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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2018

The Epistemic Lightness of Truth by Cieśliński, Cezary
Approaches to Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project by
From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic by
Inductive Logic: A Thematic Compilation by Sion, AVI
Ifcolog Journal of Logics and their Applications Volume 4, number 10. New Trends in Logic by
From Mathematics to Philosophy (Routledge Revivals) by Wang, Hao
Raymond Smullyan on Self Reference by
Dictionary of Argumentation: A Introduction to Argumentation Studies by Plantin, Christian
Revival: A Modern Introduction to Logic (1950) by Stebbing, Lizzie Susan
The Aftermath of Syllogism: Aristotelian Logical Argument from Avicenna to Hegel by
Logic in the Torah: A Thematic Compilation by Sion, AVI
Review of the Work of Mr John Stuart Mill Entitled, 'Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy.' by Grote, George
Ifcolog Journal of Logics and their Applications Volume 4, number 11. Dedicated to the Memory of Dale Jacquette by
Fathoming Formal Logic: Vol II: Semantics and Proof Theory for Predicate Logic by Makridis, Odysseus
Fathoming Formal Logic: Vol 1: Theory and Decision Procedures for Propositional Logic by Makridis, Odysseus
La Logique Ou l'Art de Penser, Ouvrage Connu Sous Le Nom de Logique de Port-Royal. Nouvelle Édition by Charles, Émile
Meaning and Proscription in Formal Logic: Variations on the Propositional Logic of William T. Parry by Ferguson, Thomas Macaulay
Meaning and Intentionality. A Dialogical Approach by Shafiei, Mohammad
Learning as the Evolution of Representation by Caianiello, Pasquale
Logical Form: Between Logic and Natural Language by Iacona, Andrea
The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein by
Introduction to Formal Logic by Marcus, Russell
Outlines Of Logic And Of Encyclopaedia Of Philosophy: Dictated Portions Of The Lectures Of Hermann Lotze by Lotze, Hermann
Larisa Maksimova on Implication, Interpolation, and Definability by
Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game-Theoretical Semantics by
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: Volume 5, number 1, February 2018 by
Measuring Inconsistency in Information by
A Primer of General Method: Being an Introduction to Educational Theory and Practice On the Basis of Logic, for Use in Normal Schools by Lang, Sidney Edward
A New Purpose: A guidance to find the true purpose of your life... by Juhn, J.
Scientific Method, its Philosophical Basis and its Modes of Application by Westaway, F. W.
Logik Im Recht: Grundlagen Und Anwendungsbeispiele by Joerden, Jan C.
Philosophical Pragmatism in Context by Rescher, Nicholas
Just Get It Done: Conquer Procrastination, Eliminate Distractions, Boost Your Focus, Take Massive Action Proactively and Get Difficult T by Bathla, Som
de l'Origine Du Langage. 3e Édition by Renan, Ernest
Handbook of Formal Argumentation by
Choice Over Uncertainty and Ambiguity in Technical Problem Solving by Schrader, Stephan, Riggs, William M., Smith, Robert P.
Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenges of Large-scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment by Goh, Cheng Hian, Siegel, Michael D., Madnick, Stuart E.
Gottlob Frege: Begriffsschrift, Eine Der Arithmetischen Nachgebildete Formelsprache Des Reinen Denkens by Wille, Matthias
Inferring Ignorance From the Locality of Visual Perception by Davis, Ernest
Correct-program Technology/Extensibility of Verifiers. Two Papers on Program Verification. By Martin Davis and J.T. Schwartz by Davis, Martin, Schwartz, Jt
Exposing Fake Logic by Sion, AVI
Rudiments of Existential and Antithetical Existential Logic by Robinson, E. M.
How to be Happy 24/7 by Ross, Robert S.
Una introducción a la teoría lógica de la Edad Media by Dahlquist, Manuel a.
The Philosophy of Argument and Audience Reception by Tindale, Christopher W.
