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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Management in 2006

Practical Benchmarking by Cook, Sarah
Using People Skills in Training & Development by Rae, Leslie
Selling Machine by Sanchez, Diane
Start Your Own Business in 30 Days by Grappo, Gary Joseph
Corporate Learning Strategies by Greeno, Nathan J.
Dollars Only by BOK, Edward W.
Managing Marginal or Incompetent Staff: A Practical Guide by Campbell, Jo
The Administration and Conduct of Corporate Meetings: With Appendixes, Precedents and Shareholders' Questions by Phillips, Glenville W.
Devenez manager coach !: Les meilleurs outils du coaching pour mieux manager vos collaborateurs. by Caudron, Laurent
Customer Intelligence by Kelly, Sean
Statecraft, Welfare and the Politics of Inclusion by Jayasuriya, K.
Asian Brand Strategy: How Asia Builds Strong Brands by Roll, M.
The Rise of Cass Business School: The Journey to World-Class: 1966 Onwards by Williams, A.
21st-Century Japanese Management: New Systems, Lasting Values by Abegglen, J.
Bonds: A Concise Guide for Investors by Choudhry, M.
The Future of Financial Markets by Mayes, D.
Does Marketing Need Reform?: Fresh Perspectives on the Future: Fresh Perspectives on the Future by Sheth, Jagdish N., Sisodia, Rajendra S.
Race, Gender, and Leadership: Re-envisioning Organizational Leadership From the Perspectives of African American Women Executives by Parker, Patricia S.
Dialogue Mapping: Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems by Conklin, Jeffrey
Learning and Development for Managers: Perspectives from Research and Practice by Sadler-Smith, Eugene
Olympic Turnaround: How the Olympic Games Stepped Back from the Brink of Extinction to Become the World's Best Known Brand by Payne, Michael
Built to Change: How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness by Worley, Christopher G., Lawler, Edward E.
Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy by Mourdoukoutas, Panos
Harvard Business Essentials, Decision Making: 5 Steps to Better Results by
Wal-Mart: The Face of Twenty-First-Century Capitalism by
Are You Ready to Succeed?: Unconventional Strategies to Achieving Personal Mastery in Business and Life by Rao, Srikumar S.
The Best Damn Sales Book Ever by Greshes, Warren
Courage: The Backbone of Leadership by Elliott-Lee, Diane, Lee, Gus
Líder de 360°: Cómo Desarrollar Su Influencia Desde Cualquier Posición En Su Organización by Maxwell, John C.
You're A Leader -Now What? Knowing What to do Next by Nicholas, John, Fuchs, Len
Human Resource Policies and Procedures for Nonprofit Organizations by Barbeito, Carol L.
Next Generation Leader: 5 Essentials for Those Who Will Shape the Future by Stanley, Andy
The HP Way: How Bill Hewlett and I Built Our Company by Packard, David
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done by Drucker, Peter F.
The Manager's Pocket Guide to Training by Doyle, Shawn
The Forest Ranger: A Study in Administrative Behavior by Kaufman, Herbert
Managing the Generation Mix, 2nd Edition: From Urgency to Opportunity by Tulgan, Bruce, Martin, Ph. D. Ph. D. Carolyn a.
Public/Private Partnerships: Innovation Strategies and Policy Alternatives by Link, Albert N.
Zur Effizienz und Effektivität der Leistungserbringung in öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten als Ergebnis eines prozessorientierten Content Mana by Gomolka, Martin
Negotiate This!: By Caring, But Not T-H-A-T Much by Cohen, Herb
Culture and Demography in Organizations by Harrison, J. Richard, Carroll, Glenn R.
Pitch Yourself: The Most Effective CV You'll Ever Write. Stand Out and Sell Yourself by Faust, Bill, Faust, Michael
Management, Gender, and Race in the 21st Century by Karsten, Margaret Foegen
Inside Toyland: Working, Shopping, and Social Inequality by Williams, Christine L.
