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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Management in 2021

Marketization: Theory and Evidence from Emerging Economies by
Doing Business in Guatemala: Challenges and Opportunities by Spillan, John E., Campbell Lopez, Marleen
Introducing the Controlling Effectiveness Model: A Case Study from Poland by Bieńkowska, Agnieszka
So Gewinnen Gründer Ihre Pitches: Kunden, Geschäftspartner & Investoren Mit Gelungenen Präsentationen Überzeugen by Lexa, Carsten, Grytzmann, Oliver
The Art of Strategy: Learning Creative Practices from the Great Strategists of the Past by Hughes, Owen E.
Executive Playbook by Green, Pamela J.
52 Sales Tips & How to Use Them by Jones, Shavon
Emotion and Proactivity at Work: Prospects and Dialogues by
Innovatives Bestandsmanagement in der Supply Chain. Analyse bestehender sowie zukünftiger Konzepte by Häusle, Daniel
Negociación y comunicación para la solución ética de conflictos. by García Martínez, Luis Ladislao
Neo Skills of Marketing by Nair, Sumesh
Ingresos del canal de Youtube: Conozca los principales secretos que se utilizan para ganar millones con los videos de Internet by Cruz, C. X.
Global Business Strategy by de Kluyver, Cornelis A., Pearce, John A., II
Continuous Innovation with Devops: It Management in the Age of Digitalization and Software-Defined Business by Kögler, Christoph, Alt, Rainer, Auth, Gunnar
How to Deal With Difficult People: Master Effective Communication Skills So You Can Deal With Difficult People (Learn How to Deal With a Difficult Per by Hook, Latonya
How to Deal With Difficult People: Control the Situation! Overcome Your Annoying and Frustrating Coworkers (Strategies to Deal With People You Can't S by Griffin, Hugh
Will Work for Pie: Building Your Startup Using Equity Instead of Cash by Moyer, Mike
Operational Risk Management: Organizational Controls and Incentive System Design by Blanche, Jenna M., Bol, Jasmijn
Leadership Maxims: 12 Timeless Leadership Truths and Real-Life Examples of How They Can Drive Success by Hester, Woody
Product Direction by Bassino, Nacho
Leadership Maxims: 12 Timeless Leadership Truths and Real-Life Examples of How They Can Drive Success by Hester, Woody
How to Deal With Difficult People: How to Recognize, Analyze, Approach, and Deal With Difficult People (Learn How to Communicate Effectively With Diff by Miller, James
How to Deal With Difficult People: Learn How to Effectively Communicate and End Conflict With Difficult People (The Ultimate Guide to Getting Along Wi by Hale, Christine
How to Deal With Difficult People: Powerful Tactics for Dealing With Difficult People (Expert Tactics for Dealing With Difficult People) by Schorr, Janet
How to Deal With Difficult People: Effective Tips to Deal With Stubborn People (How to Deal With Nasty Customers and Demanding Bosses) by Rouse, Yvette
How to Deal With Difficult People: Learn How to Identify and Deal With Different Types of Difficult People (Easy Tips for Dealing With Difficult Peopl by Turner, John
Supply Chain Intelligence: Application and Optimization by
Leading a Board: Chairs' Practices Across Europe by
Transforming Leaders: Thinking Designing Planning Changing by Massingham, Lester, Smallman, Clive
Creating Brand Cool: Brand Distinction in the Online Marketplace by Abraham, Joan
Creating Brand Cool: Brand Distinction in the Online Marketplace by Abraham, Joan
The Wiggly World of Organization: Muddling Through with Purpose, Courage and Skill by Rodgers, Chris
The Wiggly World of Organization: Muddling Through with Purpose, Courage and Skill by Rodgers, Chris
