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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2018

Annotated Guide to the Writings and Papers of Leonard Woolf (Third (Revised)) by Chapman, Wayne K., Manson, Janet M.
Tuberculosis and Disabled Identity in Nineteenth Century Literature: Invalid Lives by Tankard, Alex
The Sexual Imperative in the Novels of Sir Henry Rider Haggard by Reeve, Richard
Aristotle's Favorite Tragedy: Oedipus or Cresphontes? by Scott, Gregory L.
Aristotle's Favorite Tragedy: Oedipus or Cresphontes? by Scott, Gregory L.
Meditations on the Life of Christ: The Short Italian Text by McNamer, Sarah
Reading the Goddess into Austen: Austen's novels as spiritual journeys to the Goddess by Morgane, J. S.
Skandal und Verschwörungstheorie als Waffen der Aufklärung: Die Kampagne der Berlinischen Monatsschrift gegen den Scharlatan Cagliostro 1783-1788 by Kluge, Christoph
The Poetics of Decline in British Romanticism by Sachs, Jonathan
Key Concepts in the Gothic by Hughes, William
Revue Hispanique: Recueil Consacré Á L'étude Des Langues, Des Littératures Et De L'histoire Des Pays Castillans, Catalans Et Portugais; Volume 56 by
The Complete Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson; Volume 2 by Tennyson, Baron Alfred Tennyson
The Acorn: An Illustrated Quarterly Magazine Devoted to Literature and Art; Volume 2 by Anonymous
Silex Scintillans by Anonymous
Elizabethan Songs "In Honour of Love & Beautie" by Anonymous
Literature, Music and Cosmopolitanism: Culture as Migration by Fraser, Robert
Jydsk Bibliothek; Volume 2 by Anonymous
The Poetical Works of Robert Southey: Collected by Himself: The Poetical Works Of Robert Southey: Collected By Himself by Southey, Robert
Dramatis Personae, Dramatic Romances and Lyrics, Strafford, Etc by Anonymous
The Riches of Chaucer: In Which His Impurities Have Been Expunged; His Spelling Modernised; His Rhythm Accentuated; and His Obsolete Terms Ex by Chaucer, Geoffrey
The Poetical Works of John Skelton: With Notes, and Some Account of the Author and His Writings; Volume 1 by Anonymous
The Dramatic Magazine, Issue 1 by Anonymous
Trifles: Viz. the Toy-Shop. the King and the Miller of Mansfield. the Blind Beggar of Bethnal-Green. Rex & Pontifex. the Chroni by Dodsley, Robert
The British Album: Containing the Poems of Della Crusca [I.E. Robert Merry], Anna Matilda [I.E. Hannah Cowley], Arley, Benedict, the Bard by Merry, Robert, Cowley, Robert, Topham, Edward
Three Americans and Three Englishmen: Lectures Read Before the Students of Trinity College, Hartford by Johnson, Charles Frederick
English Poems: Old English and Middle English Periods 450-1550 by Anonymous
The Complete Poetical Works of Whittier by Whittier, John Greenleaf
De l'interdisciplinarité à la transdisciplinarité ?: Nouveaux objets, nouveaux enjeux de la recherche en littérature et sciences humaines by
Ideologičeskie Konteksty Russkoj Kultury XIX-XX Bb. I Poetika Perevoda by
A.E. Housman: Hero of the Hidden Life by Vincent, Edgar
Culture Writing: Literature and Anthropology in the Midcentury Atlantic World by Watson, Tim
Mississippi Writers: Reflections of Childhood and Youth: Volume III: Poetry by
Scripting Adolescent Romance: Adolescents Talk about Romantic Relationships and Media's Sexual Scripts by Hust, Stacey J. T., Rodgers, Kathleen Boyce
Money, Commerce, and Economics in Late Medieval English Literature by
Talking Walking: Essays in Cultural Criticism by Bowlby, Rachel
Epistolary Acts: Anglo-Saxon Letters and Early English Media by Zweck, Jordan
Undoing Babel: The Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature by Major, Tristan
A Brief Discourse of Rebellion and Rebels by George North: A Newly Uncovered Manuscript Source for Shakespeare's Plays by McCarthy, Dennis, Schlueter, June