Successful Franchising by Sugars, Bradley J., Sugars, Brad
Instant Repeat Business by Sugars, Bradley J., Sugars, Brad
Instant Sales by Sugars, Brad, Sugars, Bradley J.
Billionaire In Training by Sugars, Brad, Sugars, Bradley J.
Instant Team Building by Sugars, Brad, Sugars, Bradley J.
The Business Coach by Sugars, Brad, Sugars, Bradley J.
Vertrauen in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Eine interdisziplinäre Betrachtung bei ausgewählten Autoren der Psychologie, Soziologie und Volkswirtschaftslehre by Schwarz, Arno
Make Your Life Tax Deductible: Easy Techniques to Reduce Your Taxes and Start Building Wealth Immediately by Meier, David W.
The 100-Mile Walk: A Father and Son on a Quest to Find the Essence of Leadership by Flaum, Jonathon a., Flaum, Mechele, Flaum, Sander a.
Sales Insights from a Herman Miller Watercarrier by Dozeman, Bryan
Dimensionen nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens: Ein Konzeptentwurf zur Implementierung der Nachhaltigkeit im Krankenhaus by Müller, Marcus
Umgang mit Widerständen im Rahmen von geplanten Change-Managementprozessen by Päuser, Gabi
Handbuch Moderne Unternehmensfinanzierung: Strategien zur Kapitalbeschaffung und Bilanzoptimierung by Figgener, Stefanus, Grunow, Hans-Werner G.
Employee Health, Coping and Methodologies by
Controlling: Aufgaben Und Lösungshinweise by Ossadnik, Wolfgang
Principles of Law Relating to International Trade by Kouladis, Nicholas
Multicriteria Scheduling: Theory, Models and Algorithms by T'Kindt, Vincent, Billaut, Jean-Charles
Analyse von Storni und Implikationen für die Gestaltung eines Stornomanagements in Lebensversicherungsunternehmen by Prestele, Andreas
Die Kunst Zu Überzeugen: Faire Und Unfaire Dialektik by Thiele, Albert
Supramanie: Vom Pflichtmenschen Zum Score-Man by Dueck, Gunter
Improving Flow: Collected Practices and Cases by Productivity Press
Maintenance Management Auditing by Kelly, Anthony
Das Summa Summarum Des Erfolgs: Die 25 Wichtigsten Werke Für Motivation, Effektivität Und Persönlichen Erfolg by
Unifying the Software Process Spectrum: International Software Process Workshop, Spw 2005, Beijing, China, May 25-27, 2005 Revised Selected Papers by
Vertriebsstrategien Für Den Mittelstand: Die Vitaminkur Für Absatz, Umsatz Und Ertrag by Laux, David, Gruhler, Jörg, Pufahl, Mario
Unternehmensethik Und Unternehmenspraxis by
Sharing Executive Power by Svejenova, Silviya, Alvarez, José Luis
Sharing Executive Power by Alvarez, José Luis, Svejenova, Silviya
Corporate Social Responsibility: Reconciling Aspiration with Application by
Die Lead-Markt-Strategie: Das Geheimnis Weltweit Erfolgreicher Innovationen by Beise, Marian
Employment Relations in a Changing Society: Assessing the Post-Fordist Paradigm by
International Joint Ventures: An Interplay of Cooperative and Noncooperative Games Under Incomplete Information by Ott, U.
Corporate Performance Management: Aris in Practice by
Work-Life Integration: International Perspectives on the Balancing of Multiple Roles by
Erfolgsfaktor Verantwortung: Corporate Social Responsibility Professionell Managen by
International Joint Ventures: An Interplay of Cooperative and Noncooperative Games Under Incomplete Information by Ott, U.
10 Steps to Success: A Commonsense Guide to Building a Successful Insurance Business by Fowler, Daniel S.
The impact of cultural differences on cross-border mergers at the example of DaimlerChrysler by Trajanov, Romy
Agent-Based Supply Network Event Management by Zimmermann, Roland
Understanding Psychological Contracts at Work: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Research by Conway, Neil, Briner, Rob B.
