• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marine Life in 2013

Coral Reefs by Darwin, Charles
Coral Reefs by Darwin, Charles
What Fish Eats What: A Few Simplified Fish Food Webs by Meyer, Bryce L.
Animal-Sediment Relations: The Biogenic Alteration of Sediments by
The Giraffe in History and Art: Field Museum of Natural History, Anthropology, Leaflet No. 27 by Laufer, Berthold
Billy Wants a Blue Whale by Fish, Cudd L.
Silicified Middle Ordovician Trilobites: Remopleurididae, Trinucleidae, Raphiophoridae, Endymioniidae by Evitt, William R., Whittington, Harry Blackmore
Education for Animal Welfare by Eadie, Edward N.
Fishermen of Taupo by Norris, Jeremy
Fishermen of Taupo by Norris, Jeremy
The United States Bureau Of Destruction And Extermination: The Misnamed And Perverted Biological Survey by Emergency Conservation Committee
Science in Color Breeding by Armitage, Lucius
Trout of the World Revised and Updated Edition by Prosek, James
Markets for Water: Potential and Performance by
Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska: Fourth Edition by Wynne, Kate
Technical Appendix: Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Management Strategies and Regulations of the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanct by Leeworthy, Vernon
The Botany of the Guayana Highland, Part 3: And Anatomy of Guayana Mutisieae, Part 2 by Carlquist, Sherwin, Maguire, Bassett, Wurdack, John J.
Swim, Fish, Swim! by Tantsioura, Vica
Advanced Custom Rod Building by Clemens, Dale P.
North Florida Reefs by Kistel, Joseph
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 211 by
Farming on the Sea by Peters, Kellie
Casting Beyond the Bow: An Examination of Anglers Fishing From Boats: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-A by U. S. Department of the Interior, U S Fish & Wildlife Service
A Local Pacific Piscatologist: A Lifetime of Fishing by Fath, Vernona Kay Snookie
A Local Pacific Piscatologist: A Lifetime of Fishing by Fath, Vernona Kay Snookie
Fish On! the Adventures of River Jim by Larsen, Jim
Knowledge, Attitudes and Perceptions of Management Strategies and Regulations of the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary by Users and Non-users of t by Leeworthy, Vernon R., U. S. Department of Commerce
Dolphin Chronicles: Keeping Dolphins Alive and Well by Eiser, Robert W.
Field Guide to Fishes of the Chesapeake Bay by Murdy, Edward O., Musick, John A.
Endocrine Sex Differentiation in Fish by Pandian, T. J.
Marine Genetic Resources, Access and Benefit Sharing: Legal and Biological Perspectives by Fedder, Bevis
The Adventures Of Murray The Misunderstood Moray Eel: Welcome To My World by Piotrowsky, Gene
2006 Eelgrass Survey for Eastern Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New York by MacLachlan, Andrew, Halavik, Tom, Bergquist, Herb
Economic Effects of Trout Production by National Fish Hatchery in the Southeast by U S Fish & Wildlife Service
Coral Reefs by Darwin, Charles
Ecology of North American Freshwater Fishes by Ross, Stephen T.
Lost Whale by Parfit, Michael
The Odyssey of KP2: An Orphan Seal and a Marine Biologist s Fight to Save a Species by Williams, Terrie M.
Primary Productivity and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Sea by
The Third Chromosome Group Of Mutant Characters Of Drosophila Melanogaster: Carnegie Institution Of Washington, No. 327 by Bridges, Calvin Blackman, Morgan, Thomas Hunt
Trends in Fishing and Hunting 1991 ? 2006: A Focus on Fishing and Hunting by Species: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wi by Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Departme
Clay Pond and Other Fish Tails by Ford, Don G.
Shucked: Life on a New England Oyster Farm by Murray, Erin Byers
Death at Seaworld: Shamu and the Dark Side of Killer Whales in Captivity by Kirby, David
Carcharhinus obscurus by Nicholls, Zachary Webb
Fundamentals of Shallow Water Acoustics by Lynch, James, Katsnelson, Boris, Petnikov, Valery
Aquariums for Sharks. Keeping Aquarium Sharks and Shark Fish. Shark Care, Tanks, Species, Health, Food, Equipment, Breeding, Freshwater and Marine All by Halton, Alex
Because of Nickel: The Adventures of a Used Turtle Salesman by Gamlin, Jim
Because of Nickel: The Adventures of a Used Turtle Salesman by Gamlin, Jim
Aquascaping: Aquarium Landscaping Like a Pro, Second Edition: Aquarist's Guide to Planted Tank Aesthetics and Design by Martin, Moe
Peppi Puffin to the Rescue by Lewis, Donna
Sea Anemones and Corals of Britain and Ireland by Wood, Chris
Fishing the Florida Keys: Wendell Endicott's Adventures with Rod and Harpoon Along the Florida Keys by Endicott, Wendell
Physiology and Ecology of Fish Migration by
Towards Principled Oceans Governance: Australian and Canadian Approaches and Challenges by
Dairy Goat Husbandry and Disease Control by Leach, Corl E.
Mineral Nutrition of Plants and Animals by Gilbert, Frank Albert
Groundwater Characterization and Assessment of Contaminants in Marine Areas of Biscayne National Park by National Park Service
Status of Native and Invasive Crayfish in Ten National Park Service Properties in Pennsylvania by Ingram, Hannah M., National Park Service, Carline, Robert F.