The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy by Pujol, Albert Lloret and Josep, Cabré, Lluís, Ferrer, Alejandro Coroleu Montserrat
Anglo-Italian Cultural Relations in the Later Middle Ages by
New Medieval Literatures 18 by
The Montpellier Codex: The Final Fascicle. Contents, Contexts, Chronologies by
Language and Meaning in the Age of Modernism: C.K. Ogden and His Contemporaries by McElvenny, James
The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888 by Favenc, Ernest
10 Cent War: Comic Books, Propaganda, and World War II by
Collected Poems; Volume 3 by Anonymous
Chaucer: Animaduersions Uppon the Annotacions and Corrections of Some Imperfections of Impressiones of Chaucer's Workes Sett Do by Kingsley, George Henry, Thynne, Francis
The Western Messenger; Volume 5 by
The Works of Robert Browning; Volume 6 by Anonymous
A Commentary On the Holy Scriptures: Critical, Doctrinal, and Homilectical, With Special Reference to Ministers and Students: A Commentary On The Holy by Anonymous
The Forum; Volume 49 by Anonymous
The Hunting of the Snark by Carroll, Lewis
Original Poems; Volume 2 by Anonymous
Before the Dawn: A Book of Poems, Songs, and Sonnets by Leiser, Joseph
L'âne Mort by Janin, Jules Gabriel
Works, Made English From the French Original: With the Author's Life; Volume 3 by De La Mazarin, Hortense Manchini Portre, Saint-Réal, Saint-Evremond
The Poetical Works of John Milton: Paradise Lost by Anonymous
Waking Dreams by de México, Juventud Comunista
Odes, Sonnets & Lyrics of John Keats by Mosher, Thomas Bird, Keats, John
Anthology of Russian Literature From the Earliest Period to the Present Time; Volume 1 by Wiener, Leo
Poetical Remains of French Laurence ... and Richard Laurence [Ed.] With a Brief Memoir of Each Author [By H. Cotton] by Laurence, Richard, Laurence, French
The Works of Virgil in English Verse; Volume 3 by Warburton, William, Whitehead, William, Virgil, William
The Poems of Henry Vaughan by Beeching, Henry Charles
Valkyrian: Illustrerad Månadsskrift; Volume 9 by Anonymous
Cours De Littérature Française by Anonymous
Manuale Della Letteratura Del Primo Secolo Della Lingua Italiana: Manuale Della Letteratura Del Primo Secolo Della Lingua Italiana; Volume 2 by Nannucci, Vincenzo
The Works of Virgil in English Verse: The Works Of Virgil In English Verse; Volume 4 by Whitehead, William, Pitt, Christopher, Holdsworth, Edward
Sharpe's London Magazine; Volume 3 by Anonymous
Shaw's Ibsen: A Re-Appraisal by Templeton, Joan
The Works of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, and Aeneis: The Works Of Virgil: Containing His Pastorals, Georgics, And Aeneis; Volume 1 by Virgil, Dryden, John
The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors: 1639-1729 by Anonymous
American Monthly Review of Reviews; Volume 47 by Anonymous
The Poetical Works of Thomas Chatterton: With a Memoir by Anonymous
Heart of Darkness by Conrad, Joseph
O May I Join the Choir Invisible: And Other Favorite Poems by Anonymous
The Office and Limits of Literary Criticism by De Hollings, Henry Burgh
A Sketch of the Life and Works of John Milton (From a Course of Lectures Held at the Victoria Lyceum During the Winter of 1885-1886) by Anonymous
The Classics, Greek & Latin: The Most Celebrated Works of Hellenic and Roman Literatvre, Embracing Poetry, Romance, History, Oratory, Science, and by Miller, Marion Mills
Chap-books and Folk-lore Tracts: 2 by Wheatley, Henry Benjamin, Gomme, George Laurence
Sharpe's London Magazine; Volume 6 by Anonymous
Illustrations of the Literary History of the Eighteenth Century: Consisting of Authentic Memoirs and Original Letters of Eminent Persons; and Intended by Nichols, John Bowyer
Child's Recollection of W.M. Thackeray. Cut From Temple Bar, Oct. 1887. [25] by Cockran, H.
