• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Figures in 2015

The Martyred Armenian Writers: 1915-1922 by Markarian, Herand M.
Infancia: Andanzas de un niño de pueblo en la Extremadura de los setenta by Santos, Juan Maria Hoyas
A Memoir of Jane Austen by Austen-Leigh, James Edward
Geschichte meines Lebens by Sand, George
Wishing for Snow by Gwin, Minrose
In the Web of Ideas by Scribner, Charles
If Only You People Could Follow Directions: A Memoir by Nelson, Jessica Hendry
Frank Merriwell's Father: An Autobiography by Gilbert Pattne (Burt L. Standish) by Patten, Gilbert
Chaucer by Ward, Adolphus William
Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food: Recipes, Remedies & Simple Pleasures by Opie, Frederick Douglass, Opie, Fred
Zora Neale Hurston on Florida Food:: Recipes, Remedies & Simple Pleasures by Opie, Frederick Douglass
Si domino mi mente, controlo mi vida.: Lo que no enseñan en las escuelas by Munoz, Javier
Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet by Mu, Yang
Out of the Woods: A Memoir of Wayfinding by Darling, Lynn
Process: The Writing Lives of Great Authors by Stodola, Sarah
The Town That Haunted Hemingway: The Slip and Fall of Young Ernie's Spirituality: The Gradual Corruption fo America's Literary Genius by Wyant, David
The Oxford Inklings: Lewis, Tolkien and Their Circle by Duriez, Colin
Cayó la Noche by Hoz Pamos de la, Fernando
Call Me Burroughs: A Life by Miles, Barry
Lou Reed: The Last Interview: And Other Conversations by Reed, Lou
Shakespeare's Authentic Performance Texts: The Case for Staging from the First Folio by Watts, Graham
Something in the Water: Unreliable Biographies by Writers, Tunbridge Wells
Against Wind and Tide: Letters and Journals, 1947-1986 by Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert: Fassung letzter Hand by Benjamin, Walter
Berliner Chronik by Benjamin, Walter
Berliner Chronik (Großdruck) by Benjamin, Walter
Berliner Kindheit um Neunzehnhundert (Großdruck): Fassung letzter Hand by Benjamin, Walter
Lebensrückblick: Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salome, Lou
Lebensrückblick (Großdruck): Eine Autobiographie by Andreas-Salome, Lou
H.P. Lovecraft and the Stars by Price, E. Hoffmann
The Denver Beat Scene: The Mile-High Legacy of Kerouac, Cassady & Ginsberg by Kopp, Zack
Orientalische Briefe by Hahn-Hahn, Ida
Orientalische Briefe (Großdruck) by Hahn-Hahn, Ida
The Denver Beat Scene: The Mile-High Legacy of Kerouac, Cassady & Ginsberg by Kopp, Zack
Christopher and His Kind by Isherwood, Christopher
La vie de grands écrivains français... en un éclair et à rebours by Gaussel, Alix
La vie de grands écrivains américains... en un éclair et à rebours by Gaussel, Alix
How to Beat the Odds to Your Goal by Peprah-Gyamfi, Robert
Tastemaker by White, Edward
More Than Conquerors by Hustad, Megan
Witness To A Passing Show: Triloknath's Odyssey of SELF realization by , Triloknath
My Intimate Journey Into Taylor Caldwell's Life by Angelou, Soula
Drei Meister: Balzac, Dickens, Dostojewski by Zweig, Stefan
Modern Mythmakers: 35 Interviews with Horror & Science Fiction Writers and Filmmakers by McCarty, Michael
The Strange Case of Dr. Doyle: A Journey Into Madness and Mayhem by Friedman MD, Daniel, Friedman MD, Eugene
Court Trial by Babel, Michael
Homer and His Age by Lang, Andrew
James Baldwin: A Biography by Leeming, David
The Real Robert Burns by Hughes, J. L.
Farewell, Israel? or the Last Utopia by Babel, Michael
American Mythmaker: Walter Noble Burns and the Legends of Billy the Kid, Wyatt Earp, and Joaquín Murrieta by Dworkin, Mark J.
