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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2017

William Shakespeare by Hugo, Victor
Mass for an Angel.: Reflections of Reynaldo Arenas by Robaina, Tomas Fernandez
Reappraising Jane Duncan: Sexuality, Race and Colonialism in the My Friends Novels by Rippetoe, Rita Elizabeth
Virginia Woolf and the Power of Story: A Literary Darwinist Reading of Six Novels by Blair, Linda Nicole
Keywords for Media Studies by
Mourning and Creativity in Proust by Elsner, Anna Magdalena
Genealogy of the Tragic: Greek Tragedy and German Philosophy by Billings, Joshua
Shakespeare: Three Problem Plays by Marsh, Nicholas
How We Speak to One Another by
The Shade of Alexander Pope on the Banks of the Thames: A Satirical Poem by Mathias, Thomas James
Drawing the Line: Comics Studies and INKS, 1994-1997 by Caswell, Lucy Shelton
Sweet Theft: A Poet's Commonplace Book by McClatchy, J. D.
J.W. Waterhouse and the Magic of Color by Cavallaro, Dani
Keywords for Media Studies by
Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio: Eerie and Fantastic Chinese Stories of the Supernatural (164 Short Stories) by Songling, Pu
Home Truths: Fictions of the South Asian Diaspora in Britain by Nasta, Susheila
The Secret Life of the American Musical: How Broadway Shows Are Built by Viertel, Jack
The Mythic Dimension: Selected Essays 1959-1987 by Campbell, Joseph
The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age by Sellar, William Young
The British Superhero by Murray, Chris
Faulkner and History by
Drawing on the Victorians: The Palimpsest of Victorian and Neo-Victorian Graphic Texts by
Writing an Icon: Celebrity Culture and the Invention of Anaïs Nin by Jarczok, Anita
The Literature of the Ancient Egyptians: Poems, Narratives, and Manuals of Instruction from the Third and Second Millenia B.C. by Erman, Adolf
The Narcissus Theme from Fin de Siècle to Psychoanalysis: Crisis of the Modern Self by Johansson, Niclas
Tartuffe: Or, The Hypocrite by Molière
Terre vergini by Ivan Sergeyevich, Turgenev
The Yogi Who Missed His Way: Sex and Spirituality in D.H. Lawrence by Taylor, D. P.
Rinascimento latino e volgare: Studi critici (2011-2016) by Caterino, Antonello Fabio
The Search for Zombie Consciousness and Agency in AMC's "The Walking Dead" by Meyer, Gernot
Milton's Prosody: An Examination of the Rules of the Blank Verse in Milton's Later Poems by Bridges, Robert Seymour
Israel Zangwill's "Anglicization". The Literary Representation of Anglo-Jewish Identity, Assimilation, Anglicization, Anti-Semitism and Christianity by Liebe, Marc
32 Chichewa Phrases and Conversations: A Visitor's Guide to Conversations in Chichewa by Roller, Karen T.
The War of the Wheels: H. G. Wells and the Bicycle by Withers, Jeremy
Imagination and Idealism in John Updike's Fiction by Farmer, Michial
Burns' Clarinda: Brief Papers Concerning the Poet's Renowned Correspondent by Ross, John Dawson
Nexus 3: Essays in German Jewish Studies by
Following Faulkner: The Critical Response to Yoknapatawpha's Architect by Hagood, Taylor
The Cubalogues: Beat Writers in Revolutionary Havana by Tietchen, Todd F.
Olympe de Clèves: A Romance of the Court of Louis Fifteenth by Jacob, P. L., Dumas, Alexandre
Eucharist and the Poetic Imagination in Early Modern England by Read, Sophie
The Roman Poets of the Augustan Age: Virgil by Sellar, William Young
Die Entwicklung von Schillers Ästhetik by Berger, Karl
Fictions of Integration: American Children's Literature and the Legacies of Brown v. Board of Education by Lesley, Naomi
Imagining Sisterhood in Modern Chinese Texts, 1890-1937 by Zhu, Yun
A Century of Negro Migration by Woodson, Carter Godwin
Essays in the Art of Writing by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Great Britain and the American Civil War by Adams, Ephraim Douglass
Landmarks in French Literature by Strachey, Giles Lytton
Essays in the Art of Writing by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Chapters on Jewish Literature by Abrahams, Israel
Chinua Achebe by Morrison, Jago
The Borderlands of Asia: Culture, Place, Poetry by Bender, Mark
Motherhood in Antiquity by
Phases by Willett, Mischa
Becoming Heinrich Schenker by Morgan, Robert P.
