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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2017

Osez les conversations: Ou comment les nouveaux outils de communication peuvent devenir de véritables espaces de conversation by Villemot, Guillaume
Vendre de luxe: Techniques et psychologie pour une vente (plus) efficace by Moulinier, René, Srun, Francis
Marketing for Competitiveness: Asia to the World - In the Age of Digital Consumers by Kartajaya, Hermanwan, Hooi, Den Huan, Kotler, Philip
The Entrepreneur's Essential Roadmap: Take Your Business from 0 to 7 Figures in Record TIme by Perakis, Christine
Growth Hacking: Silicon Valley's Best Kept Secret by Fong, Raymond, Riddersen, Chad
Verschwimmende Grenzen Zwischen Journalismus, Public Relations, Werbung Und Marketing: Aktuelle Befunde Aus Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Food Truck Book Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy: Learn Million Dollar Website Traffic Secrets to Making Massive Money Now! by Mahoney, Brian
Online Marketing: How I Turned 0$ Into 7294$ in 13 Days (+2 Books Bonus: The 9 Deadly Mistakes - The Ultimate Mind-Set) - Scale Up Your by Reive, Riley
Die Bedeutung des Neuromarketings für die Kreation und Gestaltung von Mailings by Sonntag, Jennifer
Success Requires Action: Strategies For The Entrepreneurial Challenged Author by Fortner, Nate
Jimmy's Lemonade Stand: A Child's Guide To Marketing by Johnson, Jeremiah J.
Marketing & Economics: An Integrative Approach to Making Effective Business Decisions in the Global Marketing World. by Kermally, Sultan
Strategic Planning. Branchenanalyse, Marktsegmentierung und Wettbewerbsanalyse im Theaterumfeld by Anonym
Excellence in Internal Communication Management by Linjuan Men, Rita, Bowen, Shannon
Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsfaktoren der Markenimplementierung. Die Flagship Stores von Apple und Freitag: Elemente für ein positives Markenerlebnis anhan by Gräfin Von Baudissin, Donata
Have a Product Idea?: How Many Could You Sell? by Mateer, Leonie
Super Simple Quick Start Guide to Book Marketing by Stevens, E. J.
The role of Social Media in B2B communication by Zhukova, Valeriya
Catering Business Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy Book: Catering ServiceWebsite Traffic Secrets to Making Massive Money Now! by Mahoney, Brian, Catering Business, Catering Service
Computer Repair Business Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy Book: No Cost Video Advertising Website Traffic Secrets to Making Massive Mo by Business, Computer Repair, Mahoney, Brian
Engineered Rainmaking for Business: How To Use The 80/20 Principle To Grow Your Business 10X by Beauchemin, Paul
Events Marketing Management: A Consumer Perspective by Reic, Ivna
Creative Communities: Ein Erfolgsinstrument Für Innovationen Und Kundenbindung by Seja, Christa, Narten, Jessica
Media Relations of the Anti-War Movement: The Battle for Hearts and Minds by Taylor, Ian
Dry Ice Blasting Free Online Advertising Secrets to Massive Money Now!: Dry Ice Book Video Marketing Strategy & Website Traffic Secrets! by Book, Dry Ice, Mahoney, Brian, Blasting, Dry Ice
Landscaping Business Free Online Advertising Secrets to Making Massive Money Now!: Landscaping Management Video Marketing Strategy Website Traffic Sec by Business, Landscaping, Management, Landscaping, Mahoney, Brian
Dental Practice Management Free Online Advertising Secrets to Massive Money Now!: Family Dental Practice Video Marketing Strategy Website Traffic & Se by Practice, Family Dental, Mahoney, Brian, Management, Dental Practice
Die Fashionmarke "Primark". Auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit oder doch nur Greenwashing?: Analyse und Bewertung des Textilherstellers im Hinblick auf Na by Kierdorf, Charlotte
Stellenanzeigen ALS Instrument Des Employer Branding in Europa: Interdisziplinäre Und Kontrastive Perspektiven by
Guest Blogging Goldmine: How I Got More Than 100,000 Visitors a Month on My Blog in 9 Months Using a Free Marketing Strategy, and Other Ways to by Corson-Knowles, Tom
Credit Risk by Capiński, Marek, Zastawniak, Tomasz
Personalize This & Disrupt That by Glickman, Daniel
Infusionsoft Mastery: The Definitive Best Practices and Strategic Implementation Guide by Broussard, Troy A.
