• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Martial Arts in 2001

Mind/Body Fitness: Focus, Preparation, Performance by Seabourne, Tom
Cardiokickboxing Elite: For Sport, for Fitness, for Self-Defense by Thiboutot, Frank
Okinawan Goju-Ryu II by Toguchi, Seikichi
Okinawa Karate Kata by Ludwig, Dirk
A Portrait of a Kung Fu Master by Ching, IP, Heimberger, Ron
The Ultimate Mixed Martial Arts Manual: Chokes, Throws, Take Downs, Wrist Locks, Backyard Jiu Jitsu, Street Jiu Jitsu by Gambordella, Grandmaster Ted
Taekwondo. Eine systematische Annäherung by Höller, Jürgen
Okinawa's Complete Karate System: Isshin Ryu by Rosenbaum, Michael
Tai Chi Secrets of the Wu and Li Styles: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary by Yang, Jwing-Ming
Aikido and the Dynamic Sphere: An Illustrated Introduction by Ratti, Oscar, Westbrook, Adele
The Essence of Karate-Do: Methods of Study and Training by Chalfant, Kevin L.
T'Ai CHI for Dummies by Iknoian, Therese
Kung Fu Elements: Wushu Training and Martial Arts Application Manual by Liang, Shou-Yu, Wu, Wen-Ching
Crossing Boundaries: The Exclusion and Inclusion of Minorities in Germany and the United States by
Crossing Boundaries: The Exclusion and Inclusion of Minorities in Germany and the United States by
Tai CHI Secrets of the Yang Style: Chinese Classics, Translations, Commentary by Yang, Jwing-Ming
Taekwondo: Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Warrior by Cook, Doug
Bushido: The Way of the Samurai by Yamamoto, Tsunetomo
T'Ai Chi as a Path of Wisdom by Lehrhaupt, Linda Myoki
Karate: Technique and Spirit by Nakamura, Tadashi
T'Ai CHI According to the I Ching: Embodying the Principles of the Book of Changes by Olson, Stuart Alve
Cheiron Karate: The Official Training Manual by D''amato-Neff, Adam