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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Logic in 2019

Collected Papers: Volume 1: 1921-1934 by Tarski, Alfred
Collected Papers: Volume 4: 1958-1979 by Tarski, Alfred
Fifth Corner of Four: An Essay on Buddhist Metaphysics and the Catu.Sko.Ti by Priest, Graham
L'Éthique by Spinoza, Benedictus de
Collected Papers: Volume 2: 1935-1944 by Tarski, Alfred
Collected Papers: Volume 3: 1945-1957 by Tarski, Alfred
Collected Papers by Tarski, Alfred
Don Pigozzi on Abstract Algebraic Logic, Universal Algebra, and Computer Science by
Clear and Present Thinking, Second Edition: A Handbook in Logic and Rationality by Zieba, Alex, Elsby, Charlene
Causation in Population Health Informatics and Data Science by Dammann, Olaf, Smart, Benjamin
Pluralisms in Truth and Logic by
An Introduction to Logic: From Everyday Life to Formal Systems by Mosley, Albert
Die Gegenwart Anders Denken: Zeit, Raum Und Logik Nach Dem Ende Der Philosophie by Romero Contreras, Arturo
A Guide to Kant's Psychologism: via Locke, Berkeley, Hume, and Wittgenstein by Waxman, Wayne
Immanent Reasoning or Equality in Action: A Plaidoyer for the Play Level by McConaughey, Zoe, Klev, Ansten, Rahman, Shahid
Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency by
Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 18 by
Games Iteration Numbers: A Philosophical Introduction to Computability Theory by Possati, Luca M.
How to Reason: A Practical Guide by Epstein, Richard L.
Revival: A Modern Introduction to Logic (1950) by Stebbing, Lizzie Susan
Technology and Mathematics: Philosophical and Historical Investigations by
Philosophy's Loss of Logic to Mathematics: An Inadequately Understood Take-Over by Park, Woosuk
Journal of Applied Logics - The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications: Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2019 by Gabbay, Dov
Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory by Morris, Sean
How to Reason + Reasoning in the Sciences by Epstein, Richard L.
Problems of Philosophy by Russell, Bertrand
Conscious Experience: A Logical Inquiry by Gupta, Anil
Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language by
Peace Without God by Netherton, Dale
Strukturanalyse der "Elfes-Konstruktion" by Russell Varga, Martin
Philosophie Suivant Les Principes De Saint Thomas; Volume 2 by Bourard, Thomas, Goudin, Antoine
Essai d'une exposition succincte de la Critique de la Raison-Pure [of J. Kant]. Traduit du Hollandais par J. C. F. by Kinker, Johannes, Le F., J.
Essai Sur Les Catégories by 1879-1967, Dupréel Eugène
Vóreios by Costello, Iona
Elements of Thought; or, First Lessons in the Knowledge of the Mind by Taylor, Isaac
Manual of Elementary Logic: Designed Especially for the Use of Teachers and Learners by Atwater, Lyman Hotchkiss
On the Province of Methods of Teaching by Hoose, James H.
Roger Bacon: A Compendium of the Study of Philosophy by
Archaeology of Play: The Re-Discovery of Platonic-Aristotelian Tripartivism in Interdisciplinary Discourses by Lesigues, Lope
Old Criticism and New Pragmatism by O'Sullivan, J. M.
Elements of Inductive Logic by Davis, Noah Knowles
On Causation: With a Chapter on Belief by Mercier, Charles Arthur
Reformed Logic by McLachlan, D. B.
Die Vieldeutigkeit des Urtheiles by Stöhr, Adolf
Die Logik John Locke's Zusammengestellt und Untersucht by Martinak, Eduard
La Logique Chez L'Enfant et sa Culture by Queyrat, Frédéric
Kritische Beiträge zur Kategorienlehre Kants: Mit Einem Anhang: Kritische Bemerkungen zu dr. G. A. L by LeClair, Anton Von
Die Deutsche Satzlehre: Eine Untersuchung Ihrer Grundlagen by Kern, Franz
beyond the shores of sun and stars: a quest into the tempest by
God, Religion and Pedophile's by Ryan, William J.
