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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1982

Vol 29 IARC Monographs: Some Industrial Chemicals and Dyestuffs by Iarc
The Rubber Industry by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
Vol 27 IARC Monographs: Some Aromatic Amines, Anthraquinones and Nitroso by Iarc
Control Coordination Respiration by Butler, P. J.
Statistik Für Biologen Und Mediziner by Kinder, Hans-Peter
Pathogenese Und Klinik Der Harnsteine VIII by
Intravesikale Chemotherapie Und Transurethrale Verfahren Zur Behandlung Und Rezidivprophylaxe Des Blasenkarzinoms by Hallwachs, O., Altwein, J. E.
Pathogenese Und Klinik Der Harnsteine IX by
Fortschritte in Der Kardiologie: Therapie Der Myokardinsuffizienz Reperfusion Und Revaskularisation Des Myokards by Schaper, W., Gottwik, M. G.
The Population Dynamics of Infectious Diseases: Theory and Applications by Anderson, Roy M.
Risikofaktoren - Medizin: Fortschritt Oder Irrweg? by Bock, K. D.
Knochenmark-Insuffizienz: Berichtsband Des Deutsch-Österreichischen Kongresses Für Hämatologie 21. - 23. März 1974 in Wien by Mueller-Eckhardt, C., Heimpel, H., Huhn, D.
Unfallchirurgie by Burri, Caius
Morphologisch-Ökologische Differenzierung, Biologie, Systematik Und Evolution Der Neotropischen Gattung Jacaranda (Bignoniaceae) by Morawetz, W.
Todesangst Und Das Todesbewußtsein Der Gegenwart by Meyer, J. -E
Fourth International Symposium on Bovine Leukosis: A Seminar in the EEC Programme of Coordination of Research on Animal Pathology Organized by O.C. St by Straub, O. C.
Heroinsucht / Heroin Addiction: Theorie, Forschung, Behandlung / Theory, Research, & Treatment by Labate, C., Platt, J. J.
Tagesklinische Behandlung Im Alter / Day Hospital Care of the Elderly by
Suizid: Ergebnisse Und Therapie by
Der Mensch Im Elektromagnetischen Feld. Ergonomie in Der Medizin: 288. Sitzung Am 3. Juni 1981 in Düsseldorf by Schmitt, Hans Jürgen
Die Bedeutung Des Nebennierenrindenhormons Aldosteron Für Die Physische Leistungsfähigkeit by Skipka, Werner
Zwanzig Jahre Praktische Und Klinische Psychotherapie: Psychotherapeutische Erfahrungen Mit Dem Autogenen Training, Der Hypnose Und Anderen Kombiniert by
Einfluß Der Eingeschränkten Tubenfunktion Auf Das Mittelohr by Opitz, Hans-Joachim
Inhalation Anaesthesia Today and Tomorrow by Peter, K., Jesch, Franz
Early Arrhythmias Resulting from Myocardial Ischaemia: Mechanisms and Prevention by Drugs by Parratt, James R.
Untersuchungen Zur Mutagenen Wirkung Von Äthylnitrosoharnstoff an Nagern Und Primaten by Röhrborn, Gunter, Basler, Armin, Theiß, Inge
Therapie Und Prognose Von Hyperurikämie Und Gicht by Goebel, F. -D
Zentraleuropäischer Anaesthesiekongreß: Intensivmedizin Notfallmedizin by
Zur Rolle Von Modellen in Der Entwicklungsbiologie: Vorgelegt in Der Sitzung Vom 27. Juni 1981 Von Franz Duspiva by Berking, S.
Basic and Clinical Hepatology by Motta, P. M.
Prostaglandine in Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe: Symposium Am 22. Und 23. Mai 1981 in Homburg/Saar by
Medicaid Reimbursement of Nursing Home Care by Grimaldi, Paul L.
The Complete Scarsdale Medical Diet: Plus Dr. Tarnower's Lifetime Keep-Slim Program by Baker, Samm Sinclair, Tarnower, Herman
An Edgar Cayce Home Medicine Guide by Turner, Gladys Davis
Ernährungsforschung. Band 26, Heft 1 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 26, Heft 2 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 26, Heft 4 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 26, Heft 6 by
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen, Band 2 by Hofmann, Eberhard
Klinische Onkologie: Leitfaden Für Studenten Und Ärzte by
Die Nervale Und Hormonelle Regulation Des Herzens: Biochemische Mechanismen by Wollenberger, Albert
Neue Aspekte Der Fibrinolytischen Therapie by Markwardt, Fritz
Vorträge Des Deutsch-Sowjetisches Symposium Über Chronobiologie Und Chronomedizin: Vom 10.-15. Juli 1978 in Halle/Saale by
Blutdruckvariabilität Der Hyper- Und Hypotonie: Eine Selbstmessungsstudie by Nitschkoff, Stefan
Arterielle Hypertonie, 3. Deutsch-Sowjetisches Symposium: Vom 22. Bis 25. Januar 1980 in Berlin by
Vorkommen Und Metabolisierung Von Kohlenwasserstoffen in Natürlichen Systemen by
Arterielle Hypertonie: 3. Deutsch.-Sowjet. Symposium Vom 22.-25. Jan. 1980 in Berlin by
Rauchen Oder Gesundheit by
Pharmakokinetik by Knorre, Wolfgang A.
