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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2019

Tumhari Jay by Ashutosh, Shukla
Premvallari by Rajkumar, Malik
Sahityamukhi: Dinkar Granthmala by Singh 'Dinkar', Ramdhari
Shuddha Kavita Ki Khoj: Dinkar Granthmala by Singh 'Dinkar', Ramdhari
He Speaks Volumes: A Biography of George Bowering by Wigod, Rebecca
The Selected Writings of David Williams by Robinson, Peter
Dear Elizabeth by Ruhl, Sarah
Art, History, and Postwar Fiction by Brazil, Kevin
The Center of the World: Regional Writing and the Puzzles of Place-Time by Howard, June
Paradoxes of Stasis: Literature, Politics, and Thought in Francoist Spain by Gajic, Tatjana
Staged Normality in Shakespeare's England by
Studies in Classic American Literature by Lawrence, D. H.
Sacred Seeds: New World Plants in Early Modern English Literature by Test, Edward McLean
Ovid and the Renaissance Body by
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 4 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 7 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 6 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 10 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 9 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 5 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 3 by Sand, George
Histoire de Ma Vie. Tome 8 by Sand, George
La Terre de Tom Tiddler by Dickens, Charles
Jacques. Tome 2 by Sand, George
Pasión Y Muerte del Cura Deusto: Augusto d'Halmar by Balderston, Daniel
Counting Bodies: Population in Colonial American Writing by Farrell, Molly
Ehsaas by Sidhu, Navjot Kaur
Possible Worlds Theory and Contemporary Narratology by
Book Love by Tung, Debbie
The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever by Sutzkever, Avrom
Canada In Decay: Mass Immigration, Diversity, and the Ethnocide of Euro-Canadians by Duchesne, Ricardo
Healing Memories: Puerto Rican Women's Literature in the United States by Garcia, Elizabeth
Conversations with Jim Harrison by
Translating Across Sensory and Linguistic Borders: Intersemiotic Journeys Between Media by
Multicultural Poetics: Re-Visioning the American Canon by Parmar, Nissa
Anti-Music: Jazz and Racial Blackness in German Thought Between the Wars by Thompson, Mark Christian
Jesus, the Way: A Mystical Understanding by Mancari, Carla R.
Beyond the Rhetoric of Pain by
Dickens, Nicholas Nickleby, and the Dance of Death by Tambling, Jeremy
Roads, Mobility, and Violence in Indigenous Literature and Art from North America by Rymhs, Deena
Hey Mom! Cobwebs Are Lurking from Inconspicuous Places by Meyers, Miz Judy L'Au, Meyers, Mel H.
Sound Objects by
The Essentialist Villain: On Leo Bersani by Tuhkanen, Mikko
Adorno's Poetics of Form by Robinson, Josh
Reading for the Moral: Exemplarity and the Confucian Moral Imagination in Seventeenth-Century Chinese Short Fiction by Sibau, Maria Franca
Fire and Snow: Climate Fiction from the Inklings to Game of Thrones by Dipaolo, Marc
Storytelling: The Destruction of the Inalienable in the Age of the Holocaust by Gasché, Rodolphe
Unmaking the Making of Americans: Toward an Aesthetic Ontology by McCallum, E. L.
Adapting Gender: Mexican Feminisms from Literature to Film by Luna, Ilana Dann
Figures of Time: Disjunctions in Modernist Poetry by Ben-Merre, David
Our War Paint Is Writers' Ink: Anishinaabe Literary Transnationalism by Spry, Adam
Changed Forever: American Indian Boarding-School Literature by Krupat, Arnold
States of Grace: Utopia in Brazilian Culture by Vieira, Patrícia I.
Echoes of a Queer Messianic: From Frankenstein to Brokeback Mountain by Block, Richard O.
