• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Figures in 1998

Anything for a Laugh: Memoirs by Nicol, Eric
The Selected Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson by
The Morning the Sun Went Down by Wilson, Darryl Babe
Tolstoy on the Couch: Misogyny, Masochism and the Absent Mother by Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
Indigenismo Hacia El Fin del Milenio: Homenaje a Antonio Cornejo-Polar by
The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: A Critical Biography by Ashton, Rosemary
Doing Battle: The Making of a Skeptic by Fussell, Paul
Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Biography by Conn, Peter
Life of Emanuel Swedenborg together with A Brief Synopsis of His Writings both Philosophical and Theosophical by White, William
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Good Men and Great by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again by Tremblay, Michel
Banana Boots by Fennario, David
Mary Moody Emerson and the Origins of Transcendentalism: A Family History by Cole, Phyllis
Walker Percy, the Last Catholic Novelist by Quinlan, Kieran
Peter Shaffer: Theatre and Drama by Macmurraugh-Kavanagh, Madeleine
Literature or Life by Semprun, Jorge
The First Woman in the Republic: A Cultural Biography of Lydia Maria Child by Karcher, Carolyn L.
Frank O'Hara: Poet Among Painters by Perloff, Marjorie
Matthew Arnold: A Literary Life by Machann, C.
Matthew Arnold: A Literary Life by Machann, C.
Matthew Arnold: A Literary Life by Machann, C.
Locke and Blake: A Conversation Across the Eighteenth Century by Glausser, Wayne
Selected Letters of Hamlin Garland by Garland, Hamlin
A Little Original Sin: The Life and Work of Jane Bowles by Dillon, Millicent
A Prince of Our Disorder: The Life of T. E. Lawrence by Mack, John E.
Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism by Walker, Alice
Andre and Oscar: The Literary Friendship of Andre Gide and Oscar Wilde by Fryer, Jonathan
Irving Howe--Socialist, Critic, Jew by Alexander, Edward
C. S. Lewis: Writer, Dreamer, and Mentor by Adey, Lionel
The Shadows of Heaven: Gurdjieff and Toomer by Taylor, Paul Beekman
Chekhov: The Hidden Ground by Callow, Philip
The Correspondence of Shelby Foote and Walker Percy by Foote, Shelby
Letters Between Katherine Mansfield and John Middleton Murray by Hankin, Cherry
School House in the Wind: A Trilogy by Anne Treneer by Treneer, Anne
Gender and Nationalism in Colonial Cuba: The Travels of Santa Cruz Y Montalvo, Condesa de Merlin by Rodenas, Adriana Mendez
The Journals of Sylvia Plath by Plath, Sylvia
An Edgar Allan Poe Chronology by Hammond, J.
Noel Coward: A Biography by Hoare, Philip
Hemingway: The 1930s by Reynolds, Michael
The Young Hemingway by Reynolds, Michael
Old Books, Rare Friends: Two Literary Sleuths and Their Shared Passion by Rostenberg, Leona, Stern, Madeline B.
The Letters of Charles Dickens: The Pilgrim Editionvolume 9: 1859-1861 by Dickens, Charles
Writing the Lives of Writers by
Shame by Ernaux, Annie
Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography by Fletcher, Loraine
Charlotte Smith: A Critical Biography by Fletcher, Loraine
Charlotte Smith by Fletcher, Loraine
May Sarton: Biography by Peters, Margot
Arnold Wesker: A Casebook by
Roland Barthes, Phenomenon and Myth: An Intellectual Biography by Stafford, Andrew
Tolstoy on the Couch: Misogyny, Masochism and the Absent Mother by Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
Writing the Lives of Writers by
A Backward Glance: An Autobiography by Wharton, Edith
The Life of Emily Dickinson by Sewall, Richard B.
Southern Selves: From Mark Twain and Eudora Welty to Maya Angelou and Kaye Gibbons A Collection of Autobiographical Writing by Watkins, James
The Abridged Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman by Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Tolstoy on the Couch: Misogyny, Masochism, and the Absent Mother by Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel
Reluctantly: Autobiographical Essays by Carruth, Hayden
Conversations of Goethe by Eckermann, Johann Peter
The Diaries of Dawn Powell: 1931-1965 by Powell, Dawn
Memoirs of a Beatnik by Di Prima, Diane
Close to the Bone: Memoirs of Hurt, Rage, and Desire by
Bitter Waters: Life And Work In Stalin's Russia by Healy, Ann, Andreev-Khomiakov, Gennady M.
Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years by Page, Norman
Jack London: A Life by Kershaw, Alex
A Hoosier Holiday by Dreiser, Theodore
How Reading Changed My Life by Quindlen, Anna
Boyhood: Scenes from Provincial Life by Coetzee, J. M.
Mikhail Bulgakov: The Early Years by Haber, Edythe C.
The Durrell-Miller Letters: 1935-1980 by Durrell, Lawrence, Miller, Henry
Walking in the Shade: Volume Two of My Autobiography--1949-1962 by Lessing, Doris
Burning the Days: Recollection (Ambassador Book Awards) by Salter, James
Evelyn Underhill: Artist of Infinite Life by Greene, Dana
Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily
Man from Babel by Jolas, Eugene
Auden and Isherwood: The Berlin Years by Page, Norman
Life of Goethe by Williams, John R.
Nearer, My God: An Autobiography of Faith by Buckley, William F., Jr.
Kate Chopin S Private Papers by
Jean Toomer and the Terrors of American History by Scruggs, Charles, Vandemarr, Lee
The Letters of Matthew Arnold: Volume 5 by Arnold, Matthew
The Assertive Woman in Zora Neale Hurston's Fiction, Folklore, and Drama by Peters, Pearlie Mae Fisher
The Selected Writings of William Hazlitt Vol 5 by Bromwich, David, Wu, Duncan, Paulin, Tom
Jorge Luis Borges: Conversations by
Selected Letters of Marianne Moore by Moore, Marianne
Golden Afternoon by Kaye, M. M.
Dickens: A Biography by Kaplan, Fred
Truman Capote: In Which Various Friends, Enemies, Acquaintences and Detractors Recall His Turbulent Career by Plimpton, George
Diaries of a Young Poet by Rilke, Rainer Maria
The Attic: Memoir of a Chinese Landlord's Son by Cao, Guanlong
Jane Austen: A Life by Nokes, David
The Actuality of Walter Benjamin by
Boris Pasternak: Volume 2, 1928 1960: A Literary Biography by Barnes, Christopher, Christopher, Barnes
Ted Hughes by Sagar, Keith
The Hemingway Women by Kert, Bernice
Shaking a Leg: Collected Journalism and Writings by Carter, Angela
The Making of Sir Philip Sidney by Berry, Edward
Who's Who of Pulitzer Prize Winners by
The Friends of Joe Gilmore by Saxon, Lyle
Planet of the Blind: A Memoir by Kuusisto, Stephen
Ayn Rand Cult by Walker, Jeff
Sentiment & Celebrity: Nathaniel Parker Willis and the Trials of Literary Fame by Baker, Thomas N.