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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

Die Verwendung der Zeit in Peter Handkes Nachschrift "Die Kuckucke von Velika Hoca" by Meyer, Natalie
The Last Utopians: Four Late Nineteenth-Century Visionaries and Their Legacy by Robertson, Michael
Who am I? Modern Dystopia and Identity Struggles in Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go" by Rabbe, Julia
¿Qué está pasando?: Cómo la música le da forma a lo social by Raussert, Wilfried
Myth and Trauma: Higher Self, Ancient Wisdom, and their Enemies by Mathisen, David Warner
Geschichte der deutschen Literatur: Zweiter Band by Schmidt, Julian
Stealing Helen: The Myth of the Abducted Wife in Comparative Perspective by Edmunds, Lowell
An Outline of Chinese Literature II by Xingpei, Yuan
Literature and Literary Criticism in Contemporary China by Jiong, Zhang
The Edinburgh History of Reading: Early Readers by
The Edinburgh History of Reading: Common Readers by
The Edinburgh History of Reading: Subversive Readers by
Anxious Men: Masculinity in American Fiction of the Mid-Twentieth Century by Baldwin, Clive
Empathy and the Strangeness of Fiction: Readings in French Realism by Scott, Maria C.
Remapping Persian Literary History, 1700-1900 by Schwartz, Kevin L.
Alberto Moravia - L'indifferenza di vivere by Sozio, Federico
Literature and Literary Theory in Contemporary China by Jiong, Zhang
Beyond the Iron House: Lu Xun and the Modern Chinese Literary Field by Sun, Saiyin
Dress as Metaphor - British Female Fashion and Social Change in the 20th Century by Kociolek, Katarzyna
Autofiction and Advocacy in the Francophone Caribbean by Larrier, Renée
Louisa May Alcott and the Textual Child: A Critical Theory Approach by West, Kristina
Hysterie in der literarischen Fallgeschichte. Zeitgenössische Kritik an Freuds Weiblichkeitstheorie am Beispiel der Novelle "Das Verbrechen" von Mela by Manowski, Sarah
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 26 by
animls coloring book: Coloring Books For Kids and Adult, Coloring Book with Fun, Easy, and Relaxing Coloring Pages, Disney coloring books fo by Edition, Soukaina
Lao She's Teahouse and Its Two English Translations: Exploring Chinese Drama Translation with Systemic Functional Linguistics by Wang, Bo, Ma, Yuanyi
Victorian Epic Burlesques: A Critical Anthology of Nineteenth-Century Theatrical Entertainments After Homer by Davies, Rachel Bryant
Contemporary Revolutions: Turning Back to the Future in 21st-Century Literature and Art by
Blanchot and the Outside of Literature by Allen, William S.
Bodily Evidence: Racism, Slavery, and Maternal Power in the Novels of Toni Morrison by Moore, Geneva Cobb
Affective Medievalism: Love, Abjection and Discontent by Trigg, Stephanie, Prendergast, Thomas A.
The Literature of Polish Romanticism in Its European Contexts by
Reading Autobiographical Comics: A Framework for Educational Settings by Oppolzer, Markus
Diminutive Constructions in English by Gorzycka, Dorota
Analyse du roman Le Chevalier au bouclier vert pour le collège: Analyse du roman d'Odile Weulersse by Lauzanne, Gloria
Analyse du roman Yvain ou le chevalier au lion pour le collège: Analyse du roman de Chrétien de Troyes by Lauzanne, Gloria
The Pragmatics of Revision: George Moore's Acts of Rewriting by Chapman, Siobhan
Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism: Mind, Matter, and the Life Sciences After Kant by
The Global Novel and Capitalism in Crisis: Contemporary Literary Narratives by de Loughry, Treasa
La Migración como Proceso: El Concepto de Temporalidad en Blogs de Migrantes Latinoamericanos a Quebec by Frank-Job, Barbara
On Dangerous Ground: Freud's Visual Cultures of the Unconscious by O'Donoghue, Diane
Four Augustan Science Poets: Abraham Cowley, James Thomson, Henry Brooke, Erasmus Darwin by Hillyer, Richard
Die Ästhetisierung des Bösen in Roberto Bolaños Werk "Estrella distante" by Kühner, Vanessa
The Garden of the Prophet: Bilingual, English with Arabic translation by Elabed, Jamil
The Garden of the Prophet: Bilingual, English with Arabic translation by Elabed, Jamil
animls coloring book: Coloring Books For Kids and Adult, Coloring Book with Fun, Easy, and Relaxing Coloring Pages, Disney coloring books fo by Edition, Soukaina
animls coloring book: Coloring Books For Kids and Adult, Coloring Book with Fun, Easy, and Relaxing Coloring Pages, Disney coloring books fo by Edition, Soukaina
Samuel Beckett and Trauma by
Incest in Contemporary Literature by
Gargilius Martialis: The Agricultural Fragments by
Gothic Film: An Edinburgh Companion by
Experimental Beckett by Johnson, Nicholas E., Heron, Jonathan
Primary Sources on Monsters by
King Henry V: A Critical Reader by
Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology by Bane, Theresa
Reviving Cicero in Drama: From the Ancient World to the Modern Stage by Manuwald, Gesine
The Rhetoric of Power in Late Antiquity: Religion and Politics in Byzantium, Europe and the Early Islamic World by Frakes, Robert M., Stephens, Justin, Digeser, Elizabeth Depalma
Don Delillo: Contemporary Critical Perspectives by
Tales of the Strange by a Korean Confucian Monk: Kŭmo Sinhwa by Kim Sisŭp by Wuerthner, Dennis
Lewis Carroll: Worlds of His Alices by Guiliano, Edward
Geographies of Urban Female Labor and Nationhood in Spanish Culture, 1880-1975 by Soria, Mar
Heeding the Call: A Study of Denise Giardina's Novels by Jolliff, William
Where the New World Is: Literature about the U.S. South at Global Scales by Bone, Martyn
Basic Concepts in the Philosophy of Gottfried Keller by Reichert, Herbert W.
