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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2023

An Essay on Man; Moral Essays and Satires by Pope, Alexander
Tales From Shakespeare by Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Mary
The ABCs of Valentine's Day by Johnson, Suzan
Five Children And It by Nesbit, E.
Writing Ocean Worlds: Indian Ocean Fiction in English by Lavery, Charne
The Little Lame Prince by Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock
Advances in Brand Semiotics & Discourse Analysis by
Lamalif: A Critical Anthology of Societal Debates in Morocco During the "Years of Lead" (1966-1988): Volume 2 by
Transnational East Asian Studies by
Lamalif: A Critical Anthology of Societal Debates in Morocco During the "Years of Lead" (1966-1988): Volume 1 by
The Disputatio of the Latins and the Greeks, 1234: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary by Brubaker, Jeff
Eco-Modernism: Ecology, Environment and Nature in Literary Modernism by
New Materialism and Late Modernist Poetry by Moffett, Joe
Assembly and Its Other in German Romantic Literature and Thought: The Inexhaustible Gathering by
Reimagining Masculinity and Violence in 'Game of Thrones' and 'a Song of Ice and Fire' by Evans, Tobi
Transatlantic Studies: Latin America, Iberia, and Africa by
Contesting the Classroom: Reimagining Education in Moroccan and Algerian Literatures by Twohig, Erin
Richard Rolle: Unprinted Latin Writings by
The Ancient Sea: The Utopian and Catastrophic in Classical Narratives and Their Reception by
Ancient Greece and Rome in Modern Science Fiction: Amazing Antiquity by Clare, Ross
Gerald O'Donovan: A Life: 1871-1942 by Ryan, John F.
Greek Orators VIII: Isaeus Orations: 1, 2, 4 and 6 by Griffith-Williams, Brenda
An Anthology of Basque Short Stories by
Modern Chinese Poetry Written with Classical Metrical Rhythm: 古格律现代诗:创作与体 by Richard Hsiao, 肖瑞琪
古格律現代詩:創作與體會: Modern Chinese Poetry Written with Classical Metrica by Richard Hsiao, 蕭瑞琪
Arvind Kejariwal by Damle, Nilu
The Czar's Spy: The Mystery of a Silent Love by Le Queux, William
The Deerslayer by Cooper, James Fenimore
The Doctor's Wife by Braddon, M. E.
Hydronarratives: Water, Environmental Justice, and a Just Transition by Henry, Matthew S.
Appalachian Pastoral: Mountain Excursions, Aesthetic Visions, and the Antebellum Travel Narrative by Martin, Michael S.
Historiography, Myth, Literature by
Leftovers: Eating, Drinking and Re-Thinking with Case Studies from Post-War French Fiction by Cruickshank, Ruth
Transnational East Asian Studies by
The Life And Adventures Of Santa Claus by Baum, L. Frank
Heinrich Vedder: Die Bergdama. Teil 1 by Vedder, Heinrich
Lothringische Sagen by
Women's Libraries in Late Medieval Bourbonnais, Burgundy, and France: A Family Affair by Kaplan, S. C.
Hydronarratives: Water, Environmental Justice, and a Just Transition by Henry, Matthew S.
Crafting Feminism from Literary Modernism to the Multimedia Present by Elkins, Amy E.
The Festal Letters of Athanasius of Alexandria, with the Festal Index and the Historia Acephala by Brakke, David, Gwynn, David M.
SELECTED VERSE OF ÉMILE NELLIGAN Québec's great lyric poet by Nelligan, Émile
The Girl Aviators And The Phantom Airship by Burnham, Margaret
Spielräume Des Affektiven: Konzeptionelle Und Exemplarische Studien Zur Frühneuzeitlichen Affektkultur by
Contact Zones: Fur, Minerals, Milk, and Other Things by
Relating Carol Shields's Essays and Fiction: Crossing Borders by
Academic Writing and Information Literacy Instruction in Digital Environments: A Complementary Approach by Mammadova, Tamilla
Knowledge in Change: The Semiotics of Cognition and Conversion by Broekman, Jan M.
