• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 1995

Crime and Security: Managing the Risk to Safe Shopping by Beck, A., Willis, A.
Dynamik Im Marketing: Umfeld -- Strategie -- Struktur -- Kultur by Sabel, Hermann
Strategic Public Relations by
Competition Among Institutions by
New Product Success Stories: Lessons from Leading Innovators by Thomas, Robert J.
Forecasting Profit by Metcalfe, Mike
Strategic Public Relations by
Preismanagement Kompakt: Probleme Und Methoden Des Modernen Pricing by Simon, Hermann
Marketing 3: Marketing-Management by Berndt, Ralph
Kundennähe in Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Empirische Analyse Von Banken by Zollner, Georg
Kauf Oder Produktion: Qualitätsvariation ALS Aktionsparameter Privater Haushalte by
Using Secondary Data in Marketing Research: United States and Worldwide by Patzer, Gordon L.
Research and Development Project Selection by Martino, Joseph P.
International Consumer Behavior: Its Impact on Marketing Strategy Development by Samli, A.
Market Structure, Corporate Performance, and Innovative Activity by Geroski, Paul
Marketing in a Multicultural World: Ethnicity, Nationalism, and Cultural Identity by
Representations of Preferences Orderings by Mehta, Ghanshyam B., Bridges, Douglas S.
Market Microstructure Theory by O'Hara, Maureen
The Force by Dorsey, David
Don't Just Applaud, Send Money: The Most Successful Strategies for Funding and Marketing the Arts by Reiss, Alvin H.
Industrial Marketing Strategy by Webster, Frederick E.
Contemporary Marketing and Consumer Behavior: An Anthropological Sourcebook by Sherry, John F.
Contemporary Marketing and Consumer Behavior: An Anthropological Sourcebook by Sherry, John F.
Repetitorium der Makroökonomik by Majer, Helge
New Dimensions in Marketing/Quality-Of-Life Research by Sirgy, M. Joseph
Competing by Design: Creating Value and Market Advantage in New Product Development by Erhorn, Craig, Stark, John
Lebensstil-Forschung: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praktische Anwendungen by Drieseberg, Thomas J.
The Service Productivity and Quality Challenge by
Public Relations History: From the 17th to the 20th Century: The Antecedents by Cutlip, Scott M.
The New Publicity Kit by Smith, Jeanette
Consumer Research: Introspective Essays on the Study of Consumption by Holbrook, Morris B.
Public Relations Inquiry as Rhetorical Criticism: Case Studies of Corporate Discourse and Social Influence by Elwood, William
Building Brand Identity: A Strategy for Success in a Hostile Marketplace by Upshaw, Lynn B.
Customer Loyalty and Success by Lynch, J.
Customer Loyalty and Success by Lynch, J.
How to Appreciate Your Customers by Elvy, B. H.
Public Relations Inquiry as Rhetorical Criticism: Case Studies of Corporate Discourse and Social Influence by
Manager's Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by Dozier, David M., Grunig, Larissa A., Grunig, James E.
Public Relations History: From the 17th to the 20th Century: The Antecedents by Cutlip, Scott M.
Manager's Guide to Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management by Dozier, David M., Grunig, Larissa A., Grunig, James E.
Verbandsmarketing: Ausgestaltung Der Marketing-Instrumente Von Wirtschaftsverbänden by Mono, Matthias
U.S. Business and Today's Germany: A Guide for Corporate Executives and Attorneys by Hart, James a., Schultze-Zeu, Dieter
Strategic Change: Building a High Performance Organization by
Total Quality Service by Stamatis, D. H.
Advertising, Alcohol Consumption, and Mortality: An Empirical Investigation by Cook, Peter, Fisher, Joseph
Marketing Strategies: New Approaches, New Techniques by
The Management and Practice of Public Relations by Stone, Norman
Strategisches Internationales Marketing by Meissner, Hans Günther
Facility Location: A Survey of Applications and Methods by
Marketing and Consumer Research in the Public Interest by
Public Relations in Health Care: A Guide for Professionals by Lewton, Kathleen Larey
Marketing Social Change: Changing Behavior to Promote Health, Social Development, and the Environment by Andreasen, Alan R.
Marketing Basics for Designers: A Sourcebook of Strategies and Ideas by Knoohuizen, Nancy, Martin, Jane D.
Marketing Financial Services by Wright, Mike, Watkins, Trevor
Decision AIDS for Selection Problems by Olson, David L.
Competition Among Institutions by
Applied Multivariate Techniques by Sharma, Subhash
Pocket Guide to Selling Services and Products by McDonald, Malcolm, Morris, Peter
Marketing Japanese Style by Herbig, Paul
Retailing Triumphs and Blunders: Victims of Competition in the New Age of Marketing Management by Michman, Ronald D., Greco, Alan J.
Market Orientation in Food and Agriculture by Madsen, Tage Koed, Grunert, Klaus Günter, Larsen, Hanne Hartvig
Business Marketing: An Interaction and Network Perspective by
Telefonmarketing: Ziele Und Methoden Aus Linguistischer Perspektive by Plog, Kirsten
The Emerging Market of China's Computer Industry by Zhang, Jeff X., Wang, Yan
Building Strong Brands by Aaker, David A.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and Confusión de Confusiones by
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds and Confusión de Confusiones by
Food Choice and the Consumer by Marshall, David W.