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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2013

Russell's Philosophy of Logical Analysis, 1897-1905 by Galaugher, J.
Logic as Universal Science: Russell's Early Logicism and Its Philosophical Context by Korhonen, A.
God, Mind and Logical Space: A Revisionary Approach to Divinity by Aranyosi, I.
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development: Phenomenology, Grammar, Method, and the Anthropological View by Engelmann, M.
Hegel's Logic: Being Part One of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences by Hegel, G. W. F.
The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica by Linsky, Bernard
Signs of Logic: Peircean Themes on the Philosophy of Language, Games, and Communication by Pietarinen, Ahti-Veikko
Hybrid Logic and Its Proof-Theory by Braüner, Torben
Dual Tableaux: Foundations, Methodology, Case Studies by Orlowska, Ewa, Golińska Pilarek, Joanna
Belief Revision Meets Philosophy of Science by
Sophist Mathematics: The Mathematics of Natural Philosophy by Israelowitz, Meir
The Dimensional Philosopher's Toolkit: Or, the Essential Criticism; The Dimensional Encyclopedia, First Volume by Coppedge, Nathan
Model of Perception That the Qur'an and Science Is Harmony by Mzailani
Model of Perception That the Qur'an and Science Is Harmony by Mzailani
Plato's Problem: An Introduction to Mathematical Platonism by Panza, M., Sereni, A.
Plato's Problem: An Introduction to Mathematical Platonism by Panza, M., Sereni, A.
Ric's Quotes: Little Blurbs to Make You Smile by Acevedo, Ric
A Custodian of Grammar: Essays on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Morphology by Krkac, Kristijan
Meta-Argumentation. an Approach to Logic and Argumentation Theory by Finocchiaro, Maurice A.
Routledge Philosophy GuideBook to Kripke and Naming and Necessity by Noonan, Harold
The Art of Logical Thinking: Or The Laws of Reasoning by Atkinson, William Walker
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 15 by
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 16 by
Aristotle's Modal Proofs: Prior Analytics A8-22 in Predicate Logic by Rini, Adriane
Probabilistic Logics and Probabilistic Networks by Romeijn, Jan-Willem, Wheeler, Gregory, Haenni, Rolf
Essays on Order, Book 3 by Pyburn, Chuck
Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates by
The Fundamentals of Argument Analysis by Epstein, Richard L.
Logic as Universal Science: Russell's Early Logicism and Its Philosophical Context by Korhonen, A.
Synthesis of Concepts in the Talmud by Belfer, Israel, Gabbay, Dov M., Abraham, Michael
Reading Frege's Grundgesetze by Heck, Richard G., Jr.
Principles of Talmudic Logic by Schild, Uri, Abraham, Michael, Gabbay, Dov M.
Logical Matters: Essays in Ancient Philosophy II by Barnes, Jonathan
Die Gefühlsgewissheit by Volkelt, Johannes
Against the Current: Selected Philosophical Papers by Rosado Haddock, Guillermo E.
Contextual Approaches to Truth and the Strengthened Liar Paradox by Schurz, Christine
Dynamic Formal Epistemology by
Karl Popper: Logik Der Forschung by
Modality: Metaphysics, Logic, and Epistemology by
The Philosophy of Information by Floridi, Luciano
Logic, Truth and Inquiry by Weinstein, Mark
Perception May Be Reality - Volume Four by Sasmor, James C.
Henkin-Keisler Models by Weaver, George
Vagueness and Degrees of Truth by Smith, Nicholas J. J.
30 More Fallacies by Labossiere, Michael Cooper
Introduction To Mathematical Logic, V1: Princeton Mathematical Series, No. 17 by Church, Alonzo
76 Fallacies by Labossiere, Michael Cooper
Dialectic and Paradox: Configurations of the Third in Modernity by
Natural Deduction: The Logical Basis Of Axiom Systems by Johnstone, Henry W., Jr., Anderson, John Mueller
Wittgenstein's Philosophical Development: Phenomenology, Grammar, Method, and the Anthropological View by Engelmann, M.
