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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2020

Kundenerlebnisse in Ferienwelten: Das Spannungsfeld Von Destinations- Und Resortmarke by Schneider, Christoph
Marketing Management: A Strategic Approach by
Wirkungen des Sportsponsorings im Rahmen der identitätsbasierten Markenführung by Prigge, Florian
Zconomy: How Gen Z Will Change the Future of Business--And What to Do about It by Villa, Denise, Dorsey, Jason R.
Future Luxe: What's Ahead for the Business of Luxury by Rambourg, Erwan
Marketing Basics for Private Investigators: How to Compete as a PI by Morris, John L.
Digital Marketing Management, Second Edition: A Handbook for the Current (or Future) CEO by Zahay, Debra
Building Value through Marketing: A Step-by-Step Guide by Sugai, Philip
Marketing Communications by Czarnecka, Barbara, Eagle, Lynne, Dahl, Stephan
DRIVE Sales: The 5 Secrets to Increase Your Sales by 400% by Woodward, Woody
Marketing Communications by Czarnecka, Barbara, Dahl, Stephan, Eagle, Lynne
Digital Marketing Management, Second Edition: A Handbook for the Current (or Future) CEO by Zahay, Debra
Building Value Through Marketing: A Step-By-Step Guide by Sugai, Philip
Künstliche Intelligenz im Einzelhandel. Digitalisierungsdruck auf derzeitige Geschäftsmodelle by Pollmeier, Thilo
El Acelerador del Reclutamiento by Sperry, Rob L.
Messung potenzieller Netzwerkeffekte am Beispiel der Küchenhelfer GmbH by Halder, Christian
Empirische Untersuchung von Konsumentenentscheidungen im Kontext ausgewählter verhaltensökonomischer Ansätze by Schiefler, Claudia
Absolute Essentials of Digital Marketing by Charlesworth, Alan
Persönlichkeitsbasierte Personalisierung Im Mobile Commerce: Eine Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Analyse Am Beispiel Von Supermarkt-Apps by Arz, Stefanie
Innovations in Digital Branding and Content Marketing by
Unterstützung des guten Zwecks als Differenzierungsmaßnahme. Eine empirische Analyse der Einflussfaktoren erfolgreicher Cause-related Marketing Kampag by Meisel, Sabrina, Huber, Frank, Stein, Martin
Handbook of Research on Applied AI for International Business and Marketing Applications by
Handbuch Fundraising by
China Branding: Cases from Zhejiang by
Fashion and Film: Moving Images and Consumer Behavior by
Greener Marketing by Grant, John
Eine Frage- und Itembatterie zum Thema Elektroautos in der Wahrnehmung von Studenten. Entwicklung und Testung eines Fragebogens by Reinke, Vivien
Influencer Marketing als Verkaufsstrategie. Wie Instagram das Konsumentenverhalten beeinflusst by Anonym
Auswirkungen fehlender Online-Präsenz auf die Customer Journey im stationären Handel by Schörgendorfer, Nico
Marketing Metrics by Farris, Paul, Pfeifer, Phillip, Bendle, Neil
Toolbox Customer Experience: Wie Sie Schritt Für Schritt Eine Exzellente Kundenerfahrung Schaffen by Suwelack, Thomas
Ökonomische Und Soziologische Tourismustrends: Strategien Und Konzepte Im Globalen Destinationsmarketing by
The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout by Boggs, Michelle Lopez
The Anti-Marketing Manifesto: How to Sell Without Being a Sellout by Boggs, Michelle Lopez
Reiseveranstalter und Web 2.0. Wie nutzt die Tourismusindustrie die sozialen Netzwerke? by Anonymous
Strategic Communication: Public Relations at Work by Glenny, Leanne, Johnson, Jane
Marketing Weiterdenken: Zukunftspfade Für Eine Marktorientierte Unternehmensführung by
Social Media, Organizational Identity and Public Relations: The Challenge of Authenticity by Thurlow, Amy
Marketingstrategien in der E-Mobilität. Ein kurzer Vergleich zwischen VW und Tesla by Kayki, Hasan
Action Research for Professional Selling by McNiff, Jean, McDonnell, Peter
The Routledge Companion to the History of Retailing by
The Routledge Companion to Critical Marketing by
Marketing muzyczny w Danii by O'Leary, Taryn
Instagram Marketing: Das Grundlage Buch zu Social Media Marketing. Schritt für Schriff zum erfolgreichen Online Unternehmer by Balzer, Elsa
Technology, Business and the Market: From R&D to Desirable Products by Sheldrake, John S.