Decolonising English Studies from the Semi-Periphery by Mendes, Ana Cristina
Ninth Art. Bande Dessinée, Books and the Gentrification of Mass Culture, 1964-1975 by Lesage, Sylvain
Anthony Burgess, Stanley Kubrick and a Clockwork Orange by
Reading W.S. Merwin in a New Century: American and European Perspectives by
Otherwise Than the Binary: New Feminist Readings in Ancient Philosophy and Culture by
The Return Of Tarzan by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
The Untamed by Brand, Max
Karbala: A Historical Play by Premchand by Premchand
Smooth Operating and Other Social Acts by Williams, Roland Leander
Navigating Urban Soundscapes: Dublin and Los Angeles in Fiction by Eisenberg, Annika
Utopia Between East and West in Hungarian Literature by Czigányik, Zsolt
Retrospective Poe: The Master, His Readership, His Legacy by
龍舞(Dancing Dragon, Chinese Edition) by Zhao, Zheng
C. H. Sisson Reconsidered by
Medieval Mobilities: Gendered Bodies, Spaces, and Movements by
Aspects of the Novel by Forster, E. M.
Jews in Popular Science Fiction: Marginalized in the Mainstream by
Making Myths and Magic: A Field Guide to Writing Sci-Fi and Fantasy Novels by Campbell, Shelly, Alexander, Allison
The Return of Proserpina: Cultural Poetics of Sicily from Cicero to Dante by Spence, Sarah
Deep Time: A Literary History by Heringman, Noah
Deep Time: A Literary History by Heringman, Noah
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
The Return of Proserpina: Cultural Poetics of Sicily from Cicero to Dante by Spence, Sarah
On Ovid's Metamorphoses by Williams, Gareth
My Book Club Journal: A Reading Log of the Books I Loved, Loathed, and Couldn't Wait to Talk about by Weldon Owen
Modern Language Review (118: 1) January 2023 by
Transformations of a Genre: A Literary History of the Beguiled Apprentice by Cohen, Ralph
Children of the Red Earth: African Poetry by Ukwuma, Michael
Slavonic & East European Review (100: 3) July 2022 by
Undoing Apartheid by Lalu, Premesh
重新打开的门 by Jiang, Jiuzhen
Eruditos Christianos Reconocen Las Contradicciones En La Biblia by Abdullah, Sheikh
Metrical Claims and Poetic Experience: Klopstock, Nietzsche, Grünbein by Eldridge, Hannah Vandegrift
A Taste for Chaos: The Art of Literary Improvisation by Fertel, Randy
Embracing Vocation: Cormac McCarthy's Writing Life, 1959-1974 by Luce, Dianne C.
CliffsNotes on Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath: Literature Notes by McGrath Vlcek, Kelly
CliffsNotes on Rand's Atlas Shrugged: Literature Notes by Bernstein, Andrew
Studying English Literature in Context: Critical Readings by
Literary Representations of Precarious Work, 1840 to the Present by
Biosemiotics and Evolution: The Natural Foundations of Meaning and Symbolism by
Words, Music, and the Popular: Global Perspectives on Intermedial Relations by
Travel, Translation and Transmedia Aesthetics: Franco-Chinese Literature and Visual Arts in a Global Age by Li, Shuangyi
A Novel Approach to China: What China Debaters Can Learn from Contemporary Chinese Novelists by Gao, Gengsong