Logic by Clarke Sj, Richard F.
Prescriptive Reasoning by Epstein, Richard L.
An Den Grenzen Des Endlichen: Das Hilbertprogramm Im Kontext Von Formalismus Und Finitismus by Tapp, Christian
Kritik der Urteilskraft by Kant, Immanuel
Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An Account of Recent Works by
Foundational Theories of Classical and Constructive Mathematics by
Argument Structure:: Representation and Theory by Freeman, James B.
Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy, Vintage Enthusiasms: Essays in Honour of John L. Bell by
Vagueness: A Guide by
A Short Introduction to Intuitionistic Logic by Mints, Grigori
The Road Not Taken. on Husserl's Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics by Da Silva, Jairo Jose, Hill, Claire Ortiz
Le Logicisme: Origine, Doctrine, Organisation by Calderon, C. -C
Logique Générale Et Appliquée by de Fornel de la Laurencie, Martial-Marie-Paul
Le Scepticisme Combattu Dans Ses Principes. Analyse Et Discussion Des Principes: Du Scépticisme de Kant by Maurial, Emile
Le Scepticisme Combattu Dans Ses Principes. Revue Sommaire Des Doctrines Sceptiques: Ou Demi-Sceptiques Antérieures Ou Étrangères Au Système de Kant ( by Maurial, Emile
Essai Sur Les Conditions Et Les Limites de la Certitude Logique (Deuxième Édition Revue) by Milhaud, Gaston
Essai Sur Les Conditions Et Les Limites de la Certitude Logique: : Thèse Proposée À La Faculté Des Lettres de Paris by Milhaud, Gaston
Les Logiciens Anglais Contemporains by Liard, Louis
Discussion Des Antinomies Kantiennes by Lorquet, Alfred
Philosophie Du Raisonnement Dans La Science d'Après Saint Thomas by Richard, Timothée
Les Fondements de la Métaphysique by Conta, Basile
La Logique Sociale (Deuxième Édition Revue Et Augmentée) by Tarde, Gabriel
Une Carrière Philologique En Roumanie (1885-1900). I, Les Péripéties d'Une Naturalisation by Sainean, Lazare
La Méthode Dans Les Choses de la Vie Courante: Logique, Psychologie by Favre, Louis
Les Problèmes de la Logique by Cordier, Paul
La Logique de Leibniz: d'Après Des Documents Inédits by Couturat, Louis
Le Psittacisme Et La Pensée Symbolique: Psychologie Du Nominalisme by Dugas, Ludovic
Wittgenstein's Tractatus: History and Interpretation by
The Logica Yearbook 2012 by
Approche Dialogique de La Dynamique Epistemique Et de La Condition Juridique by Magnier, Sebastien
Persistence and Spacetime by Balashov, Yuri
After Godel: Platonism and Rationalism in Mathematics and Logic by Tieszen, Richard
Meta-Logical Investigations in Argumentation Networks by Gabbay, Dov M.
Ciencias de La Vida by
Critical Thinking and Language: The Challenge of Generic Skills and Disciplinary Discourses by Moore, Tim John
A Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy by Mercier, Cardinal
A Manual of Modern Scholastic Philosophy by Mercier, Cardinal
Forms of Thought: A Study in Philosophical Logic by Lowe, E. J.
