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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2013

From Chinese Brand Culture to Global Brands: Insights from Aesthetics, Fashion, and History by Schroeder, J., Zhiyan, W., Borgerson, J.
Hit Brands: How Music Builds Value for the World's Smartest Brands by Jackson, D., Jankovich, R., Sheinkop, E.
Marketing in Context: Setting the Scene by Hackley, Chris
SMEs as the Unknown Stakeholder: Entrepreneurship in the Political Arena by Di Bitetto, Massimiliano, Gilardoni, Gianmarco
Brand Romance: Using the Power of High Design to Build a Lifelong Relationship with Your Audience by Kusume, Y., Gridley, N.
Luxury, Lies and Marketing: Shattering the Illusions of the Luxury Brand by Sicard, M.
Big Al's MLM Sponsoring Magic: How to Build a Network Marketing Team Quickly by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Wirkungsvolle Präsentationen Von Und in Projekten by Engelfried, Justus, Zahn, Sebastian
Identitätsbasierte Luxusmarkenführung: Grundlagen - Strategien - Controlling by
Ethics in Consumer Choice: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Example of Coffee by Langen, Nina
Enabling Consumer and Entrepreneurial Literacy in Subsistence Marketplaces by Venkatesan, R., Viswanathan, Madhubalan, Gajendiran, S.
Boot Camp for Financial Advisors Workbook "Your Battle Plan" by Clemenko, David
Brand and marketing communication in golf by Kierdorf, Charlotte
Corporate Blogs - Unternehmen in der Blogosphäre by Weeber, Denise
Internationale Preispolitik: Von der Strategie der Internationalisierung bis zum fundierten Konzept by Fehlberg, Tim
Shaping Efficient Employer Branding Strategies to Target Generation Y: A Cross-National Perspective on Recruitment Marketing by Hubschmid, Elena
Marketing Planning for Information Technology: A step-by-step guide to producing and executing a business-to-business marketing plan for IT vendors by MacArthur, Neil G.
Writing for the Kindle: A 3-Book Series on Self-Publishing and Promoting Ebooks on Amazon by Kness, Ron Dale
The Strategic Marketing Process: How to Structure Your Marketing Activities to Achieve Better Results by Moderandi Inc
Key Account Management in der Logistikbranche: Stärkung der horizontalen Marktposition von Logistikunternehmen durch die Implementierung eines Key Acc by Krämer, Markus
Online Dating - A cross-cultural comparison of matchmaking websites in the United States of America, Germany, India, and Japan by Lützow, Dana
Selling 101: Consultative Selling Skills: For new entrepreneurs, free agents, consultants by McGaulley, Michael T.
Interkulturelle Werbung by Polten, Kathleen
It's That Easy - Online Marketing 3.0 by Dautovic, Ludwina
Personalisierung Im Internethandel: Die Akzeptanz Von Kaufempfehlungen in Der Bekleidungsbranche by Stüber, Eva
Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook's Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg by Walter, Ekaterina
Location-based-Marketing: So erreichen Sie ihre Kunden ganz einfach direkt vor der eigenen Tür! by Niegel, Sonja
Social Media Marketing im Business-to-Business-Unternehmen by Stumpenhagen, Timo
Bestimmung Des Repositionierungsspielraums Von Marken: Markenführung Mit Hilfe Neuroökonomischer Forschungserkenntnisse by Boch, Sonja
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Aggregation and Clustering by Xu, Zeshui
Marke als integraler Bestandteil einer Projektentwicklung: Am Beispiel eines neuen Wohnkonzepts by Schmid, Alexander
Great Canadian Franchise Stories by Pizzonia, Felicia
21 Business and Marketing Lessons From A Prostitute: Seductive Street Secrets From The World's Oldest Profession To Improve Your Results In Any Busine by Jay, Leon
Sportmarketing im Fußball am Beispiel des FC Bayern München by Ruhm, Marcel
Six-Figure Musician - How to Sell More Music, Get More People to Your Shows, and Make More Money in the Music Business (Music Marketing [Dot] Com Pres by Hooper, David
Marketing to the Ageing Consumer: The Secrets to Building an Age-Friendly Business by Stroud, D., Walker, K.