Étude sur Shakspeare by Guizot, Francois Pierre Guilaume
The 5F: a novelette by Roussetzki, Remy Joseph
Lifetime with Mark Twain by Lawton, Mary
Julian Barnes by Childs, Peter
Dunces by Babel, Michael
A Few Seconds of Radiant Filmstrip: A Few Seconds of Radiant Filmstrip: A Memoir of Seventh Grade by Brockmeier, Kevin
The Noble Hustle: Poker, Beef Jerky and Death by Whitehead, Colson
Walking the Winding River: A Biography of Mr. Toad Creator, Kenneth Grahame by Brody, Paul
El fil salvador by Tarrús, Marc
The Life of John Sterling by Carlyle, Thomas
Shakespeare's Lost Years in London by Acheson, Arthur
Sir Walter Scott by Saintsbury, George
My Israel by Babel, Michael
Joseph Conrad: A Psychoanalytic Biography by Meyer, Bernard Constant
Ina Coolbrith: The Bittersweet Song of California's First Poet Laureate by George, Aleta
American Vandal: Mark Twain Abroad by Morris, Roy
Souvenirs autobiographiques d'un mangeur d'opium by de Quincey, Thomas
Souvenirs autobiographiques d'un mangeur d'opium by de Quincey, Thomas
Unpolitische Erinnerungen by Muhsam, Erich
Owen Wister and the West: Volume 30 by Scharnhorst, Gary
Stations of the Heart: Parting with a Son by Lischer, Richard
An Aesthetic Underground: A Literary Memoir by Metcalf, John
The Art of Flight by Pitol, Sergio
An Earlier Life by Miller, Brenda
The Hemingway Log: A Chronology of His Life and Times by Chamberlin, Brewster
Les vagabonds du rail by London, Jack
The Bridge to Take When Things Get Serious by Jakiela, Lori
Life of Johnson by Boswell, James
My Recollections of Lord Byron and Those of Eye-Witnesses of His Life by Guiccioli, Teresa
Boswell's Enlightenment by Zaretsky, Robert
Valerii Pereleshin: The Life of a Silkworm by Bakich, Olga
The Story of My Heart: My Autobiography by Jefferies, Richard
Mark Twain in Ohio by Dawidziak, Mark
Begegnungen - Auf dem Zauberberg und anderswo: Thomas Mann - Rainer Maria Rilke - Andre Gide - Hugo von Hofmannsthal u.a. by Tunnat, Frederik D.
Nobel Laureates in Literature 1901 - 2014 by Majdi, Sam
Oscar Wilde's Chatterton: Literary History, Romanticism, and the Art of Forgery by Bristow, Joseph, Mitchell, Rebecca N.
Updike by Begley, Adam
Rain of Gold by
Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir by Mayes, Frances
Enlightenment in Ruins: The Geographies of Oliver Goldsmith by Griffin, Michael
La casa del columpio by Diaz Larez, Franklin Alberto
The Last Days of the Confederacy in Northeast Georgia by Chandler, Ray
The Last Days of the Confederacy in Northeast Georgia by Chandler, Ray
Good as Gone: My Life with Irving Layton by Pottier, Anna
A Collection of Indie and Published Author Interviews by Turner, Stevie
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Jack Kerouac: The Adventure of the Boulder '82 On The Road Conference - Finding Kerouac, Kesey and The Grateful Dead Alive & by Hassett, Brian
Chernobyl Strawberries by Goldsworthy, Vesna
Fire Season: A Memoir by Dexter, Hollye
Calcutta: Two Years in the City by Chaudhuri, Amit
Tibetan Peach Pie: A True Account of an Imaginative Life by Robbins, Tom
R. D. O'Leary (1866-1936): Notes from Mount Oread, 1914-1915 by O'Leary, M. R., O'Leary, D. S.
R. D. O'Leary (1866-1936): Notes from Mount Oread, 1914-1915 by O'Leary, D. S., O'Leary, M. R.
The World Is A Stage: Volume 1 of The Subtext Series by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett by Browning, Robert
Choking Strippers (and other bad things): Tales of Shame and Desperation in Wine Country by Zalaski, Bernhardt
Mark Twain in Berlin: Newly Discovered Stories & an Account of Twain's Berlin Adventures by Twain, Mark, Austilat, Andreas
Before They Were Titans: Essays on the Early Works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy by
Der mundtote Schweizer Private Banker by Reiss, Roger
The Long Hot Summer by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
Conversations with Michael Chabon by
Aldous Huxley: A Biography by Sawyer, Dana
Sir Walter Scott by Hutton, Richard Holt
Gosia's Children: A German-Polish Family History by May, Iris
Signed, Sealed, Delivered: Celebrating the Joys of Letter Writing by Sankovitch, Nina
Toni Morrison: A Literary Life by Wagner-Martin, L.
Waiblingers Leben: Eine Biographie des Dichters Wilhelm Waiblinger by Von Canitz, Hermann
Empire of Clouds by McBride, R. H.
The Wreck of the Hesperus by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Autobiography of an Ex Colored Man by Johnson, James Weldon
Scholem-Alejchem: Gedenket meiner mit Freuden by Finkel, Leonid
The Long Road by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
E. E. Cummings: A Life by Cheever, Susan
Dante: A Life in Works by Hollander, Robert
Samuel Roth, Infamous Modernist by Gertzman, Jay A.
