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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2000

Simplicius: On Aristotle Categories 9-15 by Gaskin, Richard
Introduction To The Theory Of Logic by Zalabardo, Jose L.
Persons and Bodies: A Constitution View by Baker, Lynne Rudder
Persons and Bodies by Baker, Lynne Rudder
Reasoning Practically by Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter
Labelled Non-Classical Logics by Viganò, Luca
Exploring Interpersonal Trust in the Entrepreneurial Venture by Dibben, M.
From Instrumentalism to Constructive Realism: On Some Relations Between Confirmation, Empirical Progress, and Truth Approximation by Kuipers, Theo A. F.
Manifest Rationality: A Pragmatic Theory of Argument by Johnson, Ralph H.
Mathematics as a Science of Patterns by Resnik, Michael D.
Foucault in 90 Minutes: Philosophers in 90 Minutes by Strathern, Paul
Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons by
Francis Bacon: The New Organon by Bacon, Francis, Jardine, Lisa
The Classification of Visual Art by Sutton, Tiffany
Francis Bacon: The New Organon by Bacon, Francis
How to Think about the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization by Adler, Mortimer
Rights, Equality, and Liberty: Universidad Torcuato Di Tella Law and Philosophy Lectures 1995-1997 by
Phenomenology on Kant, German Idealism, Hermeneutics and Logic: Philosophical Essays in Honor of Thomas M. Seebohm by
A Subject with No Object: Strategies for Nominalistic Interpretation of Mathematics by Burgess, John P., Rosen, Gideon
Logic, Cause and Action: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Anscombe by Teichmann, Roger
Abduction and Induction: Essays on Their Relation and Integration by
The Notion of an Ideal Audience in Legal Argument by Christie, George
>Umlaut: A Comparative Analysis of German and Chamorro by Klein, Thomas B.
Foundations Without Foundationalism: A Case for Second-Order Logic by Shapiro, Stewart
Logic: An Introduction by Ruby, Lionel
Putting Skeptics in Their Place: The Nature of Skeptical Arguments and Their Role in Philosophical Inquiry by Greco, John
Formal Aspects of Context by
Aktive Synthesen: Aus Der Vorlesung Transzendentale Logik 1920/21: Ergänzungsband Zu "Analysen Zur Passiven Synthesis" by Breeur, Roland, Husserl, Edmund
On Clear and Confused Ideas by Millikan, Ruth Garrett
On Clear and Confused Ideas: An Essay about Substance Concepts by Millikan, Ruth Garrett
Arguing Well by Shand, John
Logic and Language in Wittgenstein's Tractatus by Proops, Ian
Philosophical Theories of Probability by Gillies, Donald
Philosophical Theories of Probability by Gillies, Donald
On Aristotle's "categories 9-15" by Simplicius
Naturalism in Mathematics by Maddy, Penelope
Philosophy of Mathematics: Structure and Ontology by Shapiro, Stewart
A Boole Anthology: Recent and Classical Studies in the Logic of George Boole by
Proof Theory by
Basic Questions on Truth by Weingartner, P.
Scare Tactics: Arguments That Appeal to Fear and Threats by Walton, Douglas
An Introduction to Logic by Joseph, H. W. B.
Frege Intro to Founder Mod Philosophy by Kenny, Anthony
Thinking about Mathematics: The Philosophy of Mathematics by Shapiro, Stewart
Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart by Gigerenzer, Gerd, Todd, Peter M., Abc Research Group
Intention by Anscombe, G. E. M.
Hegel's Dialectical Logic by Bencivenga, Ermanno
Parts: A Study in Ontology by Simons, Peter
A Short Introduction to Intuitionistic Logic by Mints, Grigori
The Idealist Illusion and Other Essays: Translation and Introduction by Fiachra Long, Annotations by Fiachra Long and Claude Troisfontaines by Blondel, Maurice
Plab: 1000 Extended Matching Questions by Coales, Una F.
Mathematical Logic: A Course with Exercises Part I: Propositional Calculus, Boolean Algebras, Predicate Calculus, Completeness Theorems by Cori, Rene, Lascar, Daniel
Mathematical Logic: A Course with Exercises Part I: Propositional Calculus, Boolean Algebras, Predicate Calculus, Completeness Theorems by Cori, Rene, Cori, Lascar
To Mock a Mockingbird by Smullyan, Raymond M.
Logic and Language: Indian Philosophy by
Conceptual Notation and Related Articles by Frege, Gottlob
On the Purity of the Art of Logic: The Shorter and the Longer Treatises by Burley, Walter
Metaphor and the Dynamics of Knowledge by Weingart, Peter, Maasen, Sabine
Logical Forms: An Introduction to Philosophical Logic by Sainsbury, Mark
Theories of Vagueness by Keefe, Rosanna
Handbook of Defeasible Reasoning and Uncertainty Management Systems: Algorithms for Uncertainty and Defeasible Reasoning by
Exercises in Constructive Imagination by Bencivenga, Ermanno
Medieval Formal Logic: Obligations, Insolubles and Consequences by