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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2018

Prithvi-Putra by Sharan, Vasudeva Agrawala
Mitología Griega Y Romana by Humbert, Jean
Kaka Ke Thahake by Kaka, Hathrasi
Framing Information Literacy (Pil#73) Volume Two: Information Has Value by Oberlies, Mary K., Mattson, Janna
Milk (Lebese) by Sethunya, Victoria
Greguerías II by Blóking
Greguerías III by Blóking
Climate Zero Hour: Crossing the Energy Debate Divide by Beckers, Mathijs
Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles by Habberstad, Luke
Reading the Market: Genres of Financial Capitalism in Gilded Age America by Knight, Peter
European Metropolis by Reznicek
Demystifying Meaning: Structuralism vs. Behaviorism by Chihab, Mohammed
The Editing of Savitri: Issues-Discussions-Notes-Memoirs: A Letter from Jugal Kishore Mukherjee by Mukherjee, Jugal Kishore
The Twice-Chang'd Friar by
The World of Fairy Tales: A path to the essence of the young child through fairy tales by Udo De Haes, Daniel
Producing Early Modern London: A Comedy of Urban Space, 1598-1616 by Stage, Kelly J.
Reporting: The Tulsa Riot: 1921 by
Ambedkar: An Overview by Ambedkar, B. R.
Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles by Habberstad, Luke
Die Briefe Und Predigten Des Mystikers Heinrich Seuse Genannt Suso, Nach Ihren Weltlichen Motiven Und Dichterischen Formeln Betrachtet: Ein Beitrag Zu by Gebhard, Adam
Visión de Anáhuac by Reyes, Alfonso
The Official Dictionary of Idiocy: A Lexicon for Those of Us Who Are Far Less Idiotic Than the Rest of You Volume 4 by Napoli, James
Forms of Astonishment: Greek Myths of Metamorphosis by Buxton, Richard
Ibsen's Hedda Gabler: Philosophical Perspectives by
The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable by
Reading in the Dark: Horror in Children's Literature and Culture by
Ralph Ellison, Temporal Technologist by Germana, Michael
Indecorous Thinking: Figures of Speech in Early Modern Poetics by Rosenfeld, Colleen Ruth
Dickensian Dramas, Volume 2: Plays from Charles Dickens by Davis, Jim
Modern Language Review (113: 1) January 2018 by
Sexual Identities: A Cognitive Literary Study by Hogan, Patrick Colm
A Book of the Play by Cook, Dutton
The Journey: Navigating your way from Writing to Promoting and Garnering Reviews by Abbott, Allyson R., Wolz, Donna
Indecorous Thinking: Figures of Speech in Early Modern Poetics by Rosenfeld, Colleen Ruth
Antebellum Posthuman: Race and Materiality in the Mid-Nineteenth Century by Ellis, Cristin
Mocking Bird Technologies: The Poetics of Parroting, Mimicry, and Other Starling Tropes by
Mocking Bird Technologies: The Poetics of Parroting, Mimicry, and Other Starling Tropes by
The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable by
Antebellum Posthuman: Race and Materiality in the Mid-Nineteenth Century by Ellis, Cristin
Unthinking Mastery: Dehumanism and Decolonial Entanglements by Singh, Julietta
Pirating Fictions: Ownership and Creativity in Nineteenth-Century Popular Culture by Cohen, Monica F.