Public Relations and Individuality: Fate, Technology and Autonomy by Moore, Simon
Visual Public Relations: Strategic Communication Beyond Text by
Public Interest Communication: Critical Debates and Global Contexts by
Design for Behaviour Change: Theories and Practices of Designing for Change by
104 Ideas for your Newsletter.: A complete introduction to the power of email marketing + 104 brilliant ideas to write your newsletters, by a Marketin by Sala, Daniele
Defining, Measuring and Managing Consumer Experiences by Sorrentino, Annarita
SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers by Smith, C. Lee
SalesCred: How Buyers Qualify Sellers by Smith, C. Lee
The Customer Experience Model by Aliekperov, Adyl
Consumer Nationalism and Barr's Irn-Bru in Scotland by Leishman, David
Digital Listening Für Unternehmen: Entscheiderwissen Für Corporate Security, Personenschutz, Market Intelligence Und Personalmarketing by Grothe, Martin
The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing by
The Aging Consumer: Perspectives from Psychology and Marketing by
Sport Public Relations by Dittmore, Stephen W., Ross, Mike, Stoldt, G. Clayton
From Zero to Super Affiliate: Learn Affiliate Marketing With Paids Ads Starting From Scratch: Work From Home, Affiliate Marketing, Facebook Ads, Goo by O'Dree, Attila
Cómo Vender Más Con Marketing Digital by Rodríguez Custodio, Luis Nelson
¡Cómo Obtener y Conservar la Atención de Tu Prospecto!: Frases Mágicas para Redes de Mercadeo by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Instagram Marketing: Grow Your Business Fast with the Help of Instagram and Social Media by Parker, Daniel
Blogging for Beginners: How to Never Be Broke, and Make $10,000/month in Passive Incomes Affiliate Marketing, Blogging, Stocks, Bonds, Day Trading, SE by Davis, Steven
Marke Und Digitale Medien: Der Wandel Des Markenkonzepts Im 21. Jahrhundert by
E-Business-Generator: Aufbau Elektronischer Geschäftsmodelle in Der Digitalen Wirtschaft by Hensellek, Simon, Kollmann, Tobias
Coca-Cola und die Grundprinzipien des Marketings by Anonymous
BtoB and Digital: Digitalization and Servicization Disrupt BtoB Marketing by Crenn, Jean Paul, Malaval, Philippe
Influencer-Marketing. Start-up-Unternehmen in Zusammenarbeit mit Influencern: Chancen, Risiken, Beispiele by Neumann, Luisa
Crawl, Walk, Run: Advancing Analytics Maturity with Google Marketing Platform by Loban, Michael, Yastrebenetsky, Alex
Stop Posting! Start Marketing!: How successful companies market themselves on social media, while others just post by Sanders, Joe
Neuromarketing im E-Business: Implikationen neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse für das Online-Marketing by Hölbing, Anne
The PR Paradox: How to Master the Art of PR as a Startup or Scale-up by Rodsevich, Matias
The Millionaire Training by Thompson, Taylor, Henley, Ron
Retail Futures: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of the Digital Transformation by
Primingeffekte und deren Wirkung am Point of Sale by Rausch, Eugen
Keys to Being Social: Being Real in a Virtual World by Willard, Bridget
Online Marketing im Bankensektor. Die Deutsche Bank und DAB Bank by Popescu, Octavian
Competitive Branding Strategies: Managing Performance in Emerging Markets by Rajagopal
Designing Smart Prices: Kundenwahrnehmung Von Dynamic Und Personalized Pricing by Vogelsang, Mila
Failure Management. Marketing the Future in Our Industry by Bösser, Iris
How to Score from First Base! (In Sales): A Step-by-Step Guide to Shorten Sales Cycles and Multiply Revenue by Ruecker, Ray
Die Erreichung von intensiver Kundenbindung nach dem Erstkauf zum Zwecke bestimmter Ergebniswirkungen bei B2B-Kunden aus Anbietersicht by Zabel, Günter
China's Belt and Road Initiative in a Global Context: Volume II: The China Pakistan Economic Corridor and Its Implications for Business by
