• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Fiction in 2016

Adresse À La Nation Angloise by Lefebvre de Beauvray, Claude-Rigobert
Oeuvres Dramatiques de M. d'Arnaud. Tome 1 by D' Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard
Le Trocheur de Maris: Farce Nouvelle À IV Personnages by Techener
La Question Du Théâtre Au Point de Vue Social by Auger, Hippolyte
Délassemens de l'Homme Sensible. 1ère Série, T. 6, Parties 11-12 by D' Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard
La Conversion d'Un Pécheur, Cantiques Spirituels by Imp de Ve Hotelfort
Le Juif Errant by Paris, Gaston
Délassemens de l'Homme Sensible. 1ère Série, T. 3, Parties 5-6 by D' Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard
Cours de Littérature Française: Tableau de la Littérature Au Xviiie Siècle T02 by Villemain, Abel-François
Les Crimes de Paris, Poême by Sans Auteur
L'Anarchie Littéraire: Les Différentes Écoles: Les Décadents, Les Symbolistes, Les Romans by Baju, Anatole
Histoire Littéraire d'Italie T05 by Ginguené, Pierre-Louis
Discours À La Royne Regente, Mère Du Roy, Sur Les Désordes Qui Sont Pour Le Présent En CE Royaume by Sans Auteur
Nouveau Recueil de Lettres Des Dames Tant Anciennes Que Modernes T01 by de Grenaille, François
Histoire de la Vie Et Des Ouvrages de Molière by Taschereau, Jules-Antoine
Le Retour de la Paix by de la Porte, Joseph
Contes Nouveaux by Vieux Magistrat-U
Délassemens de l'Homme Sensible. 1ère Série, T. 2, Parties 3-4 by D' Arnaud, François-Thomas-Marie de Baculard
Contre Les Prétendus Prélats de l'Église Prétendue Réformée Avec Le Credo Des Catholiques by Sans Auteur
Histoire Littéraire d'Italie T02 by Ginguené, Pierre-Louis
La Nuit Du 31 Octobre 1870 À l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris by de Montgaillard, P.
The Contract by Krajina, Anto
Les Soupers Du Directoire by Saint-Félix, Jules
Les Caprices de Manette by Chennevières-Pointel, Charles-Philippe
Les Palais Nomades by Kahn-G
Canzoniere Autographe de Pétrarque, Communication Faite À l'Académie Inscriptions Et Belles-Lettres by De Nolhac, Pierre
A Tous Les Penseurs by Beauharnais, Fanny
Les Enfants de Grand-Pierre by Muller-E
Le Célibat Et l'Amour: Traité de Vie Passionnelle Et de Dilection Féminine 4e Édition by Uzanne, Octave
Gjs II by Ruff, Shawn Stewart
Loving Eleanor by Albert, Susan Wittig
Welcome to Groove House by Meniketti, Jill
The Purple Land by Hudson, William Henry
Conversations Morales. de la Haine, La Discrétion, La Jalousie, l'Avarice, l'Inégalité, La Médisance by de Scudéry, Madeleine
The Opposite of Everyone LP by Jackson, Joshilyn
Loving Eleanor by Albert, Susan Wittig
A Simple Soul by Flaubert, Gustave
Beauty and Other Vices by Griswold, Marcia
Goethe's Werke: 6. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Geiger, Ludwig, Ehrlich, Moritz
Goethe's Werke: Sechster Band by Ehrlich, Moritz, Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Geiger, Ludwig
Goethe. Sein Leben und seine Werke: Erster Band: Jugend, Lehr - und Wanderjahre by Baumgartner, Alexander
Goethe's Werke: 5. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Geiger, Ludwig, Ehrlich, Moritz
The Two Lovers of Heaven: Chrysanthus and Daria: A Drama of Early Christian Rome by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
Life Is A Dream by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
The Wonder Working Magician by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
The Purgatory of St. Patrick by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
El Alcalde de Zalamea by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
Andrómeda y Perseo by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
Grind by Vukovic, Edward
Lucky B*stard by Cianci, Christian
This House Is Not for Sale by Osondu, E. C.
