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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang: Volume 1 & 2 by Lang, Andrew
Decameron by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Pingtung Boy Tom 2: Bricks Lure Birds by Pao, Wu Jui
L'avventura di uno spettatore. Italo Calvino e il cinema: Nuova edizione ampliata by
Suzanne Normis by Greville, Henry
Tennyson: The Muses' Tug-Of-War by Albright, Daniel
The Gypsy-Bachelor of Manchester: The Life of Mrs. Gaskell's Demon by Bonaparte, Felicia
Modified Rapture: Comedy in W. S. Gilbert's Savoy Operas by Fischler, Alan
The Victorian Serial by Hughes, Linda K., Lund, Michael
Capital Offenses: The Geography of Class and Crime in Victorian London by Joyce, Simon
Victorian Connections by
Poemas by Dias, Goncalves
Elementargeister by Heine, Heinrich
Material Cultures in Canada by
Public Poetics: Critical Issues in Canadian Poetry and Poetics by
Selected Stories By G.K. Chesterton by O'Brien, Terry
He Sits 'Mongst Men Like A Descended God (Volume Two) by Gardiner, John
Milton by Pattison, Mark
Shi Yi Di Zhu Zao Su Shi Shi Xue Si Xiang De Sheng Cun Lun Chan Shi - xuelin by Meng, Xianpu
Zui He Yi De Wei Zhi - xuelin by Lin, Yu
Tian Tang Li de Yi Chang Bao Feng Yu Xiao Fu Xing Yin Yue Wen Ji Yao Gun Juan - Xuelin by Xiao, Fuxing
Yun Fan Xia de Pin Wei Jiang Nan Ren Wen Shou Ji - Xuelin by Chen, Yi
Tang Shi de Zhi Hui - Xuelin by Qin, Min/Wang Jing/Wang, Zhaofu
Ji Yu Yu Liao Ku de Xian Dai Han Yu Jin Yi Xu CI DUI Bi Yan Jiu - Xuelin by Ren, Haibo
DAO Zai Tu Zhong Zhong Guo Sheng Tai Pi Ping de Li Lun Sheng Cheng - Xuelin by Ma, Zhijun
Zhe Xue She Hui Ke Xue Xue Shu Dong Tai Sao Miao - Xuelin by Hu, Jian
Zhong Gu Han Yu Yu Dian CI Yan Jiu - Xuelin by Ji, Zhongping
Yao Shi Qiao Jiang Nan Ren Wen Shou Ji - Xuelin by Chen, Yi
Wei Shen Me Wo Men Xu Yao You Qing - Xuelin by Lin, Yu
John Aubrey: Brief Lives with an Apparatus for the Lives of Our English Mathematical Writers by
Levinas, Storytelling and Anti-Storytelling by Buckingham, Will
Science in Wonderland: The Scientific Fairy Tales of Victorian Britain by Keene, Melanie
Stanislaw LEM: Philosopher of the Future by Swirski, Peter
Machado de Assis: A Literary Life by Jackson, K. David
A Poetics of Postmodernism and Neomodernism: Rewriting Mrs Dalloway by Latham, M.
Work of Literature by Attridge, Derek
The Cambridge Companion to American Gay and Lesbian Literature by
The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature by
Islamic Conversion and Christian Resistance on the Early Modern Stage by Degenhardt, Jane Hwang
Sex: Vice and Love from Antiquity to Modernity by Blanshard, Alastair J. L.