Briefe an Und Von Johann Heinrich Merck: Eine Selbständige Folge Der Im Jahr 1835 Erschienenen Briefe an J.H. Merck by Merck, Johann Heinrich
Sharpe's London Magazine; Volume 7 by Anonymous
Chronological Guide to English Literature by Nicholson, E.
Chatterbox Junior by Worthington, R.
Valkyrian: Illustrerad Månadsskrift; Volume 11 by Anonymous
The United States Catalog: Books in Print by
Love Elegies by Hammond, James, Gundermann, Ignaz
The American Review of Reviews; Volume 43 by Shaw, Albert
Tales, Romances, Apologues, Anecedotes and Novels: Florian, J. P. C. De. the Constant Lovers; Or, the Adventures of Pedro and Celestina. La Place, P. by Saint-Lambert, Jean-François, De La Place, Pierre Antoine, Imbert, Barthélémy
The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal; Volume 72 by Smith, Sydney
Anthology of Russian Literature From the Earliest Period to the Present Time: The Nineteenth Century by Anonymous
The Complete Works of Robert Browning: The Agamemnon of Æschylus. La Saisiaz. Etc by Anonymous
Les Dernières Années de Molière by Bazin, Anaïs
Ménandre: Le Dernier des Attiques by Croiset, Maurice
Lectures Delivered Before the Young Men's Christian Association: 1860-1861 by
Pilgrimage for Love: Essays in Early Modern Literature in Honor of Josephine A. Roberts by Roberts, Josephine a., King, Sigrid
Writings of John Quincy Adams; Volume 12 by Ford, Worthington Chauncey, Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow
Muße - Faulheit - Nichtstun: Fehlende und fehlschlagende Handlungen in der russischen und europaeischen Literatur seit der Aufklaerung by
Wahre Geschichten, frei erfunden by Kuhn, Roman
Bakhtinian Explorations of Indian Culture: Pluralism, Dogma and Dialogue Through History by
Geography and the Political Imaginary in the Novels of Toni Morrison by Beavers, Herman
The Sounds of Navajo Poetry: A Humanities of Speaking by Webster, Anthony
Scripting Adolescent Romance: Adolescents Talk about Romantic Relationships and Media's Sexual Scripts by Hust, Stacey J. T., Rodgers, Kathleen Boyce
Petrarch and Boccaccio: The Unity of Knowledge in the Pre-Modern World by
Plutarch's >Parallel Lives by Chrysanthou, Chrysanthos S.
