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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

Philip K. Dick: Essays of the Here and Now by
The Chinese Lyric Sequence: Poems, Paintings, Anthologies by Allen, Joseph R.
The Book of Irish Bulls: Gaffes, Jests, and Paradoxes in National Literature and Rhetoric by Walsh, E. C.
Kritische Uebersetzungswissenschaft: Theoriekritik, Ideologiekritik, Uebersetzungskritik by Kohlmayer, Rainer
Uncovering the sinister side of Willy Wonka. Mystery and Dark Humor in Film Adaptations of Roald Dahl's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Meyer, Amelie
The depiction of bush life in the works of female colonial Australian poets by Anonymous
Re-Imagining and Re-Placing New York and Istanbul: Exploring the Heterotopic and Third Spaces in Paul Auster's and Orhan Pamuk's City Novels by Bay, Hatice
A History of Taiwan Literature by Ye, Shitao
The Soul of Jade Mountain by Vava, Husluman
Reexamining the Sinosphere: Transmissions and Transformations in East Asia by
Rethinking the Sinosphere: Poetics, Aesthetics, and Identity Formation by Zhang, Bowei
The Great Leap Backward: Forgetting and Representing the Mao Years by Chen, Lingchei Letty
The Lawsuit of the Twins by Mqhayi, S. E. K., Mabeqa, T.
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Latina and Latino Literature: 2-Volume Set by
Mosaic Fictions: Writing Identity in the Spanish Civil War by Sharpe, Emily Robins
Sex, Drugs, and Fashion in 1970s Madrid by de Alba, Francisco Fernandez
Poetry & the Dictionary by
Venantius Fortunatus: Vita Sancti Martiniprologue and Books I-II by
Twenty-First-Century Readings of E. M. Forster's 'Maurice' by
Machtkonfiguration in Franz Kafkas Novelle "Das Urteil" by Spreier, Katharina
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers by
Short Story Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers by
No Matter When by Vilakazi, B. W., Sithole, N.
Stitching a Whirlwind: An Anthology of Southern African Poems and Translations by Various
The Hangover: A Literary and Cultural History by Shears, Jonathon
The Periodical Press in Nineteenth-Century Ireland by Tilley, Elizabeth
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of Evaluation by Dawson, Clara
Loss and the Literary Culture of Shakespeare's Time by
Searching for Japan: 20th Century Italy's Fascination with Japanese Culture by Monserrati, Michele
Science Fiction and Climate Change: A Sociological Approach by Milner, Andrew, Burgmann, J. R.
How Science Proved Edward De Vere Was William Shakespeare by Roper, David L.
Capire e analizzare il Supplemento al viaggio di Bougainville: Analisi dei passaggi chiave del supplemento al viaggio di Bougainville di Diderot by Lauzanne, Gloria
A Hundred Secrets: 100+ Non-Fiction Books and Historical Novels by Stricklin, William a.
Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays & Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluatio by
AI in Sci-Fi: Fictional Artificial Minds and the Real World Awaiting Them by Robinson, Scott
Memory, Metaphor and Mysticism in Kalidasa's AbhijñānaŚākuntalam by
Nobre Alcorao: Portuguese by Noaha Foundation
Estudiar el Suplemento al viaje desde Bougainville: Análisis de pasajes clave del Suplemento al viaje desde Bougainville de Diderot by Lauzanne, Gloria
Understanding French literature: Analysis of supplement to bougainville's trip: Analysis of key passages from Diderot's Bougainville Travel Supplement by Lauzanne, Gloria
L'Intelligence des fleurs by Maeterlinck, Maurice
Italian Identities by Glenn, Diana, Tulloch, Graham
Nobre Alcorao: Portuguese by Noaha Foundation
Sidney's Arcadia and the Conflicts of Virtue by Wood, Richard James
Schwarzer Wald und kaltes Herz: 111 vergleichende Miniaturen zu einem Märchen von Wilhelm Hauff by Fritz, Horst
Lessons from Walden: Thoreau and the Crisis of American Democracy by Taylor, Bob Pepperman
Confronting Islamist Terrorism in Africa: The Cases of Nigeria and Kenya by Isumonah, V. Adefemi
Deliberate Prose by Ginsberg, Allen
Apocalyptic Ecology in the Graphic Novel: Life and the Environment After Societal Collapse by Jones, Clint
Neo-Gothic Narratives: Illusory Allusions from the Past by
Cultural Controversies in the West German Public Sphere: Aesthetic Fiction and the Creation of Social Identities by Knapp, Marcela
Os Aduladores da Gravata by Machado, José Leon
As Penas de Ícaro by Machado, José Leon
Scotland: The New State of an Old Nation by Leith, Murray Stewart, Sim, Duncan
Poetry and Freedom: Discoveries in Aesthetics, 1985-2018 by Oppenheimer, Paul
Conduct Books and the History of the Ideal Woman by Kenlon, Tabitha
Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal: The Pop Issue: No. 26, Spring 2020 by
Neoliberal Nonfictions: The Documentary Aesthetic from Joan Didion to Jay-Z by Worden, Daniel
Neoliberal Nonfictions: The Documentary Aesthetic from Joan Didion to Jay-Z by Worden, Daniel
Don't Lose Hope by Aaidh
The Sketch, the Tale, and the Beginnings of American Literature by Fash, Lydia G.