Herta Müllers "Atemschaukel" und die Bedeutung der Literatur für die Erinnerungskultur by Götz, Niklas
Entwicklungs- und Kolonialdiskurse in Gustav Freytags Roman "Soll und Haben" (1855) by Kemeugne, Vincent De Paul
Elizabeth Bishop: Lines of Connection by Anderson, Linda
Captain America, Masculinity, and Violence: The Evolution of a National Icon by Stevens, J. Richard
Different Masks: A Decade In the Dark by Tait, Matthew
Shakespeare in Company by Van Es, Bart
The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses by Birmingham, Kevin
Pingtung Boy Tom 3: Uncle House by Pao, Wu Jui
Versi editi ed inediti by Giusti, Giuseppe
Cicero Und Das Geld by Scheuermann, Eva
Healing Words: The Printed Handbills of Early Modern London Quacks by Mullini, Roberta
Goethes Walpurgisnacht-Trilogie: Heidentum, Teufeltum, Dichtertum by Höffgen, Thomas
Poetry in the Service of Politics: The Case of Adam Mickiewicz in Communist Poland and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in East Germany by Artwinska, Anna
Narratives of the Self by
Dreams, Nightmares and Empty Signifiers: The English Country House in the Contemporary Novel by Terentowicz-Fotyga, Urszula
Hexenversammlung Und Walpurgisnacht in Der Deutschen Dichtung by Rost, Alexander
Verbale Indirektheiten Beim Diskursdolmetschen Am Beispiel Des Sprachenpaars Polnisch-Deutsch by Will, Agnieszka
Argumentative Strategien in deutschen und italienischen wissenschaftlichen Artikeln: Am Beispiel der Soziologie und der Sprachwissenschaft by Roncoroni, Tiziana
Lex Naturalis Volume 1: A Journal of Natural Law by
Literature and the Peripheral City by Finch, Jason, Salmela, Markku
Der Wunderer by
"Mein Zweites Vaterland: Alexander Von Humboldt Und Frankreich by
Geschichte Chinas 1279-1949 by Dabringhaus, Sabine
Milestones by Tsvetaeva, Marina
Literature and the Peripheral City by Finch, Jason, Salmela, Markku
Influence and Inheritance in Feminist English Studies by
Indian Writing in English and Issues of Visual Representation: Judging More Than a Book by Its Cover by Lau, Lisa, Varughese, E. Dawson, Dawson Varughese, E.
El concierto de las fábulas. Discursos, historia e imaginación en la narrativa cubana de los años sesenta by Garrandés, Alberto
Altes Reich Und Neue Dichtung: Literarisch-Politisches Reichsdenken Zwischen 1740 Und 1830 by Hien, Markus
Meine Taten / Res Gestae Divi Augusti by Augustus
Poiesis des 'Sozialen' by Büttner, Urs
English Fiction and the Evolution of Language, 1850-1914 by Abberley, Will
Das Brautwerbungsschema in der mittelalterlichen Literatur. Das "Nibelungenlied" und "Tristan" im Vergleich by Schweitzer, Erla
Daniel von dem Blühenden Tal by Der Stricker
Die Millstätter Predigten by
Cityscaping: Constructing and Modelling Images of the City by
Descriptive Grammar of Bangla by David, Anne Boyle
Theatre of the Borderlands: Conflict, Violence, and Healing by del Rosario Moreno, Iani
Obiter Dicta by Birrell, Augustine
The Bard Debunked: An Annotated Bibliography of 19th Century Parodies of Shakespeare by Jacobs, Henry E., Johnson, Claudia Durst
Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Schiller, Friedrich
Realismus und Raumsemantik. Der Stadtraum und seine Funktion in Adalbert Stifters "Turmalin" by Gantner, Thomas
Fiesco's Conspiracy at Genoa by Schiller, Friedrich
Travel, Modernism and Modernity by Burden, Robert
Baptist Women's Writings in Revolutionary Culture, 1640-1680 by Adcock, Rachel
Prester John: The Legend and Its Sources by
Formen und Funktionen des utopischen und dystopischen Diskurses in Christian Krachts Roman "Ich werde hier sein im Sonnenschein und im Schatten" by Löwe, Julia
Place and Progress in the Works of Elizabeth Gaskell by Morris, Emily, Scholl, Lesa
Huttens letzte Tage by Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand
Der Streit über die Tragödie by Lipps, Theodor
Il Tesoretto by Latini, Brunetto
The Transcendent Holmes by Montgomery, John Warwick
Fathers, Preachers, Rebels, Men: Black Masculinity in U.S. History and Literature, 1820-1945 by
Prisons, Race, and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century U.S. Literature and Film by Caster, Peter
Modern American Grotesque: Literature and Photography by Goodwin, James
In Contempt: Nineteenth-Century Women, Law, and Literature by Kalsem, Kristin
Dickens's Hyperrealism by Reed, John R.
The Arbiters of Reality: Hawthorne, Melville, and the Rise of Mass Information Culture by West, Peter
Anthems, Sonnets, and Chants: Recovering the African American Poetry of the 1930s by Woodson, Jon
Doris Lessing: Interrogating the Times by
Contemporary Dickens by
Rage Is the Subtext: Readings in Holocaust Literature and Film by Derwin, Susan
Understanding Tolstoy by Kaufman, Andrew D.