Affiliate Marketing: The Secret to Creating a Massive Passive Income Business Online by Smith, Anthony
Ethnography in Marketing and Consumer Research by Venkatesh, Alladi, Crockett, David, Cross, Samantha
Marketing und Religion. Eine theoretische Untersuchung by Pflanz, Florian
Promotional Strategies and New Service Opportunities in Emerging Economies by
The Responsive Chord: The Responsive Chord: How Media Manipulate You: What You Buy... Who You Vote For... and How You Think. by Schwartz, Tony
Narrative and Numbers: The Value of Stories in Business by Damodaran, Aswath
Internationales Marketing im Unternehmen zwischen Standardisierung und Differenzierung by Eglinski, Jasmin
Vertriebssteuerung im Maklergeschäft. Ressourcen- und wertorientiertes, modernes ganzheitliches Maklermanagement by Rügen, Frank
Unlocking the Client Code: How to Continuously Attract Quality Clients by Young, Timothy J.
Principles of Digital Marketing: 7 Keys to Online Success in Today's Information Economy by Connett, J. Christian
User Experience Identity: Mit Neuropsychologie Digitale Produkte Zu Markenbotschaftern Machen by Van De Sand, Felix
Carpet Cleaning Business Free Online Advertising Video Marketing Strategy Book: Video Advertising & Website Traffic Secrets to Making Massive Money No by Mahoney, Brian
Network Marketing: The Secret to Building a Successful Team While Creating Passive Income by Smith, Anthony
How Product Managers Can Use Better Communication To Boost Sales: How Product Managers Can Use Communication Skills To Make Their Product A Success by Anderson, Jim
Public Relations Cases for Analysis and Action by Ellerbach, John
The Art of Sales, Marketing and the Spokesperson now in full color: How Over 100 Million George Foreman Grills Were Sold by Dreimann, Leon, Dreimann, Samantha
The Insider's Guide to Media Training: How to Get Booked on TV and Ace Your On-Camera Interview by Schwab, Marianne
Selling Out to Your Level of Comfort by King, Randy
Einführung eines Social Intranets. Kritische Betrachtung am Beispiel eines Unternehmens by Mausberg, Felix
Die deutsche Assekuranz im Spannungsfeld eines veränderten Marktumfeldes: Analyse der aktuellen Marketingmaßnahmen der ERGO Group AG by Anonymous
Professionelles Lead Management: Schritt Für Schritt Zu Neuen Kunden: Eine Agile Reise Durch Marketing, Vertrieb Und It by Fuderholz, Jens
Market Domination for Podcasting: Secrets from the World's Top Podcasters by Greene, Seth
The Complete Guide to Email Marketing: Book II: Creating Your Products -- From Books to Blogs by Scott, Gini Graham