Burger King: Changing or Imitating?: Analysis of Burger King's Re-strategy by Bo, Daniel, Brooks, Joseph, Vu, Anthony
An Introduction to Public Relations and Communication Management by Chia, Joy, Synnott, Gae
Werbung für Senioren by Colella, Julia
Social Media als Instrument der externen Unternehmenskommunikation: Potentialanalyse am Beispiel PORTOLAN Commerce Solutions GmbH by Winter, Kay
Das Neue Werberecht Für Ärzte: Auch Ärzte Dürfen Werben by Bahner, Beate
Nontraditional Media in Marketing and Advertising by Blakeman, Robyn L.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Der Öffentlichkeitsauftritt von Unternehmen im Kontext von CSR by Mayer, Jürgen
Effektives Personalmarketing: Strategien -- Instrumente -- Fallstudien by Simon, Hermann, Wiltinger, Kai, Sebastian, Karl-Heinz
Eventmarketing für den Mittelstand: kleines Budget, großer Erfolg by Schmidt, Stephanie
The Easy Guide To Internet Marketing: The Social Media and Internet Marketing Guide For Small Business by Bourquin, Scott
Business For Beginners: Introduction to Business and Marketing by Tafero, Arthur H.
The Guru of Marketing: A Handbook Simplifying Marketing in the 21st Century. by Nayar, Jay
Information and Decision in Behavioral Economics by Biela, Adam
Interaktion von Unternehmen mit Kunden in sozialen Netzwerken: Eine Untersuchung der deutschen Facebook-Seiten von Automobilherstellern by Pascal, Mansmann
International Marketing Planning - An Analysis of Burger King by Hasan, MD Rajibul
Messemarketing aus Sicht von Messegesellschaften by Seifert, Malte Christopher
Eventmarketing - eine effiziente kommunikationspolitische Maßnahme am Beispiel der Craft Night von Etsy by Neidhold, Maria
Facebook Business Basics: The Jargon-Free Guide to Simple Facebook Success by Love, Lewis
Die Macht der Marke heute: Der moderne Markenbegriff by Teubert, Moritz, Sinzig, Nils
Wirkeffekte der Markenglaubwürdigkeit by Schnedelbach, Heidi
The Marketing Doctor's Survival Notes: A Collection of Tips, Techniques for Survival from the Trenches of Corporate and Non-profit Marketing by Poulos, David
Die Produktqualität als Variable des strategischen Marketings: Eine kritische Analyse der PIMS-Ergebnisse by Meyer, Klaus-Martin
Providing Actionable Recommendations by Marx, Paul
Multisensuales Dienstleistungsmarketing: Die Auswirkungen von Produkthaptik auf das Konsumentenverhalten am Beispiel des Business-to-Consumer-Marktes by Steinhausen, Nina Jellena
Marketing Management in Geographically Remote Industrial Clusters: Implications for Business-To-Consumer Marketing by Bodin, Jan, Tesar, George
Identitätsorientierte Markenführung am Beispiel Mercedes-Benz by Adam, David
Understanding China's Digital Generation: A marketer's guide to understanding young Chinese consumers by Schultz Ph. D., Don E., Schultz, Heidi, Block Ph. D., Martin P.
Marketingplan für die Media-Saturn Holding: Analysen und Empfehlungen by Neumeister, Hannes, Albus, Lisa
Markenkommunikation Mit Sport: Wirkungsmodell Für Die Markenführung Aus Sicht Der Service-Dominant Logic by Drengner, Jan
Kultmarketing - Eine kritische Diskussion der Anwendungsbereiche und Grenzen by De Bellis, Ricarda
Social Media Frenzy: Why time-consuming Facebook, Twitter and Blogging strategies may NOT work for your business. by Miller, J. Steve
Marketing Mix for Tourism Products by Rahman MD Anisur, Haque S. M. Imamul
How I Sold Millions of Books by Schmitt, Steven E.
Social Media in projektorientierten Unternehmen in Bezug auf Beratungsunternehmen by Waxenegger, Robert
Düfte als Instrument des erlebnisorientierten Marketings by Gerdes, Sina
Branding The Authentic "You": Building a Conscious-Centered Brand & Lifestyle that Speaks to Your Extraordinary Self by Brooks, Elyshia
Die Rolle von Markenbotschaftern im Rahmen der Marketing-Kommunikation von Automobilherstellern by Klonz, Jan
Market potential of the Czech Republic for IT Consulting firms - Focus SAP Implementations by Fischerova, Katerina
Handelsmacht vs. Herstellermacht: Eine kritische Beurteilung der Machtverhältnisse im Handel by Bartole, Philipp
Netzwerken, aber richtig!: So einfach kann Verkaufen sein by Bergmann, Andreas, Oblak, René, Schober, Martin
Ultimate Guide to Twitter for Business: Generate Quality Leads Using Only 140 Characters, Instantly Connect with 300 Million Customers in 10 Minutes, by Prodromou, Ted
Unthinking: The Surprising Forces Behind What We Buy by Beckwith, Harry
Relationship Marketing-View From the Top and What It Really Takes To Get There: Network Marketing Guide to Massive Success! by Thompson, Steve
Get Your Book Published On Kindle Amazon by Camille, Sandratana
Virales Marketing: Potenziale und Gefahren by Kordes, René
Interviewers' Deviations in Surveys: Impact, Reasons, Detection and Prevention by
App Nation: Unleash the power of mobile apps to supercharge your business and profits...even in a difficult economy by Adams, Brad
Total Loyalty Marketing: Mit Begeisterten Kunden Und Loyalen Mitarbeitern Zum Unternehmenserfolg by Fuchs, Gerhard, Sch Ller, Anne M., Schuller, Anne M.