Television Today: A Primer of Critical Thinking, Censorship, Social Justice, and Fake News in American Popular Culture by Fritscher, Jack
After Print: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Cultures by
Brave New Words: The Power of Writing Now by
El coro de las voces solitarias: Una historia de la poesía venezolana by Arráiz Lucca, Rafael
Textual Shakespeare: Writing and the Word by Holderness, Graham
Defiant Geographies: Race and Urban Space in 1920s Rio de Janeiro by Leu, Lorraine
Delhi: New Literatures of the Megacity by
Wolfgang Borcherts Kurzgeschichte "An diesem Dienstag". Wie verändert sich menschliches Denken und Handeln durch Krieg? by Döhl, Anne-Katrin
Witchcraft in Shakespeare's Macbeth. Witches as Omniscient Prophets of Doom? by Breit, Juliane
James Joyce jongliert: Genese und Konzeption von "Finnegans Wake" by Rathjen, Friedhelm
Sketch, the Tale, and the Beginnings of American Literature by Fash, Lydia G.
Die Intertextualität zwischen Simon Dachs "Mey-Liedchen" und Martin Opitz' "Ach Liebste / laß vns eilen" by Sommer, Sarah
The Selling and Self-Regulation of Contemporary Poetry by Welsch, J. T.
Literature and Inequality: Nine Perspectives from the Napoleonic Era Through the First Gilded Age by Shaviro, Daniel
After Print: Eighteenth-Century Manuscript Cultures by
Se Acabo La Fiesta by Cooper, David J.
Nos sumus Romani qui fuimus ante... Memory of ancient Italy by
In the Mean Time: Temporal Colonization and the Mexican American Literary Tradition by Murrah-Mandril, Erin
Modern Language Review (115: 2) April 2020 by
Commerce with the Classics: Ancient Books and Renaissance Readers Volume 20 by Grafton, Anthony
Arts of Dying: Literature and Finitude in Medieval England by Smith, D. Vance
Golem: Modern Wars and Their Monsters by Barzilai, Maya
Les Châtiments by Hugo, Victor
Black Cultural Mythology by Temple, Christel N.
Margaret Oliphant by Sanders, Valerie
The Space of Disappearance: A Narrative Commons in the Ruins of Argentine State Terror by Bishop, Karen Elizabeth
Willa Cather and E. M. Forster: Transatlantic Transcendence by Blackstock, Alan
Bad Men: Creative Touchstones of Black Writers by Rambsy, Howard
Bad Men: Creative Touchstones of Black Writers by Rambsy, Howard
Speaking of Wagner: Talking to Audiences about the Ring of the Nibelung by Berger, William
The Woman in Me: Willem de Kooning, Woman I-VI by Clark, Marlene
Liberated: Selected Essays by Goldman, Michael Favala, Brøgger, Suzanne
Liberated: Selected Essays by Brøgger, Suzanne
Ist der Roman "Buddenbrooks" von Thomas Mann ein Klassiker? by Anonymous
Live Deep and Suck all the Marrow of Life: H.D. Thoreau's Literary Legacy by
Yours Truly: An Atoned Sinner by Wamwanda, Lewis
Your Feet Will Lead You Where Your Heart Is/ Le crépuscule des âmes soeurs: Stories by
Timelessness: Conversations on Life, Literature, Spirituality, and Culture by Versluis, Arthur James, Cowan, James G.