African Women Under Fire: Literary Discourses in War and Conflict by Uwakweh, Pauline Ada
Phases by Willett, Mischa
English in the Caribbean by Deuber, Dagmar
The Orient and the Young Romantics by Warren, Andrew
Navigating the Transnational in Modern American Literature and Culture by
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Mikhailovich, Dostoyevsky
Victimhood and Vulnerability in 21st Century Fiction by
inklings - Jahrbuch fuer Literatur und Aesthetik: Die Inklings und der Erste Weltkrieg. Symposium 17. und 18. September 2016 in Aachen by
Medievalism: Key Critical Terms by
Handschriftliche Studien auf dem Gebiete romanischer Literatur des Mittelalters: I. Untersuchungen über die Vie des anciens Peres by Weber, Alfred
Der Hamburger Theaterskandal von 1801: Eine Quellendokumentation zur politischen Aesthetik des Theaters um 1800 by
The Notebooks for the Idiot by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Literary Agents in the Transatlantic Book Trade: American Fiction, French Rights, and the Hoffman Agency by Cottenet, Cécile
The works of Alexander Pope: Volume 8 by Pope, Alexander, Warton, Joseph
Die Lehre von der Harmonia by Draeseke, Felix
Essays and Letters: Edited with Introductory Note by Rhys, Ernest, Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Kleine Schriften by Sigwart, Christoph
The Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose by Hannah, John
The Psalms and Medieval English Literature: From the Conversion to the Reformation by
Plays, Players and Playhouses at Home and Abroad: With Anecdotes of the Drama and the Stage by Lennox, William Pitt
Petrarch and the Literary Culture of Nineteenth-Century France: Translation, Appropriation, Transformation by Rushworth, Jennifer
New Medieval Literatures 17 by
Medievalism: A Critical History by Matthews, David
Deutsche Lyrik der Gegenwart seit 1850 by
Aesthetische Erfahrungen: Theoretische Konzepte und empirische Befunde zur kulturellen Bildung by
Book of Mutter by Zambreno, Kate
The Spy Unmasked by Barnum, H. L.
Plays, Players and Playhouses at Home and Abroad: With Anecdotes of the Drama and the Stage by Lennox, William Pitt
Kleine Schriften: Zweite Reihe, zweite Ausgabe by Sigwart, Christoph
An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope: Vol. II by Warton, Joseph
The Satires of Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel, The Medal, Mac Flecknoe by Dryden, John, Collins, John Churton
Letters to Dead Authors by Lang, Andrew
Literatur und Theater by Harden, Maximilian
Washington Square: A Bundle of Letters. Vol. II by James, Henry
Guillermo Tell by Von Schiller, Friedrich
Von Keller zu Zola: kritische Aufsätze by Mauthner, Fritz
Sämmtliche Schriften by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Die Literatur über die Polarregionen der Erde by Chavanne, Josef
Word of Mouth: Fama and Its Personifications in Art and Literature from Ancient Rome to the Middle Ages by Guastella, Gianni
Die deutsche Literatur der Gegenwart by Prutz, Robert Eduard
Episierung im Drama by Weber, Alexander
Kollektives Gedächtnis Und Erinnerungskulturen: Eine Einführung by Erll, Astrid
Genius Envy: Women Shaping French Poetic History, 1801-1900 by Paliyenko, Adrianna M.
Schillers Europa by
Grito de Gloria by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Gloria by Peréz Galdós, Benito
Germaine by About, Edmound
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo by Shelley, Mary
Eugenia Grandet by de Balzac, Honoré
El diamante del Rajá by Stevenson, Robert Louis
El diablo de la botella by Stevenson, Robert Louis
El club de los suicidas by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Por una Cuba negra: Literatura, raza y modernidad en el siglo XIX by Arcia, Alberto Abreu
Strategika: Griechisch - Deutsch by Polyainos
Enquete sur l'evolution litteraire by Huret, Jules
Extremos: Visiones de lo extremo en literatura, historia, música, arte, cine y lingueística en España y Austria by
Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit by Herder, Johann Gottfried
Comparison between Hamlet and Oblomov by Akhtar, Javed
Paul Tillich im Exil by
How Shakespeare Became Colonial: Editorial Tradition and the British Empire by Marcus, Leah S.
Das Nibelungenlied: Text Und Einführung by
Liebe und Judentum im Werk Albert Cohens by Fröhlich, Melanie
Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature: Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water by
Kwamboka's Inquiry by Dobrin, Arthur
Myths and Myth-Makers: Old Tales and Superstitions Interpreted by Comparative Mythology by Fisk, John
Walden, ou La Vie dans les Bois: édition bilingue anglais/français (+ lecture audio intégrée) by Thoreau, Henry David
Wasser in der mittelalterlichen Kultur / Water in Medieval Culture by
Der Papyrus von Derveni by
The Fire and the Tale by Agamben, Giorgio
El sueño del principe by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Essays on Fielding Miscellanies by Miller, Henry Knight
Cervantes and the Humanist Vision: A Study of Four Exemplary Novels by Forcione, Alban K.
Metaphors of Self: The Meaning of Autobiography by Olney, James
Closure in the Novel by Torgovnick, Marianna
Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture by Moynahan, Julian
The Casuistical Tradition in Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton by Slights, Camille Wells
Mythical Intentions in Modern Literature by Gould, Eric
The Flavors of Modernity: Food and the Novel by Biasin, Gian-Paolo
Mikhail Sholokhov and His Art by Ermolaev, Herman
Wilhelm Raabe: The Fiction of the Alternative Community by Sammons, Jeffrey L.