Kind of Compass: Stories on Distance by
Not All Bastards Are from Vienna by Molesini, Andrea
Find Me by Van Den Berg, Laura
The Shadow of the Crescent Moon by Bhutto, Fatima
Willful Disregard: A Novel about Love by Andersson, Lena
In Another Life by Johnson, Julie Christine
A Dream of Wessex (Valancourt 20th Century Classics) by Priest, Christopher
After Birth by Albert, Elisa
Be Frank With Me LP (Large Print Edition) by Johnson, Julia Claiborne
Beasts and Children by Parker, Amy
God Loves Haiti by Léger, Dimitry Elias
Funny Girl by Hornby, Nick
Green on Blue by Ackerman, Elliot
Where All Light Tends to Go by Joy, David
Water from My Heart by Martin, Charles
The Vegetarian by Kang, Han
Interface by Fiol, J. L.
In the Cave of Memory by Klein, Sheila Paris
Mansfield Park by Austen, Jane
Auf Gottes Wegen: Roman by Bjornson, Bjornstjerne
L'Île des Pingouins by France, Anatole
The Spy: The Story of a Superfluous Man by Gorky, Maksim
Sonnica y Acteon: Una tragedia griega by Romero, Albert Forment
Goethes Briefe an Eichstädt: mit Erläuterungen by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Goethe's Werke: Achter Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Geiger, Ludwig, Ehrlich, Moritz
Goethe's Werke: 17. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von, Geiger, Ludwig, Ehrlich, Moritz
A New Dawn in Deer Isle by Winton, Tom
Summer Light and Shadows by Gray, Gordon
Gnostika: oder Haus am See by Selber, Martin
Ethan Frome (Wisehouse Classics Edition - With an Introduction by Edith Wharton) by Wharton, Edith
Der leere Sockel by Mühlethaler, Hans
Visions: A Journey of Love and Respect by Pinnock, Harriet J.
Tour du Monde en 80 Jours by Verne, Jules
Die wunderbaren Abenteuer des Tartarin von Tarascon by Daudet, Alfonse
Tartarin aus Tarascon by Daudet, Alfonse
Wunderlicher Traum von einem großen Narrennest by A. Sancta Clara, Abraham
Heidelberger Erzählungen by Schmitthenner, Adolf
Das kleine Dummerle und andere Erzählungen by Sapper, Agnes
Die Familie Pfäffling by Sapper, Agnes
Der innere Kreis by Schramm, Albert
Der Pate des Todes by Stern, Adolf
Weltstadtbilder by Stoltze, Adolf
Schiffer Worse by Kielland, Alexander
Schnee by Kielland, Alexander Lange
Stille Helden by Boy-Ed, Ida
Voyage au Centre de la Terre by Verne, Jules
Spreemann & Co. by Berend, Alice
Ein Michel Angelo by Schmitthenner, Adolf
Emily's Blues by Williams, Connie
À Rebours by Huysmans, Joris-Karl
En rade by Huysmans, Joris-Karl
Die Götter dürsten by France, Anatole
Die Rote Lilie by France, Anatole
Das Hemd eines Glücklichen by France, Anatole
Der Versiegelte Engel und Andere Geschichten by Leskow, Nikolai
Of Crime and Passion by Harnisch, Jonathan
Aus der Chronika eines fahrenden Schülers by Brentano, Clemens
Leonora D'Orco by James, George Payne Rainsford
My Three Sicilies: Stories, Poems, and Histories by Amato, Joseph a.
Great expectations by Dickens, Charles
La Regenta by Alas, Leopoldo
Historique du monastère de Puyberland by Rondier, R. F.
La Historia de La Voz Silente by Poole, T. M.
Sentimental Tommy, The Story of His Boyhood (1896) by J.m.barrie by Barrie, J. M.
A Treatise on the Integral Calculus by Todhunter, I.
Passport to Peril by Block, Lawrence
Death and Letters by Daly, Elizabeth
Beyond the Edge by P. I. Kapllani
Doing Life in Paradise by Lines, Gary N.
Time-Keeper by Poyner, James R.
The Blemished Rose by LeMieux Jr, C. E.