Navigating Deep River: New Perspectives on Shūsaku Endō's Final Novel by
Fiction and the Sixth Mass Extinction: Narrative in an Era of Loss by
Paper Bells by Hao, Phan Nhien
The Enthymeme: Syllogism, Reasoning, and Narrative in Ancient Greek Rhetoric by Fredal, James
Fragments from the History of Loss: The Nature Industry and the Postcolony by Green, Louise
Electromagnetism and the Metonymic Imagination by Murphy, Kieran M.
Celebrity, Fame, and Infamy in the Hellenistic World by
Scale, Space and Canon in Ancient Literary Culture by Netz, Reviel
Emily Dickinson: Poetics in Context by Hubbard, Melanie
A Cultural History of Modern Chinese Literature by Wu, Fuhui
Print and Performance in the 1820s: Improvisation, Speculation, Identity by Esterhammer, Angela
The Other Worlds of Hector Berlioz by Van Rij, Inge
Silviano Santiago in Conversation by Vieira, Else R. P., Daly, MacDonald
Noah: A Perfect Man by Yehudah, Ben Melech
In The Beginning by Yehudah, Ben Melech
Teatro Centroamericano. Panamá. De 1930 a 1950: Con las entrevistas a Miguel Moreno, Rogelio Sinán, Rodrigo Miró y Diógenes de la Rosa. by Caballero, Alma
Itinerario De Un Sueño: Esfuerzos que se hacen realidad by Aguilar, Jose
Las llaves para el castillo - claves interpretativas de la novela gótica by López Santos, Miriam
Social Minds in Drama: The Delineation of Mentalities and Collectives by Shams, Golnaz
Old English Prose: Basic Readings by
Exploring Bach's B-minor Mass by
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers by
Making Love in the Twelfth Century: Letters of Two Lovers in Context by
Vertreter, Autor, Autorität. Herrschaftsbegründung bei Thomas Hobbes "Leviathan" by Deichert, Christoph
Slavonic & East European Review (98: 2) April 2020 by
The Black Trans Prayer Book by , J. Mase, III, Figueroa Edidi, Dane
Since U Been Gone by Lamb, Tabby
Individuelle Textbegegnung Und Kooperative Aufgabenbearbeitung: Verstehensprozesse Beim Nachvollziehen Der Perspektiven Literarischer Figuren by Seyler, Daniela
Surviving Power Struggles: A Comparative Study of Norman Mailer and Sonallah Ibrahim by Bou Hamdan, Amal Zd
Joseph: A Hebrew Prince In Egypt by Yehudah, Ben Melech
The Sporadic Thoughts of a Black Brooklyn Intellect by Clotter, Genciano
Das "Ludwigslied" und seine gattungsgeschichtliche Einordnung. Komponenten des Zeitgedichts, Preisliedes und Heldenliedes by Lütz, Adriana
Reading for Life by Davis, Philip
The Gongsun Longzi and Other Neglected Texts: Aligning Philosophical and Philological Perspectives by
Galeni in Hippocratis Aphorismos VI Commentaria / Galeno, Commento Agli Aforismi Di Ippocrate Libro VI: Testo, Traduzione E Note Di Commento by
Naturheilkunde: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Priscianus, Theodorus
Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries by
The Flower of Suffering: Theology, Justice, and the Cosmos in Aeschylus' >Oresteia by Scapin, Nuria
The Visitation of Hannah Arendt by Ben-Naftali, Michal
More Than Homer Knew - Studies on Homer and His Ancient Commentators: In Honor of Franco Montanari by
Liber Uricrisiarum: A Reading Edition by Daniel, Henry
The Seduction of Youth: Print Culture and Homosexual Rights in the Weimar Republic by Samper Vendrell, Javier
Logiken Der Sammlung: Das Archiv Zwischen Strategie Und Eigendynamik by
Die Erzähltechnik und literarische Montage in Alfred Dublins "Berlin Alexanderplatz - Die Geschichte von Franz Biberkopf" by Anonymous
Entre Tanto: Djumbai Poético by Sani, Mussa, Nomad, Luna
Zur Wirkung der Tempora in Max Frischs "Homo Faber. Ein Bericht". Eine erzähltheoretische Untersuchung nach Gérard Genette by Anonymous
Arthur Schnitzlers "Reigen" als Aufruf zum modernen Verständnis der weiblichen Sexualität by Anonymous
Mirror up to Nature: The Fourth Seamus Heaney Lectures by
Walking Through Elysium: Vergil's Underworld and the Poetics of Tradition by
First Words (Rus): On Dostoevsky's Introductions by Bagby, Lewis
Trauma and the Discourse of Climate Change: Literature, Psychoanalysis and Denial by Zimmerman, Lee
Ideas on the Move in the Social Sciences and Humanities: The International Circulation of Paradigms and Theorists by
Paris Spleen: Little Poems in Prose by Baudelaire, Charles
Laughter After: Humor and the Holocaust by
Urban Formalism: The Work of City Reading by Faflik, David
Urban Formalism: The Work of City Reading by Faflik, David
The Satanic in Science Fiction and Fantasy by Dalton, A. J.
