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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2015

The Metaphysics of Emergence by Campbell, R.
Extended Rationality: A Hinge Epistemology by Coliva, A.
Badiou's Being and Event and the Mathematics of Set Theory by Baki, Burhanuddin
Logic: The Essentials by Hurley, Patrick
Happy Every Day New Forever Thank you Creator: The precious seconds of our life appreciated fully by Knight Sr, Dan Edward
Logica: Vademecum de logica formal by Zarraga Olavarria, Carlos
Symbolic Logic: Part 1 Elementary by Carroll, Lewis
Logic Without Borders: Essays on Set Theory, Model Theory, Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics by
Logics and Falsifications: A New Perspective on Constructivist Semantics by Kapsner, Andreas
Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Logic and Science Facing the New Technologies by
Handbook of Epistemic Logic by
The Heart of the New Thought by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Bible of Logic by Wu, Shilong
This Idea Must Die: Scientific Theories That Are Blocking Progress by Brockman, John
Muddles: Especially in U.S. Politics by Stanley, Maurice F.
David Lewis und seine mereologische Interpretation der Zermelo-Fraenkelschen Mengenlehre by Werner, Philipp
The Force of Argument: Essays in Honor of Timothy Smiley by
A System of Indian Logic: The Nyana Theory of Inference by Vattanky, John
Ancient Self-Refutation by Castagnoli, Luca
Santayana the Philosopher: Philosophy as a Form of Life by Moreno, Daniel
Weiter Denken - Über Philosophie, Wissenschaft Und Religion by
51 Derivations in SD with Solutions: A Supplement to The Logic Book by Shedenhelm, Richard
Poverty of Conceptual Truth: Kant's Analytic/Synthetic Distinction and the Limits of Metaphysics by Anderson, R. Lanier
The Essays of Francis Bacon by Bacon, Francis
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Free Will: A Philosophical Reappraisal by Rescher, Nicholas
Logically Fallacious: The Ultimate Collection of Over 300 Logical Fallacies (Academic Edition) by Bennett, Bo
Pure Inductive Logic by Paris, Jeffrey, Vencovská, Alena
The Fallacy Detective: Thirty-Eight Lessons on How to Recognize Bad Reasoning by Bluedorn, Nathaniel, Bluedorn, Hans
Critical Thinking: The Definitive Guide: Think with Clarity, Logic, Intent, Positive Manifestation by Buphet, Donald
Logica, or Summa Lamberti by Auxerre, Lambert Of
A New Law of Thought and Its Logical Bearings by Jones, E. E. Constance
Thinking with Whitehead and the American Pragmatists: Experience and Reality by
From Truth to Reality: New Essays in Logic and Metaphysics by
The Metaphysics of Emergence by Campbell, R.
Modal Logic as Metaphysics P by Williamson
The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception by Tindale, Christopher W.
Risk Wise: Nine Everyday Adventures by Morland, Polly
Critical Reasoning: A Romp through the Foothills of Logic for the Complete Beginner by Talbot, Marianne
Context and the Attitudes: Meaning in Context, Volume 1 by Richard, Mark
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic by Pirie, Madsen
The Logica Yearbook 2014 by
The Rational Good: A Study in the Logic of Practice by Hobhouse, Leonard Trelawney
Boundary Stones of Thought: An Essay in the Philosophy of Logic by Rumfitt, Ian
Conceptual Change and the Philosophy of Science: Alternative Interpretations of the a Priori by Stump, David J.
Propositions by Merricks, Trenton
How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking by Ellenberg, Jordan
Philosophy of Education in the Semiotics of Charles Peirce: A Cosmology of Learning and Loving by Olteanu, Alin
Platonic Wholes and Quantum Ontology: Translated by Katarzyna Kretkowska by Woszczek, Marek
Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic by
Extended Rationality: A Hinge Epistemology by Coliva, A.
Reasoning and Formal Logic by Epstein, Richard L.
The Road to Universal Logic: Festschrift for the 50th Birthday of Jean-Yves Béziau Volume II by
Romanian Studies in Philosophy of Science by
Autonomy Platonism and the Indispensability Argument by Marcus, Russell
Paradoxes of the Infinite (Routledge Revivals) by Bolzano, Bernard
Paradoxology*: An Overview of The Paradox by Kisak, Paul F.