beyond the shores of sun and stars: a quest into the tempest by
Exploring Meinong's Jungle and Beyond: The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 1 by Routley, Richard
Essai sur le Langage by Charma, Antoine
ABCD Tomas de Aquino Examinado Con Logica Modal: Visión Moderna de Aquino by Ospina Romero, Luis Carlos
The New Rationalism by Spaulding, Edward Gleason
A Treatise on the Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Politics by Lewis, George Cornewall
Address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science by Spottiswoode, William
An Introduction to Logic by Woolley, John
Aids and Incentives to the Acquisition of Knowledge; by Gregory, Olinthus
The Act and Object of Judgment: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives by
Elementary Logic for University and Certificate Students by Lightfoot, John
The Modalist; or, The Laws of Rational Conviction by Hamilton, Edward John
The Threefold Division of Roman Law as Set Forth in the Text of Gaius by Emerton, Wolseley P.
Mr. Herbert Spencer and the British Quarterly Review by Spencer, Herbert
Remarks on Elementary Education in Science: An Introductory Lecture, Delivered at The Opening of The by Morgan, Augustus De
Anthological Morphologies: Collected Sequentially Structured Maxims (2014 - 2019) by O'Loughlin, John
Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy: Re-Examining the Roots and Development of Analytic Philosophy by Kuusela, Oskari
Following Reason: A Theory and Strategy for Rational Leadership by Manolopoulos, Mark
Catalogue of a Collection of Books on Logic Presented to the Library by Venn, John
Following Reason: A Theory and Strategy for Rational Leadership by Manolopoulos, Mark
Ezumezu: A System of Logic for African Philosophy and Studies by Chimakonam, Jonathan O.
Die Struktur des Logischen Gegenstandes by Hazay, Olivér
The Critique of Pure Reason by Meiklejohn, John M. D., Kant, Immanuel
On the Sea Battle Tomorrow That May Not Happen: A Logical and Philosophical Analysis of the Master Argument by Jarmużek, Tomasz
Journal of Applied Logics - The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications: Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2019: The 3rd Israeli Workshop on Non-class by
Plato's Logic by Hanhijärvi, Tommi Juhani
The Process Of Argument: A Contribution To Logic by Sidgwick, Alfred
Les règles de la méthode sociologique (texte intégral de 1895): Le plaidoyer d'Émile Durkheim pour imposer la sociologie comme une science nouvelle by Durkheim, Émile
Reason: Books I & II: A Critical Thinking-, Reason-, and Science-based Approach to Issues That Matter by Bennett, Bo
Reason: Books I & II: A Critical Thinking-, Reason-, and Science-based Approach to Issues That Matter by Bennett, Bo
Essai Sur L'art D'observer Et De Faire Des Expériences... by Sénebier, Jean
Principia Mathematica: Volume One by Whitehead, Alfred North, Russell, Bertrand
Logics of Proofs and Justifications by Kuznets, Roman, Studer, Thomas
Oeuvres Complètes De Thomas Reid, Chef De L'école Écossaise... by Reid, Thomas, Jouffroy
The Critique of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel
Hyperintensionality and Normativity by Faroldi, Federico L. G.