Willful Submission: Sado-Erotics and Heavenly Marriage in Victorian Religious Poetry by Paxton, Amanda
The Art of Mystery: The Search for Questions by Casey, Maud
The World, the Text, and the Indian: Global Dimensions of Native American Literature by
The Digital Banal: New Media and American Literature and Culture by Dinnen, Zara
Dickensian Dramas, Volume 1: Plays from Charles Dickens by
Frankenstein: How a Monster Became an Icon: The Science and Enduring Allure of Mary Shelley's Creation by Perkowitz, Sidney, Von Mueller, Eddy
Revue compendium: l'écriture faite femme: Semestriel #1 by Miriam, Mary, Marta, Monique, Delvigne, Marie
Michael Allred: Conversations by
Pasolini's Lasting Impressions: Death, Eros, and Literary Enterprise in the Opus of Pier Paolo Pasolini by
Theodor Storm Symbolism: Reading Storm's Landscapes by Artiss, David
Le Crime de lord Byron by Filon, Augustin
Eugène-Melchior de Vogüé by Bourget, Paul
Revival: Provence from Minstrels to the Machine (1938) by Ford, Ford Madox
Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930) by Merimee, Ernest
Revival: Mirk's Festival: A Collection of Homilies (1905) by Mirk, John
Comic Connections: Reflecting on Women in Popular Culture by
Interpretation, Relativism, and Identity: Essays on the Philosophy of Michael Krausz by
The Popular Anti-Icon in American Sports by Weik, Thomas
Cambridge Pieces by Butler, Samuel
Stilistische Funktionen Von Mehrdeutigkeit in Deutschen Werbetexten by Skerlavaj, Tanja
Lelamour Herbal (MS Sloane 5, ff. 13r-57r): An Annotated Critical Edition by Moreno Olalla, David
In and Out of Sight: Modernist Writing and the Photographic Unseen by Beeston, Alix
Interprofessional interactions at the hospital: Nurses' requests and reports of problems in calls with physicians by Sterie, Anca-Cristina
Conduct books fuer junge Damen des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts: Aufrichtigkeit und Frauenrolle by Dahmer, Cornelia
The Poetics of Decadence in Fin-de-Siècle Italy: Degeneration and Regeneration in Literature and the Arts by
Gender and Violence in Spanish Culture: From Vulnerability to Accountability by
Shakespeare's Hamlet: Philosophical Perspectives by
Approaches to Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project by
Emerson's Memory Loss: Originality, Communality, and the Late Style by Hanlon, Christopher
The Historian's Heart of Darkness: Reading Conrad's Masterpiece as Social and Cultural History /]cedited by Mark D. Larabee by
The Historian's Heart of Darkness: Reading Conrad's Masterpiece as Social and Cultural History /]cedited by Mark D. Larabee by
Dreams, Hallucinations, Dragons, the Unconscious, and Ekphrasis in German Romanticism: Ludwig Tieck's Skillful Study of the Mind by
John Smith, U.S.A. by Field, Eugene
Christopher Bigsby's "Hester". A Homage to Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"? by Holzmann, Stefanie
Rotkäppchen. Ein Vergleich der deutschen Fassung der Gebrüder Grimm und der französischen von Charles Perraults by Exner, Jaqueline
Genre- und Gesellschaftskritik durch Überspitzung, Satire und Parodie. Werkzeuge der Dekonstruktion in der Popkultur und Musikbranche: Analyse der Mus by Laschyk, Thomas
Le chevalier d'Harmental by Dumas, Alexandre
O Estranho Caminho de Delfos: Uma Leitura da Poesia de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen by Ceia, Carlos
The World of Mr Casaubon by Kidd, Colin
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Representation of the Puritan Society by Ilk, Bahar
Gothic Effigy: A Guide to Dark Visibilities by Jones, David Annwn
Memorias de Adriano de Marguerite Yourcenar (Guía de lectura): Resumen y análisis completo by Resumenexpress
Ibsen, Scandinavia and the Making of a World Drama by Rem, Tore, Fulsas, Narve
The Nigger of the 'Narcissus' by Conrad, Joseph
Talent Will Rise: Ensaios de Literatura Inglesa Contemporânea by Ceia, Carlos
Northwest Vignettes Volume One: Creative Nonfiction Stories by NW Writers by Writers, Northwest
Espaces: My Space, Votre Espace Et l'Espace Public by Kelly, E. Lloyd
Anxieties of Experience: The Literatures of the Americas from Whitman to Bolaño by Lawrence, Jeffrey
Der Kampf gegen die Riesen von Kanaan. Eine Untersuchung der Funktion innerhalb des Abenteuerbuches "Herzog Ernst" by Kuhlmann, Anna
Goethes Naturbild in Verbindung mit der Liebe. Eine Analyse der Gedichte "Mailied" und "Ganymed" by Fetter, Kira
Ulysses in West Britain: James Joyce's Dublin & Dubliners by Murphy, Michael
Veinte años despues by Dumas, Alejandro
Iniciação aos Mistérios da Poesia de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen by Ceia, Carlos
A Literatura Ensina-se?: Estudos de Teoria Literária by Ceia, Carlos
Textualidade: Uma Introdução by Ceia, Carlos
Survey of non-Western Literature by Dickinson, Joshua
Exotics and Retrospectives by Hearn, Lafcadio
Bringing up the Monster. The Absence of the Mother in "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley by Canetti, A. V. a.