Towards a General Theory of Classifications by Neuville, Pierre, Parrochia, Daniel
Logica Dinamica Epistemica Para La Evidencilidad Negativa by Gomez, Cristina Bares
Coyote Tracks: The Indigenous Convictions of a Weathered Man by McIntosh, Denes
Games, Norms and Reasons: Logic at the Crossroads by
Proof, Computation and Agency: Logic at the Crossroads by
Selbst philosophieren by Damschen, Gregor, Schönecker, Dieter
Clear and Present Thinking: A Handbook in Logic and Rationality by Semczyszyn, Nola, Elsby, Charlene, Baltzer-Jaray, Kimberly
Pragmatism by James, William
Foundations of Logic and Linguistics: Problems and Their Solutions by Dorn, Georg, Weingartner, Paul
If A, Then B: How the World Discovered Logic by Shenefelt, Michael, White, Heidi
If A, Then B: How the World Discovered Logic by White, Heidi, Shenefelt, Michael
Euthyphro by Plato
The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations by
Towards a Formalization of Thomistic Theodicy: Formalized Attempts to Set Formal Logical Bases to State First Elements of Relations Considered in the by Nieznanski, Edward
Lógica Práctica y Lógica Teórica: Introducción y comentarios a las ideas de Stephen Toulmin by Rivano, Juan
Introduction to Logic by Copi, Irving M., Cohen, Carl, McMahon, Kenneth
Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Honor of David Keyt by
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
God, Mind and Logical Space: A Revisionary Approach to Divinity by Aranyosi, I.
The Argument of Mathematics by
On Maxima and Minima: Chapter 5 of Rules for Solving Sophismata, with an Anonymous Fourteenth-Century Discussion by Heytesbury, William
Reasoning about Preference Dynamics by Liu, Fenrong
Strict Finitism and the Logic of Mathematical Applications by Ye, Feng
The Way of Science: Finding Truth and Meaning in a Scientific Worldview by Trumble, Dennis R.
Visual Reasoning with Diagrams by
Mathematics and Reality by Leng, Mary
Errors of Reasoning. Naturalizing the Logic of Inference by Woods, John
Philosophy & Probability C by Childers
Bertrand Russell Collection, Including: The Problems with Philosophy, the Analysis of the Mind, Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays, Political Ideals by Russell, Bertrand
G.F. Stout and the Psychological Origins of Analytic Philosophy by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Logic and How it Gets That Way by Jacquette, Dale
L'Égalité Sociale: Étude Sur Une Science Qui Nous Manque by Mallock, William Hurrell
Secrets of the Paradox: Solving the Liar and Other Logical Problems by Winterburn, Micheal D.
Paradoxes by Lukowski, Piotr
Wissenschaft der Logik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Wissenschaft der Logik by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Controversy as News Discourse by Cramer, Peter A.
Knowledge in Formation: A Computational Theory of Interpretation by Sarbo, Janos J., Farkas, Jozsef I., Van Breemen, Auke J. J.
Working with Preferences: Less Is More by Kaci, Souhila
The Logic of Relativism by Ressler, Mark
The Logic of Relativism by Ressler, Mark
Subtle Implications by Wallick, R. Abraham
Subtle Implications by Wallick, R. Abraham
Questions, Inferences, and Scenarios by Wisniewski, Andrzej
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 17 by
Beyond Atheism, Beyond God: The Quest for Transcendent Being by Stahl, Philip A.
Beyond Atheism, Beyond God: The Quest for Transcendent Being by Stahl, Philip A.
A Treatise on Induction and Probability: The Application of Modern Symbolic Logic to the Analysis of Inductive Reasoning by Wright, Georg Henrik Von
Wissen by Brendel, Elke
The Why of Things: Causality in Science, Medicine, and Life by Rabins, Peter
Dr. Aufrecht's Pocket Guide to Critical Thinking by Aufrecht, Monica G.
Methods of Argumentation by Walton, Douglas
Methods of Argumentation by Walton, Douglas
La Monadologie by Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Logic and Language by Kaminsky, Jack, Huppe, Bernard F.
Seven Puzzles of Thought: And How to Solve Them: An Originalist Theory of Concepts by Sainsbury, R. M., Tye, Michael
Logic Across the University: Foundations and Applications by
The Little Logic Book by DeYoung, Rebecca Konyndyk, Hardy, Lee, Ratzsch, Del
Argumentation Et Engagement Ontologique by Fontaine, Matthieu
Introduction to Logic and Its Philosophy by Schotch, Peter K.
Essays on Order: The Complete Edition by Pyburn, Chuck
Elements of Moral Cognition: Rawls' Linguistic Analogy and the Cognitive Science of Moral and Legal Judgment by Mikhail, John
Seeing Things: The Philosophy of Reliable Observation by Hudson, Robert
Art of Reasoning: An Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking by Kelley, David
Explanatory Translation: Beyond the Kuhnian Model of Conceptual Change by Rantala, V.