The Elements of Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking and Logic by Turetzky, Philip
Die Grundsätze der reinen Erkenntnisstheorie in der kantischen Philosophie by Stadler, August
Moritz Schlick. Vorlesungen Und Aufzeichnungen Zur Logik Und Philosophie Der Mathematik by
Floating Ideas: The Genius of Archimedes by Ramirez, Henry
Floating Ideas: The Genius of Archimedes by Ramirez, Henry
Factual and Plausible Reasoning by Billington, David
The Logic of Information: A Theory of Philosophy as Conceptual Design by Floridi, Luciano
Towards Scientific Metaphysics, Volume 2: Benedykt Bornstein's Geometrical Logic and Modern Philosophy by Śleziński, Krzysztof
Towards Scientific Metaphysics, Volume 1: In the Circle of the Scientific Metaphysics of Zygmunt Zawirski. Development and Comments on Zawirski's Conc by Śleziński, Krzysztof
Il Linguaggio: Un USO Diverso del Cervello by Sinigaglia, Lario
Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics by
Kripkes Metaphysik möglicher Welten by Krebs, Sebastian
Critical Inquiry: The Process of Argument by Boylan, Michael
Thinking about Logic: Classic Essays by M. Cahn, Steven
Journal of Applied Logics - The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications: Volume 6, Issue 3, May 2019 by
The Logica Yearbook 2018 by
Ultralogic as Universal?: The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 4 by Routley, Richard
Necessity Lost: Modality and Logic in Early Analytic Philosophy, Volume 1 by Shieh, Sanford
The Lever as Instrument of Reason: Technological Constructions of Knowledge Around 1800 by Holland, Jocelyn
Logic and Critical Thinking by
Jaakko Hintikka on Knowledge and Game-Theoretical Semantics by
Logical Form: Between Logic and Natural Language by Iacona, Andrea
Meaning and Proscription in Formal Logic: Variations on the Propositional Logic of William T. Parry by Ferguson, Thomas Macaulay
Larisa Maksimova on Implication, Interpolation, and Definability by
Raymond Smullyan on Self Reference by
Philosophy: An Innovative Introduction: Fictive Narrative, Primary Texts, and Responsive Writing by Boylan, Michael
Introduction À l'Étude de la Médecine Expérimentale by Bernard-C
Gorgias by Plato
Everything, More or Less: A Defence of Generality Relativism by Studd, J. P.
Wittgenstein's Investigations: An Introductory Guide; "knowing How to Go On" by Gill, Jerry H.
Reasons Why by Skow, Bradford
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism by
Bernard Bolzano: His Life and Work by Rusnock, Paul, Sebestik, Jan
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic by Cohnitz, Daniel, Estrada-González, Luis
Proof and Falsity: A Logical Investigation by Kürbis, Nils
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic by Cohnitz, Daniel, Estrada-González, Luis
Approaching Hegel's Logic, Obliquely: Melville, Moliere, Beckett by Nuzzo, Angelica
Gorgias by Plato
The Logic of Sortals: A Conceptualist Approach by Freund, Max A.
Gorgias by Plato
Abstraction and Infinity by Mancosu, Paolo
The Art of War by Sun Tzu: The Official Edition by Tzu, Sun
Stoicism: Complete Guide to Stoicism; How to Apply Stoicism in Everyday Life, Gain Confidence, Resilience, and Wisdom with the S by Zeno, Marcus
T. F. Torrance's Reconstruction of Natural Theology: Christ and Cognition by Irving, Alexander J. D.
Heyting Algebras: Duality Theory by Esakia, Leo
Reality & Logic: Are They Illusions? by Danton, Robert
Wise Words of Wisdom Volume I: A Lifetime Collection of Quotes, Sayings, Philosophies, Viewpoints and Thoughts by Wise, R. a.
Eat Meat... or Don't: Considering the Moral Arguments For and Against Eating Meat by Bennett, Bo
Eat Meat... or Don't: Considering the Moral Arguments For and Against Eating Meat by Bennett, Bo
Reasoning: New Essays on Theoretical and Practical Thinking by
Dynamics, Uncertainty and Reasoning: The Second Chinese Conference on Logic and Argumentation by
Language: a different use of the brain by Sinigaglia, Ilario
The Aftermath of Syllogism: Aristotelian Logical Argument from Avicenna to Hegel by
Theory of Graded Consequence: A General Framework for Logics of Uncertainty by Dutta, Soma, Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar
Hilbert's Programs and Beyond by Sieg, Wilfried
Impossible Worlds by Jago, Mark, Berto, Francesco
Interdisciplinary Investigations Into the Lvov-Warsaw School by
Wise Words of Wisdom Volume II: Another Lifetime of Collected Quotes, Sayings, & Philosophies by Wise, R. a.
Logic for Life by Eves, Timothy
Critique Of Pure Reason by Kant, Immanuel
Proof Theory and Algebra in Logic by Ono, Hiroakira
Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell, Tracy, Cowan, Robert, Kemp, Gary
The Critical Thinker: The Path To Better Problem Solving, Accurate Decision Making, and Self-Disciplined Thinking by Schuster, Steven
Hegel, Logic and Speculation by
Falacias Lógicas: ¿Comete errores al razonar? by Lovell, Scott
ABCD TOMAS DE AQUINO Examinado Con Lógica Modal: Visión Lógica de Aquino by Ospina Romero, Luis Carlos
Everyday Irrationality: How Pseudo- Scientists, Lunatics, And The Rest Of Us Systematically Fail To Think Rationally by Dawes, Robyn
Introduction To The Theory Of Logic by Zalabardo, Jose L.
