• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 1991

Handbuch Des Bankmarketing by
Dienstleistungsqualität: Konzepte -- Methoden -- Erfahrungen by Bruhn, Manfred
Culture Encounter and Komplementäres Marketing by Brune, Guido
Optionen: Anlagestrategien Für Die Nationalen Und Internationalen Options- Und Futures-Märkte by Lingner, Ulrich
Handbuch Für Kaufleute by
Werbung Des Facheinzelhandels by Barth, Klaus, Theis, Hans-Joachim
The Handbook of International Marketing Communications by
Sample Design in Business Research by Deming, W. Edwards
Streetsmart Marketing by Slutsky, Jeff
Marketing Theory: Evolution and Evaluation by Garrett, Dennis E., Sheth, Jagdish N., Gardner, David M.
Corporate Identity Design by Napoles, Veronica
Marketing Your Services: A Step-By-Step Guide for Small Businesses and Professionals by Putman, Anthony O.
Asian Mind Game by Chu, Chin-Ning
Market and the State: Government Policy Towards Business in Europe, Japan, and the USA by Audretsch, David
Modern Marketing Communications by Jefkins, Frank
Corporate-Identity-Orientierte Unternehmenspolitik: Eine Untersuchung Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Corporate Design Und Corporate Advertising by Schneider, Frank
Third Generation R & D: Managing the Link to Corporate Strategy by Roussel, Philip A., Saad, Kamal N.
Fund Raising and Public Relations: A Critical Analysis by Kelly, Kathleen S.
Creating Corporate Audio-Visual Presentations: How to Commission and Manage Successful Projects by Worth, Richard
Lifestyle Market Segmentation by Michman, Ronald D.
Erlebnisstrategien Im Einzelhandel: Analyse Der Zielgruppen, Der Ladengestaltung Und Der Warenpräsentation Zur Vermittlung Von Einkaufserlebnissen by Gröppel, Andrea
Decision Criteria for New Product Acceptance and Success: The Role of Trade Buyers by McLaughlin, Edward W., Rao, Vithala R.
Blickverhalten Von Konsumenten: Grundlagen, Messung Und Anwendung in Der Werbeforschung by Leven, Wilfried
Making Creativity Accountable: How Successful Advertisers Manage Their Television and Print by Harding, Ronald
Promotional Feats: The Role of Planned Events in the Marketing Communications Mix by Soares, Eric J.
Dynamic Models of Advertising Competition: Open- And Closed-Loop Extensions by Erickson, Gary M.
Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name by Aaker, David A.
Effective Marketing Management: Using Merchandising and Financial Strategies for Retail Success by Perenchio, Madelyn, Weeks, Andrea, Metcalfe, Dorothy A.
Konsumentenverhalten: Entwicklung, Abhängigkeiten, Möglichkeiten by Behrens, Gerold
Contract Research by
Branding: A Key Marketing Tool by
Price and Discount Schedule Analysis: A Guide for Purchasing, Marketing, Materials, and Financial Managers by Kuzdrall, Paul J., Britney, Robert R.
Entry Barriers and Market Entry Decisions: A Guide for Marketing Executives by Stahl, Michael J., Karakaya, Fahri
Universitätskultur: Ausgangspunkt Für Eine Strategische Marketing-Planung an Universitäten by Sporn, Barbara
Ein Warteschlangenansatz Zur Integrierten Produktionsplanung by Häfner, Heinz
Systemdynamik Nichtlinearer Marktreaktionsmodelle by Ostrusska, Doris
The Future of U.S. Retailing: An Agenda for the 21st Century by