Literature and Weather: Shakespeare - Goethe - Zola by Ungelenk, Johannes
An Insight into the Horrors of Partition, Colonialism and Women's Issues: "A Saga of Oppression, Exploitation and Conflict" by Bhat, Ishfaq Hussain
C. S. Lewis' Top Ten: Influential Books and Authors, Volume Three by Vaus, Will
Die Figur der Königstochter im Märchen "König Drosselbart" der Brüder Grimm. Ihr Charakter(-wandel) im Kontext mittelalterlicher Frauenbilder by M, Johanna
Shakespearean Arrivals: The Birth of Character by Luke, Nicholas
To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. by
Review of Contemporary Fiction by
Amen by Amichai, Yehuda
del-Trusting Your Life to Water and Eternity by Hauge, Olav H., Bly, Robert
Select Poems of Coleridge and Wordsworth by Sykes, Frederick Henry, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
"Vom Krieg leben?" Die gegenwärtige Relevanz von George Taboris "Flucht nach Ägypten" und Bertolt Brechts "Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder" by Sumper, Michael Gernot
Unterrichtsentwurf zu Friedrich Schillers "Verbrecher aus Infamie" (1786) by Anonymous
Une page d'amour by Zola, Emile
Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and other Essays by Gabler, Hans Walter
Images of the Prophet Muhammad in English Literature by Kidwai, Abdur Raheem
Our Recent Actors: Being Recollections Critical, And, In Many Instances, Personal, Of Late Distinguished Performers Of Both Sexes. With S by Marston, Westland
W. B. Yeats: The Tragic Phase: A Study of the Last Poems by Koch, Vivienne
Yeats, Folklore and Occultism: Contexts of the Early Work and Thought by Kinahan, Frank
W. B. Yeats: A Critical Introduction by Rajan, Balachandra
W. B. Yeats and T. Sturge Moore: Their Correspondence 1901-1937 by
W. B. Yeats: A Census of the Manuscripts by Balliet, Conrad A., Mawhinney, Christine
The Unappeasable Shadow: Shelley's Influence on Yeats by Dalsimer, Adele M.
Eleanor Cameron: Dimensions of Amazement by Allen, Paul V.
Terry Pratchett's Narrative Worlds: From Giant Turtles to Small Gods by
Text Genetics in Literary Modernism and other Essays by Gabler, Hans Walter
"Haremsnovellen, die ich Dir vorgestern schrieb...". Die Schilderung des Harems in den Orientalischen Briefen von Ida Hahn-Hahn by Anonymous
The Making of Catalan Linguistic Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Times by Lledó-Guillem, Vicente
Noble Subjects: The Russian Novel and the Gentry, 1762-1861 by Grigoryan, Bella
Romanticism and Aesthetic Life in Postcolonial Writing by Dickinson, Philip
Conversations with John A. Williams by
The Ash Wednesday Supper: A New Translation by Bruno, Giordano
Resistance, Heroism, Loss: World War II in Italian Literature and Film by
Der Minnetrank und seine Intertextualität. Die Beziehung zwischen Chrétiens de Troyes und Heinrichs von Veldeke Tristanliedern by E, E.
The motif of romantic love in Renaissance Revenge Tragedies by Gubergritz, Natalia
Place of the Skull Loth by Aitmatov, Chingiz
Hölderlins "Hyperion". Protest und Verheißung: Interpretation und fachdidaktische Grundlegung by Klyne, Bernd
The Biblical Covenant in Shakespeare by Kietzman, Mary Jo
The Christian Teachings of Charles Kingsley by Muller, Charles
The Self-Inflicted Crisis of Edna Pontellier in Kate Chopin's "The Awakening" by Strebel, Sabine
Afro-Cuban Religious Experience: Cultural Reflections in Narrative by Matibag, Eugenio
How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity Through the Tang by
The Language of Jane Austen by Bray, Joe
How to Read Chinese Poetry in Context: Poetic Culture from Antiquity Through the Tang by
Lara by Pasternak, Anna
Essays on World Literature: Aeschylus - Dante - Shakespeare by Kadare, Ismail
Neudrucke Deutscher Literaturwerke Des 16. Und 17. Jahrhunderts, Issues 110-117 by Anonymous
Historia Graecorum Et Romanorum Litteraria Ad Usum Scholarum Belgii Accommodata by Weytingh, Henricus
An Analysis of John Berger's Ways of Seeing by Kalkanis, Emmanouil
An Analysis of Griselda Pollock's Vision and Difference: Feminism, Femininity and the Histories of Art by Jakubowicz, Karina
An Analysis of Chris Argyris's Integrating the Individual and the Organization by Stoyanov, Stoyan
An Analysis of James March's Exploration and Exploitation in Organizational Learning by Belton, Pádraig
An Analysis of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger's Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation by Patel, Charmi
An Analysis of Philippe Aries's Centuries of Childhood by Prag, Eva-Marie, Tendler, Joseph
Amenities Of Literature; Volume 1 by Disraeli, Isaac
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
More Odd Texts Of Chaucer's Minor Poems, Ed. By F.j. Furnivall by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Allgemeine Literatur-zeitung Vom Jahre 1800 by Anonymous
Mineral Resources, Issues 1-10 by
Monsieur Parent: And Short Stories by Maupassant, Guy De
Brian Friel by Boltwood, Scott
An Analysis of Pierre Bourdieu's Outline of a Theory of Practice by Maggio, Rodolfo
Creating Character: Theories of Nature and Nurture in Victorian Sensation Fiction by Ifill, Helena
Der Ausdruck von Emotionen im Roman "Bom dia camaradas" von Ndalu de Almeida (Ondjaki) by Weise, Karin
An Analysis of Hanna Batatu's the Old Social Classes and the Revolutionary Movements of Iraq by Stahl, Dale J.