Theory of Logical Calculi: Basic Theory of Consequence Operations by Wójcicki, Ryszard
Theory of Language Syntax: Categorial Approach by Wybraniec-Skardowska, U.
Einführung in Die Symbolische Logik: Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Ihrer Anwendungen by Carnap, Rudolf
Logic for Concurrency and Synchronisation by
Critical Thinking: Understanding the Principles and Processes of Thinking Well by Rogers, Glenn
Leśniewski's Systems of Logic and Foundations of Mathematics by Urbaniak, Rafal
A Chance for Possibility: An Investigation Into the Grounds of Modality by Steinberg, Alexander
Wahrnehmung und Wahrnehmungsurteil by Nolte, Katrin
Rethinking Logic: Logic in Relation to Mathematics, Evolution, and Method by Cellucci, Carlo
The Voices of Wittgenstein: The Vienna Circle by Waismann, Friedrich
Excursions in Philosophical Logic by Schotch, Peter K.
Law as Logic and Experience by Radin, Max
The Technique of Controversy: Principles of Dynamic Logic by Bogoslovsky, Boris B.
The Logic of Discovery by Carmichael, R. D.
An Introduction to Symbolic Logic by Langer, Susanne K.
The Elements of Logic by Latta, Robert, Macbeath, Alexander
A Primer of Formal Logic by Cooley, John C.
A Guide to Thinking: A Beginners Book in Logic by Templin, Olin, McCracken, Anna
An Introduction to Critical Thinking: A Beginner's Text in Logic by Werkmeister, W. H.
Logic in Theory and Practice by Shaw, Charles Gray
The Logic of Discovery by Carmichael, R. D.
Buddhist Logic, V2 by Stcherbatsky, Theodore
The Science of Logic, V1: Conception, Judgment and Inference, an Inquiry Into the Principles of Accurate Thought and Scientific Method by Coffey, P.
Teachings for the New Age, Clear Thinking, a Treatise on Conscious Thinking: Fundamentals of the Wisdom Teaching Correlated with Semantic Science by Vitvan
The Science of Correct Thinking: Logic by Bittle, Celestine N.
The Science of Correct Thinking: Logic by Bittle, Celestine N.
Handbook of Deontic Logic and Normative Systems by
Aristotle's Modal Syllogistic by Malink, Marko
Krister Segerberg on Logic of Actions by
Think: Why You Should Question Everything by Harrison, Guy P.
Where Is the Gödel-Point Hiding: Gentzen's Consistency Proof of 1936 and His Representation of Constructive Ordinals by Horská, Anna
Russell's Philosophy of Logical Analysis, 1897-1905 by Galaugher, J.
Word and Object (Studies in Communication) by Quine, Willard Van Orman
Paradoxes of the Infinite (Routledge Revivals) by Bolzano, Bernard
Hegel and the Art of Negation: Negativity, Creativity and Contemporary Thought by Hass, Andrew W.
From Metaphysics to Rhetoric by
Ontology and the Logistic Analysis of Language: An Enquiry Into the Contemporary Views on Universals by Küng, Guido
The Semantic Foundations of Logic Volume 1: Propositional Logics by Epstein, R. L.
Modal Logic for Philosophers by Garson, James W.
Modal Logic for Philosophers by Garson, James W.
Truth and Falsehood: An Inquiry Into Generalized Logical Values by Shramko, Yaroslav, Wansing, Heinrich
The History and Philosophy of Polish Logic: Essays in Honour of Jan Wole?ski by
Interpreted Languages and Compositionality by Kracht, Marcus
The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics by
Conditionals and Modularity in General Logics by Schlechta, Karl, Gabbay, Dov M.
Groundwork in the Theory of Argumentation: Selected Papers of J. Anthony Blair by Blair, J. Anthony
The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica by Linsky, Bernard
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