Agilstabile Blickpunkte im Verein "SiM - Selbst und Interessensvertretung Maßnahmenvollzug" by Sommer, Jennifer
Intrinsic Stability: How Organic Leadership Breeds Excellence by Smith, Christopher
Risky Business: Why Leaders Must Develop a Disruptive Mindset by Henman, Linda
Effizienz auf der letzten Meile. Vergleich und kritische Betrachtung der Potentiale innovativer Transportmittel zur Belieferung von Kunden in Großstäd by Anonymous
Masterpieces of Swiss Entrepreneurship: Swiss SMEs Competing in Global Markets by Bergmann, Heiko, Jeannet, Jean-Pierre, Volery, Thierry
Game On 2nd Edition: How to create a world-class coaching culture so you boost engagement and drive results by Stevenson, Blair
The Texas Triangle: An Emerging Power in the Global Economy Volume 27 by Clark, J. H. Cullum, Cisneros, Henry, Hendricks, David
Philosophy and Leadership: Three Classical Models and Cases by Cusher, Brent, Menaldo, Mark
The Customer Copernicus: How to Be Customer-Led by Dawson, Charlie, Meehan, Seán
The Customer Copernicus: How to Be Customer-Led by Dawson, Charlie, Meehan, Seán
Relationology: 101 Secrets to grow your business through the power of relationships.. by Bird, Matt
The Handbook for Reading and Preparing Proxy Statements: A Guide to the SEC Disclosure Rules for Executive and Director Compensation, 6th Edition by Haines, Thomas M.
The Rule of 26 For Service-Based Businesses: Three Steps to Doubling Website Revenue by Buzinski, Michael
Selling Is Easy (if You Know the Rules): 25 Best Practices for Consultative Business-to-Business Sales by Ing, Vic
Business-To-Business Marketing: How to Understand and Succeed in Business Marketing in an Emerging Africa by Adeola, Ogechi, Owusu, Richard, Hinson, Robert
Make Your Business Agile: A Roadmap for Transforming Your Management and Adapting to the 'New Normal' by Taylor, Peter
Expansive Leadership: Cultivating Mindfulness to Lead Self and Others in a Changing World - A 28-Day Program by Poonamallee, Latha
Expansive Leadership: Cultivating Mindfulness to Lead Self and Others in a Changing World - A 28-Day Program by Poonamallee, Latha
Predictive-Analytics-Methoden im Business-to-Business-Vertrieb. Konvergierende Rahmenbedingungen von B2B- und B2C-Kunden by Lewenko, David
How to compensate the CEO? Implications of different factors that determine a CEO's compensation structure by Friedl, Alice
Training on Bedrock: Build Targeted Training Programs by Harris, Allan P.
Strategisches Management. Eine Untersuchung am Fallbeispiel eines Investmentunternehmens der Immobilienwirtschaft by Nikolajew, Stanislaw
Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (Iea 2021): Volume III: Sector Based Ergonomics by
KI Im Job: Leitfaden Zur Erfolgreichen Mensch-Maschine-Zusammenarbeit by Moring, Andreas
The Cosmos Economy: The Industrialization of Space by Gregg, Jack
New Horizons in Management, Leadership and Sustainability: Innovative Case Studies and Solutions for Emerging Economies by
Agile Coping in the Digital Workplace: Emerging Issues for Research and Practice by
Make Your Business Agile: A Roadmap for Transforming Your Management and Adapting to the 'New Normal' by Taylor, Peter
Start Your Own Podcast Business by Rich, Jason R., Media, The Staff of Entrepreneur
Leadership That Rocks: Take Your Brand's Culture to Eleven and Amp Up Results by Knight, Jim
Take Off The Cape: From Superhero to Super Coach by Fisher, Midja
Don't Talk For Free: Step by Step, Selling and Closing Tools by Reger, John
The Digital Workforce 2nd Edition: The five-step workforce method to maximise the value of people by McGrath, Jarrod
California Employment Law: An Employer's Guide: Revised & Updated for 2021 by McDonald, James J.