7 Ways to Make Your Phone Ring and Get More Clients in 30 Days or Less by Wright, David B.
Wirkung von Social Media Marketing auf die Kundenbindung von Energieversorgungsunternehmen. Stadtwerke Mühlhausen by Gremmer, Daniel
Überzeugen 4.0: Praktische Emotionale Kompetenz Für Echtzeit-Kommunikation Im Vertrieb by Zotta, Carmen, Schneiderheinze, Wolfgang
Youtube Channel Passive Income Streams Video Marketing Book: : Build an Audience with YouTube SEO & Make Money on YouTube by Mahoney, Brian, Channel, Youtube
Unternehmenskommunikation. Bedingungen und Besonderheiten beim Einsatz von Social Media by Barfknecht, Kerstin
Marketing-Instrument Verpackung.Grundlagen und Anforderungen an Verpackungen by Roos, Melanie
Marketing-Instrument Verpackung.Grund- und Zusatzfunktionen von Verpackungen by Roos, Melanie
Green Marketing and Environmental Responsibility in Modern Corporations by
Socio-Economic Perspectives on Consumer Engagement and Buying Behavior by
Marketing-Instrument Verpackung.Tipps zur Verpackungsgestaltung by Roos, Melanie
Social Media im B2B-Bereich. Ein neuer Kommunikationskanal im Marketing-Mix by Barfknecht, Kerstin
Unternehmenskommunikation im B2B-Bereich. Begriffsklärung und allgemeine Rahmenbedingungen by Barfknecht, Kerstin
Commercial Nationalism and Tourism: Selling the National Story by
La Chine conquérante: Enquête sur une étrange superpuissance by Gravereau, Jacques
Global Brand Strategy: World-Wise Marketing in the Age of Branding by Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict
New Luxury Management: Creating and Managing Sustainable Value Across the Organization by
The Higher Ed Marketing Communications Assessment: Evaluate Your Progress, Identify Opportunities and Take Action! by Anselmo, Kevin
Fans and Fan Cultures: Tourism, Consumerism and Social Media by Linden, Henrik, Linden, Sara
Commercial Nationalism and Tourism: Selling the National Story by
Interne Kommunikation in Agilen Unternehmen: Eine Einführung by Knorre, Susanne, Buchholz, Ulrike
Die unternehmensbezogene Wirkung und Eignung von Product Placement in Kinofilmen by Kern, David
Basiswissen Public Relations: Professionelle Presse- Und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit by Deg, Robert
Book Marketing: The Funnel Factor: Including 100 Media Pitches by Hausmann, Gisela
AgencyMaxx Marketing by Bollinger, Marlin
Financial and Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Fourth Edition by Bryce, Herrington J.
Crossmediales Marketing von Luxusgütern der Marke Louis Vuitton by Hassert, Kira
Erfolgreich Akquirieren: Instrumente Und Methoden Der Direkten Kundenansprache by Verweyen, Alexander
Mobiler Journalismus by Staschen, Björn
A Professional and Practitioner's Guide to Public Relations Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, Third Edition by Michaelson, David, Stacks, Don W.
Product Management for Dummies by Lawley, Brian, Schure, Pamela
Marketing Avengers: Learn the Marketing Secrets of the World's Superheroes by Avengers, Marketing, Adams, Brandon T., Boyce, Chuck
Passive Income: Four Advanced Business Models to Start Creating Passive Income Online by Smith, Elliot J.
Teach Me PR 101: A Guide for the New (or not so new) Entrepreneur who wants to Master the Basics of Public Relations for your Brand or by Green, Leslie
Marketingkonzeption zur erfolgreichen Markteinführung des Softdrinks "Mountain Dew" by Steinebach, Marc
Wirtschaftsregion China. Politik, Ökonomie und soziokulturelle Aspekte als Einflussfaktoren für den Automobilmarkt by Artmann, Samuel
Festivalveranstaltung. Umweltfaktoren, Marketing und Finanzierung by Bellinghausen, Raimund
Distributionspolitik bei Luftfahrtunternehmen am Beispiel Lufthansa by Greiser, Laura Marie
Zum Management von Luxusmarken und Markenimage by Metz, Patrick
Present Like a Pro: The Modern Guide to Getting Your Point Across in Meetings, Speeches, and the Media by D4eo Literary Agency, Hausman, Carl
Present Like a Pro: The Modern Guide to Getting Your Point Across in Meetings, Speeches, and the Media by Hausman, Carl
Branchen- und Marktstruktur des Automobilmarkts China by Artmann, Samuel
Der Softdrink "Mountain Dew" und seine Erfolgsgeschichte in den USA by Steinebach, Marc
Das Nachhaltigkeitsmarketing. Herausforderungen und Strategien by Kleine, Judith