El Galán Fantasma by Pedro Calderon De La Barca
Obsession Wears Opals by Bernard, Renee
Article 109 by Gregoire, Peter
A Song about Love by Bartsch, Sabine
The End of Days by Erpenbeck, Jenny
Kafka's Son by Leviant, Curt
René Leys by Segalen, Victor
Killing in God's Name by Wardlow, Lee
Christmas in Elm Grove by Krohn, Marie
Valley of Seven Castles: A Luxembourg Thriller by Cullen, John T.
Me and My Daddy Listen to Bob Marley: Novellas and Stories by Pancake, Ann
Making Nice by Sumell, Matt
Seahorse by Pariat, Janice
Party Headquarters by Tenev, Georgi
The Mapmaker's Children by McCoy, Sarah
The Wonder Garden by Acampora, Lauren
Prudence by Treuer, David
The Life of Elves by Barbery, Muriel
Whispering Shadows by Sendker, Jan-Philipp
Crossing the River by Johnson, Fenton
Odysseus Abroad: Odysseus Abroad: A novel by Chaudhuri, Amit
Jam on the Vine by Barnett, Lashonda Katrice
Square Wave by de Silva, Mark
The Tusk That Did the Damage: The Tusk That Did the Damage: A Novel by James, Tania
Get in Trouble: Stories by Link, Kelly
In Every Way by Brown, Nic
The Daredevils by Amdahl, Gary
Outline by Cusk, Rachel
A Collapse of Horses by Evenson, Brian
Private Citizens by Tulathimutte, Tony
Scissors, Paper, Rock by Johnson, Fenton
The Long-Winded Lady: Notes from the New Yorker by Brennan, Maeve
Father of Lies by Evenson, Brian
Last Days by Evenson, Brian
The Open Curtain by Evenson, Brian
Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard by Conrad, Joseph
The Flying Legion by England, George Allan
I Shot Bruce by Busang, Brett
The Luthier by Softley, S. a.
The Tatler: Vol. III by Aitken, George a.
The Tatler: Vol. IV by Aitken, George Atherton
The Spectator: Vol V by Aitken, George a.
Helen by Edgeworth, Maria
Tales Of India And Other Poems by Ramakrishna, T.
A child's garden of verses by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Toxophilus 1545 by Ascham, Roger
Los Incondicionales by Sánchez Martín, Pilar
Dis-moi, Lily Marlène by Normandeau, Michel
Long Time Ago Good by White, Lowell Mick
Brown Bottle by Compton, Sheldon Lee
Werke: 33. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Vermischte Schriften: Band 1 by Spielhagen, Friedrich
Goethes Tagebücher: 7. Band (1819-1820) by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Die acht Gesichter am Biwasee: japanische Liebesgeschichten by Dauthendey, Max
Werke: 18. Band by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
The Boulevard of Life by Decesare, Jason Felix
Condor and Hummingbird by Walker, Charlotte Zoe
A Sad History Of Beautiful Nostalgia: Skullburn '78 by Myers, Jason
Where the Rain Gets In by White, Adrian
Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery, L. M.
The Reckoning by Chambers, Robert W.
The Queen of Sheba & An Old Town By The Sea (2 Books) by Aldrich, Thomas Bailey
This Side of Paradise (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Cha-Cha-Chaos by Van Neste, Steven
The Berkeley Plan: a novel of the sixties by Powell, Barry B.
The Three Lives Of Jonathan Force by Hawley, Richard
A Woman Walking by King, Nancy
Hesterwine, Texas 1943 by Ryan, Dot
The Diary of Norman K by Ikonomou, Dimitrios
Déployer ses ailes (Volume 1) by Weber, Helene
Le linee parallele si incrociano by Marcolongo, Gian Paolo
Boy Hero by Walsh, Michael
Bulgarian Truck: A Building Site Beneath the Open Sky by Tsepeneag, Dumitru
The Utopian by Westlake, Michael
Lockdown by Black, Scott
Cronation by Allen, Pat B.
Kew Gardens by Woolf, Virginia
Dodge Rose by Cox, Jack
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