Das Gedächtnis im Alter - Implikationen für die Werbung: Gerontopsychologische und werbepsychologische Erkenntnisse zum Gedächtnis im Alter als Grundl by Dietzmann, Susann
So You Built It and They Didn't Come. Now What? by Bassett, Jackie
Keeping Employees Accountable for Results: Quick Tips for Busy Managers by Miller, Brian
Managerial Economics: Analysis, Problems, Cases by Truett, Lila J., Truett, Dale B.
Management Mumbo-Jumbo: A Skeptics' Dictionary by Furnham, A.
Resumes That Pack a Punch!: Creating Beefy Bullets That Grab, Hook, and Wow Hiring Managers into Calling You for an Interview by Uda Mba Bs, Robert T.
Anwendung der Balanced Scorecard bei der Integrationsphase von Sparkassenfusionen by Herr, Nicole
Getting Real about Knowledge Networks: Unlocking Corporate Knowledge Assets by
Anlagenwirtschaft by Nebl, Theodor, Prüß, Henning
Consulting Insight by Niedereichholz, Christel, Niedereichholz, Joachim
Improving Employee Performance Through Appraisal and Coaching by Kirkpatrick, Donald L.
Zielvereinbarung - Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Umsetzung by Lukas, Geb Cermak Dörte
Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien Systemisch Umsetzen: Exploration Der Organisationsaufstellung ALS Managementmethode by Gminder, Carl Ulrich
Kunden- Und Mitarbeiterorientierte Organisationsgestaltung Industrieller Dienstleistungsunternehmen by Ziemeck, Heike
Koordination in Advanced Planning and Scheduling-Systemen by Betge, David
Vom Individuellen Zum Organisationalen Lernen: Eine Konstruktivistische Analyse by Schüerhoff, Vera
The Management of Transshipment Terminals: Decision Support for Terminal Operations in Finished Vehicle Supply Chains by Mattfeld, Dirk C.
Call-Center-Management Und Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit: Eine Kausalanalytische Untersuchung by Scupin, Yvonne
Brand Communities: Erfolgsfaktoren Und Ökonomische Relevanz Von Markengemeinschaften by Loewenfeld, Fabian
Internationales Wissensmanagement: Zur Steigerung Der Flexibilität Und Schlagkraft Wissensintensiver Unternehmen by Gehle, Michael
Hub&spoke-Netzwerke in Der Logistik: Modellbasierte Lösungsansätze Für Ihr Design by Wagner, Bernd
Managementkonzepte Aus Sicht Der Organisationskultur: Auswahl, Ausgestaltung Und Einführung by Zielowski, Christian
Employability Management: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Perspektiven by
Externe Referenzpreise: Eine Empirisch Gestützte Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse by Eschweiler, Maurice
Marketing Performance: Messen - Analysieren - Optimieren by Hammerschmidt, Maik, Stokburger, Gregor, Bauer, Hans
Gründungsausbildung in Netzwerken: Eine Komparative Analyse in Deuschen Hochschulregionen by Wagner, Kerstin
Managerial Rhetoric and Arts Organizations: by Zan, L.
Managing Network of Twenty-First Century Organisations by Perri, P., Peck, E., Goodwin, N.
Managing Network of Twenty-First Century Organisations by Peck, E., Goodwin, N., Perri, P.
Korruption und ihre Bekämpfung - Deutschland und USA im Institutionenvergleich by Diekhaus, Berta
Sarbanes-Oxley Act - Konsequenzen für das dualistische System von Aufsichtsrat und Vorstand deutscher Unternehmen by Gzuk, Lars Roland
Electronic Customer Relationship Management by Robertson, Nicholas C., Jr., Fjermestad, Jerry
Business Strategy in a Semiglobal Economy by Mourdoukoutas, Panos
The Dance of Leadership: The Art of Leading in Business, Government, and Society: The Art of Leading in Business, Government, and Society by Denhardt, Janet V.
The Dance of Leadership: The Art of Leading in Business, Government, and Society: The Art of Leading in Business, Government, and Society by Denhardt, Janet V.