Balneobioklimatologie - Eine Zielstellung Im Mensch-Umwelt-Konzept by Jordan, Herbert
Pathophysiologie: Klinik Und Modellexperiment by
Probleme Bei Der Optimierung Der Therapie Mit Digitalisglykosiden by Haustein, Knut-Olaf
Dosimetrie Ionisierender Strahlung by Bernhardt, Reinhold, Stolz, Werner
Case-Control Studies: Design, Conduct, Analysis by Schlesselman, James J.
The Biological Effects of Glutamic Acid and Its Derivatives by
Paediatrics by Barnes, N. D., Roberton, N. R. C.
New Knowledge in the Biomedical Sciences: Some Moral Implications of Its Acquisition, Possession, and Use by
Bioengineering and the Skin: Based on the Proceedings of the European Society for Dermatological Research Symposium, Held at the Welsh National Sch by Marks, R.
Unresolved Problems in Haemophilia by Forbes, C. D.
Fourth International Symposium on Bovine Leukosis by
Multiple Visual Areas: Volume 2: Multiple Visual Areas by Woolsey, Clinton N.
Essential Clinical Pharmacology by Lewis, P. J.
Tinnitus: Facts, Theories, and Treatments by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Lymphoproliferative Diseases of the Skin by
Klinische Onkologie: Leitfaden Für Studenten Und Ärzte by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Small Fragment Set Manual: Technique Recommanded by the Asif-Group by Heim, U.
Organdurchblutung Und Sauerstoffversorgung Bei Peep: Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen Zur Regionalen Organdurchblutung Und Lokalen Sauerstoffversorgu by Beyer, J., Messmer, K.
Zur Psychosomatik Von Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen by
Aufwachraum -- Aufwachphase: Eine Anästhesiologische Aufgabe by
Radiologisches W Rterbuch: Diagnostische Leits Tze F R Die Praxis by Lammers, Wulf, Freye, Kurt
Doctors, Patients, and Society: Power and Authority in Medical Care by
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 14: Inorganic Drugs in Deficiency and Disease by
The Evaluation of Beat Blocker and Calcium Antagonist Drugs by
Sex Role Attitudes and Cultural Change by
Uprooting and Surviving: Adaptation and Resettlement of Migrant Families and Children by
Peptide Antibiotics Biosynthesis and Functions: Enzymatic Formation of Bioactive Peptidesand Related Compounds by
Culture Techniques by
Practical Guide to DBMS Selection by Peat, Lindsay R.
Zur Psychogenese Und Therapie Der Adipositas: Untersuchungen Zum Menschlichen Appetitverhalten by Pudel, Volker
Examens-Fragen Psychiatrie: Zum Gegenstandskatalog by
The Feeding System of the Pigeon (Columba Livia L.) by Zweers, Gart A.
Genetische Familienberatung: Ein Leitfaden Für Studenten Und Ärzte by Fuhrmann, Walter, Vogel, Friedrich
Recognition of Pattern and Form: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Texas at Austin, March 22-24, 1979 by
Herz Und Kreislauf by
Säuglingsernährung Heute by
Medical Informatics Europe 82: Fourth Congress of the European Federation of Medical Informatics Proceedings, Dublin, Ireland, March 21-25, 1982 by
Warteschlangen-Theorie Und Gesundheitswesen: Einführende Betrachtungen Für Den Praktiker by Dietrich, C. E. M., Walleitner, P.
Development of the Cranial Nerve Ganglia and Related Nuclei in the Rat by Altman, Joseph, Bayer, Shirley A.
Spinal Opiate Analgesia: Experimental and Clinical Studies by
Seasonal Spermatogenesis in the Mute Swan (Cygnus Olor) by Breucker, H.
Knochenbruchbehandlung bei Kindern by Jonasch, Erich
Risikofaktorenmedizin by
The Rest Principle: A Neurophysiological Theory of Behavior by Sinclair, J. D., Sinclair, John David
Laboratory and Clinical Dental Materials by Leinfelder, Karl F., Taylor, Duane F.
The Mindful Brain: Cortical Organization and the Group-Selective Theory of Higher Brain Function by Mountcastle, Vernon B., Edelman, Gerald M.
