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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2010

Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 1 by Stewart, Dugald
Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind, Volume 2 by Stewart, Dugald
Handbook of Set Theory, 3-Volume Set by
Understanding St. Thomas on Analogy by Mortensen, John R.
Chomsky Notebook by
Chomsky Notebook by
Leçons Sur Les Origines de la Science Grecque by Milhaud, Gaston
Logic, Language and Method - On Polarities in Human Experience: Philosophical Papers by Lorenz, Kuno
Meaning, Use and Truth by Guldmann, Finn, Collin, Finn
Infinite Regress Arguments by Gratton, Claude
Logick: Or, the Right Use of Reason in the Enquiry After Truth, Part 4 (Large Print Edition) by Watts, Isaac
Artificial General Intelligence by
The A to Z of Logic by Gensler, Harry J.
Essai De Logique Objective; Ou, Théorie De La Connaissance De La Vérité Et De La Certitude by Tissot, Joseph
Uber Die Kritische Logik (1904) by Goesch, Heinrich
Uber Moglichkeit Und Wahrscheinlichkeit (1915) by Meinong, Alexius
Traite De Philosophie Scolastique V1: Vocabulaire, Logique Et Metaphysique Generale (1909) by Blanc, Elie
Zur Grammatik Und Logik (1902) by Mauthner, Fritz
Beitrage Zur Logik (1912) by Riehl, Alois
Beitrage Zur Logik Der Urtheile Und Schlusse (1901) by Pokorny, Ignaz
Abriss Der Logik Und Die Lehre Von Den Trugschlussen (1901) by
Der Streit Der Psychologisten Und Formalisten In Der Modernen Logik (1902) by Palagyi, Melchior
Uber Logische Und Asthetische Allgemeingultigkeit (1908) by Kroner, Richard
Begriff Und Ding: Eine Logische Untersuchung (1899) by Fisch, Max
De La Classification Des Sciences: Etude Logique (1888) by Naville, Adrien
Neue Darstellung Der Logik Nach Ihren Einfachsten Verhaltnissen (1851) by Drobisch, Moritz Wilhelm
Elemente Der Philosophie V1: Logik Und Noetik (1894) by Hagemann, Georg
Breviarium Philosophiae Scholasticae, Part 1: Logica Et Metaphysica Generalis (1868) by Grandclaude, Eugenio
Traite De Logique (1844) by Duval-Jouve, Joseph
Neuer Grundriss Der Transscendentalen Logik Und Der Metaphysik Nach Den Principien Der Wissenschaftslehre, Part 1 (1801) by Schad, Johann Baptist
Abriss Des Systemes Der Logik Als Philosophischer Wissenschaft (1828) by Krause, Karl Christian Friedrich
Des Antibarbarus Logicus, Part 1: Allgemeine Formule Logik (1853) by Caius, M.
Neuer Grundriss Der Logik (1878) by Pokorny, Ignaz
De Endelige Transformations-Gruppers Theori (1889) by Valentiner, Hermann
Philosophische Propadeutik Oder Die Hauptlehren Der Logik Und Psychologie (1868) by Rumpel, Theodor
Kurzgefasste Logik Und Psychologie (1890) by Kroman, Kristian, Bendixen, Friedrich
Das Fundamentum Dividendi: Oder Von Dem Logischen Verhaltnisse Zwischen Dem Hauptsatze Und Den Theilen Der Predigt (1851) by Ziegler, Friedrich Ernst
Der Situationskalkul (1851) by Scheffler, Hermann
System Der Logik Und Metaphysik Oder Wissenschaftslehre (1865) by Fischer, Kuno
La Logique De L'Absolu: Une Loi De L'Esprit Humain Et Sa Portee Philosophique (1887) by Braun, Edmond
Beitrage Zur Logik (1912) by Riehl, Alois
Beitrage Zur Feststellung Der Beziehungen Zwischen Den Logischen Und Ethischen Prinzipien (1899) by Scheler, Max Ferdinand
Zur Grammatik Und Logik (1902) by Mauthner, Fritz
Elemente Der Philosophie V1: Logik Und Noetik (1894) by Hagemann, Georg
Philosophy: An Innovative Introduction: Fictive Narrative, Primary Texts, and Responsive Writing by Boylan, Michael, Johnson, Charles
Introduction à la philosophie analytique: Paradoxes, arguments et problèmes contemporains by Franceschi, Paul
Philosophical Perspectives on Mathematical Practice by
Beyond Description: Naturalism and Normativity by
Oeuvres Complètes de Thomas Reid. Publ. Par T. Jouffroy, Avec Des Fragments de M. Royer-Collard by Royer-Collard, Pierre Paul, Reid, Thomas
The Science of Logic: Or, an Analysis of the Laws of Thought by Mahan, Asa
Logic for Philosophy by Sider, Theodore
Pantheism - The Light and Hope of Modern Reason by Amryc, C.