Pascal: Un Grand Classique au Grand Siècle: Pascal et son oeuvre by Fares, Laila
2022 Releases: Mind, Body & Spirit Genre by Ilacqua, Janet K.
Modernist Waterscapes: Water, Imagination and Materiality in the Works of Virginia Woolf by Dirschauer, Marlene
Studying English Literature in Context: Critical Readings by
War and Literary Studies by
The Electoral Imagination: Literature, Legitimacy, and Other Rigged Systems by Puckett, Kent
William Faulkner and the Materials of Writing by Berliner, Jonathan
Le corps de la lettre: La quête de la totalité dans la poétique d'Isidore Isou by Cătană, Alexandra
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers by
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creati by
Smollett's Britain by Black, Jeremy
Intentionally Random by Miller, Jonathan
Rhetorical Renaissance: The Mistress Art and Her Masterworks by Eden, Kathy
Amrita Pritam: The Writer Provocateur by
Amrita Pritam: The Writer Provocateur by
Sorry Men in Southern Literature: 21 Original Short Stories by Browder, Rebecca
Shakespeare's Blank Verse: An Alternative History by Stagg, Robert
American Literary Studies in Postmillennial India: Critical Perspectives by
Mann's Magic Mountain: World Literature and Closer Reading by Watroba, Karolina
Bacon's Essays by Bacon, Francis
Panoramas and Compilations in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Seeing the Big Picture by Kingstone, Helen
Shakespeare in Cuba: Caliban's Books by Woodford-Gormley, Donna
Ecocriticism and the Island: Readings from the British-Irish Archipelago by Marland, Pippa
The Scary World Of Nuclear Weapons: Agenda For Elimination by Pardy, Gar
Death and the Pearl Maiden: Plague, Poetry, England by Coley, David K.
Lessings Weiblichkeitsentwürfe in "Miß Sara Sampson" und "Emilia Galotti". Zwischen Tugend und Leidenschaft by Graf, Elvira
Oh Native Land! Bu-Bu-Bu, Miaow, Miaow by Woods, Mosby
Memory and Utopia: The Poetry of José Ángel Valente by O'Dwyer, Manus
Jean-François Vilar: Theatres Of Crime by Atack, Margaret
Confrontational Readings: Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes in Dutch and German by
Contemporary Galician Women Writers by Barbour, Catherine
Contemporary Fictions: Essays on American and Postcolonial Narratives by Newman, Judie
Childhood, Memory, and the Nation: Young Lives under Nazism in Contemporary German Culture by Lloyd, Alexandra
Zola and the Art of Television: Adaptation, Recreation, Translation by Griffiths, Kate
Samuel Butler and the Science of the Mind by Turbil, Cristiano
Mary Shelley and Europe: Essays in Honour of Jean de Palacio by
The Great Treasure Hunt: A Tale of Courage and Adventure /Story Time For Children by Wills, Serah
History of a literary radical, and other essays by Bourne, Randolph Silliman
Small-Town Dynamics in "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee by Anonymous
Stock Characters Speaking: Eight Libanian Declamations Introduced and Translated by Penella, Robert
Renaissance Vegetarianism: The Philosophical Afterlives of Porphyry's On Abstinence by Muratori, Cecilia
The First English Translations of Molière: Drama in Flux 1663-1732 by Jones, Suzanne
Twentieth-Century Sephardic Authors from the Former Yugoslavia: A Judeo-Spanish Tradition by Jovanovic, Zeljko
Catalan Narrative 1875-2015 by
Brute Meaning: Essays in Materialist Criticism from Dickens to Hitchcock by Trotter, David
The Language of Disease: Writing Syphilis in Nineteenth-Century France by Wilson, Steven
Saracens and their World in Boiardo and Ariosto by Pavlova, Maria
Can Fiction Change the World? by
Prostitutes, Hostesses, and Actresses at the Edge of the Japanese Empire: Fragmenting History by Yamasaki, Nobuko Ishitate-Okunomiya
Fashion Narrative and Translation: Is Vanity Fair? by Masiola, Rosanna
Football and Discrimination: Antisemitism and Beyond by
The Poetry of Céline Arnauld: From Dada to Ultra-Modern by Hemus, Ruth
Adapting the Canon: Mediation, Visualization, Interpretation by
Poems of American Patriotism by Matthews, Brander
Trump and Autobiography: Corporate Culture, Political Rhetoric, and Interpretation by Mohlmann, Nicholas K.
Neo-Georgian Fiction: Reimagining the Eighteenth Century in the Contemporary Historical Novel by
Shakespeare and Celebrity Cultures by Holl, Jennifer
Shakespeare's Sublime Pathos: Person, Audience, Language by Sell, Jonathan P. a.
Shakespeare's Sublime Ethos: Matter, Stage, Form by Sell, Jonathan P. a.