Musik-Festivals. Definition, Festivalarten, Entwicklung und Eventtourismus by Bellinghausen, Raimund
Einführung ins Social Media Marketing. Begriffsdefinition und die wichtigsten Marketing-Kanäle by Etzel, Simon
Situationsanalyse des deutschen Marktes für alkoholfreie Getränke: anhand der Einführung des Getränks Mountain Dew by Steinebach, Marc
Stärkung von Markenidentität. Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Ansätze im Neuromarketing by Metz, Patrick
Social Media. Definition, Rolle in der Kundenkommunikation und Macht der Nutzer by Naber, Andreas
Mediale Verbreitung, Charakteristika und Formen des Shitstorm. Am Beispiel der Kampagne Greenpeace vs. Nestle by Naber, Andreas
Modelle zur Analyse der ökonomischen Effekte von Musik-Festivals by Bellinghausen, Raimund
Das Ökologische Marketing. Definition und Begriffseinordnung by Kleine, Judith
Zur Entstehung des Begriffs "Nachhaltigkeit" by Kleine, Judith
Business- und Finanzplan zur Gründung einer unabhängigen Vermögensberatung: Am Beispiel der Kapitalia GmbH by Heinemann, Harry
Preispolitische Strategie. Der Markt für Smartphones by Cin, Bilal
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Begriff, Entstehung und Ziele by Teles, Nicolas
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Strategien und Voraussetzungen der Kundenbindung by Teles, Nicolas
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Implementierung des CRM by Teles, Nicolas
Vermögensverwaltung. Grundlagen der Dienstleistung by Heinemann, Harry
Crush Them With Content: How to Use Content Marketing to Beat Your Rivals by Bendel, Nick
The Complete Guide to Email Marketing: Book IV: Finding Emails to Build Your Business by Scott, Gini Graham
Persönlichkeitsorientiertes Markenmanagement mit besonderem Bezug auf die deutsche Automobilbranche. Eine analytisch-kritische Studie by Ganser, Veronika
A Reason to Chant: Take Control of Your Marketing to Earn Trust, Devotion, and Traffic Forever by Worley, Rod
Brand Fans: Lessons from the World's Greatest Sporting Brands by Stavros, Constantino, Westberg, Kate, Smith, Aaron C. T.
Marketing for Competitiveness: Asia to the World - In the Age of Digital Consumers by Kartajaya, Hermanwan, Hooi, Den Huan, Kotler, Philip
Manuale Di Facebook Marketing: Pratico e Operativo by Abate, Dario
Branding as Communication by Barnes, Susan B.
The Official CIM Coursebook: Strategic Marketing Decisions 2008-2009 by Lowe, Robin, Doole, Isobel
Die Vorteile eines Elektroautos by Sell, Konrad
Warum scheiterte das EV1 von General Motors? by Sell, Konrad
Rethinking Reputational Risk: How to Manage the Risks That Can Ruin Your Business, Your Reputation and You by Fitzsimmons, Anthony, Atkins, Derek
Creativity and Data Marketing: A Practical Guide to Data Innovation by Wang, Becky
Strategische Ausrichtung Von Corporate-Citizenship-Engagement: Theoretische Fundierung Und Anwendung in Der Unternehmenspraxis by Wildner, Martin
Physical Therapy Rocket Fuel: 14 High-Velocity Marketing Ideas to Propel Your Practice from Survival to Success by Kinkade Pt, Lincoln, Matuga, Jim, Arbogast, Mike
Social Media Marketing. Chancen und Risiken im Web 2.0 für eine Firma by Janke, Nicole
Anforderung und Vorgehen beim Einsatz von Twitter zum Trendmonitoring by Nolte, Steffen
Productivity in Singapore's Retail and Food Services Sectors: Contemporary Issues by Thangavelu, Shandre M., Toh, Mun Heng
Einfluss von Kundenbeiträgen auf den Verkauf von Versicherungen. Eine vergleichende Analyse von Social Media-Plattformen by Eicker, Lisa
Don't Buy A Duck: Stop Wasting Money & Only Do Marketing That Works by Champagne, Derek
Internet of Things. Eine Analyse des State of the Art by Kreil, Harry
Determinanten des Kaufverhaltens junger Konsumenten und deren Nutzen für das Markenmanagment by Ganser, Veronika
Social Media Marketing: Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube To Strengthen Your Brand and Increase Your Following by Bennett, Liam
Virales Marketing bei Red Bull by Haller, Philip, Elvermann, Niklas, Schulze, Tim
Neuromarketing. Ökonomische, psychologische, biologische und technische Grundlagen by Weining, Annika
Studien und aktueller Forschungsstand des Neuromarketings by Weining, Annika
Cross Media Marketing 101 by Michelson, James D.
