• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Figures in 2016

Confessions of a Homegrown Alien by Smith, Jan
Views from the Edge: An Autobiomythography by Wallace, Diana
Strangers In Our Own Lands: Cast Adrift in Aotearoa by De Forest, G. A.
Writing West Virginia: Place, People, and Poverty in Contemporary Literature from the Mountain State by Creasman, Boyd
Cry Into the Wind: A True Story by Bach, Othello
We Need Silence to Find Out What We Think: Selected Essays by Hazzard, Shirley
Anne Perry and the Murder of the Century by Graham, Peter
Reading Aboriginal Women's Life Stories by Brewster, Anne
Steps Along the Path by Warren, Stanley
The Fiction Factory by Cook, William Wallace
The Pirate by Gnarr, Jón
Living on Paper: Letters from Iris Murdoch, 1934-1995 by Murdoch, Iris
Ebner-Eschenbach by Reuter, Gabriele
The Immortal Dickens by Gissing, George
To the Person Sitting in Darkness (annotated) by Twain, Mark
The Book of Love: Improvisations on a Crazy Little Thing by Rosenblatt, Roger
Sympathy for the Devil by Mewshaw, Michael
Alone...But Never Lonely: Katherine by Lee, K.
Typewriter Killer: H. Beam Piper by Carr, John F.
La Russie en 1839, Tome I by De Custine, Le Marquis
La Russie en 1839 Tome Ii by De Custine, Le Marquis
Wilkie Collins's American Tour, 1873-4 by Hanes, Susan R.
La Russie en 1839 by De Custine, Le Marquis
La Russie en 1839 Tome IV by De Custine, Le Marquis
Conversations with Barry Hannah by
Buch der Kindheit (Großdruck): Lebenslauf eines Optimisten Band 1 by Ganghofer, Ludwig
Buch der Jugend (Großdruck): Lebenslauf eines Optimisten Band 2 by Ganghofer, Ludwig
Buch der Freiheit (Großdruck): Lebenslauf eines Optimisten Band 3 by Ganghofer, Ludwig
My Shoes Don't Fit: A Young Man's Conversation With God by Botchwey, Richard Paa Kofi
Fantasia Impromptu: & Finis by Decasseres, Benjamin
The Secrets of Grown-Ups: An Autobiography by Caspary, Vera
Writing Between the Lines: Portraits of Canadian Anglophone Translators by
Hermann Hesse: Sein Leben und sein Werk by Ball, Hugo
Babushka's Beads: New and Selected Poems by Ritchie, Elisavietta
Writer Volume 3 by Lupoff, Richard a.
I Heard It Through the Grapevine: Asa Benveniste and Trigram Press by Reed, Jeremy, Benveniste, Asa
My Lives by White, Edmund
Bacon by Church, Richard William
Life and Letters of Robert Browning by Orr, Mrs Sutherland
Milton by Pattison, Mark
The Shakespeare Files: A Primer for Students by Robbins, B. J.
White Dwarf by Mann, Warren
Asculta-Ti Gandul Si Implineste-Ti Visele: Roman by Caragea, Ionut
The Life of George Borrow by Jenkins, Herbert
Map of Life and Beauty: A Memoir by Barry, Fanny
Letters from Langston: From the Harlem Renaissance to the Red Scare and Beyond by Hughes, Langston
Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light: 1887-1920 by Wingett, Matt
An Incredible Talent for Existing: A Writer's Story by Jane, Pamela
Letters from Langston: From the Harlem Renaissance to the Red Scare and Beyond by Hughes, Langston
Life and Letters of Robert Browning by Orr, Mrs Sutherland
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland (1753) Volume I by Cibber, Theophilus
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Volume II by Cibber, Theophilus
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Volume III by Cibber, Theophilus
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Volume IV by Cibber, Theophilus
The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland Volume V by Cibber, Theophilus
The Iceberg: A Memoir by Coutts, Marion
The Beats Abroad: A Global Guide to the Beat Generation by Morgan, Bill
Romantic Outlaws: The Extraordinary Lives of Mary Wollstonecraft & Mary Shelley by Gordon, Charlotte
Old Came Rectory by Proctor, Sedley
Adoquines calados by López, Edgardo
Adoquines calados by López, Edgardo
Germaine von Staël: Ein Buch anläßlich ihrer by Boy-Ed, Ida
Das Martyrium der Charlotte von Stein: Versuch ihrer Rechtfertigung by Boy-Ed, Ida
Charlotte von Kalb: Eine psychologische Studie by Boy-Ed, Ida
The English Professor: Raphael Dorman O'Leary by O'Leary, Margaret R., O'Leary, Dennis S.
The English Professor: Raphael Dorman O'Leary by O'Leary, Margaret R., O'Leary, Dennis S.