IfColog Journal of Logics and heir Applications. Volume 2, Number 1 by
The Root of David: The Root of David by Imonode I., D. O.
Logic and the Limits of Philosophy in Kant and Hegel by Bohnet, C.
Unifying the Philosophy of Truth by
Freedom and Enforcement in Action: A Study in Formal Action Theory by Czelakowski, Janusz
Dernières pensées by Poincare, Henri
Essays on Realist Instance Ontology and Its Logic by Mertz, Donald W.
Streets: Now Stop by Das, Hari
Thinking Thoughtfully by Thielen
Language and Logics: An Introduction to the Logical Foundations of Language by Gregory, Howard
Language and Logics: An Introduction to the Logical Foundations of Language by Gregory, Howard
Functions and Generality of Logic: Reflections on Dedekind's and Frege's Logicisms by Panza, Marco, Sandu, Gabriel, Benis-Sinaceur, Hourya
Forms of Thought by Lowe, E. J.
Categories by Aristotle
Prior Analytics by Aristotle
Modality, Semantics and Interpretations: The Second Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic by
My Thoughts 5 by Thomas, Christopher Maxwell
Reason and Analysis in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Essays in Honor of David Keyt by
Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, CTT Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice by Clerbout, Nicolas, Rahman, Shahid
One Hundred Prisoners and a Light Bulb by Kooi, Barteld, Van Ditmarsch, Hans
Gersonides: A Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Philosopher-Scientist by Glasner, Ruth
What Is Your Question? by Phillips, Basil G.
What Is Your Question? by Phillips, Basil G.
Citizens Gone Wild: Thinking for Yourself in an Age of Hype and Glory by Zilbergeld, George
Computational Complexity of Solving Equation Systems by Broniek, Przemyslaw
The Argument of Mathematics by
Dear Feminists by Robbins, Nicholas
The Absolute Truth: that no doubt about by Abbas, Hussein
Reflections on Theoretical Issues in Argumentation Theory by
Fuzzy Logic and Quantum States in Talmudic Reasoning by Belfer, Israel, Dov, Gabbay, Abraham, Michael
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 17 by
The Logic of Tao Philosophy: English-Chinese Bilingual Edition by Lu, Ying-Tang, Wang, Wayne L.
Éloge de la folie by Érasme
A Class Room Logic, Deductive and Inductive, With Special Application to the Science and art of Teaching by McNair, George Hastings
A Brief Survey of Knowledge Aggregation Methods by Landy, Michael S., Hummel, Robert a.
Learning as the Evolution of Representation by Caianiello, Pasquale
The Evolution of Parallel Logic Programming Languages by Markantonatos, Nikolaos
The Why of Things: Causality in Science, Medicine, and Life by Rabins, Peter
Goal-based Reasoning for Argumentation by Walton, Douglas
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: German and English by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Logical Investigations Volume 1 by Husserl, Edmund
Dialectic of the Ladder: Wittgenstein, the 'Tractatus' and Modernism by Ware, Ben
The Art Of Logical Thinking: : Or The Laws Of Reasoning (Aura Press) by Atkinson, William Walker
Exploring Topics in the History and Philosophy of Logic by Englebretsen, George
Commentary on Husserl's Ideas I by
Hegel Und Die Logische Frage by Gerhard, Myriam
History of Logic in China: 5 Questions by
Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers, Volume 1 by Kant, Immanuel
Goal-Based Reasoning for Argumentation by Walton, Douglas
Outlines of a New System of Philosophy, a View of the System of Sciential Medicine by Eden, Thomas
Picture Logic: An Attempt to Popularise the Science of Reasoning by the Combination of Humorous Pictures With Examples of Reasoning T by Swinburne, Alfred James
A Primer of General Method: Being an Introduction to Educational Theory and Practice On the Basis of Logic, for Use in Normal Schools by Lang, Sidney Edward
Directions in Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing by Grishman, Ralph
On Religion by Pinheiro, I. M. R.
Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenges of Large-scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment by Goh, Cheng Hian, Siegel, Michael D., Madnick, Stuart E.
The Kinematics of Cutting Solid Objects by Davis, Ernest
Choice Over Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Technical Problem Solving by Smith, Robert P., Schrader, Stephan, Riggs, William M.