Thinking from Within: A Hands-On Strategy Practice by Roos, J.
Managing IT Professionals in the Internet Age by
A Risk Management Approach to Business Continuity: Aligning Business Continuity with Corporate Governance by Kaye, David, Graham, Julia
Managing Projects in Human Resources Training and Development by Martin, Vivien
Data Mining Restricted International Edition by Han
Secrets to Creating Wealth: Learn How to Create Outrageous Wealth with Only 2 Pennies to Rub Together by Pierce, Stephen
We All Fall Down: Goldratt's Theory of Constraints for Healthcare Systems by King, Russ, Wright, Julie
Virtuoso Teams. Grandes Equipos que cambiaron el Mundo: Enseñanzas Para la Empresa Moderna by Boyton, Andy, Fisher, Bill
Die Bedeutung der Marken- und Servicepolitik für eine erfolgreiche Kundenbindung: Dargestellt am Beispiel eines Unternehmens der Hausgerätebranche by Schmidt, Matthias
Das Internet als Medium zur Kundenbindung: Ist der derzeitige Stand nutzerfreundlich? by Kahl, Christopher
Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung: Darstellung der historischen Entwicklung und der Komponenten dieses Managementansatzes sowie Ableitung geeigneter by Zimmermann, Inga
The Integration of Employee Assistance, Work/Life, and Wellness Services by
Outsourcing 2e C by Bragg, Steven M.
Finance for Small Business 2E by Bragg, Steven M., Burton, Edwin T.
The McGraw Hill 36 Hour Six SIGMA Course by Howes, Rod, Brue, Greg
The Complete Small Business Guide: A Sourcebook for New and Small Businesses by Barrow, Colin
Improvisational Negotiation: A Mediator's Stories of Conflict about Love, Money, Anger -- And the Strategies That Resolved Them by Krivis, Jeffrey
The Integration of Employee Assistance, Work/Life, and Wellness Services by
Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry by Glaesser, Dirk
Leading Corporate Turnaround by Barlow, Laura, Slatter, Stuart, Lovett, David
Marketer's Toolkit: The 10 Strategies You Need to Succeed by
House of Lies: How Management Consultants Steal Your Watch and Then Tell You the Time by Kihn, Martin
Nanotechnologie - Was kommt auf uns zu? by Egeler, Patrik
Venture Capital in the Changing World of Entrepreneurship (PB) by
Venture Capital in the Changing World of Entrepreneurship (Hc) by
How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom and Power (PB) by Christakis, Alexander N., Bausch, Kenneth C.
How People Harness Their Collective Wisdom to Create the Future by Christakis, Alexander N., Bausch, Kenneth C.
Reinventing Your Board: A Step-By-Step Guide to Implementing Policy Governance by Carver, John, Carver, Miriam
The Paris Shopping Companion: A Personal Guide to Shopping in Paris for Every Pocketbook by Winkler, Susan Swire
Silos, Politics and Turf Wars: A Leadership Fable about Destroying the Barriers That Turn Colleagues Into Competitors by Lencioni, Patrick M.
How To Avoid "Just Looking!": And Other Ways To Increase Your Retail Sales by Kennon, Terry
Ursachen für Unternehmensschließungen: Eine empirische Analyse in Oberösterreich by Pirklbauer, Gertraud
Investment Performance Measurement & Performance Measurement Standards by Chladek, Daniel
Financialization and Strategy: Narrative and Numbers by Leaver, Adam, Froud, Julie, Johal, Sukhdev
Financialization and Strategy: Narrative and Numbers by Froud, Julie, Johal, Sukhdev, Leaver, Adam
Macroeconomics: Imperfections, Institutions and Policies by Soskice, David, Carlin, Wendy
CQ: Developing Cultural Intelligence at Work by Tan, Joo-Seng, Earley, P. Christopher, Ang, Soon
The Community Leadership Handbook: Framing Ideas, Building Relationships, and Mobilizing Resources by Krile, James F.