The Epistemology of Indicative Conditionals by Douven, Igor
Logic in the Talmud: A Thematic Compilation by Sion, AVI
Judgment and Strategy by Holt, Robin
Instru-mental by O'Loughlin, John James
Models: Concepts, Theory, Logic, Reasoning and Semantics: Essays Dedicated to Klaus-Dieter Schewe on the Occasion of his 60th by
Logic and Its Philosophy by Woleński, Jan
Turing's Revolution: The Impact of His Ideas about Computability by
New Directions in Paraconsistent Logic: 5th Wcp, Kolkata, India, February 2014 by
Don Pigozzi on Abstract Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, and Computer Science by
Poetry and Mind: Tractatus Poetico-Philosophicus by Dubreuil, Laurent
Poetry and Mind: Tractatus Poetico-Philosophicus by Dubreuil, Laurent
Tractatus Logico Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Basket Weaver: Poems by Best, Richard M.
Susan Haack: Reintegrating Philosophy by
Quantifiers and Cognition: Logical and Computational Perspectives by Szymanik, Jakub
Theaetetus by Plato
Varieties of Continua C by Hellman, Shapiro
Feferman on Foundations: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy by
Logic: Or, the Right use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth. ... By Isaac Watts, D.D. A new Edition, Corrected by Watts, Isaac
J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics by
Logic: Or, the Right use of Reason in the Inquiry After Truth. ... By Isaac Watts, D.D. A new Edition, Corrected by Watts, Isaac
An Abridgment of Mr. Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding. The Fifth Edition Corrected by Locke, John
The Continued Exercise of Reason: Public Addresses by George Boole by
The Essays of Francis Bacon: The Fifty-Nine Essays, Complete by Bacon, Francis
Theories of Intensionality: A Critical Survey by Parsons, David
The Essays of Francis Bacon: The Fifty-Nine Essays, Complete (Hardcover) by Bacon, Francis
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: Volume, number 2, April 2018: Special Issue: Normative Multi-Agent Systems by
Martin Davis on Computability, Computational Logic, and Mathematical Foundations by
Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line by
Student Study Guide for Critical Thinking by Jason, Gary James
Theories of the Logos by Bencivenga, Ermanno
Immaculate Perception by Hooper, Les
The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture by
Philosophy and Model Theory by Button, Tim, Walsh, Sean
Resumen de "Introducción a la Lógica" de Irving Copi: Colección Resúmenes Universitarios N° 191 by Fau, Mauricio
The Significance of the New Logic by Quine, Willard Van Orman
Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics by
Theory of Effective Propositional Paraconsistent Logics by Zamansky, Anna, Avron, Arnon, Arieli, Ofer
Turning the Tables on Apologetics by Hamm, Jeffery L.
Turning the Tables on Apologetics by Hamm, Jeffery L.
The Logica Yearbook 2017 by
Epistemology, Knowledge and the Impact of Interaction by
Advances in Proof Theory by
Formal Theories of Truth by Beall, Jc, Glanzberg, Michael, Ripley, David
Towards Paraconsistent Engineering by
Objectivity, Realism, and Proof: Filmat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics by
Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation by Coniglio, Marcelo Esteban, Carnielli, Walter
An Epistemology of Noise by Malaspina, Cecile
Belief Change: Introduction and Overview by Fermé, Eduardo, Hansson, Sven Ove
Unorthodox Analytic Philosophy by Haddock, Guillermo E. Rosado
Cultures of Mathematics and Logic: Selected Papers from the Conference in Guangzhou, China, November 9-12, 2012 by
Deontic Logic and Normative Systems: 14th International Conference, DEON 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 3-8 July 2018 by
The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel, Meiklejohn, J. M. D.
Alfred Tarski and the Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages: A Running Commentary with Consideration of the Polish Original and the German Translat by Gruber, Monika
L'Influence et l'avenir des idées cartésiennes by Fouillée, Alfred
Iconicity and Abduction by Caterina, Gianluca, Gangle, Rocco
Aristotle on the Uses of Contemplation by Walker, Matthew D.
Narration as Argument by
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: Volume 5, number 3, June 2018: Special Issue: Argument Strength by
Dependence Logic: Theory and Applications by
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: Volume 5, number 4, June 2018 by
Aussagen- Und Prädikatenlogik: Eine Einführung by Vosgerau, Gottfried, Van Riel, Raphael
The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present by
A New Perspective on Nonmonotonic Logics by Gabbay, Dov M., Schlechta, Karl
Meaning in Dialogue: An Interactive Approach to Logic and Reasoning by Trafford, James
Probability Logics: Probability-Based Formalization of Uncertain Reasoning by Raskovic, Miodrag, Markovic, Zoran, Ognjanovic, Zoran
Thinking and Being by Kimhi, Irad
Think Again: How to Reason and Argue by Sinnott-Armstrong, Walter
Common Sense in the Scottish Enlightenment by
Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics by
The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law by Young, Walter Edward
Guía Breve para el Pensamiento Crítico by Epstein, Richard L.