Essais De Critique Générale: Premier-Essai... by Renouvier, Charles
Corso Elementare Di Filosofia V1: Psicologia Percettiva, Logica (1901) by Cantoni, Carlo
The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel
As Instituicoes Da Logica: Escritas Para O Uso Dos Principiantes (1806) by Genovesi, Antonio
Almindelig Logik (1813) by Treschow, Niels
Esquisse D'Une Histoire De La Logique: Precedee D'Une Analyse Etendue De L'Organum D'Aristote (1838) by Franck, Adolphe
Excerpta Ex Aristotelis Organo, De Simplicibus Terminis, De Propositione, Et De Syllogismo (1802) by Aristotle
Beitrage Zur Forderung Der Logik, Noetik Und Wissenschaftslehre V1: Der Prospekt Ganz Und Die Introduktion Zur Grosseren Halfte (1864) by Friedrich, Ernst Ferdinand
Dan. Wyttenbachii Praecepta Philosophiae Logicae (1820) by Maass, Johann Gebhard Ehrenreich
Die Bedeutung Der Logik Fur Den Jetzigen Standpunkt Der Philosophie (1849) by Prantl, Carl
Bernard Bolzano's Paradoxien Des Unendlichen (1831) by Prihonsky
Aristoteles Sophistische Widerlegungen (1883) by Kirchmann, Julius Hermann
Artis Logicae Rudimenta: From The Text Of Aldrich (1862) by Mansel, Henry Longueville
Praelectiones Philosophicae Ad Mentem S. Thomae Aquinatis V1: Logica Et Anthropologia (1878) by Vallet, Pierre
Philosophia Rationalis, Quae Logica Vulgo Dicitur, Multum Aucta Et Emendata, Part 1 (1746) by Hollmann, Samuel Christian
Lezioni Di Logica E Metafisica V1-2 (1845) by Galluppi, Pasquale
Denklehre Oder Logik (1806) by Krug, Wilhelm Traugott
Aristotle's Posterior Analytics (1901) by
Versuch Einer Begrundung Und Neuen Darstellung Der Logischen Formen (1819) by Reinhold, Ernst
Il Parallelismo Di Clifford Negli Spazii Ellittici (1900) by Fubini, Guido
Des Formes Imaginaires En Algèbre: Leurs Interprétation En Abstrait Et En Concret by Vallès, François
Insitutio Logicae: Ad Communes Usus Accommodata by Wallis, John
Phenomenology and Mathematics by
Non-deductive Inferences in the Talmud by Schild, Uri, Abraham, Michael, Gabbay, Dov
Rational Episodes: Logic for the Intermittently Reasonable by Parsons, Keith M.
Comentarios V1: Sobre El Nuevo Sistema De Logica Inductiva Y Deductiva (1904) by Parra, Porfirio
Die Logik Als Aufgabe: Eine Studie Uber Die Beziehung Zwischen Phanomenologie Und Logik Zugleich Eine Einleitung In Die Ordnungslehre (1913) by Driesch, Hans
Die Logik: Auf Dem Scheidewege (1903) by Palagyi, Melchior
Grundlagen Der Geometrie (1903) by Hilbert, David
Grundlagen Der Geometrie (1903) by Hilbert, David
Grundlagen Der Logik Und Erkenntnislehre: Eine Untersuchung Der Formen Und Prinzipien Objektiv Wahrer Erkenntnis (1909) by Geyser, Joseph
Het Schaakprobleem: Theorie En Practijk (1906) by Hertog, H. J. Den
Erkenntnisstheoretische Logik (1878) by Schuppe, Wilhelm
Die Formale Logik Kant's In Ihren Beziehungen Zur Transcendentalen (1879) by Steckelmacher, Moritz
Grundgesetze Der Arithmetik V1-2: Begriffsschriftlich Abgeleitet (1893) by Frege, Gottlob
Des Formes Imaginaires En Algebre: Leur Interpretation En Abstrait Et En Concret (1869) by Valles, Francois
Grundriss Der Ersten Logik, Gereiniget Von Den Irrthummern Bisheriger Logiken Uberhaupt, Der Kantischen Insbesondere (1800) by Bardili, Christoph Gottfried
Beitrage Zur Lehre Vom Hypothetischen Urtheile (1871) by Sigwart, Christoph
Die Hauptsatze Der Quaternionentheorie (1900) by Study, Eduard
