• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Fiction in 1996

In Our Time by Hemingway, Ernest
The Celibacy Club by Eidus, Janice
Homer: Iliad VIII and IX by Wilson, C.
Homer: Iliad VIII and IX by Wilson, C.
Fire in the Flint by White, Walter
The Age of Innocence by Wharton, Edith
Pierre: or, The Ambiguities by Melville, Herman
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest: Text and Criticism; Revised Edition by Kesey, Ken
The Wedding by West, Dorothy
Too Late the Phalarope by Paton, Alan
Tales from a Troubled Land by Paton, Alan
The Winshaw Legacy: Or, What a Carve Up! by Coe, Jonathan
Ah, But Your Land Is Beautiful by Paton, Alan
So Long, See You Tomorrow: National Book Award Winner by Maxwell, William
The Animals Waltz by Fagan, Cary
The Memory of Whiteness: A Scientific Romance by Greene, Robinson, Kim Stanley
The Shovel and the Loom by Friedman, Carl
The Sleepwalkers by Broch, Hermann
Bliss by Carey, Peter
A Private View by Brookner, Anita
The Prague Orgy by Roth, Philip
Glass People by Godwin, Gail
The Perfectionists by Godwin, Gail
The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith by Carey, Peter
The Anatomy Lesson by Roth, Philip
The Sporting Club by McGuane, Thomas
Snow Country by Kawabata, Yasunari
Beauty and Sadness by Kawabata, Yasunari
In Our Time by Hemingway, Ernest
La Muerte de Artemio Cruz by Fuentes, Carlos
Daniel Deronda by Eliot, George
From Time to Time by Finney, Jack
Infinite Jest by Wallace, David Foster
The Harder They Fall by Schulberg, Budd
Reef by Gunesekera, Romesh
Blacker the Berry... by Thurman, Wallace
Theatre in the Solovki Prison Camp by Kuziakina, Natalia
Thérèse and Pierrette and the Little Hanging Angel by Tremblay, Michel
The Immoralist by Gide, Andre
A Wild, Cold State by Monroe, Debra
A Bridge Between Us by Shigekuni, Julie
Chairman Mao Would Not Be Amused by
I've a Feeling We're Not in Kansas Anymore by Mordden, Ethan
Girl with Curious Hair by Wallace, David Foster
Hemingway's Genders by Comley, Nancy R., Scholes, Robert
Dead Souls by Gogol, Nikolai
The Frederick Manfred Reader by Manfred, Frederick
Bird-Self Accumulated by Judson, Don
Crazy Water: Six Fictions by Baker, Lori
Crazy Water: Six Fictions by Baker, Lori
Carnal Prayer Mat by Yu, Li
All the Buffalo Returning by Johnson, Dorothy M.
Aaron's Rod: Cambridge Lawrence Edition; Revised by Lawrence, D. H.
Boquitas Pintadas by Puig, Manuel
This Side of Paradise by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The Age of Innocence by Wharton, Edith
Anthem by Rand, Ayn
No Telephone to Heaven by Cliff, Michelle
Fernhurst, Q.E.D. and Other Early Writings by Stein, Gertrude
Tempest in Eden by Brown, Sandra
The Light in the Piazza and Other Italian Tales by Spencer, Elizabeth
Native Speaker by Lee, Chang-Rae
A.M. Homes: Appendix a by
Rain by Gunn, Kirsty
To the Wedding by Berger, John
The Collected Works of Billy the Kid by Ondaatje, Michael
The Information by Amis, Martin
Coming Through Slaughter by Ondaatje, Michael
To Have and Have Not by Hemingway, Ernest
Ladder of Years: Ladder of Years: A Novel by Tyler, Anne
Karma: A Novel of Reincarnation by Sinnett, A. P.
Vendetta or the Story of One Forgotten by Corelli, Marie
Murder of Delicia by Corelli, Marie
Alice or the Mysteries by Lytton, Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton, Lytton, Edward Bulwer
Sex of the Stars by Proulx, Monique
The What the Night Tells the Day by Bianciotti, Hector
Soul of Lilith by Corelli, Marie
Secret Power by Corelli, Marie
Song of Miriam and Other Stories by Corelli, Marie
Ardath: The Story of a Dead Self by Corelli, Marie
Strange Visitation by Corelli, Marie
Silence of the Maharajah by Corelli, Marie
Jane: A Social Incident by Corelli, Marie
Devil's Motor by Corelli, Marie
Dr. Norton's Wife by Walker, Mildred
Babbitt by Lewis, Sinclair
Under the Feet of Jesus by Viramontes, Helena Maria
The Holy Man by Trott, Susan
Alli Donde el Mar Recuerda = A Place Where the Sea Remembers = A Place Where the Sea Remembers by Benitez, Sandra
20 Under 30 by
The Hippopotamus Pool by Mertz, Barbara
Prisoner's Dilemma by Powers, Richard
Sanditon and Other Stories: Introduction by Peter Washington by Austen, Jane
The Wild Life of Sailor and Lula by Gifford, Barry
Follow the Wind: Tales from the Caddy Yard by Links, Bo
Cuba and the Night by Iyer, Pico
Edwin Mullhouse: The Life and Death of an American Writer 1943-1954 by Jeffrey Cartwright by Millhauser, Steven
Deep River by Endo, Shusaku
A Simple Heart by Flaubert, Gustave
The Selected Stories of Richard Bausch by Bausch, Richard
My Reminiscences by Tagore, Rabindranath
Illywhacker by Carey, Peter
The Matisse Stories by Byatt, A. S.