Consumption Culture in Europe: Insight into the Beverage Industry by
Brand Mechanics: The Art and Science of Building Brands by Llewellyn-Williams Phd, Michael
Marketing Analytics: Strategic Models and Metrics by Sorger, Stephan
Strategic Creativity in Marketing Communications by Ph D., Gulnara Karimova
Account Planning in Salesforce by Daly, Donal
From Dust to Diamonds: How Small Entrepreneurs Can Grow and Prosper in Any Economy by Oreck, David
The Renault-Nissan Alliance: Assignment paper / case study (English Version) by Thomas, Martin
Dimensionen des Change Managements: Von der Produkt- zur Kundenzentrierung by Sinzig, Nils, Teubert, Moritz
Factors Affecting Buying Decision of Customers' in Apparels Retailing by Menthula, Swapna
Informationssuche Und Online Word-Of-Mouth: Eine Empirische Analyse Anhand Von Diskussionsforen by Reichelt, Jonas
Möglichkeiten der Neukundengewinnung im Rahmen der Social Media by Langer, Matthias
Sneeze It: Just Don't Say It Spray It by Steel, David
The World of Internet Marketing: The Basics: Online Brand Building, Social Media, and Website Design by Goodman, Jonathan Edward
Buying Less for Less: How to avoid the Marketing Procurement dilemma by Preece, Gerry, Wohlwerth, Russel
TV-Werbung und Musik: Audiovisuelle Verführung mit Musik in Fernsehwerbespots by Jurt, Jeremias
Die Wirkung von In-Game Advertising auf die Zielgruppe by Dlugosch, Felix
Social Media-Marketing: Wirkungsweise und Erfolgskontrolle by Löhr, Thomas
Riding With Gurus: Accelerate Yourself to Success by Filsaime, Mike, Friends, Their Mastermind, Gardner, Dave
The Ultimate Homebuyer's Guide by Mike, Reese, The Nation's Leading, Experts, Jay, Kinder
Understanding the Global Market: Navigating the International Business Environment by Keillor, Bruce
The Billion Dollar Blueprint: 7 Steps To Getting More Business Online in Less Time! by Hauck M. Ed, Brad
Customer Relationship Management und Marketingkonzepte für vermögende Privatkunden by Hemberger, Pascal
Apple Inc. - An Analysis: PESTEL analysis, Porter's 5 Forces analysis, SWOT analysis, Comprehensive analysis of financial ratios, and Comprehens by Hasan, MD Rajibul
What Were They Thinking?: Recent Opinions and Facts from and about New York State Residents by Garfunkel, Stanley J., Slutsky, Leonard
Marketing Management and Strategy: An African Casebook by Tesar, George
Making Ads Pay: Timeless Tips for Successful Copywriting by Caples, John
Marketing Management and Strategy: An African Casebook by Tesar, George
Investment Pattern Analysis of Kolkata based Corporate and institutional Investors in mutual Fund by Kashyap, Kautilya
Making Ads Pay: Timeless Tips for Successful Copywriting by Caples, John
Konsum und Kultur in Europa by Maiwald, Guido
Secret Conversations with Internet Millionaires: How to Make Money Online with an Internet Marketing Business by Tamashiro, Lance, Morin, Armand, McLaren, Stu
The influence of culture on brand positioning strategy by Maiwald, Guido
Be the News: A Guide To Going Viral With Your Human Interest Story by Gertz, Lori
7 Marketing Success Strategies for the Online Entrepreneur: Insider Secrets - What Those Charging $1000s Don't Want You to Know by Neibert, Beth
Clep(r) Principles of Marketing Book + Online by Ogden, James R., Ogden, Denise T., Finch, James E.
Zielgruppenorientierte Werbung für Migranten: Wie gewinnt man die kaufkräftige Mittelschicht der in Deutschland lebenden türkischen Migranten? by Souka, Serap
Online Video Revolution: How to Reinvent and Market Your Business Using Video by Cecil, J.