Die Reform Der Logik (1874) by Harms, Friedrich
Essai De Logique Scientifique: Prolegomenes Suivis D'Une Etude Sur La Question Du Mouvement Consideree Dans Ses Rapports (1865) by Delboeuf, Joseph
Grundlehren Der Logik: Nach Richard Shute's Discourse On Truth (1883) by
Introduzione Alla Logica (1869) by Paoli, Alessandro
Die Grundfragen Der Logik (1858) by Katzenberger, Martin
Essais De Logique: Lecons Faites A La Sorbonne De 1848 A 1856 (1857) by Waddington, Charles
Il Vero Nell' Ordine O Ontologia E Logica V2 (1891) by Conti, Augusto
Die Modificationen Der Logik, Abgeleitet Aus Dem Begriff Des Denkens (1846) by Rosenkranz, Karl
Die Denkkunde Oder Die Logik (1846) by Lindemann, Heinrich Simon
Die Denkkunde: Oder Die Logik (1846) by Lindemann, Heinrich Simon
Die Impersonalien: Eine Logische Untersuchung (1896) by Jovanovich, Milivoj
Die Methode Der Wissenschaft: Ein Handbuch Der Logik (1852) by Schwindt, Georg, Opzoomer, Cornelis Willem
Dr. Jos. Beck's Grundriss Der Empirischen Psychologie Und Logik (1887) by Baltzer, J. P., Beck, Joseph
I Principii Di Geometria Logicamente Esposti (1889) by Peano, Giuseppe
Het Wezen Der Kennis: Een Leesboek Der Logika (1863) by Opzoomer, Cornelius Willem
Die Kleine Logik (1869) by Hoppe, Janus
Die Formale Logik Kant's In Ihren Beziehungen Zur Transcendentalen (1879) by Steckelmacher, Moritz
Die Syllogismen (1851) by Heigl, Georg Anton
Die Impersonalien: Eine Logische Untersuchung (1888) by Sigwart, Christoph
Erkenntnisstheoretische Logik (1878) by Schuppe, Wilhelm
Euristheus Und Heracles: Meta-Logische Kritiken Und Meditationen (1843) by Gunther, Anton
Die Gesammte Logik Part 1 (1868) by Hoppe, Janus
Grundriss Der Ersten Logik, Gereiniget Von Den Irrthummern Bisheriger Logiken Uberhaupt, Der Kantischen Insbesondere (1800) by Bardili, Christoph Gottfried
Die Grundprobleme Der Logik (1895) by Bergmann, Julius
Elementos De Logica (1887) by Mendive, Jose
Die Gesammte Logik Part 2 (1868) by Hoppe, Janus
Die Logik Als Wissenschaftslehre (1868) by George, Leopold
Grundgesetze Der Arithmetik V1-2: Begriffsschriftlich Abgeleitet (1893) by Frege, Gottlob
Filosofia E Logica Loro Obbiettivi (1887) by Compagnone, Luigi
Grundlegung Der Philosophischen Wissenschaften Und Elemente Der Logik (1893) by Richter, Arthur
Elemens Dideologie Part 3, V2: de La Logique (1825) by de Tracy, Antoine Louis Claude Destutt
Entwicklungsgeschichte Der Hegel'schen Logik (1858) by Schmid, Aloys
Entwurf Der Logik: Ein Leitfaden Fur Vorlesungen (1846) by Strumpell, Ludwig
Logique by Tissot, Claude-Joseph, Kant, Immanuel
Pragmatism by James, William
The Systems of Nostradamus: Instructions for Making Sense of The Prophecies by Tippett, Robert
Semantics of Analogy: Rereading Cajetan's De Nominum Analogia by Hochschild, Joshua P.
Classical Indian Philosophy of Induction: The Nyaya Viewpoint by Chakrabarti, Kisor Kumar
The Textual Inference Rules Klal Uprat. How the Talmud Defines Sets by Abraham, Michael, Gabbay, Dov M., Hazut, Gabriel
Critical Reasoning by Roth, Robin, Borcoman, Doug
Dialectics, Dialogue and Argumentation. an Examination of Douglas Walton's Theories of Reasoning by
Heidegger and Logic: The Place of Lã3gos in Being and Time by Shirley, Greg
Modality: Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology by
An Introductory Textbook Of Inductive Logic (1916) by Ray, P. K.