Tube Cash: How to Make Extra Cash or Earn a Full Time Living from YouTube by Richie, Tony
The Content Marketing Miracle: How to become more trusted than your competitors by creating and sharing valuable content online. by Harden, Drew
Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability. Die Wirtschaft der Zukunft? by Aue, Stefanie
Welche Ziele verfolgen die verschiedenen Arten und Instrumente der Kundenbindung? by Peilstöcker, Melanie
Agents Of Change: Rethinking Insurance Agency Marketing by Tate, John M., Adkins, Jay, Tate, Natalia
Die Sponsoring-Strategien von Red Bull by Elvermann, Niklas, Schulze, Tim, Haller, Philip
Chi-Quadrat-Test und t-Test zur Prüfung der Relation zwischen zwei Schokoladenmarken by Laschinger, Marie-Therese
Die Funktionsweise des menschlichen Gehirns. Grundlagen aus dem Bereich der Biologie, des Neuromarketings und der Psychologie by Splawinski, Milosz
Information oder Emotion? Prozesse und Arten der Werbung by Splawinski, Milosz
Profit and Cash Flow Marketing...Fast: 10 Ways to Out Think...Out Market...Out Sell Your Competition...In Any Economy by Hequet, Ron
Digital to Dollars: How to get clients fast and achieve unstoppable growth! by Schimmel, Barry J.
Content Is Still King: How To Create An Online Business Using The Power Of Your Words by Sutherland, Lisa
The Caboodles Blueprint: Turn Your Idea Into Millions by Mateer, Leonie F.
NeuroAuthority: How to Create Authority Positioning in the Subconscious and be Remembered by Horn, Brian Ainsley
Customer Experience Management als Unternehmensstrategie. Umsetzung am Fallbeispiel der Porsche AG by Pavlis, Markus
Behind the Cover: A Ghostwriter's Guide to Authoring Your Own Business Book by Rowe, Karen
Launching to Leading: How B2B Market Leaders Create Flashmobs, Marshal Parades and Ignite Movements by Rutsky, Ken
Global vs. Local Marketing. An Analysis of the Usefulness for Global Companies by Adams, Valea
Sustainable Luxury Brands: Evidence from Research and Implications for Managers by De Angelis, Matteo, Costabile, Michele, Amatulli, Cesare
Launching to Leading: How B2B Market Leaders Create Flashmobs, Marshal Parades and Ignite Movements by Rutsky, Ken
Brand Is Destiny: The Ultimate Bottom Line by Rudov, Marc H.