Die Bedeutung des Jugendmarktes für die Sparkassen by Wilde, Sebastian
Frauen sparen - Männer kaufen! Untersuchung des geschlechtsspezifischen Kaufverhaltens by Barfknecht, Kerstin
From the Jaws of the Dragon: Sales Tales and Other Marginally Related Stuff by Plinke, Richard
Interkulturelles Marketing in Deutschland und Indonesien by Teubert, Moritz, Sinzig, Nils
Web Copy That Sells: The Revolutionary Formula for Creating Killer Copy That Grabs Their Attention and Compels Them to Buy by Veloso, Maria
Strategische Markenführung für Konsumgüter. Der identitätsorientierte Ansatz als Managementkonzept der Zukunft? by Effenberger, Nico
Management von Industriegütermarken - Analyse, Relevanz und Gestaltungsempfehlungen für deutsche Maschinenbauunternehmen by Fix, Irina
The Real Toy Story: Inside the Ruthless Battle for America's Youngest by Clark, Eric
Services Management: Conceptualizing and Measuring Customer Perceived Service Quality by Ebner, Tim
Mythen in der Markenwelt. Eine Analyse der Marke Marlboro: Entwicklung eines semiotischen Analysemodells für Markenmythen am Beispiel des Marlboro-Cow by Krause, Isabel
Beat The Recession Marketing: A Real System designed to Help Small Businesses with BIG Visions Develop a Winning Marketing Strategy to Get MORE Cust by Carley, James K.
Top 25 Marketing KPIs of 2011-2012 by The Kpi Institute, Smartkpis Com
Insightful Knowledge - An Enlightened View of Social Media Strategy & Marketing by Monaco, Stephen
Special Interest: Ressortjournalismus - Konzepte, Ausbildung, PRAXIS by
Events Im Zeitalter Von Social Media: Stand Und Perspektiven Der Eventforschung by
Effectiveness of Online Marketing Campaigns: An Investigation Into Online Multichannel and Search Engine Advertising by Klapdor, Sebastian
Qualitäts- Und Preisimage Bei Banken: Strategien Zu Mehr Ertrag by
Pressearbeit Praktisch: Ein Handbuch Für Ausbildung Und PRAXIS by Stiftung Journalistenakademie Dr Hooffacker Gmbh & Co Kg, Lokk, Peter
Book Publishing Blueprint: How To Self Publish & Market Your Books...Fast! by Petrova, Anastasiya, Mauresmo, Kent
Cavemen Can't Market: Attracting, Conversing, and Creating Loyal Customers with Woo Marketing by Peters, Jonathan
Million Dollar Websites: Build a Better Website Using Best Practices of the Web Elite in E-Business, Design, Seo, Usability, Social, Mobile and by Murtagh, Rebecca
Sport Brands by Hillairet, Dieter, Bodet, Guillaume, Bouchet, Patrick
Sport Brands by Hillairet, Dieter, Bodet, Guillaume, Bouchet, Patrick
Der Shitstorm: Die neue Macht der Konsumenten durch Social Media: Die Auswirkungen auf die Kommunikationsstrategien von Unternehmen by Naber, Andreas
Social Media in der Unternehmenskommunikation. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen im B2B-Bereich by Barfknecht, Kerstin
Vendiendo Fuera de lo Acostumbrado: Ideas Creativas Para Ayudarle a Hacer Mas Ventas by Boog, Bob
Automobilmarke - BMW und die DTM: Essay by Bartenstein, Elisabeth
Remember Me?: Getting Your Home Based Business to Stand Out in an Over Marketed World by Valdez, Kris
Grow the Core: How to Focus on Your Core Business for Brand Success by Taylor, David
New Developments in the Theory of Networks: Franchising, Alliances and Cooperatives by
How to Market Your Book Free by Antoinette, Nicole, Rochelle, Anita
How to Sell to Retail: The Secrets of Getting Your Product to Market by Thorne, Kaye
Competitive SME: Building Competitive Advantage Through Marketing Excellence for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises by Hood, David James
The Marketing Manifesto by Hood, David James
Third Party Product Reviews and Consumer Behaviour: A Dichotomous Measuring Via Rasch, Paired Comparison and Graphical Chain Models by Ziniel, Wolfgang
The Marketing Gurus: Lessons from the Best Marketing Books of All Time by Murray, Chris, Soundview Executive Book Summaries
The Sales Gurus: Lessons from the Best Sales Books of All Time by Clancy, Andrew, Soundview Executive Book Summaries Eds
Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook: 201 Self-Promotion Ideas for Songwriters, Musicians & Bands on a Budget (Revised & Updated) by Baker, Bob
The Retail Value Proposition: Crafting Unique Experiences at Compelling Prices by Murray, Kyle
Unternehmenskommunikation im Wandel - Der Einfluss von Social Media auf das moderne Kommunikationsmanagement im Unternehmen by Skierlo, Armin
Wandel des Outbound zum Inbound Marketing: Content Marketing als Erfolgs- und Zukunftsfaktor hinsichtlich Markenführung und Unternehmenskommunikation by Schultz, Daniela
Social Media Monitoring - Krisenherde frühzeitig erkennen by Stiller, Sabrina
El Significado de La Marca: Como y por que ponemos sentido a productos y servicios by Batey, Mark
Marketing Issues in Modern China by Trotter, Dan, Wong, Wong Ming, Tian, Robert Guang
Operatives Vertriebscontrolling im schnell verändernden Marktumfeld by Lommertin, Patrick
Public Relations, Activism, and Social Change: Speaking Up by Demetrious, Kristin
Vergleichende Werbung in Deutschland: Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Bestandsaufnahme by Geißler, Lisa
Demobilization and Jobs by Eliot, Charles W.
