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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1983

In Vitro Toxicity Testing of Environmental Agents: Current and Future Possibilities Part A: Survey of Test Systems by Nato Advanced Research Institute on in Vitro Toxicity Testin, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Kolber, Alan R.
Miscellaneous Pesticides by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
Vol 32 IARC Monographs: Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds, Part 1, Chemical, Environmental and Experimental Data by Iarc
Aging and Prevention: New Approaches for Preventing Health and Mental Health Problems in Older Adults by Hess, Robert E.
Geriatrics by Platt, Wallace
Surgery Spine: by Louis, Rene, Louis
Progress Sensory Physiol by Ottoson
Röntgen-Diagnostik Der Skeleterkrankungen: Diseases of the Skeletal System (Roentgen Diagnosis) by
New Bacteriology by Panisset, Maurice, Sonea, Sorin, Sonea
Zentrale Blutdruckregulation Durch α2-Rezeptorenstimulation by
Fortschritte in Der Kardiologie: Kardiologische Intensivmedizin, Virale Herzerkrankung, Aktuelle Probleme Der Langzeittherapie by
Familienmedizin: Herausforderung an Den Heutigen Arzt; Diskussionsbeiträge Zum Thema Patient -- Arzt -- Familie by Bernachon, P.
Guidelines on Studies in Environmental Epidemiology: Environmental Health Criteria Series No.27 by ILO, Unep
Vol 31 IARC Monographs: Some Food Additives, Feed Additives Naturally Occurring Substances by Iarc
Quantitative Risk Assessment in Regulation by
The Sex Atlas: New Popular Reference Edition, Revised and Expanded by
Traditional Medicine and Health Care Coverage. a Reader for Health Administrators and Practitioners by Bannerman, R. H., Iarc, Bannerman
Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty: Technique, Early and Late Results by
Wandlungen in Der Therapie Der Herzinsuffizienz by Rietbrock, Norbert
Die Staatliche Kontrolle Der Arzneimittelsicherheit in Der Bundesrepublik Und Den USA by Murswieck, Axel
Klinik Und Nachweismethoden Der Mikrohämaturie by
Spontanverlauf Und Therapiebeurteilung Rheumatischer Erkrankungen by
Stratum Corneum by
Avicenna, Grundleger einer neuen Metaphysik by Verbeke, Gerard
Analysis 3: Integralrechnung im IRn mit Anwendungen by Forster, Otto
Postgraduate Medical Studies in Kuwait by
Chemotherapeutic Strategy: Proceedings of the Symposium Held on June 2-4 1982 at the World Trade Centre, London UK by Edwards, D.
Clinical Pharmacology in Psychiatry: Bridging the Experimental--Therapeutic Gap by
Die Geburt Aus Ethnomedizinischer Sicht: Beiträge Und Nachträge Zur IV. Internationalen Fachtagung Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin Über Tradition by
Drug Treatment in Obstetrics: A Handbook of Prescribing by Hawkins, D. F., Ledward, R. S.
Biopsy Pathology of the Lymphoreticular System by Wright, Dennis H., Isaacson, Peter G.
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Related Procedures: A Handbook for Nurses and Assistants by Swan, Charles H. J., Ravenscroft, Morag M.
Die Verriegelungsnagelung: 3. Internationales Verriegelungsnagel-Symposium Am 2. Und 3. April 1982, Frankfurt/Main by Contzen, Heinz, Mockwitz, Jürgen
Modern Trends in Human Leukemia II: Biological, Immunological, Therapeutical and Virological Aspects by
Management of Rheumatic Disorders by Moll, J. M. H.
Kontrollierte Hypotension: Durchblutung Und Sauerstoffverbrauch Des Gehirns Und Des Herzens by Larsen, R.
Manual for the Planning and Implementation of Therapeutic Studies by Köpcke, W., Biefang, S., Schreiber, M. a.
Mucopolysaccharides - Glycosaminoglycans - of body fluids in health and disease by Varma, Rajendra, Varma, Ranbir S.
Political Analysis and American Medical Care Essays by Marmor, Theodore R.