Context Interchange: Representing and Reasoning About Data Semantics in Heterogeneous Systems by Goh, Cheng Hian
Lucid Representations by Davis, Ernest
A Decision Rationale Management System: Capturing, Reusing, and Managing the Reasons for Decisions by Lee, Jintae
Inductive System Diagrams: An Empirically Based Theory Generation Technique by Kim, Daniel H., Burchill, Gary
A Survey of Program Proof Technology by Schwartz, Jacob T.
Analogical Investigations: Historical and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Human Reasoning by Lloyd, G. E. R.
Telling What She Thinks: Semantics and Pragmatics of Propositional Attitude Reports by Ueda, Tomoo
Semiotic Exercises by Conte, Joseph F.
Éloge de la Folie by Erasme
Logic of the Digital by Evens, Aden
Conceptual Clarifications. Tributes to Patrick Suppes (1922-2014) by
Good Thinking: What You Need to Know to Be Smarter, Safer, Wealthier, and Wiser by Harrison, Guy P.
Exploring God: Logical Christian Examination by Foster, Richard B.
Logical Investigations Volume 2 by Husserl, Edmund
Perspectives on Interrogative Models of Inquiry: Developments in Inquiry and Questions by
Logic in the Theory and Practice of Lawmaking by
Logic in Practice: A First Guide to Both Formal and Informal Reasoning by McFerran, Douglass
An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: And of the Principal Philosophical Questions Discussed in His Writings by Mill, John Stuart
Euthydemus (annotated) by Plato
First Lines of the Human Mind by Fearn, John
Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well by Arp, Robert, Watson, Jamie Carlin
Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Reasoning Well by Arp, Robert, Watson, Jamie Carlin
Critical Thinking - Concise Edition by Lavery, Jonathan, Hughes, William
Stoicism: Ultimate Handbook to Stoic Philosophy, Wisdom and Way of Life by Beckett, Thomas
Structural Analysis of Non-Classical Logics: The Proceedings of the Second Taiwan Philosophical Logic Colloquium by
The Observable: Heisenberg's Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics by Heelan, Patrick Aidan
Toward Predicate Approaches to Modality by Stern, Johannes
Modalities, Identity, Belief, and Moral Dilemmas: Themes from Barcan Marcus by
Paradoxes from A to Z by Clark, Michael
Logic, Truth and Meaning: Writings of G.E.M. Anscombe by Anscombe, G. E. M.
Logic: A System of Reasoning by Kisak, Paul F.
Reason & The Rational Argument by Kisak, Paul F.
A Crisis of Belief, Ethics, and Faith by Finch, Jonathan
The Burst Of Thunder In Your Ear: The Demystification Of Nature, And Our Perfectly-Impersonal, Wondrously-Indifferent God by Dahl, Ken
Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics by
Euthyphro (annotated) by Plato
IfColog Journal of Logics and their Applications. Volume 2, number 2 by
Analogical Investigations by Lloyd, G. E. R.
The Epistemology of Indicative Conditionals by Douven, Igor
Logic by Baronett, Stan
Diagrammatic Immanence: Category Theory and Philosophy by Gangle, Rocco
Logic, Truth and Meaning: Writings of G.E.M. Anscombe by
Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language by
The Impersonal Judgment: Its Nature, Origin, and Significance by MacLennan, Simon Fraser
The Elements Of Logic: A Text-book For Schools And Colleges by Jevons, William Stanley
Wittgenstein by Fogelin, Robert J.
Truth or Truthiness: Distinguishing Fact from Fiction by Learning to Think Like a Data Scientist by Wainer, Howard
Exploring God: Logical Christian Examination by Foster, Richard B.
The Logic of Names: An Introduction to Boole's Laws of Thought.. by Hughlings, I. P.
The Science Of Logic by Mahan, Asa
Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance by Dejnozka, Jan
Sudoku For Beginners: 200 Easy to Medium Puzzles by Geren, Patricia
Prolegomena to a Science of Reasoning: Phaneroscopy, Semeiotic, Logic by Peirce, Charles S.
Philosophy and Logic of Quantum Physics: An Investigation of the Metaphysical and Logical Implications of Quantum Physics by Dapprich, Jan Philipp, Schuster, Annika
Truth and Truth Bearers: Meaning in Context, Volume II by Richard, Mark
Handbook of Mathematical Fuzzy Logic, Volume 3 by