Faulkner and Hemingway: Biography of a Literary Rivalry by Fruscione, Joseph
Uncommon Women: Gender and Representation in Nineteenth-Century U.S. Women's Writing by Laffrado, Laura
Maximilians Ruhmeswerk by
Toys and Tools in Pink: Cultural Narratives of Gender, Science, and Technology by Colatrella, Carol
Haptic Modernism: Touch and the Tactile in Modernist Writing by Garrington, Abbie
Lemmata by
Letters to America: Selected Poems of Reuven Ben-Yosef by
Joseph Conrad and H. G. Wells: The Fin-De-Siècle Literary Scene by Dryden, L.
For Exposure: The Life and Times of a Small Press Publisher by Sizemore, Jason B.
Charles Baudelaires "Les Fleurs du Mal". Biografische Einflüsse auf Frauenbilder in der französischen Moderne by Haider, Mareile
Virginia Woolf and Classical Music: Politics, Aesthetics, Form by Sutton, Emma
Thirteen Plays by Ibsen, including (complete and unabridged): Peer Gynt, Pillars of Society, A Doll's House, Ghosts, An Enemy of The People, The Wild by Ibsen, Henrik
Hemingway and the Black Renaissance by Holcomb, Gary Edward, Scruggs, Charles
Homer by King, Katherine Callen
From Abortion to Pederasty: Addressing Difficult Topics in the Classics Classroom by
The Mabinogi: A Book of Essays by Sullivan III, C. W.
Caribbean Reasonings: Freedom, Power and Sovereignty - The Thought of Gordon K. Lewis by
Die Bedeutung des Zufalls in Friedrich Dürrenmatts "Das Versprechen" by Demmel, Lisa
Die Kunstauffassung Georg Büchners als Repräsentant der Vormärzliteratur. Ein Vergleich zur Weimarer Klassik anhand ausgewählter Texte by Mehs, Christina
Literatur als Mittel zur Selbstdefinition. "Fettfleck" von Diana Kempff und "Melancholia" von Bettina Galvagni im Vergleich by Reiling, Tristan
Rivers, Rogues, & Timbermen in the novels of Brainard Cheney by Williams, Michael R., Jr.
Pingtung Boy Tom 4: Spring Festival by Pao, Wu Jui
Maxims and Reflexions by Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Invito a Lesbia Cidonia ed altre poesie by Mascheroni, Lorenzo
Aminta by Tasso, Torquato
Forgotten Leaves: Essays from a Smial by Burke, Jessica
Poets of the Second World War by Waterman, Rory
Imagining Kurdistan: Identity, Culture and Society by Galip, Özlem Belçim
Aus Goethes Frühzeit-Bruchstücke eines Commentares zum jungen Goethe by Scherer, Wilhelm
Mrs. Piper & the Society for Psychical Research by Sage, Michael
Dom Karlos by Schiller, Friedrich
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Indian Section by Dykstra, Yoshiko K.
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Chinese Section by Dykstra, Yoshiko K.
Buddhist Tales of India, China, and Japan: Japanese Section by
The Vagaries of the Qasidah by Montgomery, James
Characters in Literary Fictions by
Alice Munro: Reminiscence, Interpretation, Adaptation and Comparison by
Charles Darwin's Looking Glass: The Theory of Evolution and the Life of its Author in Contemporary British Fiction and Non-Fiction by Oramus, Dominika
Kulturmanoever: Das k.u.k. Kriegspressequartier und die Mobilisierung von Wort und Bild by
Imaginationen Des Endes by
Ezra Pound: Minstrel der Moderne Untersuchungen zur inter- und intrakulturellen Uebertragbarkeit poetologischer und kunsttheoretischer Prinzipien by Loyen, Stefan
Kulturpolitik als Strukturpolitik?: Konzepte und Strategien deutscher und italienischer Kulturpolitik im Vergleich by Burkhard, Claudia
Literarische Bildung und Migration: Eine empirische Studie zu Lesesozialisationsprozessen bei Jugendlichen mit tuerkischem Migrationshintergrund by Jakubanis, Matthias
Sara Paretsky: Detective Fiction as Trauma Literature by Hamilton, Cynthia
Auf Spurensuche in der Familiengeschichte. Vergessen und Erinnern in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur by Malcherek, Carina
Die Repräsentation der bürgerlichen Familie im deutschen Drama des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts by Guse, Jacqueline
A Supplement of the Faery Queene: By Ralph Knevet by
Sozialkritik in Alan Sillitoes "On Saturday Afternoon" by Prang, Susanne
The Annals of Lampert of Hersfeld by
Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen and Fred d'Aguiar: Representations of Slavery by Ward, Abigail
Remembering French Algeria: Pieds-Noirs, Identity, and Exile by Hubbell, Amy L.