Corporate Governance, Executive Compensation Model: Langzeitkompensation von Wertsteigerung in klein- und mittelgroßen Unternehmen durch die nachhalti by Brunschweiler, Remo
Aufbau eines Risikomanagementsystems für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen mit Projektleistungstätigkeit by Zawistowski, Gunnar, Milentijevic, Stevica
Continuous Learning in Organizations: Individual, Group, and Organizational Perspectives by Sessa, Valerie I., London, Manuel
Projektcontrolling - Theoretischer Ansatz und praktische Umsetzungsschwierigkeiten by Angstenberger, Irina
The Rise of Cass Business School: The Journey to World-Class: 1966 Onwards by Williams, A.
How to Sell Anything to Anybody by Girard, Joe
In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies by Peters, Thomas J., Waterman, Robert H.
The Principles of Scientific Management by Taylor, Frederick Winslow
Founding Limited Companies (Ltds.) in Germany - Perspectives and Risks by Schmidt, Tobias
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of Business Cycles by
Managing Dynamic Networks: Organizational Perspectives of Technology Enabled Inter-Firm Collaboration by
Handbuch Medienmanagement by
Supply Chains and Total Product Systems: A Reader by
Reliability and Six SIGMA by Chitra, T., Kumar, U. Dinesh, Crocker, John
Dialogues with the Executive Coach: How Coaching Sounds, How It Works, and Why It Develops Leaders by Kelly, Mark, Alwon, George, Ferguson, Robert
The Magic of Working Smarter: Discover the Road to Balance and Success by Wood, Neil
Wachsen aus der Nische!?: Tools für die wirksame Innovationsförderung in Klein- und Mittelbetrieben (KMU) by Brunschweiler, Remo
Risiko-Management im Krankenhaus: Implementierung eines Managementsystems zur Minimierung von Risiken by Ertl, Stefan
Die Bedeutung von Wissensschutz in mittelständischen Unternehmen und Wege zu seiner Verbesserung by Schubert, Benjamin, Scholz, Jan Henning
Angewandte Industrieökonomik: Theorien - Modelle - Anwendungen by Müller, Simone, Weiske, Andreas, Blum, Ulrich
Die Marke in der Marke: Bedeutung und Macht des Ingredient Branding by Pförtsch, Waldemar, Müller, Indrajanto
Ganzheitliches Direktmarketing by
Spannung Marke: Markenführung Für Komplexe Unternehmen by Belz, Christian
An Introduction to Human Resource Management: An Integrated Approach by Nieto, Michael L.
Unternehmensethik Und Globale Märkte by
Human Resource Management in Consulting Firms by
The Pygmalion Principal: The Impact of High Expectations on Student and Staff Achievement by Dignan Ed D., Patricia J.
Nonprofits: On the Brink: How Nonprofits Have Lost Their Way and Some Essentials to Bring Them Back by Snyder, Gary R.
A Path to Leadership: The Heroic Follower by Palestini, Robert
The Nonprofit Chief Executive's Ten Basic Responsibilities by Moyers, Richard L.
Stress and Quality of Working Life: Current Perspectives in Occupational Health (PB) by International Stress Management Associat
Stress and Quality of Working Life: Current Perspectives in Occupational Health (Hc) by International Stress Management Associat
Developmental Assignments: Creating Learning Experiences Without Changing Jobs by McCauley, Cynthia D.
Kundenbindung und Kundenbindungsmanagement by Becker, Simon
Research Concepts for Management Studies by Thomas, Alan Berkeley
A Manager's Mind: The Foundation for Entry-Level Management by Evans, Christian J.
Advances in Business and Management Forecasting by
Geomarketing: Methods and Strategies in Spatial Marketing by
Life's Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth by Vitale, Joe
Globalisierung und gewerblicher Rechtsschutz: Produktpiraterie als Herausforderung an das unternehmerische Schutzrechtsmanagement by Burkart, Stefan
Einsatz ökonomischer Instrumente im Wasserressourcenmanagement by Scholz, Michael
The Information Society in an Enlarged Europe by
The Millennium Manager by Rawlins, R. Ashley
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