Die Frauen Und Das Netz: Angebote Und Nutzung Aus Genderperspektive by
Orientierung in Bekannten Und Unbekannten Ladenumwelten: Theorie, Befunde Und Implikationen by Wang, Hsiau-Han
Demarketing: Der Einfluss der Kündigungsform von unprofitablen Kundenbeziehungen auf das Verhalten potenzieller Neukunden: Eine empirische Analyse by Puzankova, Olga
The "B" Word: Becoming foolishly bold in creating the ultimate "brand" by Marhamat, Bobby
Glamour Globals: Trends Over Brands by Baaghil, Mossalli Ashour Khashogji, Baaghil, Said
Case Studies in Organizational Behavior and Theory for Health Care by Borkowski, Nancy, Deckard, Gloria
The Surfer's Guide To Marketing: How To Avoid Wiping Out In The Marketing Space by Rovegno, Randy
10 Ways to Sell More Stuff, to More People, More Often, for More Money, and with More Efficiency by Rohleder, T. J.
Create Distinction: What to Do When Great Isn't Good Enough to Grow Your Business by McKain, Scott
Global Brand Power: Leveraging Branding for Long-Term Growth by Kahn, Barbara E.
Contagious: Why Things Catch on by Berger, Jonah
Social Media im Wandel zu Commercial Media. Monetarisierungsstrategien von sozialen Netzwerken durch Nutzung neuer Absatzkanäle by Dagustany, Sascha
Viral Marketing within Social Networking Sites by Wilde, Sven
Internationalisierungsstrategien von IT-Dienstleistern. Analyse der Erfolgspotenziale und -voraussetzungen by Valkova, Tsvetelina
"Da brauchst' einen guten Magen": Systemisch orientierte Prozessberater in der Wahrnehmung ihrer Kunden by Plasser, Wolfgang
Top 25 Public Relations KPIs of 2011-2012 by Smartkpis Com, The Kpi Institute
Consumer-Brand Relationships: Theory and Practice by
Virgin Australia: Situation analysis of the 'Game Change' strategic plan by Chan, Kok Meng
New Service Development: A Case Study for the Swedish Supermarket Chain ICA by Kupke, Doreen
Web 3.0 und die Auswirkungen auf das Online-Marketing by Angeler, Christian
Runtriz - The Leader of mobile Hospitality: Hotel Evolution by Kupke, Doreen
The Commercial Exploitation of Color as a Consumer Stimulus by Yfantis, Vasileios
Willingness to pay for Fair Trade products: Analysis and implications by Gröpel, Michaela
Marketingstrategie der Edeka-Gruppe für Bio-Produkte by Baumann, Felix
What Were They Thinking?: Recent Opinions & Facts From and About New York State Residents by Slutsky, Leonard, Garfunkel Phd, Stanley J.
The meaning of arts for brands: The example of the Austrian chocolatier Zotter by Maute, Katharina
Neurowissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zum Konsumentenverhalten und ihre Implikationen für das Marketing by Schmidt, Andreas
Der Einsatz von Celebrity Endorsement bei innovativen Konsumgütern by Michelbach, Claudia
Wtf?: What's the Future of Business?: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences by Solis, Brian
The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the New Age of Consumerism by Stephens, Doug
Ambush Marketing in Sports by Nufer, Gerd
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