The Renaissance of Emotion: Understanding Affect in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries by
Between Two Stools: Scatology and Its Representations in English Literature, Chaucer to Swift by Smith, Peter J.
Die Wortkreuzung als Sonderform des Kompositums by Ebert, Nadine
Die Haltung des alternden Menschen in "Der Mensch erscheint im Holozän" by Ebert, Nadine
Im Durcheinander der "Liebesblödigkeit". Polyamorie bei Wilhelm Genazino by Kolberg, Maria
Lüge und Fiktion in Rafik Schamis "Der ehrliche Lügner" by Sattler, Philipp
Bewußtsein und Identität in Elisabeth Langgässers Kurzgeschichte "Der Torso" by Mai, Patrick
Love's Metamorphosis: John Lyly by
Die Vater-Sohn-Beziehung in Marie von Ebner-Eschenbachs "Der Vorzugsschüler" by Nickel, Kirsten
"Tonio Kröger" von Thomas Mann und "Pippo Spano" von Heinrich Mann. Der Kunst-Leben-Konflikt der Jahrhundertwende by Kanzleiter, Laurian
Arno Schmidts intertextuelle Verbindung zu Jules Verne oder "Jetzt soll also ich mit dem Namen der 'Jugendliebe' rausrücken ..." by Malcherek, Carina
Gothic Riffs: Secularizing the Uncanny in the European Imaginary, 1780-1820 by Hoeveler, Diane
Magical Realism in Postcolonial British Fiction: History, Nation, and Narration by Can, Taner
Superheroes on World Screens by
Drawn from the Classics: Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Works by
Agostino Valier, 'Instituzione d'ogni stato lodevole delle donne cristiane' by
Oxford Companion to Children's Literature by Hahn, Daniel
Oxford Illustrated Shakespeare Dictionary by Crystal, David, Crystal, Ben
Gawein, der ideale Ritter by Mai, Patrick
Recension of Arthur Millers "Death of a Salesman" by Olonschek, Martina, Köhring, Klaus
The Slave Trade Domestic and Foreign by Carey, Henry Charles
César Birotteau by De Balzac, Honore
Pingtung Boy Tom 5: Term start by Pao, Wu Jui
A Trip to our Organic Farm by Brummett, Alisha
Silencing of the Sirens by Dasgupta, Aditi
Silencing of the Sirens by Dasgupta, Aditi
Lodovico Dolce, 'Dialogo della institution delle donne, secondo li tre stati che cadono nella vita umana' by
Sympathiestiftende Faktoren der moralisch fragwürdigen Figur des Charlie Harpers in "Two and a Half Men": "Mein cooler Onkel Charlie" by Keller, Miriam
Towards the Ethics of Form in Fiction: Narratives of Cultural Remission by Toker, Leona
The Reader as Peeping Tom: Nonreciprocal Gazing in Narrative Fiction and Film by Hawthorn, Jeremy
The Rhetoric of Fictionality: Narrative Theory and the Idea of Fiction by Walsh, Richard
Rereading the New Criticism by McIntyre, John D., Hickman, Miranda B.
Literary Rivals: Feuds and Antagonisms in the World of Books by Bradford, Richard
Mountain Tasting by Taneda, Santoka
Narrative Causalities by Kafalenos, Emma
The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose, Volume VI: 1969-1973 by Auden, W. H.
Medien und Sprachverfall. Die Beziehung von Sprache und Neuen Medien by Van Der Woude, Niels
Bigmouth/Smallwar: Two Plays by Dhaenens, Valentijn
Lässt sich im Kreuzgedicht "Über den gekreuzigten Jesus" von Catharina Regina von Greiffenberg ein religiöser Mehrwert eruieren? by Löwe, Julia
Inhalt, Gestaltung und Bedeutung der "Teutschen Grammatica" von Valentin Ickelsamer by Kraus, David
Adjektiv oder Adverb? Zur Kategorisierungsproblematik prozessbezogener Modaladverbiale by Kindl, Niels
Wunderlichkeiten in Achim von Arnims "Isabella von Ägypten" by Rahimy, Nelly
Mentalitäten im Ernährungsdiskurs um Milch by Merk, Aljona
War and the Mind: Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End, Modernism, and Psychology by
The Historical Novel in Nineteenth-Century Europe: Representations of Reality in History and Fiction by Hamnett, Brian
Narrative Middles: Navigating the Nineteenth-Century Novel by Ortiz-Robles, Mario, Levine, Caroline
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