Contrast Echocardiography by
Asbestos: Directory of Unpublished Studies by
The Cultural Context of Therapeutic Choice: Obstetrical Care Decisions Among the Bariba of Benin by Sargent, C.
Asbestos: Directory of Research and Documentation Centres by
Paediatrics and Blood Transfusion: Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen 1980 Organized by the Red Cross Bloodbank by
Muscle Hypertrophy of Genetic Origin and Its Use to Improve Beef Production: A Seminar in the Cec Programme of Coordination of Research on Beef Produc by
Immunology and Ageing by
Klinisches Wörterbuch Mit Klinischen Syndromen Und Nomina Anatomica by Pschyrembel, Willibald
Glial-Neurone Interactions by Treherne
Hundert Jahre Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Innere Medizin: Die Kongreß-Eröffnungsreden Der Vorsitzenden 1882-1982 by
Weiterbildung 5: Praktische Unterweisung Atmungsgymnastik Inhalationstherapie Atmungskontrolle by Valerius, T., Schmidt-Wyk, U., Halmagyi, M.
Microcirculation of the Heart: Theoretical and Clinical Problems by
Interstitial Cells of Cajal: Intestinal Pacemaker Cells? by Thuneberg, Lars
Aktuelle Themen Der Alterskardiologie by
Die Adäquate Dialyse: Dialyse-Ärzte-Workshop Bernried 1981 by
Immunological Aspects of Liver Disease by
Optoelectronics in Medicine: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress Laser 81 by
Systematische Differentialdiagnose Innerer Krankheiten: Unter Berücksichtigung Des Gegenstandskataloges by Scheurlen, P. Gerhardt
Proceedings of the Fourth Lectin Meeting: Copenhagen, June 1981 by
Immunologie by Unanue, Emil R., Benacerraf, Baruj
Neuroreceptors: Proceedings of the Symposium, Berlin (West), September 28-29, 1981 by
Hormone Antagonists by
Cortical Sensory Organization: Multiple Auditory Areas by Woolsey, Clinton N.
Space, Time, and Medicine: Foreword by Fritjof Capra by Dossey, Larry
Human Cancer Markers by
Neurobehavioral Consequences of Closed Head Injury by Levin, Harvey S.
The Psychiatric Society by Castel, Robert, Lovell, Anne, Castel, Françoise
Inflammatory Diseases and Copper by Sorenson, John R. J.
Cardiac Rate and Rhythm: Physiological, Morphological and Developmental Aspects by
Myocardial Infarction: Measurement and Intervention by
Hypertension, Fluid-Electrolytes, and Tubulopathies in Pediatric Nephrology: Proceedings of Pediatric Nephrology Seminar VIII, Held at Bal Harbour, Fl by
A Companion to Animal Physiology by
Ovarialtumoren by
Licht Und Hautkrebse: Modelle Und Risikoerfassung Vorgetragen in Der Sitzung Vom 27. Juni 1981 by Jung, E. G.
Die Schizophrenen: Eine Psychoanalytische Interpretation by Racamier, P. -C
New Toxicology for Old: A Critique of Accepted Requirements and Methodology by
Machame Anaesthesia Notebook for Medical Auxiliaries: With Special Emphasis on the Developing Countries by Kamm, G., Graf-Baumann, T.
Colo-Rectal Surgery by
Angewandte Klinische Pharmakologie: Phase-I-Prüfungen by Lücker, P. W.
Companion to Neonatal Medicine by
Campylobacter: Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Biochemistry by
Beneficence and Health Care by
Cellular Biology of the Lung by Cummings, C., Bonsignore, G., Cumming, Gordon
Controversies in Acute Pancreatitis by
Massivtransfusionen: Hämostase Und Schocklunge by Harke, H.
Medizinische Grundkenntnisse Für Heilberufe: In1895 Fragen Antworten by Steffens, K.
On Angiotensin-Degrading Aminopeptidases in the Rat Kidney by Kugler, P.
Ultraschalldiagnostik (B-Scan) in Der Inneren Medizin: Lehrbuch Und Atlas by Lutz, H.
Vessel Wall in Athero- And Thrombogenesis: Studies in the USSR by
Behavioral Pediatrics: Research and Practice by Russo, Dennis C.
Kontrazeption: Methoden, Indikation, Kontraindikation by Rabe, T., Runnebaum, B.
Nuklearmedizinische Herzdiagnostik: Methodik, Diagnostik, Differentialdiagnose, Therapiekontrolle Und Indikationen Bei Der Koronaren Herzkrankheit by Pfisterer, M. E.
The Development of the Red Pulp in the Spleen by Helpap, B., Grouls, V.
Recent biochemical and medical aspects by
The Quest for Therapy in Lower Zaire: Volume 1 by Janzen, John M.