B2B Marketing Essential: How to Turn Your Marketing From A Cost into A Sales Engine by Seebacher, Uwe
Positive Beispiele der Regionalvermarktung von Lebensmitteln in England in Bezug auf das Business Model Canvas by Anonymous
Perspectives: Digital Transformation Through the Lens of Strategic Marketing by Scheurell, Lynn
Strategische Positionierung Und Kundenzufriedenheit: Anforderungen - Umsetzung - Praxisbeispiele by Töpfer, Armin
Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!: How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients and Make More Money by North, John
The Beginner's Guide to Content Marketing: How to Drive Traffic, Provide Value and Increase Revenue by Ainsworth, Jessica
Is It News?: Writing press releases that really work by Clarke, Robert, Labrow, Peter
How to Get Away with Murder in Marketing: Forensic Marketing by Miles, D. Anthony
The Journey Mapping Playbook: A Practical Guide to Preparing, Facilitating and Unlocking the Value of Customer Journey Mapping by Angrave, Jerry
Is it News?: Writing press releases that really work by Labrow, Peter, Clarke, Robert
How to Get Away with Murder in Marketing: Forensic Marketing by Miles, D. Anthony
The Nonprofit Legacy: A Compilation of Women Nonprofit Executives by Battle-Lockhart, Tajala
The Value of Luxury: An Emerging Perspective by Stępień, Beata
Produktinszenierungen. Vermarktung von Mode in Online Shops by Popp, Alexandra
Brands, Political Brands, and Donald Trump by Collen, Jess M.
Enabler? I Hardly Know Her!: How to Make the Sales Experience Not Suck by Madian, T. Melissa
Jewelry Marketing Joy: An Approachable Introduction to Marketing Your Jewelry Brand by Wirstiuk, Laryssa
Now You Know: The Black and White Edition: 101 Proven Ideas For Winning Online by Souza, Flavio
Loyalty Programs: The Complete Guide by Shelper, Philip
Business KAMASUTRA FROM PERSUASION TO PLEASURE: The Art of Data and Business Relations by Shah, Parthiv
The Rational Homo Psychologicus: Creating Thoughtful Businesses by Story, H. Y.
Automotive Industrialisation: Industrial Policy and Development in Southeast Asia by Thoburn, John, Natsuda, Kaoru
Affiliate Marketing for Beginners by Publishing, Smm
Influencer Secrets: How to Build Your Social Media Brand Fast by Publishing, Smm
Design Thinking for Strategy: Innovating Towards Competitive Advantage by Diderich, Claude
Marketing- und Werbeplanung für ein neues Gesundheitsstudio in Mannheim by Anonym
The Brand-Driven CEO: Embedding Brand Into Business Strategy by Kincaid, David
Etsy Marketing by Smith, Laura
Marketing: Return on Investment: Written by Kamaldeep Singh; CEO & Founder of Zhoustify by
Social Media Marketing 2021: The Ultimate Mastery to Use the Secrets of Digital Business and Become an Influencer This Book Includes Instagram, You by Proctor, Andrew
Konsumentenverhalten von Gamern. Wie Labeling die Kaufintention und die Produkterwartung beeinflusst by Thiele, Lasse
Comment Capter L'Attention de Vos Prospects et La Maintenir !: Formules de Mots Magiques pour le Marketing de Réseau by Schreiter, Tom Big Al, Schreiter, Keith
Social Media Marketing 2021: The Ultimate Mastery to use the secrets of digital Business and become an Influencer This book includes Instagram, You by Proctor, Andrew
Brand Therapy: 15 Techniques for Creating Brand Strategy in Pharma and Medtech by Smith, Brian
Branding Landmines Even The Best Brands Step On Sometimes by Tai, Jacky
Essential Guide to Public Speaking for Beginners: A Handbook to the Art of Public Speaking: The Do's and Dont's by Dean, Alice
Small But Mighty: How To Leverage Social Media To Grow Your Small Business by Palmgren, Herman
Mailing List - Opt-in Sign up book by Press, Boomer
The Amazon Jungle: The Truth about Amazon, the Seller's Survival Guide for Thriving on the World's Most Perilous E-Commerce Marketplace by Cesari, Rick, Boyce, Jason R.