Inside The Mind of Sales: How To Understand The Mind And Sell Anything by Borthwick, Derek
The Disruption Game Plan: New Rules for Connected Thinking on Innovation and Risk by Murray-Webster, Ruth, Winton, Eleanor
Emprende Tu Propio Negocio / Entrepreneurship: How to Start and Grow Your Own Business by Tracy, Brian
Managing Employees Without Fear: How to Follow the Law, Build a Positive Work Culture, and Avoid Getting Sued by Rosenthal, Adam
Pricing and Revenue Optimization: Second Edition by Phillips, Robert L.
CMO to CRO: The Revenue Takeover by the Next Generation Executive by Geller, Mike, Keenan, Rolly, Starr, Brandi
Choosing Courage: The Everyday Guide to Being Brave at Work by Detert, Jim
Descubre Tus Fortalezas 2.0 (Strengthsfinder 2.0 Spanish Edition): Strengthsfinder 2.0 (Spanish Edition) by Rath, Tom
Leading from the Middle: A Playbook for Managers to Influence Up, Down, and Across the Organization by Mautz, Scott
The AI Marketing Canvas: A Five-Stage Road Map to Implementing Artificial Intelligence in Marketing by Venkatesan, Raj, Lecinski, Jim
Agenda 2021 2022: Semainier 1 semaine sur deux pages, de Juin 2021 à Juin 2022, Format (15,24 * 22,86 cm) couleur: noir by -Edition-, -Alfonsso
The Optimizer: Building and Leading a Team of Serial Innovators by Saunders, John
Executive Presence for the Modern Leader: A Guide to Cultivating Success and Thriving in the Workplace by Benton, D. A.
Kommunalverwaltung 4.0. Entwurf eines neuen Arbeitsmodells für Jugendämter by Bordnikow, Andreas
Rollenwandel des Controllers im Rahmen der digitalen Transformation: Welche Kompetenzen und Fähigkeiten benötigt er, um einen Beitrag zum nachhaltigen by Anonym
Geschäftsmodelle und Geschäftsmodellinnovation. Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Innovationsnotwendigkeit by Kolmer, Sebastian
General management and organizational behavior by Pandey, Bankim Chandra
Fahrplan Für Projektmanagement in Sechs Schritten: So Behalten Sie Kosten, Termine Und Reifegrad Im Blick by Weber, Matthias
Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen: Assessment Der Ärzteschaft Zu Apps Auf Rezept by Friesendorf, Cordelia, Lüttschwager, Sabrina
Corporate Site Selection and Economic Development: A 30-Year Perspective by Williams, Mark L.
Souverän Präsentieren - Die Erste Botschaft Bist Du: Wie Sie Körpersprache Authentisch Und Wirkungsvoll Einsetzen by Schott, Dominik Umberto
Innovation, Sustainability and Management in Motorsports: The Case of Formula E by Næss, Hans Erik, Tjønndal, Anne
Truth Warriors: The Battle to Hear, Be Heard and Make Decisions that Count by Scarrow, Christi
Your Boss is an Idiot: Why things don't make sense to you at work by Petracca, Eric
Payroll Answer Book: 2021 Edition by McKenna, Patrick, Timberlake, Deborah Ellis
Better Before Bigger: Rethinking Business Success by Cramp, Nick
The Roaring Twenties: Marketing & Selling Better in the Post-Pandemic Decade: Creating Strategies for Shifting B2B and B2C Consumer Behavior by Suckow, Shawna
Startup VC - Guide by Thiel, Jason
Analyse mehrstufiger Entscheidungssituation unter Unsicherheit und einfacher Zielsetzung. Fallbeispiel "Ermitteln der optimalen Markteintrittsstrategi by Schönhals, Ilsiyar
The Embedded Entrepreneur: How to Build an Audience-Driven Business by Kahl, Arvid
Your Pocket Guide to a Career in Recruitment by Stacey, Stefan
Change Management Kommunikation. Veränderungsprozesse in einem Unternehmen by Ehard, Tim