Drei Meister: Balzac - Dickens - Dostojewski by Zweig, Stefan
Riding on Comets: A Memoir by Pleska, Cat
Life Upon the Wicked Stage: A Memoir by Cavalieri, Grace
The Alpine Path by Montgomery, Lucy Maud
Finding Abbey: The Search for Edward Abbey and His Hidden Desert Grave by Prentiss, Sean
Marrying Santiago by Adam, Suzanne
Eton Society of Arts by Harrison, Glenys
Michigan Literary Luminaries: From Elmore Leonard to Robert Hayden by Clark, Anna
Mono No Aware by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
The Alvarez Generation: Thom Gunn, Geoffrey Hill, Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, and Peter Porter by Wootten, William
Walt Whitman and the Culture of American Celebrity by Blake, David Haven
American Smoke by Sinclair, Iain
Life Among the Savages by Jackson, Shirley
Raising Demons by Jackson, Shirley
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott - Volume I by Lockhart, John Gibson
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott - Volume IV by Lockhart, John Gibson
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott - Volume V by Lockhart, John Gibson
Memoirs of the Life of Sir Walter Scott - Volume VI by Lockhart, John Gibson
Flannery O'Connor: Fiction Fired by Faith by O'Donnell, Angela Ailamo
Love for Family, Friends, and Books by Ziólkowska-Boehm, Aleksandra
l'arcade by Mencatelli, Lucio
The Life of John Milton - Volume III by Masson, David
The Life of John Milton - Volume V by Masson, David
Farewell to Prague by Darvas, Miriam
Splendor by Zindell, David
FROM GREENHORN TO SENIOR BOY My Secondary School Days by Peprah-Gyamfi, Robert
Hunting with Hemingway by Hemingway, Hilary, Lindsay, Jeff
The Extraordinary Life of Rebecca West: A Biography by Gibb, Lorna
In the House of the Interpreter: A Memoir by Wa Thiong'o, Ngugi
Rider Haggard: His Extraordinary Life and Colonial Work by Clarke, Geoffrey
Beyond the Land of Narnia: The Story of C.S. Lewis by McPherson, Joyce
Bloomsbury's Outsider: A Life of David Garnett by Knights, Sarah
From the Cincinnati Reds to the Moscow Reds: The Memoirs of Irwin Weil by Weil, Irwin
Lunch With a Bigot: The Writer in the World by Kumar, Amitava
Lunch with a Bigot: The Writer in the World by Kumar, Amitava
Wordsworth by Myers, Frederic William Henry
Virginia Woolf: A Portrait by Forrester, Viviane
Homage to Catalonia by Orwell, George
Russian Silver Age Poetry: Texts and Contexts by
Russian Silver Age Poetry: Texts and Contexts by
James Larkin Pearson: A Biography of North Carolina's Longest Serving Poet Laureate by Taylor, Gregory S.
Bacon by Church, Richard William
Conversations with W. S. Merwin by
Atheist in a Foxhole: One Man's Quest for Meaning: Reflections, Insights, and Legacy of Richard Alan Langhinrichs (1921-1990) by
Gifts from the Spirit: Reflections on the Diaries and Letters of Anne Morrow Lindbergh by Dickson, Kim Jocelyn
Wings of Desire by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
Milton by Pattison, Mark
Machado de Assis: A Literary Life by Jackson, K. David
The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses by Birmingham, Kevin
Yeats's Ghosts by Maddox, Brenda
Singing My Him Song by McCourt, Malachy
Sleeping with Cats: A Memoir by Piercy, Marge
Letters to America: Selected Poems of Reuven Ben-Yosef by
Tagore the Eternal Seeker: Footprints of a World Traveller by
Agha Babur Se Muraasalat by Babur, Agha, Ahmed, Muniruddin
Tombées en amour... pour la douleur by Romanoff, Daniela Asaro
In Search of Sir Thomas Browne: The Life and Afterlife of the Seventeenth Century's Most Inquiring Mind by Aldersey-Williams, Hugh
Balzac by Saltus, Edgar
Kafka, the Years of Insight by Stach, Reiner
Rollercoaster by Rothen, Ines C.
Shakespeare, Bacon and the Great Unknown by Lang, Andrew
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-1918 by Loconte, Joseph
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-1918 by Loconte, Joseph
Elizabeth Barrett of Torquay by Simister, Lucy May
Sous Rature by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
John Green: Teen Whisperer by Deakin, Kathleen, Brown, Laura A., Blasingame, James
Ludmila Ulitskaya and the Art of Tolerance by Skomp, Elizabeth
Aur Panchhi Ud Gaya by Prabhakar, Vishnu
Memory Cards by Brantley, Michael K.
The Story of My People: From Rural Southern Italy to Mainstream America by Mignone, Mario B.
Frankenstein Diaries: The Romantics: The Secret Memoirs of Mary Shelley by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, January, Michael
A Little BS by Leonard, Timothy M.
Chesterton and the Jews: Friend, Critic, Defender by Farmer, Ann
Sir Walter Scott by Saintsbury, George
Introduction and Brief Biography of Honore de Balzac by Saintsbury, George
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