The Marble Statue as Idea: Collected Essays on Adalbert Stifter's Der Nachsommer by Sjögren, Christine Oertel
Heinrich Von Kleist: Studies in the Character and Meaning of His Writings by Ellis, John M.
Friedrich Nietzsche's Impact on Modern German Literature: Five Essays by Reichert, Herbert W.
The Nibelungenlied Today: Its Substance, Essence, and Significance by Mueller, Werner a.
The Merchant in German Literature of the Enlightenment by Cleve, John W. Van
Exile: The Writer's Experience by
Gottfried Benn's Static Poetry: Aesthetic and Intellectual-Historical Interpretations by Roche, Mark William
The Poetry of Brecht: Seven Studies by Thomson, Philip
Paracomedy: Appropriations of Comedy in Greek Tragedy by Jendza, Craig
Sonnets of Catharina Von Greiffenberg: Methods of Composition by Kimmich, Flora
Funny How?: Sketch Comedy and the Art of Humor by Clayton, Alex
Frances Trollope by Lambert, Carolyn
Structures of Influence: A Comparative Approach to August Strindberg by
The Historical Mind: Humanistic Renewal in a Post-Constitutional Age by
Kept from All Contagion: Germ Theory, Disease, and the Dilemma of Human Contact in Late-Nineteenth-Century Literature by Nixon, Kari
The Palgrave Handbook of Magical Realism in the Twenty-First Century by
Fictions of Migration in Contemporary Britain and Ireland by Zamorano Llena, Carmen
Honor in German Literature by Jones, George Fenwick
The Songs of the Minnesinger, Prince Wizlaw of Rügen by
Goethe, the Lyrist: 100 Poems in New Translations Facing the Originals with a Biographical Introduction by
Shakespeare and Money by
Sovereignty and Sustainability: Indigenous Literary Stewardship in New England by Senier, Siobhan
Stories and the Brain: The Neuroscience of Narrative by Armstrong, Paul B.
Playing by the Rules: The Tales of Miles Grey by Gaddy, I. M.
COSGRRRRL The Elemental Series Issue #1: Origins by
New and Selected Poems: Knud Sørensen by Goldman, Michael Favala, Sørensen, Knud
New and Selected Poems: Knud Sørensen by Sørensen, Knud
The Algonquin Round Table New York: A Historical Guide by Fitzpatrick, Kevin C.
William Faulkner in Hollywood: Screenwriting for the Studios by Solomon, Stefan
Friedrich Von Hausen: Inquiries Into His Poetry by Bekker, Hugo
A City Full of Voices: Essays on the Work of Robert Kelly by
Studies in Nietzsche and the Classical Tradition by
Lessing's Aesthetica in Nuce: An Analysis of the May 26, 1769, Letter to Nicolai by Rudowski, Victor Anthony
The Poetics of Historical Perspectivism: Breitinger's Critische Dichtkunst and the Neoclassic Tradition by Kowalik, Jill Anne
Essays on Brecht: Theater and Politics by
Wilhelm Waiblinger in Italy by Thompson, Lawrence S.
Ego-Alter Ego: Double And/As Other in the Age of German Poetic Realism by Pizer, John
An Annotated Arthur Schnitzler Bibliography: Editions and Criticism in German, French, and English, 1879-1965 by Allen, Richard H.