Current Developments in Anthropological Genetics: Ecology and Population Structure by Crawford, Michael H., Mielke, James H.
Techniques in Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision by
Genitourinary Cancer 1 by
Studies of Mind and Brain: Neural Principles of Learning, Perception, Development, Cognition, and Motor Control by Grossberg, S. T.
Studies of Mind and Brain: Neural Principles of Learning, Perception, Development, Cognition, and Motor Control by Grossberg, S. T.
The Deepening Shade: Psychological Aspects of Life-Threatening Illness by Sourkes, Barbara
Hirnorganische Psychosyndrome Im Alter: Konzepte Und Modelle Für Die Pharmakotherapeutische Forschung by
Computerized Tomography Brain Metabolism Spinal Injuries by
Nitrate III: Kardiovaskuläre Wirkungen by
Verhandlungsbericht Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Urologie: 33. Tagung 21. Bis 24. Oktober 1981, Köln by
Biomedical Images and Computers: Selected Papers Presented at the United States-France Seminar on Biomedical Image Processing, St. Pierre de Chartreus by
Orthopädie Und Traumatologie Des Bewegungsapparats: Eine Einführung Für Operationspersonal, Pflegepersonal Und Physiotherapeuten by Grob, D.
Funktionelle Analsphinkter-Untersuchungen by Schweiger, M.
Erkrankungen Des Zentralen Und Peripheren Nervensystems / Störungen Der Blutgerinnung Und Fibrinolyse by Besser, R., Lübcke, P.
On the Structure of the Human Striate Area by Braak, E.
Competition and Cooperation in Neural Nets: Proceedings of the U.S.-Japan Joint Seminar Held at Kyoto, Japan February 15-19, 1982 by
Proceedings of the Symposium Lyon, France, April 22-25, 1981 by
The Law Lords by Paterson, A.
Clinical Cellular Immunology: Molecular and Therapeutic Reviews by Weetall, Howard H., Luderer, Albert A.
Methods in Protein Sequence Analysis by Elzinga, Marshall
Current Problems in Sociobiology by King's College Sociobiology Group, King's, College Sociobiology Group
Strabismus Symposium Amsterdam, September 3-4, 1981 by
Cardiovascular Diagnosis by Ultrasound: Transesophageal, Computerized, Contrast, Doppler Echocardiography by
Oral Leukoplakia by Bánóczy, J.
Glucagon in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Pharmacological, Clinical and Therapeutic Implications by
Welfare and Husbandry of Calves by
Effective Psychotherapy for Low-Income and Minority Patients by Yamamoto, Joe, Evans, Leonard a., Acosta, Frank X.
Drugs in America: A Social History, 1800-1980 by Morgan, H. Wayne
Prinzipien Des Projektmanagements Im Gesundheitswesen by Seelos, Hans-Jürgen
Fettstoffwechselstörungen: Physiologie Pathogenese Epidemiologie Klinik by Dietze, G., Häring, H. -. U.
Engymetry and Personal Computing in Nuclear Medicine by Pretschner, Dietrich P.
Cardiovascular Measurement in Anaesthesiology by
Skin Permeability by Zesch, A., Schaefer, H., Schalla, W.
Placental Function Tests by Chard, T., Klopper, A.
Orthopädie: Eine Einführung Für Studierende Der Medizin by Adams, John C.
Blutkomponenten Und Plasmaersatzmittel by
Funktionelle Anatomie Des Kniegelenks by Schabus, R., Wagner, M.
Ziele, Aufgaben, Realisation Eines Krankenhausinformationssystems by Köhler, C. O.
Essentials of Medical Ultrasound: A Practical Introduction to the Principles, Techniques, and Biomedical Applications by Repacholi, Michael H., Benwell, Deirdre A.
Who Decides?: Conflicts of Rights in Health Care by Bell, Nora K.
Medical Genetics Casebook: A Clinical Introduction to Medical Ethics Systems Theory by Clements, Colleen D.
Prostaglandins and Arachidonate Metabolites: Volume 86 by
Übungs-Fragen Biologie by Strack, H. -B
Radionuclide Ventricular Function Studies: Correlation with Ecg, Echo and X-Ray Data by Jarritt, Peter H., Ell, P. J., Walton, Stephen
Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease: Pathophysiology and Treatment: Pathophysiology and Treatment by
Factors Influencing Fertility in the Post-Partum Cow by
Human Body Temperature: Its Measurement and Regulation by Houdas, Y., Ring, E. F. J.
XI International Congress of Clinical Chemistry: Proceedings, Vienna, Austria, August 30-September 5, 1981 by
Treatment of Cerebral Edema by
Die Verbrennungskrankheit: Entstehung, Verlauf Und Therapie by
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