Abduction in Context: The Conjectural Dynamics of Scientific Reasoning by Park, Woosuk
Paradox Lost: Logical Solutions to Ten Puzzles of Philosophy by Huemer, Michael
Der Schmerz des andern: Eine Loesung des Problems des Fremdseelischen by
The Politics of Aristotle by Aristotle
The Politics of Aristotle by Aristotle
Modern Perspectives in Type-Theoretical Semantics by
Handbook of Legal Reasoning and Argumentation by
At Least Know This: Essential Science to Enhance Your Life by Harrison, Guy P.
Rohit Parikh on Logic, Language and Society by
Objects and Modalities: A Study in the Semantics of Modal Logic by Tulenheimo, Tero
The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel
Essai sur les Vrais Principes, Relativement A Nos Connoissances, Tome Premier by Gérard, Philippe Louis
Philosophy's Loss of Logic to Mathematics: An Inadequately Understood Take-Over by Park, Woosuk
What Truth Is by Jago, Mark
Die Stellung Des Alexander Von Aphrodisias Zur Aristotelischen Schlusslehre by Volait, Georges
Die Ästhetik Als Wissenschaft Der Anschaulichen Erkenntnis: Ein Vorschlag Über Den Gegenstand, Die Methoden Und Ziele Einer Exakt-Wissenschaftlichen Ä by Nef, Willi
Die Ästhetik Als Wissenschaft Der Anschaulichen Erkenntnis: Ein Vorschlag Über Den Gegenstand, Die Methoden Und Ziele Einer Exakt-Wissenschaftlichen Ä by Nef, Willi
Zur Erkenntnisstheorie Und Ethik: 3 Philosophische Abhandlungen by Witte, Johannes Heinrich
Das Grundproblem Der Erkenntnistheorie: Eine Philosophische Studie by Neudecker, Georg
Argumentation and Inference I: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation by
Argumentation and Inference. Volume II: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation by
Die Stellung Des Alexander Von Aphrodisias Zur Aristotelischen Schlusslehre by Volait, Georges
Forall X: An Introduction to Formal Logic by Magnus, P. D.
Die Elemente Der Philosophischen Sprachwissenschaft Wilhelm Von Humboldt's: Aus Seinem Werke: Ueber Die Verschiedenheit Des Menschlichen Sprachbaues U by Schasler, Max
System der Logik als Kunstlehre des Denkens von Dr. Friedrich Eduard Beneke, Erster Teil by Beneke, Friedrich Eduard
System der Logik als Kunstlehre des Denkens von Dr. Friedrich Eduard Beneke, Erster Teil by Beneke, Friedrich Eduard
Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 12 by
The Meaning of Truth by James, William
Applications De La Théorie Du Langage Qui Donne Naissance À La Langue Universelle; Volume 1 by Letellier, Charles Louis Augustin
Johann Gottlieb Fichte's sämmtliche Werke, Fünfter Band by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, Fichte, Immanuel Hermann
Essais De Critique Générale; Volume 2 by Renouvier, Charles
Die Erkenntnis Der Aussenwelt: Eine Logisch-Erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung by Freytag, Willy
Un Médecin Grec Du Iie Siècle Ap. J.-C.: Précurseur De La Méthode Expérimentale Moderne: Ménodote De Nicomédie by Favier, Albert
Die Erkenntnis Der Aussenwelt: Eine Logisch-Erkenntnistheoretische Untersuchung by Freytag, Willy
Philosophy of Science: A Companion by
Unified Logic: How to Divide by Zero, Solve the Liar's Paradox, and Understand the Nature of Truth by Bollinger, Jesse
Oeuvres complètes de Condillac: 15 by Condillac, Etienne Bonnot De
Philosophical Foundations of Quality of Life: The Selected Works of Alex C. Michalos by Michalos, Alex C.
