• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 1992

Ist Public Relations Eine Wissenschaft?: Eine Einführung by
Theorie Der Public Relations: Ein Entwurf by Rühl, Manfred
Postmodern Consumer Research: The Study of Consumption as Text by Hirschman, Elizabeth
Strategien Im Internationalen Marketing by Wißmeier, Urban Kilian
Knowledge in Action by
The Psychology of Customer Care: A Revolutionary Approach by Lynch, J.
The Psychology of Customer Care: A Revolutionary Approach by Lynch, J.
Marketing the Public Sector: Promoting the Causes of Public and Nonprofit Agencies by Fine, Seymour H.
Stilwandel Von Zeitschriften Und Zeitschriftenwerbung: Analyse Zur Anpassung Des Medienstils an Geänderte Kommunikationsbedingungen by Stark, Susanne
The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisfaction by Scitovsky, Tibor
Guerrilla Selling: Unconventional Weapons and Tactics for Increasing Your Sales by Gallagher, Bill, Levinson, Jay Conrad, Wilson, Orvel Ray
The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisfaction by Scitovsky, Tibor
Entstehung Und Entwicklung Kreativer Werbeideen: Verbale Und Visuelle Assoziationen ALS Grundlage Der Bildideenfindung Für Eine Erlebnisbetonte Werbun by Petri, Carlo
Build Your Own Network Sales Business by Kishel, Patricia Gunter, Kishel, Gregory F.
Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by
Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by
Technologieorientierte Außenbeziehungen Im Betrieblichen Innovationsmanagement: Ergebnisse Einer Empirischen Untersuchung by Herden, Rainer
Supplier Price Analysis: A Guide for Purchasing, Accounting, and Financial Analysts by Newman, Richard G.
Shaping the Corporate Image: An Analytical Guide for Executive Decision Makers by Farrelly, Gail E., Taper, Jessica S., Sobol, Marion Gross
Colonial Space: Spatiality in the Discourse of German South West Africa 1884-1915 by Noyes, J. K.
Verhaltenswirksame Bildmotive in Der Werbung: Theoretische Grundlagen -- Praktische Anwendung by Dieterle, Gabriele S.
Selling Your Services: Proven Strategies for Getting Clients to Hire You (or Your Firm) by Bly, Robert W.
Population Estimation and Projection: Methods for Marketing, Demographic, and Planning Professionals by Raymondo, James C.
Global Sourcing Strategy: R&d, Manufacturing, and Marketing Interfaces by Kotabe, Masaaki
Kids as Customers: A Handbook of Marketing to Children by McNeal, James U.
Kommunikations-Strategien Im Pharma-Markt: Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Ansätze Zur Ärzte- Und Patienten-Ansprache Im Markt Für Verschreibungspflichtig by Becker, Helmut E.
Greener Marketing: A Global Perspective on Greening Marketing Practice by
Entwicklung Eines Expertensystems Zur Beurteilung Von Fernsehwerbung by Lorson, Tania
Global Perspectives on Advertising Self-Regulation: Principles and Practices in Thirty-Eight Countries by Boddewyn, Jean J., Boddewyn, J. J.
The Impact of Advertising Law on Business and Public Policy by Petty, Ross D.
Pushing the Numbers in Marketing: A Real-World Guide to Essential Financial Analysis by Rados, David
Practical Cell Culture Techniques by
Marketing Exchange Transactions and Relationships by Maskulka, James M., Houston, Franklin S., Gassenheimer, Jule B.
Social Responsibility in Marketing: A Proactive and Profitable Marketing Management Strategy by Samli, A. Coskun
Competitive Cost-Based Pricing Systems for Modern Manufacturing by Campbell, Robert J.
Betriebswirtschaftstheorie: Absatztheorie by Laßmann, Gert, Busse Von Colbe, Walter, Hammann, Peter
Marketing Channel Development and Management by McCalley, Russell W.
Marketing to Older Consumers: A Handbook of Information for Strategy Development by Moschis, George P.
Effective Human Resource Management in the Sales Force by Darmon, Rene
Inventivity: The Art and Science of Research Management by Gilman, J. J.
Marketing for the Non-Profit Sector by Hannagan, Tim
Electoral Strategies and Political Marketing by
Begründungsmuster Von Konsumenten: Attributionstheoretische Grundlagen Und Einflußmöglichkeiten Im Marketing by Niemeyer, Hans-Georg
Competition: Forms, Facts and Fiction by Cvitkovic, Emilio
Agentur 2000: Entwicklungen Und Perspektiven Für Anbieter Von Kommunikationsdienstleistungen by Vilmar, Answin
Europa 93. Das Werbewörterbuch: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch by