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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Management in 2005

Emotional Crises in the Workplace: Protecting Your Business' Bottom Line - Emotional Continuity Management by Mitchell, Vali Hawkins
Mutual Respect by Beck, B.
Managing Agile Projects by
Internationalizing and Privatizing War and Peace: The Bumpy Ride to Peace Building by Wulf, H.
Outsourcing Success: The Management Imperative by Aran, Hemendra, Patel, Alpesh B.
Japan - A Modern Retail Superpower by Causton, M., Larke, R.
The Committed Enterprise: Making Vision, Values, and Branding Work by Davidson, Hugh
Human Resource Development by Mann, Clare, Brown, Steve, Swart, Juani
Appreciative Sharing of Knowledge: Leveraging Knowledge Management for Strategic Change by Thatchenkery, Tojo Joseph
Category Killers: The Retail Revolution and Its Impact on Consumer Culture by Spector, Robert
Getting to Vito the Very Important Top Officer: 10 Steps to Vito's Office by Parinello, Anthony
International Transfer Pricing in Asia Pacific: Perspectives on Trade Between Australia, New Zealand and China by Li, J.
Vraagsturing En Competenties: Ontwikkelen Van Succesvol Gedrag in de Zorg by Tuin, B. C. M., Akkerboom, H. L., Beijer, W. M. M.
Swim with the Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate, and Outnegotiate Your Competition by MacKay, Harvey B.
Heroic Leadership: Best Practices from a 450-Year-Old Company That Changed the World by Lowney, Chris
The Maintenance Scorecard by Mather, Daryl
Developing Performance Indicators for Managing Maintenance by Wireman, Terry
Call of the Mall: The Geography of Shopping by the Author of Why We Buy by Underhill, Paco
The Practice of Supply Chain Management: Where Theory and Application Converge by
How to Say it for Executives: The Complete Guide to Communication for Leaders by Mindell, Phyllis
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: Lessons from the Third Sector by Hutson, Harry, Dym, Barry Michael
La brecha entre el saber y el hacer by Pfeffer, Jeffrey, Sutton, Robert I.
HRM, Work and Employment in China by Cooke, Fang Lee
Aligned Yellow Bricks: The Road Back to Kansas by Woodward, Bob
Aligned Yellow Bricks: The Road Back to Kansas by Woodward, Bob
International Human Resource Management: A Critical Text by Linehan, Margaret, Scullion, Hugh
Herstellerleasing als Instrument der Absatzunterstützung: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer Balanced Scorecard als Steuerungs- und Kontrollinstrument by Florinett, Andrea
Managerial Leadership by Topping Peter, Topping, Peter
The Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy Project by
Entwicklung und Auswirkungen der Corporate Governance in Deutschland by Liebeck, Carsten
Creative Thinkers: The Efficient Few Who Cause Progress and Prosperity by Casson, Herbert N.
The Common Sense Guide to Leadership: Yesterday's Values for Today's Leader by Sullivan, John F.
Personalführung in Spanien und Deutschland: Ein Kulturvergleich by Marciniak, Vivian
The Common Sense Guide to Leadership: Yesterday's Values for Today's Leader by Sullivan, John F.
Deep Smarts: How to Cultivate and Transfer Enduring Business Wisdom by Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, Swap, Walter C.
Kundenbindung im Verlag: Relevanz und Umsetzung bei Tageszeitungen und Publikumszeitschriften by Morgen, Bettina
Cómo Ganarse a la Gente: Descubra Los Principios Que Siempre Funcionan Con Las Personas by Maxwell, John C.
Probleme der Unternehmensbewertung in der Praxis by Nieland, Boris
How to Hire, Train & Keep the Best Employees for Your Small Business by Podmoroff, Dianna
Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations: Lessons from the Third Sector by Hutson, Harry, Dym, Barry Michael
Implementierung einer Balanced Scorecard als modernes Controlling-Instrument by Vierneißel, Marion
The Right Tools for the Job: On the Use and Performance of Management Tools and Techniques by Sanderson, J., Cox, A., Lonsdale, C.
HRM, Work and Employment in China by Cooke, Fang Lee
Kanban-Controlled Manufacturing Systems by Krieg, Georg
Interkulturelle Managementkompetenz: Anforderungen Und Ausbildung by Bergemann, Niels, Bergemann, Britta
The Right Tools for the Job: On the Use and Performance of Management Tools and Techniques by Sanderson, J., Cox, A., Lonsdale, C.
Unternehmen Steuern Mit Controlling: Leitfaden Und Toolbox Für Die PRAXIS by Weißmann, Fritz
Valuable Disconnects in Organizational Learning Systems: Integrating Bold Visions and Harsh Realities by Ford, Kevin, Cutcher-Gershenfeld, Joel, Ford, J. Kevin
An Introduction to Auction Theory by Menezes, Flavio M., Monteiro, Paulo K.
The Geography of Small Firm Innovation by Black, Grant
Scenarios: The Art of Strategic Conversation by Van Der Heijden, Kees
Accelerating Transformation: Process Innovation in the Global Information Technology Industry by Tabrizi, Behnam N.
Keeping the Promise: A Work Ethic for Doing Things Right by Kennedy, Larry W.
Ein Vergleich in der deutschen Automobilindustrie: Benchmarking und Betriebsvergleich by Melzer, Daniela
Wertschöpfung Im Unternehmen: Wie Innovative Interne Dienstleister Die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Steigern by
Strategische Anreizsetzung Im Unternehmen by
The Limits to Globalization and the Regional Strategies of Multinational Enterprises by
Interne Markenführung: Verankerung der Markenidentität im Mitarbeiterverhalten by Plum, Alexander
Management Produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen: Konzepte Und Praxisbeispiele Für Technik, Organisation Und Personal in Serviceorientierten Industrieb by
Leadership Lessons of the Navy Seals: Battle-Tested Strategies for Creating Successful Organizations and Inspiring Extraordinary Results by Cannon, Jon, Cannon, Jeff
Mealfest: The Secret, Never Before Seen, Management Formula for Restaurants in an Appetizing Self-Help Book by Hearing, George S.
The Economics and Management of Small Business: An International Perspective by Bannock, Graham
Wissensgenerierung und Kompetenzentwicklung im Rahmen von Corporate Entrepreneurship-Aktivitäten by Erdélyi, Michael
Employment Discrimination Litigation: Behavioral, Quantitative, and Legal Perspectives by Landy, Frank J.
Fit im Projekt: Die Erfolgskriterien der projectPROFiT-Methode für profitables Projektmanagement. Mit Projekt-Test zur Budgetoptimieru by Schmidt, Udo, Heese, Dirk, Kukla, Markus
Calm: Computer Aided Leadership & Management: -How Computers Can Unleash the Full Potential of Individuals and Organizations by Middelfart, Morten
The Carolina Way: Leadership Lessons from a Life in Coaching by Smith, Dean, Bell, Gerald D., Kilgo, John
Die Integration von Beschwerdeinformationen in die organisationale Wissensbasis: Anforderungen, Möglichkeiten, Probleme by Böckmann, Bianca
Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Einführung by Peters, Sönke, Stelling, Johannes N., Brühl, Rolf
International Human Resource Management: A Multinational Company Perspective by Tayeb, Monir H.
Leadership and Management in the 21st Century: Business Challenges of the Future by
Managing Product Life Cycle in a Supply Chain: Context: A Prescription Based on Empirical Research by Kumar, Sameer, Krob, William A.
The role of CRM within corporate strategy: A general analysis by Pfeiffenbrück, Jörg
Motivationsorientierte Steuerung Des Wissenstransferverhaltens: Modellierung, Empirische Analyse Und Anreizsystemgestaltung by Spelsiek, Jan
Angewandte Institutionenökonomik: Theorien -- Modelle -- Evidenz by Leibbrand, Frank, Dudley, Leonard, Blum, Ulrich
Consensus as Key Success Factor in Strategy-Making by Willauer, Bianca
Kommunikations-Controlling: Kommunikation Und Information Quantifizieren Und Finanziell Bewerten by Piwinger, Manfred, Porák, Victor
Die Frühen Phasen Der Produktentwicklung: Eine Empirische Analyse in Der Mess-, Steuer- Und Regelungstechnik by Verworn, Birgit
Competitive Intelligence and Global Business by
The Story of Managing Projects: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Methoden und Instrumente des Supply Chain Mapping by Rüger, Jan-Marcus
The Strategic Use of Stories in Organizational Communication and Learning by Gargiulo, Terrence L.
When Retail Customers Count by Ryski, Mark
Security in the Boardroom by Smith, Mark S. a.
Human Resource Management: Rhetorics and Realities by Legge, Karen
When Sparks Fly: Harnessing the Power of Group Creativity by Leonard-Barton, Dorothy, Swap, Walter C.
Competence Perspectives on Managing Interfirm Interactions by
Trends in der Anwendung von Markenwahlmodellen by Knispel, Nadine
The Business of Ethnography: Strategic Exchanges, People and Organizations by Moeran, Brian
Advances in Global Leadership by
Complexity and Organization: Readings and Conversations by
When Retail Customers Count by Ryski, Mark
Passionate and Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and Ten Steps to Do Them Right by Arussy, Lior
Managing for the Long Run: Lessons in Competitive Advantage from Great Family Businesses by Le Breton-Miller, Isabelle, Miller, Danny
Tolley's Managing a Diverse Workforce by Welham, Jacqui, Booth, Nikki, Robson, Clare
Proven Solutions for Improving Supply Chain Performance (PB) by Pegels, C. Carl
The Management Bible by Nelson, Bob, Economy, Peter
Boards That Deliver: Advancing Corporate Governance from Compliance to Competitive Advantage by Charan, Ram
Theorie und Praxis der systemtheoretischen Organisationsberatung by Jung, Alexander
Control Self-Assessment und Section 404 des Sarbanes-Oxley Acts by Kuckein, Michael
Governance of the Extended Enterprise: Bridging Business and IT Strategies by It Governance Institute
Kundenbindungsprogramme als Instrument des Customer Relationship Managements im Profifußball: Ein Fancard-Konzept für den Bundeslisten Hertha BSC by Stabenow, Gregor
Teamarbeit im Business Reengineering: Erfolgsfaktoren erkennen und fördern by Mayer, Ingrid
The Complete Human Resources Writing Guide by Arthur, Diane
Seniorenmarketing: Theoretische Grundlagen - Empirische Untersuchung by Rutishauser, Franziska
The New Community Firm by Inagami, T., Whittaker, D. Hugh
Determinanten der Markenbindung für langlebige Konsumgüter als Basis für Category Management by Schaub, Dorothee
Japanese Company in Crisis by Graham, Fiona
Einsatz des Quality Function Deployment (QFD) im Luftverkehrssektor: Eine empirische Untersuchung der Kundenzufriedenheit am Flughafen Hamburg by Asdonk, Hendrik
The Effective Tax Burden on Highly Qualified Employees: An International Comparison by Elschner, Christina, Schwager, Robert
The High Performance Organization by Holbeche, Linda
Leading Coherently: Reflections from Leaders Around the World by Stanford-Blair, Nancy, Dickmann, Michael H.
Infrastructure and Productivity in Asia: Political, Financial, Physical and Intellectual Underpinnings by
Knowledge Management: Organizational and Technological Dimensions by
Restructuring Strategy: New Networks and Industry Challenges by
When Professional Women Retire...: Food for Thought and Palate by Wiehl, Inga, Heffernan, Ellie
A Business Tale: A Story of Ethics, Choices, Success -- And a Very Large Rabbit by Jennings, Marianne M.
People Leave Managers...Not Organizations!: Action Based Leadership by Tate, Rick W.
People Leave Managers...Not Organizations!: Action Based Leadership by Tate, Rick W.
Sales Wise: A Journey Through Sales and Selling by Lewis, Martyn
Organizations Today by
Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology by Tsoukas, Haridimos
Complex Knowledge: Studies in Organizational Epistemology by Tsoukas, Haridimos
Dutch Enterprise in the 20th Century: Business Strategies in Small Open Country by Sluyterman, Keetie E.
Strategy for Success in Asia: Mastering Business in Asia by Singh, Kulwant, Delios, Andrew
Grundlagen Der Organisation: Die Steuerung Von Entscheidungen ALS Grundproblem Der Betriebswirtschaftslehre by Laux, Helmut, Liermann, Felix
The Practical Real-Time Enterprise: Facts and Perspectives by
Managing Product Innovation by
The 7 Irrefutable Rules of Small Business Growth by Little, Steven S.
First In, Last Out: Leadership Lessons from the New York Fire Department by Salka, John
St. Benedict's Rule for Business Success by Skrabec, Quentin R., Jr.
Erfolgreiches Management Radikaler Innovationen: Autonomie ALS Schlüsselvariable by Krieger, Axel
Gründungsforschung Und Gründungslehre: Zwischen Identitätssuche Und "Normalwissenschaft" by
Vertriebseffizienz Durch Kundenintegration: Empirische Untersuchung Am Beispiel Deutscher Hersteller Von Werkzeugmaschinen by Stotko, Christof M.
Managementberatung Und Führungsrationalität: Ein Akteurstheoretischer Ansatz by Caroli, Tobias S.
Portfoliomanagement Im Konzern: Entwicklungs- Und Konfigurationsoptionen Zur Generierung Von Mehrwert by Resch, Bernhard
Gründungsausbildung: Entrepreneurship Education an Deutschen Hochschulen Und Ihre Raumrelevanten Strukturen, Inhalte Und Effekte by Uebelacker, Stefan
Großflächige Einzelhandelsbetriebe: Ein Paradigma Zwischen Freier Standortwahl, Staatlicher Reglementierung Und Zufriedenen Verbrauchern by Sauter, Michael M.
Managing to Collaborate: The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage by Huxham, Chris, Vangen, Siv
Managing to Collaborate: The Theory and Practice of Collaborative Advantage by Huxham, Chris, Vangen, Siv
Air Force Service Procurement: Approaches for Measurement and Management by Baldwin, Laura H.
Franchising als Internationalisierungsstrategie by Pohl, Kirsten
Customer-Oriented Quality Management in the Automotive Industry: In Cooperation with Saab Automobile AB, Trollhättan by Breitfeld, Marit
Employment Discrimination Litigation: Behavioral, Quantitative, and Legal Perspectives by
Leadership: Succeeding in the Private, Public, and Not-For-Profit Sectors by Sims, Ronald R., Quatro, Scott a.
Managing a Company in an Activist World: The Leadership Challenge of Corporate Citizenship by Burke, Edmund
Getting It Right the First Time: How Innovative Companies Anticipate Demand by Katsaros, John, Christy, Peter
Course Management Systems for Learning: Beyond Accidental Pedagogy by
Fundamentals of Advertising by Rowse, Edward J., Fish, Louis J.
The Pursuit of Innovation: Managing the People and Processes That Turn New Ideas Into Profits by Freedman, George
The New Economics: Keynes' Influence on Theory and Public Policy by Harris, Seymour E.
Seeing Organizational Patterns by Keidel, Robert W.
Marketing and Financial Management: New Economy - New Interfaces by Halliday, Michael, Walters, David
International Human Resource Management: Theory and Practice by Ozbilgin, Mustafa
People Management: Challenges and Opportunities by Rees, David, McBain, Richard
Project Management: A Strategic Planning Approach by Gardiner, Paul
Payroll: A Guide to Running an Efficient Department by Lambert, Vicki M., Ioma
Innovation Cell: Agile Teams to Master Disruptive Innovation by Wördenweber, Burkard, Weissflog, Uwe
Risk Management for Computer Security: Protecting Your Network & Information Assets by Ashenden, Debi, Jones, Andy
Managing Change and Innovation in Public Service Organizations by Brown, Kerry, Osborne, Stephen
Steal This Book!: Million Dollar Sales Letters You Can Legally Steal to Suck in Cash Like a Vacuum on by Kilstein, Harlan
Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application (PB) by
Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application by
Extreme Facilitation: Guiding Groups Through Controversy and Complexity by Ghais, Suzanne
Right from the Start: Taking Charge in a New Leadership Role by Ciampa, Dan, Watkins, Michael
Engaging Learning: Designing eLearning Simulation Games by Quinn, Clark N.
Many Unhappy Returns: One Man's Quest to Turn Around the Most Unpopular Organization in America by Rossotti, Charles O.
Leadership, Management, and Innovation in R&D Project Teams by Mann, Leon
La Quinta Disciplina En La Práctica: Estrategias y herramientas para construir la organización abierta al aprendizaje by Senge, Peter M.
Transcendent Leadership and the Evolution of Consciousness! by Aldon, Lisa
Corporate Performance Management: Aris in Der PRAXIS by
Why Business People Speak Like Idiots: A Bullfighter's Guide by Fugere, Brian, Hardaway, Chelsea, Warshawsky, Jon
Leadership in a Diverse and Multicultural Environment: Developing Awareness, Knowledge, and Skills by Pedersen, Paul B., Connerley, Mary L.
Assessment Center als modernes Personalauswahlverfahren: Chancen und Risiken by Mühlwald, Nadine
Critical Thinking in Human Resource Development by
Grundwissen Produktion: Produktions- und Kostentheorie by
Managing Change and Innovation in Public Service Organizations by Brown, Kerry, Osborne, Stephen
Passionate and Profitable: Why Customer Strategies Fail and Ten Steps to Do Them Right! by Arussy, Lior
Psychological Assessment in the Workplace: A Manager's Guide by Cook, Mark, Cripps, Barry
Imitation in International Relations: Observational Learning, Analogies and Foreign Policy in Russia and Ukraine by Goldsmith, B.
Imitation in International Relations: Observational Learning, Analogies and Foreign Policy in Russia and Ukraine by Goldsmith, B.
Führungskonzepte und -theorien: Grundlagen professioneller Mitarbeiterführung by Herbig, Albert F.
Success Factors of Corporate Spin-Offs by Tübke, Alexander
Product Marketing for Technology Companies by Butje, Mark
Die Eignung ausgewählter Führungstechniken bei Anwendung der Personal Scorecard by Orywal, Cristina
Wettbewerbsvorteile durch optimale Kundenbindung (CRM) by Schulz, Carsten
Erfolgsfaktor Innovation by
Joy at Work: A Revolutionary Approach to Fun on the Job by Bakke, Dennis W.
Messen Messbar Machen: Mehr Intelligenz Pro M² by Huckemann, Matthias, Seiler, Urs, Weiler, Dieter S.
Outsourcing to India: The Offshore Advantage by Kobayashi-Hillary, Mark
Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Field Guide for Leaders, Managers, and Facilitators by Lencioni, Patrick M.
Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis: 7 Essential Lessons for Surviving Disaster by Mitroff, Ian I.
Shopping Tourism, Retailing and Leisure by Timothy, Dallen J.
Shopping Tourism, Retailing and Leisure by Timothy, Dallen J.
Raus Aus Der Demotivationsfalle: Wie Verantwortungsbewusstes Management Vertrauen, Leistung Und Innovation Fördert by Schmitz, Heribert
Leading Marines by U. S. Marine Corps
Performance Appraisals within Public Safety by Sandleben, Linda A.
The Relationships Between Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention Among Software Developers by Dori, Timothy Lee
Sap-Einführung Mit Change Management: Konzepte, Erfahrungen Und Gestaltungsempfehlungen by
The Common Glue: An Alternative Way of Transcending Differences to Unleash Competitive Performance by
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