The King's Harvest - 1st by Durgadas, Kalyanaraman
Samson and Delilah in Medieval Insular French: Translation and Adaptation by Leglu, Catherine
Mendacity in Early Modern Literature and Culture by
Historical Networks in the Book Trade by
Theatre, Magic and Philosophy: William Shakespeare, John Dee and the Italian Legacy by Horvath, Gabriela Dragnea
The Influence of Oscar Wilde on W.B. Yeats: An Echo of Someone Else's Music by Doody, Noreen
Christina Reid's Theatre of Memory and Identity: Within and Beyond the Troubles by Tracie, Rachel
Patricia Highsmith on Screen by
Keats's Places by
A Poetics of Editing by Greenberg, Susan L.
Anglophone Literature of Caribbean Indenture: The Seductive Hierarchies of Empire by Klein, Alison
Women's Narratives and the Postmemory of Displacement in Central and Eastern Europe by
Ethics and Affects in the Fiction of Alice Munro by
The Incomparable Hester Santlow: A Dancer-Actress on the Georgian Stage by Goff, Moira
The Experience of Domestic Service for Women in Early Modern London by
The Politics of Gender in Anthony Trollope's Novels: New Readings for the Twenty-First Century by Morse, Deborah Denenholz
The Style of the State in French Theater, 1630-1660: Neoclassicism and Government by Ibbett, Katherine
Politics and Drama by Cakirtas, Onder
Politics and Drama by Cakirtas, Onder
Understanding french literature The Infernal Machine: Analysis of the key passages of Jean Cocteau's tragedy by Lauzanne, Gloria
The History of Lady Sophia Sternheim by Collyer, J.
Essays in Medieval Chinese Literature and Cultural History by Kroll, Paul W.
Joseph Conrad and the Performing Arts by Baxter, Katherine Isobel
Hegel and the Foundations of Literary Theory by Habib, M. A. R.
Tragedy, Ritual and Money in Ancient Greece: Selected Essays by Seaford, Richard
Language and Negativity in European Modernism by Weller, Shane
Rudyard Kipling: 100 Poems by Kipling, Rudyard
Tolkien: Treasures by McIlwaine, Catherine
Saving Shame: Martyrs, Saints, and Other Abject Subjects by Burrus, Virginia
Pierre Bourdieu in Hispanic Literature and Culture by
Elizabeth I in Writing: Language, Power and Representation in Early Modern England by
Politics of Benjamin's Kafka: Philosophy as Renegade by Moran, Brendan
Mapping South American Latina/O Literature in the United States: Interviews with Contemporary Writers by Heredia, Juanita
Where I Have Never Been: Migration, Melancholia, and Memory in Asian American Narratives of Return by Chu, Patricia P.
The Southeast Asian Woman Writes Back: Gender, Identity and Nation in the Literatures of Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Phi by
Capire e analizzare La macchina infernale: Analisi dei passaggi chiave della tragedia di Jean Cocteau by Lauzanne, Gloria
Electronic Literature by Rettberg, Scott
Essential Essays, Volume 1: Foundations of Cultural Studies by Hall, Stuart
Essential Essays, Volume 2: Identity and Diaspora by Hall, Stuart
Hela by Izzard, Mari
Bernard Shaw and Modern Advertising: Prophet Motives by Wixson, Christopher
Religion and Identity in the Post-9/11 Vampire: God Is (Un)Dead by Wilkins, Christina
Arabic Science Fiction by Campbell, Ian
The Development of the Weird Tale by Joshi, S. T.
Estudiar La Máquina De Escribir: Análisis de los pasajes clave de la tragedia de Jean Cocteau by Lauzanne, Gloria
Allegories of Encounter: Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities by Newman, Andrew
On Freedom and the Will to Adorn: The Art of the African American Essay by Wall, Cheryl a.
Do Not Despise the Days of Small Things by Baum, George W.
Do Not Despise the Days of Small Things by Baum, George W.
His Voice His Movement: I, Dance for More Than Just Mere Entertainment But for My Survival, by Kyles, Quiana, Blu, Chitown
Fortification and Its Discontents from Shakespeare to Milton: Trouble in the Walled City by McKeown, Adam N.
