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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2026

1776-1809 by Niebuhr, Barthold Georg
Metafiction in Classical Literature: The Invention of Self-Conscious Fiction by Hodkinson, Owen
A Political Biography of Mary Wollstonecraft by Grogan, Claire
The Fiction of Sarah Harriet Burney by Clark, Lorna J.
A Political Biography of John Arbuthnot by Lynall, Greg
Christina Rossetti's Goblin Market: A Publishing History by Ives, Maura
Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus: A Re-Appraisal by Bell, Ilona
Women and the Poetics of Dissent in the English Revolution by Romack, Katherine
Elizabeth Tanfield Cary's History of Edward II: A Critical Edition by
Guides to Foreign Languages for Women (1537-1699) by Considine, John, Brown, Sylvia
Elizabeth Elstob's Writings on Anglo-Saxon (1709-1715?) by Brown, Sylvia, Considine, John
Early Modern Travel and the Discourses of English Nationalism by Day, Matthew
Modernism, Feminism and Everyday Life by Thomson, Tara
The Ashgate Research Companion to Medieval Disability Studies by Sexton, John P., Tracy, Kisha G.
Social Types in Nineteenth-Century French Literature and Journalism: The (Un)Making of National Identity in France by Tholozany, Pauline De
John Morley and the Uses of History in Victorian Liberal Culture by Waard, Marco De
Social Darwinism in the French Ideological Novel by Lyle, Louise
Henry James, Consciousness, and the Evolution of the Novel by Rawlings, Peter
Trollope Underground by
Golden Age Spain on the Jacobean Stage: John Fletcher's Reading and Writing of Cervantes & Co. by Dudy, Mary
Early Modern Women Writers and Memorialization by Wynne-Davies, Marion
Adventures in Feminist Dramaturgy: The Road Less Traveled by Kelly, Philippa, Hope, Laura
Shelley's Romantic Nonviolence: Aesthetics and Politics in an Age of Revolution by Borushko, Matthew C.
African American Children in American Political Life: The Literature and Politics of the Impossible by Priest, Myisha
Introduction to Latina/O Literature by Aldama, Frederick Luis
Introduction to Latina/O Literature by Aldama, Frederick Luis
Starring Charles Dickens: Multi-Media 'Boz' and the Culture of Celebrity by Marsh, Joss
A Political Biography of John Gay by Jung, Sandro
Sublime Conclusions: Last Man Narratives from Apocalypse to Death of God by Weninger, Robert
The Routledge Intermediate Yiddish Reader: Learning Through Lives by Beer, Helen
Fundamentals of Ecocriticism and Environmental Literature by Slovic, Scott
Fundamentals of Ecocriticism and Environmental Literature by Slovic, Scott
Noir and the Irish Nation: Contesting Irishness in Crime Fiction by Reddy, Maureen T.
The Maternal Imaginary in Early Modern Hispanic Culture by Bergmann, Emilie
The Selected Writings of David Williams Vol 1 by Robinson, Peter
The Selected Writings of David Williams Vol 2 by Robinson, Peter
The Selected Writings of David Williams Vol 3 by Robinson, Peter
The Selected Writings of David Williams Vol 4 by Robinson, Peter
The Selected Writings of David Williams Vol 5 by Robinson, Peter
Feminist Perspectives on Contemporary Zombies, Vampires, and Witches: Radical Monstrosity in Literature, Film, and TV by Breuer, Heidi, Wilson, Natalie
Classical Philosophers on Literature: Plato, Aristotle, Longinus by Eaglestone, Robert
History of the Novel in English by Arata, Stephen
Fist by Mills, Nelle
Irish Migrations and Classical Antiquity by
Metronome by Birkhold, Matthew H.
Microphone by Jones, Ralph
Rethinking Science and Religion in Early Modern Culture by
Plautus: Poenulus by Biggs, Thomas
Festival Shakespeares: Networking Performance Across Europe by Hawkins, Rowena
Aeschylus by McCall, Marsh H.
Hemingway's Attic: Hell and Glory in Cuba and the Writing of the Old Man and the Sea by Hazelgrove, William
The Humanist Critic: Lionel Trilling and Edward Said by Rosenberg Nutters, Daniel
Writing, the Other Life by Ernaux, Annie
Speculative Fiction: A Writer's Guide and Anthology by Tanner, Ron, Warner, Benjamin
Speculative Fiction: A Writer's Guide and Anthology by Tanner, Ron, Warner, Benjamin
The Bloomsbury Handbook of Children's and Young Adult Literature in Education by
Modern Hungarian Culture and the Classics by Hajdu, Péter
Experimental Criticism: Franco Moretti and Literature by Moretti, Franco
The Influence of Walter Scott on the Works of Balzac by Garnand, H. J.