Alexander Pope by Stephen, Leslie
Escritores Celebres - Undecimo Volumen: Undecimo Volumen del Noveno Libro de la Serie 365 Selecciones.com by Corrado, Pedro Daniel
Alfred Tennyson by Lang, Andrew
Fallen Star: A biography of Gail Russell by Ochoa, Steven Glenn
Maeve Brennan: Homesick at the New Yorker by Bourke, Angela
Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013 by Thacker, Robert
Ma mere a dit: Recueil de Madeleine by Schmidt, P.
Slave to the Vine: Confessions of a Vagabond Cellarhand by Delmore, Darren
The Golden Age by Grahame, Kenneth
A la luz de la tiniebla, biografia poetica: poemario by Cruz, Nora
Ross Calvin Hardcover by Hamm, Ron
The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Histoire de ma jeunesse: Francois Arago by A. M., D. D.
My 1964 The Year of Sex and Fiction by White, Stephen Leon
The Love Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft to Gilbert Imlay by Wollstonecraft, Mary, Imlay, Gilbert
Conversations with Andre Dubus by
Mayne Reid by Reid, Elizabeth
Matthew Arnold by Saintsbury, George
The Middle Years by James, Henry
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood by Grimsley, Jim
I'm Dyin' Here: A Life in the Paper by Grobaty, Tim
Reasons to Stay Alive by Haig, Matt
Verses by Furness, W. H.
The Three Brontes by Sinclair, May
Vergil - A Biography by Frank, Tenney
Dreaming of Columbus: A Boyhood in the Bronx by Pearson, Michael
Gedankengut aus meinen Wanderjahren by Dauthendey, Max
Goethe: Eine Biographie by Doring, Heinrich
Schiller: Eine Biographie by Doring, Heinrich
Wieland: Eine Biographie by Doring, Heinrich
The Assertive Woman in Zora Neale Hurston's Fiction, Folklore, and Drama by Peters, Pearlie Mae Fisher
Spellbound: Growing Up in God's Country by McKain, David
Ross Calvin Softcover by Hamm, Ron
Conan Doyle and the Mysterious World of Light, 1887-1920 (Hardback Edition) by Wingett, Matt
The Lights of Pointe-Noire: A Memoir by Mabanckou, Alain
Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens by G. K. Chesterton
The Great Failure: My Unexpected Path to Truth by Goldberg, Natalie
C. S. Lewis -- A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet by McGrath, Alister
The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained by DK
Lebenserinnerungen: Ein Stück deutschen Lebens by Eucken, Rudolf
The Winter Sun Shines in: A Life of Masaoka Shiki by Keene, Donald
Ordinary Light: A Memoir by Smith, Tracy K.
When the World Breaks Open by Reza, Seema
A Baby - Boomer Tells All by King, Dennis F.
Comrade Huppert: A Poet in Stalin's World by Huppert, George
All the Wild That Remains: Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and the American West by Gessner, David
S. Weir Mitchell, 1829-1914: Philadelphia's Literary Physician by Cervetti, Nancy
William Carlos Williams: A New World Naked by Mariani, Paul
Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue Wit by Patterson, William H.
Image for Investigation: About my Father by Meckel, Christoph
Library of Luminaries: Jane Austen: An Illustrated Biography by Alkayat, Zena
Dream Song: The Life of John Berryman by Mariani, Paul
A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century by Charyn, Jerome
Le combat mélodieux d'une vie démesurée...: Ma seule vie s'éteint par la cause d'un vaccin, Et mon monde serein s'efface de mes refrains. by Prato, Muriel
Autobiographical Writing by Early Modern Hispanic Women by Howe, Elizabeth Teresa
Jonathan Swift: Irish Blow-In by Hammond, Eugene
In the Land of Pain by Daudet, Alphonse
Mémoires d'un artiste by Gounod, Charles
B & Me: A True Story of Literary Arousal by Hallman, J. C.
Sandpapers: The Lives and Letters of Eugene Manlove Rhodes and Charles Fletcher Lummis by Clark, Frank M.
Whole Cloth: the Quilt of Literature by Deemer, Charles
Suburban Gospel by Beaver, Mark
Goethe: A Very Short Introduction by Robertson, Ritchie
Crash Course: Essays from Where Writing and Life Collide by Black, Robin
Hermann Hesse: Sein Leben und sein Werk by Ball, Hugo
Jonathan Swift: Our Dean by Hammond, Eugene
Will in the World: How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare by Greenblatt, Stephen
Young Eliot: From St. Louis to the Waste Land by Crawford, Robert
John Knowles' a Separate Peace: Bookmarked by Gann, Kirby
Robert Cantwell and the Literary Left: A Northwest Writer Reworks American Fiction by Reed, T. V.
The Balcony King by Byer, Joshua
The Lonely House: A Short Biography of Emily Dickinson by Brody, Paul
Milton by Pattison, Mark
The Etiquette of Freedom: Gary Snyder, Jim Harrison, and the Practice of the Wild by Snyder, Gary, Harrison, Jim
Tolstoy by Rolland, Romain
Boswell's Life of Johnson by Boswell, James
Naguib Mahfouz: The Pursuit of Meaning by El-Enany, Rasheed
Acknowledged Legislator: Critical Essays on the Poetry of Martín Espada by
The Real Midnight In Paris: A History of the Expatriate Writers in Paris That Made Up the Lost Generation by Paul, Brody
Coleridge by Traill, H. D.