E. T. A. Hoffmanns Märchenschaffen: Kaleidoskop der Verfremdung in seinen sieben Märchen by Vitt-Maucher, Gisela
Ulrich Von Liechtenstein's Service of Ladies by
Goethe's Faust: Seven Essays by Cottrell, Alan P.
Studies in German Literature of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Festschrift for Frederic E. Coenen by
The Intervention of Philology: Gender, Learning, and Power in Lohenstein's Roman Plays by Newman, Jane O.
Greek Antiquity in Schiller's Wallenstein by Berns, Gisela N.
Ideology, Mimesis, Fantasy: Charles Sealsfield, Friedrich Gerstäcker, Karl May, and Other German Novelists of America by Sammons, Jeffrey L.
The German Poetry of Paul Fleming: Studies in Genre and History by Sperberg-Mcqueen, Marian R.
The Boundless Present: Space and Time in the Literary Fairy Tales of Novalis and Tieck by Birrell, Gordon
Franz Grillparzer's Portraiture of Men by Coenen, Frederic E.
The Works of Peter Schott, 1460-1490, Vol. II: Commentary by
Christoph Martin Wieland as the Originator of Modern Travesty in German Literature by Craig, Charlotte
Studies in the German Drama: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter Silz by
The Correspondence of Arthur Schnitzler and Raoul Auernheimer with Raoul Auernheimer's Aphorisms by
Friedrich Hebbel's Conception of Movement in the Absolute and in History by Flygt, Sten G.
Die Satirische Kurzprosa Heinrich Bölls by Friedrichsmeyer, Erhard
Southern Scholars in Goethe's Germany by Krumpelmann, John T.
Arminius or the Rise of a National Symbol in Literature: From Hutten to Grabbe by Kuehnemund, Richard
Die Zweite Wirklichkeit: Studien Zum Roman Des Achtzehnten Jahrhunderts by Kurth, Lieselotte E.
Schiller and Music by Longyear, R. M.
The Laxdoela Saga: Its Structural Patterns by Madelung, A. Margaret Arent
Ludwig Tieck and America by Matenko, Percy
Portrait of the Artist as Hermes: A Study of Myth and Psychology in Thomas Mann's Felix Krull by Nelson, Donald F.
Creative Encounter: Festschrift for Herman Salinger by
Literary Paternity, Literary Friendship: Essays in Honor of Stanley Corngold by
Six Essays on the Young German Novel by Sammons, Jeffrey L.
Realism and Reality: Studies in the German Novelle of Poetic Realism by Silz, Walter
Rainer Maria Rilke and Jugendstil: Affinities, Influences, Adaptations by Webb, Karl Eugene
Noble Lies, Slant Truths, Necessary Angels: Aspects of Fictionality in the Novels of Christoph Martin Wieland by Shookman, Ellis
Magister Ludens: Der Erzähler in Heinrich Wittenweilers Ring by Cross, Christa Wolf
The Ennobling Power of Love in the Medieval German Lyric by Kaplowitt, Stephen J.
Wittenwiler's Ring and the Anonymous Scots Poem Colkelbie Sow: Two Comic-Didactic Works from the Fifteenth Century by
The Figure of the Musician in German Literature by Schoolfield, George C.
Middle Ages--Reformation--Volkskunde: Festschrift for John G. Kunstmann by
Kleist in France by Richardson, Frank C.
Young Nietzsche and the Wagnerian Experience by Love, Frederick R.
Between Real and Ideal: The Course of Otto Ludwig's Development as a Narrative Writer by McClain, William H.
Theodor Storm's Novellen: Essays on Literary Technique by McCormick, E. Allen
Whitman and Nietzsche: A Comparative Study of Their Thought by Stavrou, C. N.
The Hermit in German Literature: (From Lessing to Eichendorff) by Fitzell, Henry John
Music of the Minnesinger and Early Meistersinger: A Bibliography by Linker, Robert White
The Political Dramaturgy of Nicodemus Frischlin: Essays on Humanist Drama in Germany by Price, David
Studies in Arthur Schnitzler: Centennial Commemorative Volume by
Wilhelm Müller's Lyrical Song-Cycles: Interpretations and Texts by Cottrell, Alan P.
Studies in Goethe's Lyric Cycles by Lee, Meredith
Bifocal Vision: Novalis' Philosophy of Nature and Disease by Neubauer, John
Gregorius: A Medieval Oedipus Legend by Aue, Hartmann Von
Duinesian Elegies by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Shakespeare and Money by
Literary Cultures of the Civil War by
The Impatient Muse: Germany and the Sturm Und Drang by Leidner, Alan C.
Brecht and the Bible: A Study of Religious Nihilism and Human Weakness in Brecht's Drama of Morality and the City by Murphy, G. Ronald
Rilke--Kommentar Zu Den Aufzeichnungen Des Malte Laurids Brigge by Small, William
Goethe's Cyclical Narratives: Die Unterhaltungen Deutscher Ausgewanderten and Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre by Brown, Jane K.