Passive Income Strategies: The Complete Guide to Gain Financial Freedom with Proven Online Business Models, Dropshipping, Shopify, Affiliate Mark by Miller, Jason
Cold to Closed: Transform your coldest calls into appointments and deals by Bravo, Frank
Online Marketing und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im kirchlichen Bereich: Konzept für eine online-basierte kirchliche Angebotspräsentation by Engel, Jens
Personal Brand Clarity: Identify, Define, & Align to What You Want to be Known For by Tulien, Suzanne
Personal Brand Clarity: Identify, Define, & Align to What You Want to be Known For by Tulien, Suzanne
Engagement Equity: Earn the Ask by Chaney, Angela
Tourism Marketing in Bangladesh: An Introduction by
Managing Global Strategy: Developing an Effective Strategy in International Business by Johnson, William H. a.
Arun Nandy: God of the Field by Ranabir Sen
Get Vocal for Local: How to develop a successful regional digital marketing strategy for the Indian market by Arvin Subramanian
Managing Global Strategy: Developing an Effective Strategy in International Business by Johnson, William H. a.
E-Privacy, Datenschutz und Marketing. Der Einfluss zukünftiger Verordnung auf die Marketingbranche by Werner, Fabian
Cut the Yo-Yo by Schwartz, Len
Business of Freelancing, The: How to Thrive as a Freelancer by Creativesatwork Singapore
Business of Freelancing, The: How to Thrive as a Freelancer by Creativesatwork Singapore
Instagram-Journalismus Für Die PRAXIS: Ein Leitfaden Für Journalismus Und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit by Bettendorf, Selina
Building Consumer-Brand Relationship in Luxury Brand Management by
Rethink Ou Comment Repenser l'Industrie de la Créativité by Grais, Ian, Shepansky, Tom
On Being Credible: How to Maximize Your CRED Under News Media Scrutiny by Lovink, Jon
Kommunikationsmix bei der Adidas AG. Überblick über die Grundlagen by Fahrngruber, Niklas
Introduction to Public Relations: Strategic, Digital, and Socially Responsible Communication by Page, Janis Teruggi, Parnell, Lawrence J.
Defcon 1 Venta Directa: Manual para Líderes de Campo by Gage, Randy
Social Media Marketing 2020: Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping and Passive Income Ideas - 6 Books in 1 - Cutting-Edge Strategies to Start and Grow by Wright, Chandler
Building Consumer-Brand Relationship in Luxury Brand Management by
Las 30 Estrategias del Marketing que Duplicarán tus Ventas: Tácticas de Negocios, Marketing y Ventas para Emprendedores. Libro de Comunicación, Brandi by Díaz a., Juan Diego
Rome and Persia at War: Imperial Competition and Contact, 193-363 CE by Edwell, Peter
Marketing. Situations- und Zielgruppenanalyse, Produkt- und Kommunikationspolitik sowie Controlling by Anonym
Wie Pop-Up-Stores das Kaufverhalten verändern. Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf die Konsumentenwahrnehmung und Weiterempfehlung im Einzelhandel by Töpfer, Martina
Das Erfolgspotenzial von Micro-Influencer-Marketing zur Steigerung der Brand Awareness by Kellermann, Jasmin
Die Bedeutung von Influencer Marketing auf Instagram als strategisches Marketinginstrument. Empfehlungen für den langfristigen Erfolg by Haider, Maschal
Digital Brand Experience. Wie Marken an digitalen Touchpoints Erlebnisse schaffen, um Digital Natives zu begeistern by Orlamünder, Alina
Chancen und Risiken des Politiksponsorings. Werben, Sponsoring und Mäzenatentum in Deutschland und anderswo by Contes, Dominik
The Public Relations Handbook by
The Business of Aspiration: How Social, Cultural, and Environmental Capital Changes Brands by Andjelic, Ana
The Public Relations Handbook by
Curated Shopping. Geschäftsmodellanalyse anhand des Business Model Canvas: Die Modeberater des E-Commerce by Trieschmann, Nadine
Retail Domination: Your 7-step Guide to Survive and Thrive in the World of Amazon, Google & Other Online Giants by Haworth, Glenn
The Business of Aspiration: How Social, Cultural, and Environmental Capital Changes Brands by Andjelic, Ana
Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age: Theories, Practice and Application by Moin, S. M. a.
