances Que Andan Impressos En Las Nueue Partes de Romanceros. Aora Nvevamente Impresso by Anonymous
The Bloomsbury Group Memoir Club by Haule, J., Rosenbaum, S.
Alfred de Musset im Licht seiner beiden Novellen "Emmeline" und "Les deux Maîtresses" by Nieser, Miriam, Valentin, Lilia
Diary of a Black Man: Zero by Shayheh, Nefertum Husia
Der Tod in Venedig: Eine philosophische Lesart by Abeling, Lutz
Beatdom 14 by Hollister, Kate, Wills, David S.
Robert Duncan: The Collected Later Poems and Plays Volume 3 by Duncan, Robert
Greater Monster by Miller, Adam Patric
Rafaelito's Gift by Fullam, Allison
Arms and the Woman by Macgrath, Harold
The Soul of Man under Socialism: El Alma del Hombre bajo el Socialismo. Edición Bilingüe by Wilde, Oscar
William Faulkner: An Aesthetics of Transgression: A Study in Excess, Identity and Exchange by Nesteruk, Peter
Long Voyage: Selected Letters of Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1987 by Cowley, Malcolm
Modernity, Community, and Place in Brian Friel's Drama by Russell, Richard Rankin
Shakespeare and Immigration. Edited by Ruben Espinosa, David Ruiter by Espinosa, Ruben
The Ploughman's Talk (1): Wisdom from the Furrows by Ekegbo, Rich N.
Theory of Mind and Science Fiction by Pagan, N.
The Real South: Southern Narrative in the Age of Cultural Reproduction by Romine, Scott
The Panza Monologues by Grise, Virginia, Mayorga, Irma
Shakespeare and Audience in Practice by Purcell, Stephen
A Companion to Sport and Spectacle in Greek and Roman Antiquity by Christesen, Paul, Kyle, Donald G.
Dionysus Resurrected by Fischer-Lichte, Erika
Text to Tradition: The Naisadhiyacarita and Literary Community in South Asia by Patel, Deven
A Political Companion to Herman Melville by
Edna Ferber's America by McGraw, Eliza
Richard Wright: A Documented Chronology, 1908-1960 by Kiuchi, Toru, Hakutani, Yoshinobu
True Tales of Lust and Love by
Song of the Vikings: Snorri and the Making of Norse Myths by Brown, Nancy Marie
El lenguaje es una fuente de malos entendidos: 101 literatos del mundo hispano by Roura, Victor
Virginia Woolf: Experiments in Character by Sandberg, Eric
Contemporary Literature of Africa: Tijan M. Sallah and Literary Works of the Gambia by
Alienglish: Eastern Diasporas in Anglo-American Tongues by Ma, Sheng-Mei
Nineteenth-Century American Women Write Religion: Lived Theologies and Literature by Wearn, Mary McCartin
The Chinese Prose Poem: A Study of Lu Xun's Wild Grass (Yecao) by Kaldis, Nicholas
Oxford Handbook of American Drama by
Reflecting on Darwin by Voigts, Eckart, Schaff, Barbara
The Parable and Its Lesson: A Novella by Agnon, S. Y.
The Awakening of Man Hamlet by Stubbs, John
The Parable and Its Lesson by Agnon, S. Y.
Christian Mythmakers by Hein, Rolland
Folklore Theory in Postwar Germany by Naithani, Sadhana
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