Taxonomic Guide: Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Okeanos Explorer Cruise, 2011 by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis, Bright, J. L., Lipski, D.
Four Thousand Hooks: A True Story of Fishing and Coming of Age on the High Seas of Alaska by Adams, Dean J.
Axolotl. Axolotl Care, Tanks, Habitat, Diet, Buying, Life Span, Food, Cost, Breeding, Regeneration, Health, Medical Research, Fun Facts, and More All by Brown, Lolly
The Bottlenose Dolphin: Biology and Conservation by Wells, Randall S., Eide, Samantha D., Reynolds, John E.
Protocol for Monitoring Fish Communities in Small Streams in the Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network by Rowell, Gareth a., Bowles, David E., Peitz, David G.
Comparison of Limnological Characteristics and Distribution and Abundance of Littoral Macroinvertebrates and Zooplankton in Fishbearing and Fishless L by Parker, Michael S.
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Marine Fish Monitoring Program Annual Status Report for 2006: Pacific Island Network by Tice, Kimberly, Jones, Tahzay
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Marine Fish Monitoring Program Annual Status Report for 2007: Pacific Island Network by Tice, Kimberly, Jones, Tahzay
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Marine Fish Monitoring Program Annual Status Report for 2008: Pacific Island Network by Tice, Kimberly, Jones, Tahzay
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Marine Fish Monitoring Program Annual Status Report for 2009: Pacific Island Network by Jones, Tahzay, Tice, Kimberly
Kalaupapa National Historical Park (KALA) Marine Fish Monitoring Program Annual Status Report for 2010: Pacific Island Network by Tice, Kimberly, Jones, Tahzay, Brown, Eric
Trout Unlimited's Guide to America's 100 Best Trout Streams by Ross, John E.
I Like the Fish by Peregrine, P. J.
Crayfish Survey and Discovery of a Member of the Cambarus acuminatus complex (Decapoda: Cambaridae) at Valley Forge National Historical Park in Southe by Carline, Robert F., David a. Liebmengel, V. Malissa
The Fly Fishing Guide to Colorado's Flat Tops Wilderness by Marlowe, Al, Christopherson, Karen
New Mexico's Reptiles and Amphibians: A Field Guide by Bartlett, R. D., Bartlett, Patricia P.
Fish Ecophysiology by Rankin, J. C., Jensen, Frank B.
A Field Manual for the Use of Antimycin A for Restoration of Native Fish Population by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network 2007-2008 Water Resources Monitoring Data Report: Water Chemistry, Nutrient Dynamics, and Surface Water Dynamics Vital by National Park Service
Intertidal Fish Inventory of San Juan Island National Historical Park (2002) by National Park Service
Inventory of Fish Species in Lewis and Clark National Historical Park, Oregon (2007) by National Park Service
Intertidal Fish Inventory of Ebey's Landing National Historical Reserve (2005) by National Park Service
A Handbook to Help Identify Hudson River Fish Larvae by Arvidson, Larry G., Alber, James B.
National Capital Region Network 2007 Deer Monitoring Report by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network 2009 Amphibian Monitoring Synthesis of 2005-2009 Data by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network 2008 Deer Monitoring Report by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network 2007 Forest Vegetation Monitoring Report by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network 2009 Forest Vegetation Monitoring Report by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network Long-Term Forest Vegetation Monitoring Protocol Version 2.0 by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network Remote Sensing and Landscape Pattern Protocol for Land-cover Monitoring of Parks: Version 2.0 by National Park Service
Inventory of Nearshore Fish Population Densities and Community Structures at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore and Isle Royale National Park by National Park Service
National Capital Region Network Biological Stream Survey Protocol Version 2.0: Physical Habitat, Fish, and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Vital Signs by National Park Service
Biology and Culture of Asian Seabass: Lates Calcarifer by
Alaska's Animals and Fishes by DuFresne, Frank
Gone Fishin' by Elliot, Charles
Guide to Marine Fishes by Perlmutter, Alfred
Frederick Bohn Fisher: World Citizen by Fisher, Welthy Honsinger
Guide to Marine Fishes by Perlmutter, Alfred
Treasures of the Garden by Huxley, Anthony J.
Reef Creature Identification: Florida Caribbean Bahamas by Humann, Paul, Deloach, Ned, Wilk, Les
Reef Coral Identification: Florida Caribbean Bahamas, Including Marine Plants by Deloach, Ned, Humann, Paul
Carcharias taurus: A series by the creator of Dr. Jaws by Nicholls, Zachary Webb
Description and Results of the 2003 NIST/NOAA Interlaboratory Comparison Exercise Program for Organic Contaminants in Marine Mammal Tissues by Nist
The Orvis Guide to Fly Fishing for Carp: Tips and Tricks for the Determined Angler by Deeter, Kirk
Jellyfish Blooms by
Tidal Flat Ecology: An Experimental Approach to Species Interactions by Reise, Karsten
Sea Turtles: Amazing Giants of the Sea by Tankersley, K. S.
Animal Peculiarity volume 2 part 8 by Just, T. P.
Animal Peculiarity volume 3 part 7 by Just, T. P.
Bass Eat Their Own Young! by Coleman, Miriam