"Under der linden" von Walther von der Vogelweide. Ein Gattungsvergleich mit der Pastourelle by Bentlage, Pamela
Paul Bowles's Literary Engagement with Morocco: Poetic Space, Liminality, and In-Betweenness by Benlemlih, Bouchra
Women's Professional Lives in Rhetoric and Composition: Choice, Chance, and Serendipity by Flynn, Elizabeth a.
Women's Professional Lives in Rhetoric and Composition: Choice, Chance, and Serendipity by Flynn, Elizabeth a., Bourelle, Tiffany
The Poetry of the Hebrew Pentateuch: Being Four Essays on Moses and the Mosaic Age by Margoliouth, Moses
300 Tang Poems 300 Song CI and 300 Yuan Qu Poetry by Li, Bai
300 Tang Poems and 300 Song CI by Li, Bai, Su, Shi
300 Yuan Qu Poetry by Ma, Zhiyuan
Killing Physicians: Shakespeare's Blind Heroes and Reformation Saints by Norton, John J.
Kadarkaraiyile by Sethu Pillai, R. P.
The Monster as War Machine by Moraña, Mabel
The Latin American short-story in the 20th Century by Chelle, Fernando, Ovallos, Jesus Daniel
Breaking with Tradition: Belarusian Short Prose in the Early Twenty-First Century by McMillin, Arnold
Revival: A Last Vintage (1950): Essays and Papers by George Saintsbury by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
Revival: George Saintsbury: The Memorial Volume (1945): A New Collection of His Essays and Papers by Saintsbury, George Edward Bateman
The Hatred of Literature by Marx, William
Alfred Kazin's America: Critical and Personal Writings by Solotaroff, Ted, Kazin, Alfred
Eine erzähltheoretische Analyse des Indianerromans "Der Legitime und die Republikaner" von Charles Sealsfield by Holl, Jannis
I Remain Yours: Common Lives in Civil War Letters by Hager, Christopher
Wolfgang Borcherts "Das Brot" als Kritik an der Nachkriegsgesellschaft: Ein Interpretationsversuch by Waldrich, Linda
The Johannine Renaissance in Early Modern English Literature and Theology by Cefalu, Paul
Of Stigmatology: Punctuation as Experience by Szendy, Peter
Postmodern Brecht: A Re-Presentation by Wright, Elizabeth
Nature and Language: A Semiotic Study of Cucurbits in Literature by Norrman, Ralf, Haarberg, Jon
William Empson: The Man and His Work by
A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms: Revised and Enlarged Edition by
E. M. Forster as Critic by Advani, Rukun
The Ecstasies of Roland Barthes by Wiseman, Mary Bittner
The Reader's Construction of Narrative by Ruthrof, Horst
Deconstruction and the Politics of Criticism by Irzik, Sibel
Language, Thought and Comprehension: A Study of the Writings of I. A. Richards by Hotopf, W. H. N.
Structural Models and African Poetics: Towards a Pragmatic Theory of Literature by Anozie, Sunday O.
British Post-Structuralism: Since 1968 by Easthope, Antony
The Languages of Literature: Some Linguistic Contributions to Criticism by Fowler, Roger
Essays in Modern Stylistics by
Gadamer and Hermeneutics: Science, Culture, Literature by
Speech Acts and Literary Theory by Petrey, Sandy
Black Literature and Literary Theory by
Literature as Communication and Cognition in Bakhtin and Lotman by Reid, Allan
Baudelaire in Song by Abbott, Helen
A Literary Journey to Jewish Identity: Re-Reading Bellow, Roth, Malamud, Ozick, and Other Great Jewish Writers by Shepard, Stephen B.
Romancing the Postmodern by Elam, Diane
Rupert Brooke in the First World War by Miller, Alisa
Medieval Romance: The Aesthetics of Possibility by Knapp, James, Knapp, Peggy
Beyond Sight: Engaging the Senses in Iberian Literatures and Cultures, 1200-1750 by
Dead Pledges: Debt, Crisis, and Twenty-First-Century Culture by McClanahan, Annie
Voices, Places: Essays by Mason, David
Sophisticated Speakers: Atticistic Pronunciation in the Atticist Lexica by Vessella, Carlo
Of Stigmatology: Punctuation as Experience by Szendy, Peter
The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter, How Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read by Bérubé, Michael
The Taming of the Text: Explorations in Language, Literature and Culture by
Historical Criticism and the Meaning of Texts by Jackson, J. R. De J.