Last Words: Variations on a Theme in Cultural History by Guthke, Karl S.
A History of Japanese Literature, Volume 1: The Archaic and Ancient Ages by Konishi, Jin'ichi
Imagery of Sophocles Antigone by Goheen, Robert Francis
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 9: AIDS to Reflection by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Six Circles, One Dewdrop: The Religio-Aesthetic World of Komparu Zenchiku by Thornhill, Arthur H.
Mikhail Sholokhov and His Art by Ermolaev, Herman
Closure in the Novel by Torgovnick, Marianna
The Casuistical Tradition in Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert, and Milton by Slights, Camille Wells
The Play of Power: Mythological Court Dramas of Calderon de la Barca by Greer, Margaret Rich
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 9: AIDS to Reflection by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
A History of Japanese Literature, Volume 2: The Early Middle Ages by Konishi, Jin'ichi
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Cinema as Heresy by Greene, Naomi
A History of Japanese Literature, Volume 1: The Archaic and Ancient Ages by Konishi, Jin'ichi
Anglo-Irish: The Literary Imagination in a Hyphenated Culture by Moynahan, Julian
Going Abroad: European Travel in Nineteenth-Century American Culture by Stowe, William W.
Heirs to Dionysus: A Nietzschean Current in Literary Modernism by Foster, John Burt
The Letters of Samuel Johnson, Volume IV: 1782-1784 by Johnson, Samuel
Callimachus and His Critics by Cameron, Alan
Six Circles, One Dewdrop: The Religio-Aesthetic World of Komparu Zenchiku by Thornhill, Arthur H.
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Cinema as Heresy by Greene, Naomi
Mythical Intentions in Modern Literature by Gould, Eric
Love and the Quest for Identity in the Fiction of Henry James by Sicker, Philip
Essays on Fielding Miscellanies by Miller, Henry Knight
Heirs to Dionysus: A Nietzschean Current in Literary Modernism by Foster, John Burt
Imagery of Sophocles Antigone by Goheen, Robert Francis
Last Words: Variations on a Theme in Cultural History by Guthke, Karl S.
Troilus And Cressida by Shakespeare, William
Twelfth Night by Shakespeare, William
The Demon of Noontide: Ennui in Western Literature by Kuhn, Reinhard Clifford
Crime and Punishment by Fyodor, Dostoyevsky Mikhailovsky
The Early Modern Stage-Jew: Heritage, Inspiration, and Concepts - With the first edition of Nathaniel Wiburne's Machiavellus by Zinsser-Krys, Saskia
Paul Zechs Exilwerk: Zwischen postkolonialer Anerkennung und exotistischer Vereinnahmung indigener Voelker Lateinamerikas by Busch, Kora
Plato's Phaedrus und die Sophistenrede des Isokrates by Holzner, Eugen
The Demon of Noontide: Ennui in Western Literature by Kuhn, Reinhard Clifford
Going Abroad: European Travel in Nineteenth-Century American Culture by Stowe, William W.
El Retrato de Dorian Gray by Wilde, Oscar
The Poems by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
The Fire and the Tale by Agamben, Giorgio
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 6: Novela/Nivola by Unamuno, Miguel de
The Inward Turn of Narrative by Kahler, Erich
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 2: The Private World by Unamuno, Miguel de
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 1: Peace in War: A Novel by Unamuno, Miguel de
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 2: The Private World by Unamuno, Miguel de
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 1: Peace in War: A Novel by Unamuno, Miguel de
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 7: Ficciones: Four Stories and a Play by Unamuno, Miguel de
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 6: Novela/Nivola by Unamuno, Miguel de
Flannery O'Connor and the Language of Apocalypse by Kessler, Edward
Essays in Eighteenth-Century English Literature by Landa, Louis A.
The Inward Turn of Narrative by Kahler, Erich
Selected Works of Miguel de Unamuno, Volume 7: Ficciones: Four Stories and a Play by Unamuno, Miguel de
Wilhelm Raabe: The Fiction of the Alternative Community by Sammons, Jeffrey L.
Cervantes and the Humanist Vision: A Study of Four Exemplary Novels by Forcione, Alban K.
Essays in Eighteenth-Century English Literature by Landa, Louis A.
Love and the Quest for Identity in the Fiction of Henry James by Sicker, Philip
A History of Japanese Literature, Volume 2: The Early Middle Ages by Konishi, Jin'ichi
The Flavors of Modernity: Food and the Novel by Biasin, Gian-Paolo
The Play of Power: Mythological Court Dramas of Calderon de la Barca by Greer, Margaret Rich
The Letters of Samuel Johnson, Volume IV: 1782-1784 by Johnson, Samuel
Callimachus and His Critics by Cameron, Alan
Flannery O'Connor and the Language of Apocalypse by Kessler, Edward
Metaphors of Self: The Meaning of Autobiography by Olney, James
The Caped Crusade: Batman and the Rise of Nerd Culture by Weldon, Glen
El último Hombre by Shelley, Mary
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