Family Influence on Performance of Family Small and Medium Enterprises by Gama, Ana Paula Matias, Alves, Catarina Afonso
Ignite the Entrepreneur: Why Entrepreneurs Love What They Do and How They Found Their Success by Owen, Jb, Muti, Ravi, Powell, Tanja
Master Chinese Business Culture by Zou, Qingshun
Healing Career Wounds: Your Start-up's Secret Weapon to Attract, Hire, and Retain Ridiculously Successful People by Girard, Rick
Die Produktpolitik des Unternehmens Ferrero: Welche Strategien setzt Ferrero zur Sicherung der Marktposition um? by Anonymous
Digitales Marketing. Customer Journey Mapping für die Porsche AG by Erhard, Alexandra
Diversity Marketing als Zukunftsmodell für die Inklusion neuer Zielgruppen? Die Darstellung des Kopftuchs in Werbekampagnen von Nike und Katjes by Tschentscher, Annika
Herausforderungen an eine moderne Führungskraft. Wie können unterschiedliche Generationen am Arbeitsplatz motiviert werden? by Knitter, Laura
The Opportunity Lenses: How to Spot Your Next Big Business Opportunities by Ternay, Guerric de
Mathematical Modeling Using Fuzzy Logic: Applications to Sustainability by Pandit, Abhijit
Change Management: Veränderungsprozesse Erfolgreich Gestalten - Mitarbeiter Mobilisieren. Vision, Kommunikation, Beteiligung, Qualifizierung by Heberle, Krischan, Stolzenberg, Kerstin
Advances in Intelligent, Flexible, and Lean Management and Engineering by
The Rainmaker: Fundamentals of the Car Dealer's Desk Manager by Martinez, Chris
Top Talent 2: How to Become a Dream Intern by Serena, Nicole, Bandukwala, Daanyaal
Il Fantavoloso Mondo Della Vendita by
Factors Determing the Success of SMEs in Malaysia. A Qualitative Study by Abdullahi, Yusuf Balarabe
Weiterbildung am Arbeitsplatz. Gegenüberstellung diverser Personalentwicklungsmaßnahmen zur Potenzialförderung von Arbeitnehmern by Hayek, Wassim
KI in Marketing & Sales - Erfolgsmodelle Aus Forschung Und Praxis: Konzepte Und Instrumente Zum Erfolgreichen Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz by
Can Healthcare Get Better?: Culture Change and the Power of Frontline Staff by Shank, Paul
Subtraction: The Subtle Art of Unleashing Boundless Innovation by Ravindran, Sujith, Salvadori, Fabio, Leavy, Elliot
Lean Scaleup by Mattes, Frank
Smart Homes for Smart People: Ripensare gli Spazi di Lavoro a Casa by Donati, Paolo
Venus Genius: The Female Prescription for Innovation by Jacquet, Fabienne
Startup VC - Guide: Everything Entrepreneurs Need to Know about Venture Capital and Startup Fundraising by Thiel, Jason
Wirkung der Digitalisierung auf Geschäftsmodelle am Beispiel des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels by Erhard, Alexandra
Anforderungen an die "moderne" Führungspersönlichkeit. Theorie und persönliche Reflexion by Hamidzada, Fereshta
Conjointanalyse: Methoden - Anwendungen - Praxisbeispiele by
The Nature of Purchasing: Insights from Research and Practice by
Behavioral Competencies for Innovation: Using Emotional Intelligence to Foster Innovation by Gerli, Fabrizio, Bonesso, Sara, Cortellazzo, Laura
Effizientes Leadership: Grundlagen, Prinzipien Und Methoden Einer Sozialkonstruktivistischen Führungstheorie by Ant, Marc
Your Guide To Make A Smart Franchise Investment: Put Destiny In Your Own Hands: Franchise Selection Strategy For Rapid Growth by Fulp, Isreal
How To Choose The Right Franchise For You: Six Priorities In Making Your Final Franchise Selection: Franchise Opportunity by Altringer, Jolyn