The Wreck of the Whaleship Essex: The History of the Shipwreck That Inspired Moby Dick by Brinkley, Howard
Essays on Modern Novelists by Phelps, William Lyon
Robert Browning: How to Know Him by Phelps, William Lyon
Essays of Robert Louis Stevenson by Phelps, William Lyon
The Poetry of Walt Whitman by Phelps, William Lyon
The Letters of Anne Gilchrist and Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt
Joseph Brodsky and the Creation of Exile by Bethea, David M.
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume IV: 1893-1896 by Morris, William
The King of Inventors: A Life of Wilkie Collins by Peters, Catherine
Wallace Stevens: The Making of Harmonium by
Joseph Conrad: A Psychoanalytic Biography by Meyer, Bernard Constant
Edmund Wilson: Centennial Reflections by
Paul Elmer More by Dakin, Arthur Hazard
The Collected Letters of William Morris, Volume III: 1889-1892 by Morris, William
To Be an Author: Letters of Charles W. Chesnutt, 1889-1905 by
Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Hanneman, Audre
The Days of Henry Thoreau: A Biography by Harding, Walter
Wallace Stevens: A Celebration by Doggett, Frank, Buttel, Robert
Transformations, Ideology, and the Real in Defoe's Robinson Crusoe and Other Narratives: Finding The Thing Itself by Novak, Maximillian E.
After Perfect: A Daughter's Memoir by McDowell, Christina
Ink in Her Veins: The Troubled Life of Aileen Palmer by Martin, Sylvia
What Comes Next and How to Like It: A Memoir by Thomas, Abigail
Charles Baudelaire - sa vie et son oeuvre: Au-delà des fleurs du mal by Asselineau, Charles
Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts, Perhaps Worthy of Memory in my Past Life by Ruskin, John
Diary & Letters of Madame D'Arblay (1778-1840) by Burney, Fanny, Barrett, Charlotte, Dobson, Austin
The Diary of Samuel Pepys: With Selections From his Correspondence by Pepys, Samuel, Morley, Henry
The Diary of Samuel Pepys: With Selections From his Correspondence by Morley, Henry, Pepys, Samuel
In Dreams by Vaughn, Cari Lynn
The Diary of Samuel Pepys: With Selections From his Correspondence by Morley, Henry, Pepys, Samuel
Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay, Author of Evelina, Cecilia, &c by Burney, Fanny, Barrett, Charlotte
Praeterita: Outlines of Scenes and Thoughts, Perhaps Worthy of Memory in my Past Life by Ruskin, John
Simplicity and Tolstoy by Chesterton, G. K. 1874-1936
The Diary of Samuel Pepys: With Selections From his Correspondence by Morley, Henry, Pepys, Samuel
The Diary of Samuel Pepys: Transcribed by the Late Rev. Mynors Bright, From the Shorthand Manuscript in the Pepysian Library, Magdalene College, Cambr by Bright, Mynors, Wheatley, Henry Benjamin, Pepys, Samuel
The Novels and Tales of Robert Louis Stevenson by Osbourne, Lloyd, Stevenson, Fanny Van De Grift, Stevenson, Robert Louis
The Works Of The English Poets: Virgil, Trans. By Dryden by Johnson, Samuel
The Life Of Samuel Johnson: Including A Journal Of His Tour To The Hebrides, Volume 7 by Boswell, James, Wright, John
Drei Meister by Zweig, Stefan
Pepys and His Contemporaries by Ollard, Richard
Mark Twain: The Gift of Humor by Kolb, Harold H.
Charles Dickens and His Circle by Hawksley, Lucinda
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five: Bookmarked by Smith, Curtis
Shakespeare: The World as Stage by Bryson, Bill
The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood, now First Collected With Illustrative Notes and a Memoir of the Author by Pearson, John, Heywood, Thomas
The Dramatic Works of Thomas Heywood, now First Collected With Illustrative Notes and a Memoir of the Author by Heywood, Thomas, Pearson, John
The Diary Of Samuel Pepys ...: For The First Time Fully Transcribed From The Shorthand Manuscript In The Pepysian Library, Volume 8 by Pepys, Samuel
The Writings Of Bret Harte, Volume 1 by Harte, Bret
The Writings Of Bret Harte, Volume 20 by Harte, Bret
The Writings Of Bret Harte, Volume 3 by Harte, Bret
Shakespeare's Symmetries: The Mirrored Structure of Action in the Plays by Ryan, James E.
Erinnerungen by Thoma, Ludwig
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil by Hicok, Bethany
Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil by Hicok, Bethany
Disintegration of the Atom and Petersburg Winters by Ivanov, Georgy
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