From Iceland to the Americas: Vinland and Historical Imagination by
John Fante's Ask the Dust: A Joining of Voices and Views by
This Is Serious: Canadian Indie Comics by
Comparing the Literatures: Literary Studies in a Global Age by Damrosch, David
Antigone Uninterrupted: Antigone's Biographical Tale of Learning from Tragic Counsel by Bustamante, Wendy
Staging Personhood: Costuming in Early Qing Drama by Wang, Guojun
Language as Prayer in Finnegans Wake by Jaurretche, Colleen
John Fante's Ask the Dust: A Joining of Voices and Views by
Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey by Brontë, Emily, Brontë, Anne
Moses: The Servant of YAH by Yehudah, Ben Melech
Midwest Futures by Christman, Phil
DMZ Colony by Choi, Don Mee
Laughter After: Humor and the Holocaust by
DMZ Colony by Choi, Don Mee
Nature, Environment, and Activism in Nigerian Literature by Egya, Sule E.
Comparative Print Culture: A Study of Alternative Literary Modernities by
Die Funktion der Medien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Figuren in Lutz Hübners Jugenddrama "Creeps" by Paaske, Lisa
Utopische Elemente in den Werken "Der Goldne Topf" und "Nußknacker und Mausekönig" von E.T.A. Hoffmann by Scharerweger, Sandro
Der Vater-Sohn Konflikt in Kafkas "Die Verwandlung": Ein Vergleich zwischen der Novelle und Peter Kupers Comic-Adaption "The Metamorphosis" by Bente, Julian
Closet Space: Anthology of Urban African Writing: Volume 1 by Dedouhet, Nneka Ezinwa, Dessources Jr, Michel, Adeleye, Bunmi Cynthia
Ni La Madre Teresa Pudo by Martell, Ángel
Shakespearean Charity and the Perils of Redemptive Performance by Barnes, Todd Landon
The Subject of Crusade: Lyric, Romance, and Materials, 1150 to 1500 by Galvez, Marisa
Dante's Inferno: Moral Lessons from Hell by Belliotti, Raymond Angelo
Chinese Adaptations of Brecht: Appropriation and Intertextuality by Zhang, Wei
Goodbye Eros: Recasting Forms and Norms of Love in the Age of Cervantes by
Shakespeare and His Biographical Afterlives by
Falling Short: The Bildungsroman and the Crisis of Self-Fashioning by Stevic, Aleksandar
Jane Austen's Style: Narrative Economy and the Novel's Growth by Toner, Anne
Falling Short: The Bildungsroman and the Crisis of Self-Fashioning by Stevic, Aleksandar
Shakespeare and His Biographical Afterlives by
Jane Austen's Style by Toner, Anne
Die Bedeutung und Funktion des Minnetrankes in Eilhart von Obergs "Tristrant und Isalde" by Graap, Lisa
Endlose Treue. Die unendliche "triuwe" Enites trotz ihrer Opferrolle und der schlechten Behandlung ihres Gatten Erec by Bente, Julian
Talitha Cumi (Little Girl Arise): Affirmations and Poetry for the Black Woman by Collier, Pastor Sadie Chayil
Multiple Discourses, Multiple Meanings: Jeanette Winterson's Language of Multiplicity and Variety by Miksza, Agnieszka
Word Made Flesh: The story of YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH (person the world calls Jesus Christ) THE LIVING Savior WORD of Yah ...made (Adamic, Earth!) Flesh by Yehudah, Ben Melech
Drunken Silenus by Meis, Morgan
Drunken Silenus by Meis, Morgan
Drama Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Dramatic Works by
Making Believe: Questions about Mennonites and Art by Redekop, Magdalene
Making Believe: Questions about Mennonites and Art by Redekop, Magdalene
Corruptocracy by Powell, Isaac Benson
Genealogy and Identity: The Genealogical Evidence for the Appropriation of Early East Greek Mythology by the Mainland Greek City-States in the by Pappas, Zoe A.
Ungula by Strickland, Garett
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