Der Streit Der Psychologisten Und Formalisten In Der Modernen Logik (1902) by Palagyi, Melchior
The Principles Of Science: A Treatise On Logic And Scientific Method by Jevons, William Stanley
Begriff Und Ding: Eine Logische Untersuchung (1899) by Fisch, Max
Zur Psychologie Der Logischen Grundthatsachen (1897) by Gomperz, Heinrich
Philosophy And Fun Of Algebra (1909) by Boole, Mary Everest
The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: Being an Essay Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning (1847) by Boole, George
The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Categories by Aristotle
Posterior Analytics by Aristotle
Prior Analytics by Aristotle
Novum Organum: True Directions Concerning the Interpretation of Nature by Bacon, Francis
Philebus by Plato
De Condicionalium Sententiarum Apud Tacitum Formatione (1868) by Morgenroth, Maximilianus
The Principles Of Mathematics V1 by Russell, Bertrand
Posthumous Humanity Or a Study of Phantoms by Olcott, Henry S., D'Assier, Adolphe
Outlines of Logic: An English Translation of Trendelenburg's Elementa Logices Aristoteleae (1881) by Aristotle
On Interpretation by Aristotle
Menexenus by Plato
A Compendium of Logic (1756) by Wesley, John
Auguste Comte by Hubbard, Elbert
Topics by Aristotle
The Meaning Of Truth by James, William
The Rule of Reason Containing the Art of Logic by Wilson, Thomas
Corroborations and Criticisms. Forays with the Philosophy of Karl Popper by Grattan-Guinness, Ivor
The Metaphysics of Extrinsic Properties by Hoffmann-Kolss, Vera
Fat Wednesday: Wittgenstein on Aspects by Verdi, John
The Logica Yearbook 2009 by
Do You Think You're Clever? by Purves, Libby, Farndon, John
Mysticism And Logic: And Other Essays by Russell, Bertrand
Studies in Diagrammatology and Diagram Praxis by
The Reinforcement of Consciousness by Hannon, Edward L.
The Reinforcement of Consciousness by Hannon, Edward L.
Common Sense: A Contemporary Defense by Lemos, Noah
Natural Deduction, Hybrid Systems and Modal Logics by Indrzejczak, Andrzej
Philosophic Research by Lewis, Dennis Theron
Philosophic Research by Lewis, Dennis Theron
Mathematics and Reality by Leng, Mary
The Improvement of the Mind: Or, a Supplement to the Art of Logic: ... by Isaac Watts, D.D. by Watts, Isaac
Persistence and Spacetime by Balashov, Yuri
Logica e metafisica nel Kant precritico: L'ambiente intellettuale di Koenigsberg e la formazione della filosofia kantiana by Sgarbi, Marco
Being for: Evaluating the Semantic Program of Expressivism by Schroeder, Mark
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig, Russell, Bertrand
Philosophy of Logic (Routledge Revivals) by Putnam, Hilary
On Hegel: The Sway of the Negative by Loparo, Kenneth A.
On Hegel: The Sway of the Negative by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Am I Mad Or Coherent? by McAdam, John
Signs, Minds and Actions by Wang, Joseph, Munz, Volker, Puhl, Klaus
Essays on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein by
Advances in Modal Logic Volume 8 by
Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic: Foundations and Applications of Transparent Intensional Logic by Materna, Pavel, Duzí, Marie, Jespersen, Bjorn
The Analytical Way. Proceedings of the 6th European Congress of Analytic Philosophy by
Epistemic Logic: 5 Questions by
Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Writings by Peirce, Charles S.
Rethinking the BSE Crisis: A Study of Scientific Reasoning Under Uncertainty by Cummings, Louise
The Evolution of Logic by Hart, W. D.
The Concept of Logical Consequence: An Introduction to Philosophical Logic by McKeon, Matthew W.
Talmudic Deontic Logic by Gabbay, Dov, Schild, Uri, Abraham, Michael
The Evolution of Logic by Hart, W. D.
The Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Ejercicios de Lógica Desarrollados Y Explicados: Colección Técnicas de Estudio by Pichon Riviere, Rocio
Euthydemus by Plato
On The Impassivity Of Incorporeal Natures by Plotinus
An Essay On Logical Method (1848) by Chretien, Charles Peter
Laws by Plato
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