Guerrilla Publicity: Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars by Frishman, Rick, Lublin, Jill, Levinson, Jay Conrad
Zielgruppenorientierte Veranstaltungskonzeption: Messen, Kongresse Und Events Auf Zielgruppen Ausrichten by Haag, Patrick, Luppold, Stefan
Der Nachhaltigkeitsgedanke bei Tesla. Eine Analyse der Marketingstrategie by Neupane, Melanie
Referenzpreise bei Kaufentscheidungen im B2C Kontext by Heller, Robert
F!!CK Your Formula by Vaiana, Dominic, Cross, Brian, Perlut, Aaron
F!!CK Your Formula by Cross, Brian, Perlut, Aaron
LinkedIn for Personal Branding: The Ultimate Guide by Long, Sandra
Escribir para vender. Cómo redactar para la Web by Ramos, Juanjo
The Dark Side of Marketing Communications: Critical Marketing Perspectives by Hill, Tim, McDonagh, Pierre
The Dark Side of Marketing Communications: Critical Marketing Perspectives by Hill, Tim, McDonagh, Pierre
Zukunftsmanagement Für Den Mittelstand: So Bereiten Sie Sich Auf Marktveränderungen VOR - Ein Leitfaden Für Krisenzeiten by Hilbig, Heino
Amazon Selling Secrets: The Ultimate Guide to Amazon FBA Success, Learn The Secrets On How to Start and Launch a Successful and Profitable Ama by Willisk, Seth
Facebook Ads: Build Your Brand With Facebook Advertising by Kadner, Randall
BrandIT: 6 ways that successful marketers use merchandise to build profile and profits in the IT sector by Graham, Aisling
Tre passi per il successo nel MLM: Diventa anche tu un imprenditore di successo nel MLM by Schlosser, Anne
Facebook Ads: Build Your Brand With Facebook Advertising by Kadner, Randall
Transforming Relationship Marketing: Strategies and Business Models in the Digital Age by
Internal Marketing: Theories, Perspectives, and Stakeholders by Brown, David M.
Popular Culture and Social Change: The Hidden Work of Public Relations by Motion, Judy, Fitch, Kate
Marketing für den Immobilienverkauf: Kundenverhalten, Bedürfnisse, Kaufprozess by Hornyik, Andreas
Social Media Marketing 2020: Affiliate Marketing, Dropshipping and Passive Income Ideas - 6 Books in 1 - Cutting-Edge Strategies to Start and Grow by Wright, Chandler
Wonder Leads: Remarkable lead generation for positive small businesses by Holloway, Dave
Personal Branding Strategies The Ultimate Practical Guide to Branding And Marketing Yourself Online Through Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter A by Clyne, Gary
Social Media Marketing 2019: The Must Know Practical Tips and Strategies for Growing your Brand, Becoming an Influencer and Advertising your Busine by Clyne, Gary
Social Media Marketing: The Practical Step by Step Guide to Marketing and Advertising Your Business on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube& Branding by Clyne, Gary
Email Marketing Success: The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Email Marketing Campaign, Learn How to Build an Email List That Converts by Willov, M. N.
Unfiltered Marketing: 5 Rules to Win Back Trust, Credibility, and Customers in a Digitally Distracted World by Denny, Stephen, Leinberger, Paul
Operations in an Omnichannel World by
Luxury Tourism: Market Trends, Changing Paradigms, and Best Practices by
Nation Branding in Modern History by
Instagram: Incrementa il tuo business online con il marketing dei social network, aumenta i tuoi follower e scopri tutti segreti by Palmer, Marc A.
Social Media Marketing: La guida completa per incrementare il tuo business online con i social network, scopri i segreti per sponsorizzare, pr by Palmer, Marc A.
Eventos de Sucesso: O guia para o organizador de eventos moderno by Chagas, Ivan
Simply Marketing Action Plan: A simple, yet effective fill-in-the-blank plan to help you map out your marketing activities for the next 90 days by Alexander, Summer
Copywriting Secrets: The Essential Guide for Successful Copywriting, Get a Step-by-Step Guide on How To Be More Influential at Copywriting by Hedress, Jenifer
B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé: Your Marketing Guide for Veterans & Military Service Members Entering Civilian Life by Tiscareño-Sato, Graciela
The New Review Economy: Third-Party Review Sites, Reputation, and Neo-Liberal Public Relations in the Digital Age by Novak, Alison N.
One Million Followers, Updated Edition: How I Built a Massive Social Following in 30 Days by Kane, Brendan
See More