Orange County Plastic Surgeons: Are You Getting Your Share?: There's Tons of High-Quality Patients in Our Area. Deploy These Unconventional Strategies by Polston, Andrey, Harvey, Scott
Conference Proceedings Trends in Business Communication 2016 by
Le data marketing by Hirth, Julien
Einfluss der Werbekennzeichnung und Portalumgebung auf die Wahrnehmung eines Native Advertising-Artikels by Falkenberg, Martin
Kognitionspsychologische Wirkmechanismen von Werbung. Grundlagen, Methoden und ethische Beurteilung by Pöhlmann, Clemens
Fundamentals of Research. A Dissective View by Tripathy, Pradip Kumar, Tripathy, Priyanka
Marketing. Erfolgsfaktoren der strategischen Angebotspolitik: ECE Immobilie, Shopping Center by Klein, Steven
Employer Branding. Status Quo und Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Arbeitgeberattraktivität by Javed, Nadeem
Marketing Scales Handbook: Multi-Item Measures for Consumer Insight Research (Volume 9) by Bruner, Gordon C., II
Manage Your Customers, Manage Your Product: Techniques For Product Managers To Better Understand What Their Customers Really Want by Anderson, Jim
What Is Social Media Today: Hashtags, Keywords and You, Oh My! by Carrigan, Catherine
The W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne Blue Ocean Strategy Reader: The Iconic Articles by Bestselling Authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne by Kim, W. Chan, Mauborgne, Renée a.
The W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne Blue Ocean Strategy Reader: The Iconic Articles by Bestselling Authors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne by Mauborgne, Renée a., Kim, W. Chan
Getting "Yes" Decisions: What insurance agents and financial advisors can say to clients. by Schreiter, Tom, De Souza, Bernie
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude C.
Small Data by Lindstrom, Martin
Digital Branding. Konzeption des integrierten Einsatzes digitaler Medien: Am Beispiel der fiktiven Brand Extension Titleist Swing IT by Adam, David
Kundenbindung. Effektive Maßnahmen und Instrumente für einen langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg by Belsch, Sergej
Follow Me: Shutttupp and build your network by Moi, Francesca
Explain Yourself!: How To Do Explainer Videos The Right Way by Marvazi, Ben
The 7 Critical Principles of Effective Digital Marketing by Aslam, Kasim
The Profit Faucet: The Foundation for Small Business Success by Germann, Ken
Grundlagen des Neuromarketing by Rauschhuber, Samuel
Da Parrucchiere a Hair Stylist di Successo: Marketing pratico per il tuo salone. Seconda Edizione by Ferracuti, Michela
Are You Brand Dead?: The Creativeans BrandBuilder(TM) Approach To Building Your Brand by Tham, Judy, Yap, Kimming, Saksen, Yulia
Extraordinary Popular Delusions: Selections from Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by MacKay, Charles
Mobile Shopping: Eine Konsumentengerichtete, Empirische Akzeptanzanalyse Zentraler Einflussgrößen by Groß, Michael
Lean Agile Marketing: How to Become Agile and Deliver Marketing Success by Billante, Peter, Raboin, Brian
El Código Secreto Del Facebook Live by Abreu, Rixio
Digital Marketing Tactics: 150 Experts Share Their Digital Marketing Techniques by Ochs, Josh
Konzeption eines Trainings zur Förderung der Kommunikationsfähigkeit beim Verkaufsgespräch im Einzelhandel by Bayer, Viktoria
Interior Design Business Interior Decorating YouTube Marketing Strategy Video Advertising: YouTube Channel Online Presence Retail Marketing & Small Bu by Mahoney, Brian
Entrepreneurial Marketing: Konzeption, Messung Und Erfolgswirkung in Wirtschaftlich Krisenhaften Zeiten by Schmid, Judith
Erfolgreich Mit Spenderinnen Und Spendern Korrespondieren: Mit Gelungenen Texten Gewinnen Und Binden by Franck, Norbert
Eine Marketing-Strategie Für Nachhaltigere Biokraftstoffe in Deutschland: Ein Ansatz Zur Verbesserung Der Konsumentenakzeptanz? by Bernigau, Sven
Öffentliches Marketing zur Vermeidung von Kunststoffverpackungen im Lebensmittelbereich by Schulze, Jutta-Verena
Online or Flatline: The Small Business Owner's Guide to Digital Marketing by Choat, Nick
Tourism Marketing for Cities and Towns: Using Social Media and Branding to Attract Tourists by Kolb, Bonita
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