Engagements with Graphic Literature by Demson, Michael
World Comics: The Basics by Aldama, Frederick
World Comics: The Basics by Aldama, Frederick
A Critical Edition of Thomas Tod Stoddart's 'The Death-Wake' or 'Lunacy': A Necromaunt in Three Chimeras by
The Body Fantastic by Gonzalez-Crussi, Frank
Ecological Life Writings from India: Marginalisation, Environmental Justice and Told-To Autobiography by M, Shalini, Mathew, Moncy
Horror in Ancient Greek and Roman Epic by Brockliss, Will
Reimagining Science Fiction: Essays on 21st Century Ideas and Authors by
The Battle Over Shakespeare's Identity: A Historical Review of the Authorship Theories by Uthaug, Geir
Man'yōshū (Book 10): A New English Translation Containing the Original Text, Kana Transliteration, Romanization, Glossing and Commentary by
Figuren Des Diabolischen: Studien Zur Niederdeutschen Erzählliteratur Des Mittelalters by Bockmann, Jörn
Hungary by
When Cities Fall: Cultural Reflections of Loss and Lament by Pretzer, Christoph
Entangled Displacements: Exile and Medieval European Literature by Wagner, Ricarda
Mittelniederdeutsche Sprache Und Literatur: Eine Einführung by Langhanke, Robert, Bockmann, Jörn, Ihden, Sarah
Ducae Historia: Prolegomena, Textus Et Indices by
[Strittigkeit Der Bilder, Bände 1-3] by
Flore Und Blanscheflur: Mittelhochdeutscher Text, Übersetzung Und Kommentar by Fleck, Konrad
Journale NB 21-25 by
Supplementum Hellenisticum Novum: Volume I: Auctores by
Brief an Markella, Sentenzen Und Auswahl Thematisch Verwandter Fragmente: Griechisch - Deutsch by Porphyrios
Dionysos: Myth, Image, Identity by Henrichs, Albert
Though There Be Giants: The Ghetto Pastoral Mode in Black Migration Novels by Shaffer, Donald M.
Though There Be Giants: The Ghetto Pastoral Mode in Black Migration Novels by Shaffer, Donald M.
Entangled Histories: Archeaology, Interiors and Design 1750-1900 by
Literature, Theory and Big Data by
The Politics of Turkish Literature: Translation, Genre and Marginal Voices by
The Poems of Robert Browning: Volume Five: The Ring and the Book, Books 1-6 by
The Poems of Robert Browning: Volume Six: The Ring and the Book, Books 7-12 by
Climate Change as a Crisis of Imagination by Brisman, Avi
Becoming Kerouac: A Writer in His Time by Maher, Paul
Victorian Ladies in the Ottoman Empire: Lifting the Veil by Marino, Elisabetta
Animal Presence and Human Identity in Modern Literature: (Dis)Figurations of Humanimality from Shakespeare to Desai by Benston, Kimberly W.
Ralph Ellison and Cinema by Halliday, Sam
Train by Devers, A. N.
Fog by Sparks, Stephen
Shakespeare and the Senses by Dugan, Holly E.
Minnesang: Eine Einführung by Braun, Manuel
Women Among Monuments: Solitude, Permission, and the Pursuit of Female Genius by Van Schaik, Kasia
Handbuch Televisuelle Serialität by
Post-War Adaptations: 1946-59 by Whelehan, Imelda
Post-War Adaptations: 1946-59 by Whelehan, Imelda
Anglophone Literature and the Fight Against Climate Change by Stephan, Matthias
Nachkriegsliteratur: Lehrbuch Germanistik by Schuster, Jörg
Blackwell Guides to Literature: Modernism by Chang, Heesok
A Resilient Legacy: Giacomo Leopardi's Zibaldone: Form, History and Discourse by Veronese, Cosetta M.
Die Legenden II by
Willehalm Buch VI bis IX; Titurel; Lieder by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
L. Annaei Senecae Divi Claudii apotheosis per saturam quae apocolocyntosis vulgo dicitur by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Angels, Demons, and Demigods: An Encyclopedia of Supernatural Beings in Story and on Screen by O'Connor-Salomon, Kelly A., Salomon, David A.