Götter, Menschen und Feuer. Anthropologische und theologische Implikationen des prometheischen Feuerraubs by Koßmann, Lisa Maria
"Ich will dich lêren einen list". Zur Ratgeber-Rolle im politischen und weltlichen Sangspruch Walthers by Koßmann, Lisa Maria
Identität und Authentizität im Schatten des Fundamentalismus by Dorsch, John
Der Chor in der antiken Tragödie. Ursprünge und Weiterwirken bei Friedrich Schiller und Bertolt Brecht by Koßmann, Lisa Maria
An Analysis of Amartya Sen's Inequality Re-Examined by Klein, Elise
Night and Day by Woolf, Virginia
An Analysis of Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow by Allan, Jacqueline
An Analysis of Burton G. Malkiel's A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton, Nicholas
An Analysis of Geert Hofstede's Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutes and Organizations Across Nations by Erdman, Katherine
An Analysis of Lucien Febvre's the Problem of Unbelief in the 16th Century by Tendler, Joseph
An Analysis of Yasser Tabbaa's the Transformation of Islamic Art During the Sunni Revival by Badat, Bilal
An Analysis of Walter Benjamin's the Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Dini, Rachele
An Analysis of Baruch Spinoza's Ethics by Slater, Gary, Vrahimis, Andreas
An Analysis of Mary Douglas's Purity and Danger: An Analysis of the Concepts of Pollution and Taboo by Belton, Pádraig
An Analysis of Ikujiro Nonaka's a Dynamic Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation by Stoyanov, Stoyan
An Analysis of Susan Sontag's on Photography by Epstein, Nico
The presentation of history in "The Book of Secrets" by M. G. Vassanji: How does the social, political and cultural background influence the character by Wenninger, Tim
Modern Print Artefacts: Textual Materiality and Literary Value in British Print Culture, 1890-1930s by Collier, Patrick
Reliques Of Ancient English Poetry: Consisting Of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, And Other Pieces, With A Supplement Of Many Curious Historical And Narrat by Percy, Thomas
R.K. Narayan: The Novelist and His Art by Rao, Ranga
"Der Eisenofen" von den Brüdern Grimm und die Motive des Narzissmus by Becker, Silja
Isolation in "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley. The perception of being isolated and its dependence to endogenous and exogenous causes by Bayo, Melanie
Les Quatre littératures slaves by Robert, Cyprien
Le Gouslo et la poésie populaire des slaves by Robert, Cyprien
La Poésie slave au XIXe siècle by Robert, Cyprien
Q. Horatius Flaccus, Erklärt Von A. Kiessling by Flaccus, Quintus Horatius
Heinrich Heine: His Wit, Wisdom, Poetry, Preceded By The Essay Of Matthew Arnold by Heine, Heinrich, Arnold, Matthew
James Joyce and Absolute Music by Witen, Michelle
This Is Not a Copy: Writing at the Iterative Turn by Marczewska, Kaja
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