Moral Cupidity and Lettres de cachet in Diderot's Writing by Vanderheyden, Jennifer
Estudiar Jean de La Bruyère: Análisis de los caracteres principales de La Bruyère by Lauzanne, Gloria
Allegories of Encounter: Colonial Literacy and Indian Captivities by Newman, Andrew
On Freedom and the Will to Adorn: The Art of the African American Essay by Wall, Cheryl a.
Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary: John's First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches by
Forms of a World: Contemporary Poetry and the Making of Globalization by Hunter, Walt
The Two Cultures of English: Literature, Composition, and the Moment of Rhetoric by Maxwell, Jason
The Two Cultures of English: Literature, Composition, and the Moment of Rhetoric by Maxwell, Jason
The Popular Front Novel in Britain, 1934-1940 by Taylor, Elinor
Beyond Marx and Other Entries by Gleicher, David
Pretends to Be Free: Runaway Slave Advertisements from Colonial and Revolutionary New York and New Jersey by
City of Beginnings: Poetic Modernism in Beirut by Creswell, Robyn
Reading Reconstruction: Sherwood Bonner and the Literature of the Post-Civil War South by McKee, Kathryn B.
Complex Inferiorities: The Poetics of the Weaker Voice in Latin Literature by
Revelation 1-3 in Christian Arabic Commentary: John's First Vision and the Letters to the Seven Churches by
Imaginary Europes: Literary and filmic representations of Europe from afar by
Neoliberalism and the Novel by
"Das Selige Sinnlose Wort" Zur Performanz Des Unaussprechlichen Bei Osip Mandel'stam by Bogen, Svetlana
Der erotische Schwindel des Fleisches und seine Manifestation in der Literatur anhand von Theodor Fontanes "Effi Briest" by Kastl, Lisa
Das Motiv der Freiheit in Gryphius' "Catharina von Georgien" by Steinort, David
Visible and Invisible Whiteness: American White Supremacy Through the Cinematic Lens by Craven, Alice Mikal
Spielarten der Populaerkultur: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur und -medien im Feld des Populaeren by
Estudiar La princesa de Clèves: Análisis de los capítulos clave de la novela de Mme de la Fayette by Lauzanne, Gloria
Estudiar Los Cuentos de Renart el Zorro by Lauzanne, Gloria
Estudiar Las amistades peligrosas: Análisis de los pasajes clave de la novela de Choderlos de Laclos by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Mauritian Novel: Fictions of Belonging by Waters, Julia
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction: Second Edition by Gandhi, Leela
The Shahnameh: The Persian Epic as World Literature by Dabashi, Hamid
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction: Second Edition by Gandhi, Leela
Forms of a World: Contemporary Poetry and the Making of Globalization by Hunter, Walt
African Economic Renaissance: The Black Jaguar Economy by Sosi, Benard G.
Alexander the Great: From His Death to the Present Day by Boardman, John
C. S. Lewis's Lost Aeneid: Arms and the Exile by Lewis, C. S.
The Oxford Handbook of Edgar Allan Poe by
How to Date Men When You Hate Men by Roberson, Blythe
Italian Ecocinema Beyond the Human by Past, Elena
Electronic Literature by Rettberg, Scott
Zum Schwund der lexikalischen Entlehnungen aus dem Deutschen in der Alltagssprache der kleinen Staedte des ehemals polnisch-deutschen Grenzgebietes by Firyn, Sylwia, Biaduń-Grabarek, Hanna
Estudiar las Reflexiones o sentencias y máximas morales de La Rochefoucauld: Análisis de Las Reflexiones o sentencias y máximas morales de La Rochefou by Lauzanne, Gloria
Passing Fancies in Jewish American Literature and Culture by Sasson, Sarah Diane
Passing Fancies in Jewish American Literature and Culture by Sasson, Sarah Diane
Bess of Hardwick: New Perspectives by
Enabling Love: A Poetic Tribute by Kirlin, Tom
Female Masculinity by Halberstam, Jack
Ezra Pound's and Olga Rudge's the Blue Spill: A Manuscript Critical Edition by Pound, Ezra
Brecht and the Writer's Workshop: Fatzer and Other Dramatic Projects by Brecht, Bertolt
Troilus and Cressida: A Critical Reader by
Terence: Andria by Goldberg, Sander M.