Shakespeare in the Theatre: Satoshi Miyagi by Eglinton, Mika
Latin American Literature and Culture in Translation: Contemporary Critical Approaches by
Handbook of Interdisciplinarity by
Minor Notes, Volume 2 by
Ballade: Eine Einführung by Bartl, Andrea
Einführung in Die Editionswissenschaft by Kocher, Ursula
Heliand Und Genesis: Text Und Übersetzung by
Auxiliartexte: PRAXIS Und Theorie Einer Textfunktion Im Antiken Literarischen Feld by Dubischar, Markus
Kitab-ı Dedem-Korkut / Das Buch Des Dede Korkut: Diplomatische Edition Der 12 Erzählungen Nach Der Dresdner Handschrift Und Der Neugefundenen 13. by
How to Be Heard by Gay, Roxane
How to Be Heard by Gay, Roxane
The Latin Poems of Christian Wedsted by Palmore, Aaron
Literary Genetics, Modernism and the Theories of Mind: James Joyce, Anaïs Nin and D. H. Lawrence by Sartor, Genevieve
Reading and Writing in the Anthropocene: An Eco-Deconstructive Approach by Jonckheere, Sarah
Gorboduc: By Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville by
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Early Modern Women's Writing by
Arms and the Many: Multiplicity in Lucan's Bellum Civile by Chidwick, Hannah-Marie
Bonner Vorlesungen II: Erster Teilband: Text by Schlegel, August Wilhelm
The History and Culture of Breast Milk: From Greco-Roman Myth to Medieval Mysticism by Miller, Sarah Alison
German Gothic Literature: Origins, Adaptations, Transformations by
Archipelagothic: Studies in the Philippine Gothic by
Revolution, Empire, and the Gothic Dream by Jr, Richard Moore
Nuclear Gothic: Textual and Cultural Fusions by Bacon, Helena K.
Geographi Veteres Vel Minores Vel Quorum Fragmenta Exstant: Volumen I: AB Ionibus Usque AD Pugnam Actiacam by
Sigmund Freud - Beziehungen Und Korrespondenzen by Hemecker, Wilhelm
Conceptualizing Corruption in Ancient Athens and Rome by
Mediengeschichte Der Literatur: Eine Einführung by Hahn, Torsten, Pethes, Nicolas
Performative Authorship: Francophone African Novelists in the Late 20th-21st Centuries by Stern, Kristen K.
Black Configurations: The Ethos of "Tradition" from Sterling Brown to Toni Morrison, Volume I by Benston, Kimberly W.
Spenserian Tracts: 'A Brief Discourse of Ireland' and 'The Supplication of the Blood of the English' from the Munster Revolt of 1598 by Morgan, Hiram
Märchen: Eine Einführung by Barth, Johannes
Plutos by Aristophanes
Constructing Gender in the Comic Mode: Perspectives on Greek and Roman Comic Literature by
Späte Mystik (1823-1827) by Schlegel, Friedrich
Dorothea Schlegels Letzte Lebensjahre (1829-1838) by Schlegel, Friedrich
Art and Theatre as a Community of Practice in Eighteenth-Century France by Ledbury, Mark
Jack Kerouac's Buddhism and the American Search for Enlightenment: The Diamond Vow by Haynes, Sarah
Korruption Und Geschlecht: Diskursive Konstruktionen Von Männlicher Und Weiblicher Korruption Im Klassischen Athen by Macura, Victoria Maria
Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion - German Edition by Hampton, Alexander
Handbook of Literary Ethics by
Kommentar Zu Nietzsches "Menschliches, Allzumenschliches" II by Grätz, Katharina
Class and Classics: Subalterns and the Production of Classical Culture by
Greek Medical Manuscripts - Diels' Catalogue: Concordances, Indexes, Addenda by
Shakespeare and Presentist Theory by Gajowski, Evelyn
The History of Sub-Saharan African Literatures on Film by
Ouida (1839-1908) in Transnational Popular Culture: A Literary Life at the Margins by King, Andrew
All Things Become Alive by the Touch of the Parabola: Wolfgang Paalen's Northwest Passage: Wolfgang Paalen's Northwest Passage by Browne, Colin
Shakespeare and Critical Race Theory by Jr.
King Richard III: Shakespeare: The Critical Tradition by
A Companion to Plautus by
Staging Shakespeare's Violence: My Cue to Fight: Domestic Fury by Duerr, Seth, Kirby, Jared
The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England 1066-1901: Remembering, Forgetting, Deciphering, and Renewing the Past by Niles, John D.
A Companion to Literary Theory by
Power, Coercion, Consent: Gramsci's Hegemony and the Roman Republic by
Joseph-Roth-Handbuch by
Grundthemen Der Literaturwissenschaft: Literaturgeschichte by
By Hand: Writing Hands and Making Genders in German Culture by McEwen, Kathryn E.
In Der Todeszone: Darstellung Und Funktion Des Schrecklichen, Grausigen Und Ekligen in Lucans >Bellum Civile by Hömke, Nicola
The Methuen Drama Encyclopedia of Modern Theatre by
How to Be Heard by Gay, Roxane
Mary Elizabeth Braddon: Writing in the Margins by Beller, Anne Marie
Shakespeare and Laban: A Practical Guide for Actors, Directors, Students and Teachers by Weston, Laura, Bessell, Jacquelyn
Shakespeare and Laban: A Practical Guide for Actors, Directors, Students and Teachers by Weston, Laura, Bessell, Jacquelyn
Caomu Shanchuan: Plants and National Identity in Modern China by Zhang, Yuheng
Petrus Crinitus by Mastrogianni, Anna
Invented History, Fabricated Power: The Narrative Shaping of Civilization and Culture by Wood, Barry