A. J. Greimas and the Nature of Meaning: Linguistics, Semiotics and Discourse Theory by Schleifer, Ronald
The Conspiracy of the Text: The Place of Narrative in the Development of Thought by Adams, Jeff
Wounded Fiction: Modern Poetry and Deconstruction by Adamson, Joseph
Post-Structuralist Classics by
The Future of Literary Theory by
Genetic Codes of Culture?: The Deconstruction of Tradition by Kuhn, Bloom, and Derrida by Schultz, William R.
Unfolding the Mind: The Unconscious in American Romanticism and Literary Theory by Steele, Jeffrey
Furiously Funny: Comic Rage from Ralph Ellison to Chris Rock by Tucker, Terrence T.
The Amorous Heart: An Unconventional History of Love by Yalom, Marilyn
LGBTQAI+ Books for Children and Teens: Providing a Window for All by Dorr, Christina, Deskins, Liz
After Marriage in the Long Eighteenth Century: Literature, Law and Society by
Reading Postcolonial Theory: Key Texts in Context by Choudhury, Bibhash
The fantastic short story in Río de la Plata by Chelle, Fernando
Migrating Fictions: Gender, Race, and Citizenship in U.S. Internal Displacements by Manzella, Abigail G. H.
Heretics by Chesterton, Gilbert K.
Nachschlagewerke und Studien zur erotischen Literatur & Kunst Eine annotierte Bibliographie: Nachträge zu Bayer/Leonhardt, Selten & gesucht (1993) by Bayer, Franz
Migrating Fictions: Gender, Race, and Citizenship in U.S. Internal Displacements by Manzella, Abigail G. H.
More Than Meets the Eye: What Blindness Brings to Art by Kleege, Georgina
Der Kampf gegen den Drachen Pfetan in "Wigalois" von Wirnt von Grafenberg. Zu seiner literarischen Funktion by Kuhlmann, Anna
The Hunting of the Snark by Carroll, Lewis
More What Mother Goose Meant: Deconstructing Popular Nursery Rhymes in English by Barry, Debbie
Roughing It by Twain, Mark
Das Sakrale im Alltag. Die Darstellung heiliger Alltagsgegenstände in "Los males menores" von Luis Mateo Díez by Senfmann, Siegfried
A Guide to the Choice of Books for Students and General Readers by Acland, Arthur Herbert Dyke
The Comic Event: Comedic Performance from the 1950s to the Present by Roof, Judith
The Church as Sacred Space in Middle English Literature and Culture by Varnam, Laura
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing by
Another Me: The Doppelganger in 21st Century Fiction, Television and Film by Humann, Heather Duerre
Herman Melville in Context by
Representation and Reception: Brechtian 'Pedagogics of Theatre' and Critical Thinking by Burney, Shehla
Shakespeare and Millennial Fiction by
Civic Longing: The Speculative Origins of U.S. Citizenship by Hyde, Carrie
The Cambridge Companion to Postcolonial Travel Writing by
Origins and Legacies of Marcel Duhamel's Série Noire by Rolls, Alistair Charles, Sitbon, Clara Dominque, Vuaille-Barcan, Marie-Laure Jacqueline
Molly: A Wade Carver Thriller: A Florida Mystery Series by Ames, Dan
Auto/Biography in the Americas: Relational Lives by
Reading Books and Prints as Cultural Objects by
Religio Medici, Urn Burial and Christian Morals: with an illustrated memoir by Browne, Thomas
The Thinking Human's Guide to Religion: A Modern Interpretation of an Ancient Text by Paull, Steve
Postcolonial Literature and Challenges for the New Millennium by
Reading Jane Austen by Davidson, Jenny
How Science Proved Edward de Vere was William Shakespeare by Roper, David L.
Adventures among Books by Lang, Andrew
Northwest Vignettes Volume Two: Creative Nonfiction Stories by NW Writers by Writers, Northwest
Oxf Hist Nov Eng to 1750 Vol 1 Ohne C by Keymer
The Spirit of the Age; Or, Contemporary Portraits by Hazlitt, William
sin título. operaciones de lo visual en 2666 de Roberto Bolaño by Kraus, Anna
Passagen Des Exils / Passages of Exile by
In-between Fact and Fiction. Representing the Traumatization of Child Soldiers in Uzodinma Iweala's "Beasts of No Nation" and Emmanuel "Jal's Warchild by Fischer, Anne-Karen
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