• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 1990

The Phenomenon of Political Marketing by O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson
City-Center: Erfolgsfaktoren innerstädtischer Einkaufszentren by Bühler, Thomas
Computergestütztes Marketing by Both, Martin, Gaul, Wolfgang A.
The Development of International Markets by Walmsley, J.
Werbung Mit Musik: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Experimentelle Studien Zur Wirkung Von Hintergrundmusik in Der Rundfunk- Und Fernsehwerbun by Tauchnitz, Jürgen
French for Management and Business by Griffiths, Brian, Jochum, Jacques
Charismatic Capitalism: Direct Selling Organizations in America by Biggart, Nicole Woolsey
International Perspectives on Trade Promotion and Assistance by
Market-Oriented Pricing: Strategies for Management by Morris, Michael H., Morris, Gene, Morris, Frederck
Public Relations Research Annual: Volume 2 by
Be Your Own Sales Manager: Strategies and Tactics for Managing Your Accounts, Your Territory, and Yourself by Monoky, John, Alessandra, Tony, Cathcart, Jim
The Focused Interview: A Manual of Problems and Procedures by Merton, Robert K.
Strategische Unternehmungsführung Und F&e-Management: Qualifikationen Für Führungskräfte by Schmitz, Gereon, Berthel, Jürgen, Herzhoff, Sabine
Survey Research for Managers: How to Use Surveys in Management Decision-Making by Hutton, Peter F.
Drop Shipping as a Marketing Function: A Handbook of Methods and Policies by Scheel, Nicholas
Kognitive Strukturen in Der Konsumforschung: Entwicklung Und Erprobung Eines Verfahrens Zur Offenen Erhebung Assoziativer Netzwerke by Grunert, Klaus G.
Informationsverarbeitung Im Industriellen Vertriebsaußendienst: Computer Aided Selling (Cas) by Steppan, Günter
The Future of Free Speech Law by Wright, Robert G., Wright, R. George
Wettbewerbsstrategie by Hinterhuber, Hans H.
Werbewirkungsanalyse Mit Expertensystemen by Neibecker, Bruno
Selling to a Segmented Market: The Lifestyle Approach by Swenson, Chester A.
The Legal and Economic Aspects of Gray Market Goods by Lipner, Seth E.
Das Sicherheitsverhalten Von Konsumenten by Asche, Thomas
Strategische Absatzmarktplanung: Kunden- Und Wettbewerbsanalyse Für Logistikunternehmen by Zöllner, Werner A.
Expertensystem Zur Beurteilung Von Anzeigenwerbung by Esch, Franz-Rudolf
Advertising and the Transformation of American Society, 1865-1920 by Norris, James D.
Unternehmerische Herausforderung Durch Den Europäischen Binnenmarkt 1992 by
Food Product Development: From Concept to the Marketplace by Saguy, I. Sam, Graf, Ernst
Entwicklung Eines Expertensystems Für Absatzprognosen Durch Konzeptionelles Prototyping by Schweneker, Olaf
Advances in International Marketing by
Expert Systems for Scanner Data Environments: The Marketing Workbench Laboratory Experience by McCann, John M., Gallagher, John P.
Strategy of a Megamerger: An Insider's Account of the Baxter Travenol-American Hospital Supply Combination by Cody, Thomas G.
Doing Business with South Korea: A Handbook for Executives in the Public and Private Sectors by Hynson, Lawrence, Hynson, Larry M., Hynson, L. M.
Die Diffusion Neuer Kommunikationstechniken in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Erklärung, Prognose Und Marketingpolitische Implikationen by Fantapie Altobelli, Claudia
Emotion in Advertising: Theoretical and Practical Explorations by Agres, Stuart, Edell, Julie, Dubitsky, Tony