The Ariadne Auf Naxos of Hugo Von Hofmannsthal and Richard Strauss by Daviau, Donald G., Buelow, George J.
The Letters of Arthur Schnitzler to Hermann Bahr: Edited, Annotated, and with an Introduction by
Novalis and Mathematics: A Study of Friedrich Von Hardenberg's Fragments on Mathematics and Its Relation to Magic, Music, Religion, Philosophy, by Dyck, Martin
Theater in the Planned Society: Contemporary Drama in the German Democratic Republic in Its Historical, Political, and Cultural Context by Huettich, H. G.
Tannhäuser: Poet and Legend: With Texts and Translations of His Works by Thomas, J. W.
Goethe's Social Philosophy: As Revealed in Campagne in Frankreich and Belagerung Von Mainz by Steer, Alfred G.
Three Chapters on Courtly Love in Arthurian France and Germany: Lancelot--Andreas Capellanus--Wolfram Von Eschenbach's Parzival by Weigand, Hermann J.
The Urge to Live: A Comparative Study of Franz Kafka's Der Prozess and Albert Camus' l'Etranger by Rhein, Phillip H.
Theodor Storm's Craft of Fiction: The Torment of a Narrator by Bernd, Clifford A.
Hermann Hesse and His Critics: The Criticism and Bibliography of Half a Century by Mileck, Joseph
Dickens on the Tories: With an Introduction by F. G. Kitton by Dickens, Charles
The Humanist Ulrich Von Hutten: A Reappraisal of His Humor by Best, Thomas W.
The Magic Mountain: A Study of Thomas Mann's Novel Der Zauberberg by Weigand, Hermann J.
Unity and Language: A Study in the Philosophy of Johann Georg Hamann by O'Flaherty, James C.
Ruodlieb: The Earliest Courtly Novel (After 1050) by
Lonesome Dreamer: The Life of John G. Neihardt by Anderson, Timothy G.
Albert Camus: A Very Short Introduction by Gloag, Oliver
Italian Culture in America: How a Founding Father Introduced Italian Art, Architecture, Food, Wine, and Liberty to the American People by Giordano, Ralph G.
The Phaedrus of Plato: A Translation with Notes and Dialogical Analysis by Quandt, Kenneth
So Many Reasons by Ofori, Racheal
The Novels of Frances Hodgson Burnett: In the World of Actual Literature by Recchio, Thomas
Perfect Paradox by Amadi, Amadi Andy
El juicio neurótico: Aproximaciones al pensamiento crítico by Rodríguez, Ramiro
Dante y Quevedo: la Divina Commedia en los Sueños by Casal, Rodrigo Cacho
The Deaths of the Republic: Imagery of the Body Politic in Ciceronian Rome by Walters, Brian
The Representation of Reality in the Works of Jeanette Winterson. A Mercury of Fact by Hay, Jonathan
Fractured Ecologies by
American Literature and the Long Downturn: Neoliberal Apocalypse by Sinykin, Dan
The Trouble with Literature by Kahn, Victoria
Humor, Psyche, and Society: A Socio-Semiotic Analysis by Berger, Arthur Asa
People and Place: The West Coast of New Zealand's South Island in History and Literature by Richardson, Len
A Concordance to Conrad's Almayer's Folly by Briggum, Sue M., Bender, Todd K.
Concordances to Conrad's the Shadow Line and Youth: A Narrative by Bender, Todd K.
A Concordance to Conrad's the Nigger of the Narcissus by Parins, James W., Bender, Todd K.
The Edinburgh History of Reading: Volumes 1-4 by
A Concordance to Conrad's Victory by Bender, Todd K., Parins, James W., Dilligan, Robert J.
A Concordance to Conrad's the Arrow of Gold by Bender, Todd K., Gaston, Paul L.
Concordances to Conrad's Tales of Unrest and Tales of Hearsay by Bender, Todd K.
A Concordance to Conrad's the Secret Agent by Bender, Todd K.
Concordances to Conrad's the Mirror of the Sea And, the Inheritors by Bender, Todd K.
A Concordance to Conrad's the Rover by Higdon, David Leon, Bender, Todd K.
A Concordance to Conrad's Nostromo by Parins, James W., Dilligan, Robert J., Bender, Todd K.
A Concordance to Conrad's the Rescue by Bender, Todd K.
Concordances to Conrad's Typhoon and Other Stories and Within the Tides by Bender, Todd K., Bender, Kirsten A.
A Concordance to Conrad's Under Western Eyes by Bender, Todd K., Higdon, David Leon
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