Staging and Re-Cycling: Retrieving, Reflecting and Re-Framing the Archive by
William Faulkner and Mortality: A Fine Dead Sound by Honeini, Ahmed
Code-Choice and Identity Construction on Stage by Aaltonen, Sirkku
Shakespearean Drama, Disability, and the Filmic Stare by McCarthy, Grace
The Battle Over Working-Class Voters: How Social Democracy Has Responded to the Populist Radical Right in the Nordic Countries by Rydgren, Jens, Salo, Sanna
Transhumanism and Posthumanism in Twenty-First Century Narrative by
Literary Black Power in the Caribbean: Fiction, Music and Film by Keresztesi, Rita
Psychoanalytic Readings of Hawthorne's Romances: Narratives of Unconscious Crisis and Transformation by Diamond, David B.
Medieval Literature and Social Politics: Studies of Cultures and Their Contexts by Knight, Stephen
Staging Detection: From Hawkshaw to Holmes by Stowell-Kaplan, Isabel
The Problems of Viewing Performance: Epistemology and Other Minds by Bennett, Michael Y.
Shakespeare, the Renaissance and Empire: Volume II: Poetry, Philosophy and Politics by Hart, Jonathan Locke
The Matrilineal Heritage of Louisa May Alcott and Christina Rossetti by Flint, Azelina
Dante's Paradiso and the Theological Origins of Modern Thought: Toward a Speculative Philosophy of Self-Reflection by Franke, William
Materiality in Modernist Short Fiction: Lived Things by Oulanne, Laura
The Cursed Carolers in Context by
A Comprehensive Study of Tang Poetry I by Geng, Lin
Haunted Heaney: Spectres and the Poetry by Hickey, Ian
A Comprehensive Study of Tang Poetry II by Geng, Lin
Postcolonial Realism and the Concept of the Political by Sorensen, Eli Park
Victorian Pets and Poetry by
The Nineteenth Century Periodical Press and the Development of Detective Fiction by Saunders, Samuel
Virginia Woolf's Afterlives: The Author as Character in Contemporary Fiction and Drama by Latham, Monica
Doctrine and Difference: Readings in Classic American Literature by Colacurcio, Michael J.
Wild Romanticism by
Robert Seymour and Nineteenth-Century Print Culture: Sketches by Seymour and Comic Illustration by Maidment, Brian
Euhemerism and Its Uses: The Mortal Gods by
Indigenous Bodies, Cells, and Genes: Biomedicalization and Embodied Resistance in Native American Literature by Ziarkowska, Joanna
Surreal Entanglements: Essays on Jeff Vandermeer's Fiction by
Geomythology: How Common Stories Reflect Earth Events by Burbery, Timothy J.
The Philomena of Chrétien the Jew: The Semiotics of Evil by Haidu, Peter
Ying Chen's Fiction: An Aesthetics of Non-Belonging by Silvester, Rosalind
Metaphor in European Philosophy after Nietzsche: An Intellectual History by Hines, Andrew
Louis-René des Forêts and Inner Autobiography by MacLachlan, Ian
Martin Luther King Jr., Heroism, and African American Literature by Harris, Trudier
Silly Novels by Lady Novelists by Eliot, George
Black Women Writers at Work by Giovanni, Nikki, Brooks, Gwendolyn, Angelou, Maya
Black Women Writers at Work by Giovanni, Nikki, Brooks, Gwendolyn, Angelou, Maya
Reading Pleasures: Everyday Black Living in Early America by Bynum, Tara A.
Konrad Duden und sein Einfluss auf die Orthografie. Welche Rolle spielte er in der Entwicklung der einheitlichen deutschen Orthografie? by Leyers, Louise
Critical Confessions Now by
The Academic Avant-Garde: Poetry and the American University by Andrews, Kimberly Quiogue
Embodying Difference: Critical Phenomenology and Narratives of Disability, Race, and Sexuality by Dickel, Simon
The Divided States: Unraveling National Identities in the Twenty-First Century by
Women's Literary Portraits in the Victorian and Neo-Victorian Novel: An Intertextual Study by Tryniecka, Aleksandra
Death and the Body in the Eighteenth-Century Novel by Zigarovich, Jolene
The Happiness of the British Working Class by Bronstein, Jamie L.
The Happiness of the British Working Class by Bronstein, Jamie L.
CliffsNotes on Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451: Literature Notes by Hiner, Kristi
Afsana Nigari: (Research Articles) by Syed Waqar Azeem
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