American Heaven by Chernoff, Maxine
A River Town by Keneally, Thomas
The Ivory Crocodile by Drew, Eileen
Footsteps by Toer, Pramoedya Ananta
This Earth of Mankind by Toer, Pramoedya Ananta
The Last World by Ransmayr, Christoph
Independence Day: Bascombe Trilogy (2) by Ford, Richard
Trailerpark by Banks, Russell
The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping, and the Novel by de Botton, Alain
The Bride of Lammermoor by Alexander, J. H., Scott, Walter
Babylon Revisited: And Other Stories by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The Sound of the Mountain by Kawabata, Yasunari
Skinned Alive: Stories by White, Edmund
Caracole by White, Edmund
An Imaginary Life by Malouf, David
Athena by Banville, John
The Master of Go by Kawabata, Yasunari
Heartburn by Ephron, Nora
Snow White by Barthelme, Donald
Clotel, or the President's Daughter by Brown, William Wells, Cashin, Joan E.
Clotel, or the President's Daughter by Cashin, Joan E., Brown, William Wells
Farewell, Thunder Moon by Brand, Max
Mooncranker's Gift by Unsworth, Barry
Mosby's Memoirs and Other Stories by Bellow, Saul
The Stone Raft by Saramago, Jose
The Lime Twig by Hawkes, John
Men Working by Faulkner, John
Madeleine's Ghost by Girardi, Robert
H by Shepard, Elizabeth
My Education: A Book of Dreams by Burroughs, William S.
Novel without a Name by Huong, Duong Thu
Highways to a War by Koch, Christopher J.
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Bronte, Anne
North and South by Gaskell, Elizabeth
The Great Gatsby: The Only Authorized Edition by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The Man from the Broken Hills by L'Amour, Louis
The Brothers K by Duncan, David James
Hamilton Stark by Banks, Russell, Patten, Arturo
A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens, Charles
The Sun Also Rises: The Authorized Edition by Hemingway, Ernest
Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway, Ernest
For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway, Ernest
Tender Is the Night by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Mumbo Jumbo by Reed, Ishmael
The Price of a Child: The Price of a Child: A Novel by Cary, Lorene
Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids by Oe, Kenzaburo
Riders by Winton, Tim
Betrayals by Palliser, Charles
Let 'em Eat Cake by Jedren, Susan
Beirut Blues by Al-Shaykh, Hanan
R.L.'s Dream by Mosley, Walter
Kokoro by Soseki, Natsume
An Albany Trio by Kennedy, William
This Side of Paradise: Introduction by Craig Raine by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Reef by Wharton, Edith
The Fatigue Artist by Schwartz, Lynne Sharon
Love Minus One & Other Stories by Harrs, Norma
Writings on Writing by Kipling, Rudyard
Malcolm Lowry's La Mordida: A Scholarly Edition by Lowry, Malcolm
Journeyman by Caldwell, Erskine
Hunter's Trap by Smith, C. W.
Flying U Ranch by Bower, B. M.
Winesburg, Ohio: Text and Criticism by Anderson, Sherwood
La autopista del sur y otros cuentos by Cortázar, Julio
Nevermore by Redonnet, Marie
The Magic Toyshop by Carter, Angela
Japanese by Spring by Reed, Ishmael
Dubliners: Text and Criticism; Revised Edition by Joyce, James
The Long View by Howard, Elizabeth Jane
Ecstasy: Three Tales of Chemical Romance by Welsh, Irvine
High Fidelity by Hornby, Nick
Sabbath's Theater: National Book Award Winner by Roth, Philip
The First Man by Camus, Albert
The Counterlife by Roth, Philip
Sex and the City by Bushnell, Candace
Death and the Dervish by Selimovic, Mesa
Earthly Possessions by Tyler, Anne
Searching for Caleb by Tyler, Anne
Rabbit Is Rich by Updike, John
Roger's Version by Updike, John
The Clock Winder by Tyler, Anne
Brazil by Updike, John
Morgan's Passing by Tyler, Anne
Another You by Beattie, Ann
The Book of Color by Blackburn, Julia
Saint Maybe by Tyler, Anne
If Morning Ever Comes by Tyler, Anne
Couples by Updike, John
Rabbit, Run by Updike, John
Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant by Tyler, Anne
Rabbit at Rest by Updike, John
Davita's Harp by Potok, Chaim
Rabbit Redux by Updike, John
The Witches of Eastwick by Updike, John
The Sublime: A Reader in British Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Theory by
Flickering Shadows by Kamau, Kwadwo Agymah
Interior Designs by Jaffe, Sherril
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