Thin Objects: An Abstractionist Account by Linnebo, Oystein
Grundriss der Logik und Metaphysik. Zweite, verbesserte Auflage. by Erdmann, Johann Eduard
Essai d'une exposition succincte de la Critique de la Raison-Pure [of J. Kant]. Traduit du Hollandais par J. C. F. by Kinker, Johannes, Le F., J.
Handbook of Normative Multiagent Systems by
Colours in the Development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy by
Essai Sur La Nomenclature Et La Classification Des Principales Branches D'art Et Science... by Bentham, George, Bentham, Jeremy
Essai Sur La Nomenclature Et La Classification Des Principales Branches D'art Et Science... by Bentham, Jeremy, Bentham, George
Ukweli Ni Kitu Gani?: Tujibu Swali La Pilato by Nzabhayanga, Pd Sebastian Mpango
Johann Gottlieb Fichte's sämmtliche Werke: Zur Politik und Moral. by Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Applications of Formal Philosophy: The Road Less Travelled by
Conceptual Change and the Philosophy of Science: Alternative Interpretations of the A Priori by Stump, David J.
Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation: A Survey of Theories on the Justification of Judicial Decisions by Feteris, Eveline T.
Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form by Corngold, Stanley
Theaetetus by Plato
Rethinking Knowledge: The Heuristic View by Cellucci, Carlo
Modality in Argumentation: A Semantic Investigation of the Role of Modalities in the Structure of Arguments with an Application to Italian Modal by Rocci, Andrea
The Art of Logical Thinking: The Laws of Reasoning by Atkinson, William Walker
Semantic Singularities: Paradoxes of Reference, Predication, and Truth by Simmons, Keith
Applying Mathematics: Immersion, Inference, Interpretation by Bueno, Otavio, French, Steven
Eliminating the Universe: Logical Properties of Natural Language by Keenan, Edward L.
Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level by McConaughey, Zoe, Klev, Ansten, Rahman, Shahid
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. Volume 5, number 5. Special issue: Logical Foundations of Strategic Reas by
Descriptor Revision: Belief Change Through Direct Choice by Hansson, Sven Ove
The Rational Shakespeare: Peter Ramus, Edward de Vere, and the Question of Authorship by Wainwright, Michael
Thinking about Contradictions: The Imaginary Logic of Nikolai Aleksandrovich Vasil'ev by Raspa, Venanzio
Vom System Zum Gebrauch: Eine Genetisch-Philosophische Untersuchung Des Grammatikbegriffs Bei Wittgenstein by Uffelmann, Sarah Anna
Language, Form(s) of Life, and Logic: Investigations After Wittgenstein by
The Art of Logic in an Illogical World by Cheng, Eugenia
Zur Systematik und Vollständigkeit der Herleitung der klassischen Syllogismen mit Hilfe von Zirkel-Diagrammen bei Euler by Schwarte, Joachim
In the Name of Life by Kakovitch, Thomas S.
No Squares Are Triangles: An Introduction to University-Level Logic by Clarke, Alice
The Modern-Day Prophet by Brock, Joe C.
Sie Nannten Sich Der Wiener Kreis: Exaktes Denken Am Rand Des Untergangs by Sigmund, Karl
Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction by Lu-Adler, Huaping
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. Volume 5, number 6. Special Issue: The Emergence of Structuralism and Fo by
Journal of Applied Logics-IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications. Volume 5, number 7. Special issue: Formal Approaches to the Ontological Ar by
Nonsense: Red Herrings, Straw Men and Sacred Cows: How We Abuse Logic in Our Everyday Language by Gula, Robert J.
How to Do Things with Words by Austin, J. L.
Das Organon - oder die Kunst der Logik als Werkzeug der Wissenschaft: Deutsche Ausgabe by Aristoteles, Von Kirchmann, J. H.
Aristotle on the Nature of Analogy by Schumacher, Eric
Nominalizations, Double Genitives and Possessives: Evidence for the Dp-Hypothesis in Serbian by Saric, Anja
Kant's Deduction from Apperception: An Essay on the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories by Schulting, Dennis
Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency by
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal: Volume 5, number 8, November 2018 by
Bad Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Fallacies in Western Philosophy by
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