Introduction to Logic by McMahon, Kenneth, Copi, Irving M., Cohen, Carl
Stoic Philosophy Bundle (Books 1 and 2): Featuring Stoicism - Understanding and Practicing the Philosophy of the Stoics & Stoicism - Purpose and Persp by Faber, Kyle
Formal Logic: Classical Problems and Proofs by Augusto, Luis M.
The Stoics on Lekta: All There Is to Say by Bronowski, Ada
A System of Legal Logic: Using Aristotle, Ayn Rand, and Analytical Philosophy to Understand the Law, Interpret Cases, and Win in Litigation (A by Hasan, Russell
The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools by Paul, Richard, Elder, Linda
Wise Words of Wisdom Volume III: Another Lifetime of Collected Quotes, Sayings, Philosophies, Viewpoints & Thoughts by Wise, R. a.
Natural Arguments: A Tribute to John Woods by
Journal of Applied Logics - The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications: Volume 6, Issue 6, September 2019: Special Issue: Concept of God by
Philosophie Der Existenz: Aktuelle Beiträge Von Der Ontologie Bis Zur Ethik by
The Art of Deception: An Introduction to Critical Thinking by Capaldi, Nicholas, Smit, Miles
Ontology Without Borders by Azzouni, Jody
Paraconsistency: The Logical Way to the Inconsistent by D'Ottaviano, Itala Maria Lof, Carnielli, Walter Alexandr, Coniglio, Marcelo
A Model-Theoretic Approach to Proof Theory by Kotlarski, Henryk
The Sorites Paradox by
Bayesian Philosophy of Science by Sprenger, Jan, Hartmann, Stephen
Peirce and Husserl: Mutual Insights on Logic, Mathematics and Cognition by
Philoponus: On Aristotle Categories 6-15 by Share, Michael
The Philosophy of Susanne Langer: Embodied Meaning in Logic, Art and Feeling by Chaplin, Adrienne Dengerink
Wise Words of Wisdom Volume IV: The Sequel to a Lifetime of Collected Quotes, Sayings, Philosophies, Viewpoints & Thoughts by Wise, R. a.
Stop Being Reasonable: How We Really Change Our Minds by Gordon-Smith, Eleanor
Critical Thinking: Learning about Your Grey Matter and the Capacity to Analyze by Graves, Martin
Constructive Semantics: Meaning in Between Phenomenology and Constructivism by
Hegel's Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in "The Science of Logic" by Pippin, Robert B.
The Algebra of Intensional Logics by Dunn, J. Michael
Ichbewusstsein - Gruppenbewusstsein: Die Energiebasis und ihre logischen Folgen by Wilkens, Sander
The Practice of Argumentation: Effective Reasoning in Communication by Zarefsky, David
The Practice of Argumentation by Zarefsky, David
From Argument Schemes to Argumentative Relations in the Wild: A Variety of Contributions to Argumentation Theory by
Noneist Explorations I: The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 2 by Routley, Richard, Routley, Val
Mathesis Universalis, Computability and Proof by
Logic and General Theory of Science by Husserl, Edmund
Negotiating with a Logical-Linguistic Protocol in a Dialogical Framework by Cazalla, Maria Dolors Martinez
Essays on Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic by
Topics in Modern Logic by Makinson, D. C.
Concept and Object: The Unity of the Proposition in Logic and Psychology by Palmer, Anthony
The Problems of Logic by Ushenko, Andrew Paul
The Logic of Commands by Rescher, Nicholas
The Traditional Formal Logic: A Short Account for Students by Sinclair, William Angus
Logic in Practice by Stebbing, L. Susan
An Introduction to Logic by Mitchell, David
Words of Power: A Feminist Reading of the History of Logic by Nye, Andrea
Elementary Formal Logic: A Programmed Course by Hamblin, C. L.
The Elements of Formal Logic by Hughes, G. E., Londey, D. G.
Meaning, Quantification, Necessity: Themes in Philosophical Logic by Davies, Martin
See More