Orbital Poetics: Literature, Theory, World by Leonard, Philip
David Mitchell's Post-Secular World: Buddhism, Belief and the Urgency of Compassion by Harris-Birtill, Rose
The Great War, the Waste Land and the Modernist Long Poem by Tearle, Oliver
Modernity Theory: Modern Experience, Modernist Consciousness, Reflexive Thinking by Jervis, John
Reflexive Writing and the Negotiation of Spanish Modernity: Autobiography and Fiction in Terenci Moix's Novels by Hughes, Arthur J.
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual: Volume 2 by
Memories from the Frontline: Memoirs and Meanings of the Great War from Britain, France and Germany by Palmer, Jerry
White Male Nostalgia in Contemporary North American Literature by Engles, Tim
Digital Milton by
America's Germany: National Self and Cultural Other after World War II by Schmundt-Thomas, Georg
Mass-Market Fiction and the Crisis of American Liberalism, 1972-2017 by Blouin, Michael J.
Die Funktion und Ekphrasis des Pferdegeschenks der Enite in "Erec" von Hartmann von Aue by Schmidt, Vanessa
Beyond the Good Earth: Transnational Perspectives on Pearl S. Buck by
Aristophanes: Peace by Storey, Ian C.
Plautus: Casina by Christenson, David
The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Literature by
Little Zinnobers by Chizhova, Elena
Children's Literature and Imaginative Geography by
Aristophanes: Peace by Storey, Ian C.
Un Amore Primaverile: Inediti Di Luigi Pirandello E Jenny by Faustini, Giuseppe
Motifs Du Corpus Chez Jean Ray by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Letters, Literacy and Literature in Byzantium by Mullett, Margaret
The Politics of Richard Wright: Perspectives on Resistance by
Playing Shakespeare's Lovers by
Street Players: Black Pulp Fiction and the Making of a Literary Underground by Nishikawa, Kinohi
Old English and Continental Germanic Literature in Comparative Perspectives by
"Die Wunde immer noch". Zu Heiner Müllers Theater als konstruktiv-erinnerndem Umgang mit Geschichte im mythischen Erfahrungs- und Denkmodell, in Ausei by Zimmermann, Matthias
Escritos sobre el Placer del Texto y sobre el Libro by Barbe, Norbert-Bertrand
Soul and Mind in Greek Thought. Psychological Issues in Plato and Aristotle by
Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal by
Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal by
In the Alley of the Friend: On the Poetry of Hafez by Meskoob, Shahrokh
Capire e analizzare Lorenzaccio: Analisi del dramma romantico di Alfred de Musset by Lauzanne, Gloria
Spatial Resistance: Literary and Digital Challenges to Neoliberalism by Beck, Christian
The Plays of Margaret Drabble: A Critical Edition by
Sexuality, Disability, and Aging: Queer Temporalities of the Phallus by Gallop, Jane
The Plays of Margaret Drabble: A Critical Edition by
Reflexiones literarias by Gallud Jardiel, Enrique
Cherokee Narratives: A Linguistic Study by Feeling, Durbin, Pulte, William, Pulte, Gregory
The Trumpet and Other Poems from East Africa by Mugumya, Amooti
Intersections of Gender, Class, and Race in the Long Nineteenth Century and Beyond by
Imagining Irish Suburbia in Literature and Culture by
The Politics of Southern Pastoral Literature, 1785-1885: Jeffersonian Afterlives by Templeton, Peter
Theaters of Error: Problems of Performance in German and French Enlightenment Theater by Lafountain, Pascale
Essays on Hilda Hilst: Between Brazil and World Literature by
Silence in Modern Literature and Philosophy: Beckett, Barthes, Nancy, Stevens by Gould, Thomas
Jim Crace: Into the Wilderness by
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