Practices of Dynamic Collaboration: A Dialogical Approach to Strengthening Collaborative Intelligence in Teams by de Visch, Jan, Laske, Otto
Everyday Excellence Leadership: How to Empower Your Workforce to Deliver Sustainable Results by Clark, Gianna
Vending (Large Print Edition) by Joseph, Greg
Sales explained: All you need to know for sales success by Carroll, Stephen
A Shipload of Leadership Nuggets by McIntyre, Michael Doc
Online Money Making: Ways To Extra Quids by Jones, Callum
Il Team Vincente: Come Creare un Team di Successo per la Tua Azienda by Colacci, Chiarissimo
Lies and Liars: How and Why Sociopaths Lie and How You Can Detect and Deal with Them by Scott, Gini Graham
Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: New Directions in Theory and Research by
Forward!: The Leadership Principles of Ulysses S. Grant by Von Buseck, Craig
Entrepreneurship as Networking: Mechanisms, Dynamics, Practices, and Strategies by Elfring, Tom, Klyver, Kim, Van Burg, Elco
Leading with Love and Laughter: Letting Go and Getting Real at Work by Sutch, Zina, Malone, Patrick
Brand Renegades: The Fearless Path from Startup to Global Brand by Dowdell, Thora, Dowdell, Sean
An Introduction to Cybernetic Synergy: Improving Decision-Making and Cost Efficiency in Business and Commercial Environments by Rowbotham, Mark
Grey Behaviors after Logical Fallacies in Public and Professional Communication by Kord, Homayoon, Thornton, George C., III
Esport-Sponsoring: Erfolgsfaktoren - Herausforderungen - Potenziale by Konnowski, Nicole, Von Borcke, Yorck
Generation Z Marketing and Management in Tourism and Hospitality: The Future of the Industry by
Digital Leadership, Agile Change and the Emotional Organization: Emotion as a Success Factor for Digital Transformation Projects by Kupiek, Martin
The Monkey and the Maize: An Allegorical Tale of Developing Leadership Skills in Business and in Life by Marble, S. Mosby
The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain: Integrating Strategy, Finance and Supply Chain for a Competitive Edge by Desmet, Bram
The Entrepreneur's Weekly Nietzsche: A Book for Disruptors by Jilk, Dave, Feld, Brad
How Good Humans Sell: The Proven Path to B2B Sales Success by
The Strategy-Driven Supply Chain: Integrating Strategy, Finance and Supply Chain for a Competitive Edge by Desmet, Bram
Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering for Clinical Environments: A Step-By-Step Process for Managing Workflow and Care Improvement Projects by Oppenheim, Bohdan
Profit First for Dentists: Proven Cash Flow Strategies for Financial Freedom by Stackhouse, Barbara, Hinrichs, Drew
The Comeback: A Modern HR Novel by Deshpande, Annissa
Leadership, Levity and the Power of Baked Alaska: Simple ways to lead people and build business by Smith, Steve
The PI Guidebook: How the Promotability Index(R) Can Help You Get Ahead in Your Career by Barnard-Bahn, Amii
Zuschauerbezogene Marketingstrategien im Sport: Betrachtung der Sportnachfrage, Zuschauertypologien und Werbewirkung by Herkner, Emily
Leadership in Middle-Earth: Theories and Applications for Organizations by Urick, Michael J.
From Backroom to Boardroom: Earn Your Seat with Strategic Marketing Operations by Qaqish, Debbie
Leading at a Distance: Practical Lessons for Virtual Success by Citrin, James M., DeRosa, Darleen
Complex Systems and Sustainability in the Global Auditing, Consulting, and Credit Rating Agency Industries by Nwogugu, Michael I. C.
Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung Und Digitalisierung: Management Im Digitalen Wandel by Lippold, Dirk
Speak Black Woman: How Women In Business Can Profit from Public Speaking by Conyers, Quinn
Entrepreneur's Heart: A Visionary's Journal by Latrice, Amanda
L'ABC della Vendita: Dalla A alla Z i 26 Fondamenti per Raggiungere il Successo nella Vendita by Concas, Ivano
Lean Healthcare Systems Engineering for Clinical Environments: A Step-By-Step Process for Managing Workflow and Care Improvement Projects by Oppenheim, Bohdan
Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change Through People by Hodges, Julie
Strategic Human Resource Management: An International Perspective by
International and Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises and Institutional Responses by
International and Comparative Employment Relations: Global Crises and Institutional Responses by
Doing Business in Emerging Markets by Liu, Leigh Anne, Cavusgil, S. Tamer, Ghauri, Pervez N.
Doing Business in Emerging Markets by Liu, Leigh Anne, Cavusgil, S. Tamer, Ghauri, Pervez N.
A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book about Management by Cunliffe, Ann L.
Over Coffee with the Mouse: Life and Leadership Wisdom from 32 Years at Disney and Beyond by Rucker, Mark
F the Funnel: A New Way to Engage Customers & Grow Revenue by Pedowitz, Jeff
Marketing Strategy: Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing by Tiffany, Jenna
Human Experience at Work: Drive Performance with a People-Focused Approach to Employees by Whitter, Ben
The Power of Customer Experience: How to Use Customer-Centricity to Drive Sales and Profitability by Newman, Martin
Contracting in the New Economy: Using Relational Contracts to Boost Trust and Collaboration in Strategic Business Relationships by Frydlinger, David, Vitasek, Kate, Bergman, Jim
Remote Work: Redesign Processes, Practices and Strategies to Engage a Remote Workforce by Dyer, Chris, Shepherd, Kim
Control the Narrative: The Executive's Guide to Building, Pivoting and Repairing Your Reputation by Citroën, Lida
Control the Narrative: The Executive's Guide to Building, Pivoting and Repairing Your Reputation by Citroën, Lida
Remote Work: Redesign Processes, Practices and Strategies to Engage a Remote Workforce by Dyer, Chris, Shepherd, Kim
Marketing Strategy: Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing by Tiffany, Jenna
Human Experience at Work: Drive Performance with a People-Focused Approach to Employees by Whitter, Ben
The Power of Customer Experience: How to Use Customer-Centricity to Drive Sales and Profitability by Newman, Martin
Hbr's 10 Must Reads on Lifelong Learning (with Bonus Article the Right Mindset for Success with Carol Dweck) by Buckingham, Marcus, Dweck, Carol, Review, Harvard Business
Workparent: The Complete Guide to Succeeding on the Job, Staying True to Yourself, and Raising Happy Kids by Dowling, Daisy
Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change Through People by Hodges, Julie
How Leader's Behavioral Integrity Affect Followers Commitment, Engagement, OCB, and Job Performance: The Role of Trust, Value Congruence, and Worthine by Siddiqui, Danish Ahmed, Malik, Mariam
Nothing Higher: Why You Need to Descend in Order to Soar by Faronbi, Sunday M.
Russian Transformational Strategy: Facilitation of Top Participatory Planning by Staples, Bill
To Be Honest: Lead with the Power of Truth, Justice and Purpose by Carucci, Ron A.
Adapt: A Leader's Guide to Staying Relevant and Being Recognised in the Digital Age by Gonçalves, Luís
Business above the Red Line: Fulfill your business potential or start a successful business from scratch by Blagoev, Radoslav
Praxishandbuch Big Deal Management: Analysen, Strategien und Lösungen in der Big Deal Domination Map by Pastuch, Kai, Roll, Oliver, Buchwald, Gregor
Rekrutierung Von Fachkräften in China: Wie Kleine Und Mittlere Unternehmen Qualifizierte Fachkräfte in China Gewinnen by Ziegler, Ives, Lehmann, Ralph, Städler, Marco
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