Ernährungsforschung. Band 27, Heft 5 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 27, Heft 6 by
Vom 19. Mai Bis 23. Mai 1982 in Veszprém by
Biologische Verhaltensforschung Am Menschen by
ACTA Biologica Et Medica Germanica. Band 41, Heft 7/8 by
1981 by
Studien Zum Biologischen Alter by Ries, Werner
Kompendium Medikamentorum / Compendium Medikamentorum. IV. by
Mikrobielle Gewinnung Von Arzneistoffen: Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie by Gröger, Detlef, Johne, Siegfried
Angewandte Histo- Und Zytochemie in Der Diagnostik Intrathorakaler Tumoren by Eckert, Horst
Angewandte Histo- Und Zytochemie in Der Diagnostik Intrathorakaler Tumoren by Eckert, Horst
Tumor-Marker. Neue Aspekte Für Die Labordiagnostik by Ziegenbein, Renate
Regression Analysis of Survival Data in Cancer Chemotherapy by Carter
Psychiatrists on Psychiatry by
Handbook of Psychiatry: Volume 1, General Psychopathology by
A Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Archives of the Library of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia by
The Radiological Examination of the Colon: Practical Diagnosis by Miller, D. J., Skucas, Jovitas
The Practice of M-Mode and Two-Dimensional Echocardiography by
Cancer Chemotherapy 1 by
Malignant Melanoma 1 by
Nursing and Nursing Education: Public Policies and Private Actions by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services
Selenium in Nutrition,: Revised Edition by National Research Council, Board on Agriculture, Committee on Animal Nutrition
Video Displays, Work, and Vision by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Die Verriegelungsnagelung: 3. Internationales Verriegelungsnagel-Symposium Am 2. Und 3. April 1982, Frankfurt/Main by
Forschung Für Die Seelische Gesundheit: Eine Bestandsaufnahme Der Psychiatrischen, Psychotherapeutischen Und Psychosomatischen Forschung Und Ihre Prob by
Kleine Geschichte Der Universität Heidelberg by Classen, Peter, Wolgast, Eike
Infektionskrankheiten: Epidemiologie, Differentialdiagnose Und Prävention in Klinik Und PRAXIS by Daschner, F.
Vagaler Herztonus Und Herzfrequenz Unter Dem Einfluß Von Injektionsanaesthetika: Eine Studie an Narkotisierten Katzen by Inoue, K.
Biomedical-Ethical Issues: A Digest of Law and Policy Development by Harron, Frank
Medical Ethics: A Clinical Textbook and Reference for Health Care Professionals by
Mastering Resistance: A Practical Guide to Family Therapy by Anderson, Carol M., Stewart, Susan
Diagnostic Imaging in Medicine by
Brain: Biochemistry and Inherited Metabolic Disease by
Short-Term Bioassays in the Analysis of Complex Environmental Mixtures by
Methoden Der Statistik Und Informatik in Epidemiologie Und Diagnostik: 27. Jahrestagung Der Gmds Hamburg, 27.-29. September 1982 Proceedings by
Aktuelle Probleme Der Hämatologie Und Internistischen Onkologie: Präklinische Und Klinische Untersuchungen Anlaßlich Des 15jährigen Bestehens Der Inne by
Fraktur Und Weichteilschaden: 28. Hannoversches Unfallseminar by
Die Deutschen Chirurgenkongresse Seit Der 50. Tagung Aus Der Sicht Ihrer Vorsitzenden by
Postoperative Thromboembolism: Frequency, Etiology, Prophylaxis by Bergqvist, David
Chirurgisches Forum '83 Für Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung: 100. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie, Berlin, 6. Bis 9. April 198 by
Psychosomatik in Der Klinischen Medizin: Psychiatrisch-Psychotherapeutische Erfahrungen Bei Schweren Somatischen Krankheiten by
Chirurgen in Berlin by Winau, Rolf, Vaubel, Ekkehard
Recent Advances in Cognitive-Developmental Theory: Progress in Cognitive Development Research by
IR Genes: Past, Present, and Future by Kapp, Judith A., Pierce, Carl W., Cullen, Susan E.
Polyether Antibiotics: Naturally Occurring Acid Ionophores--Volume 2: Chemistry by Westley, J. W.
Die Verletzte Hand: Ein Vademecum Für PRAXIS Und Klinik by Mittelbach, H. R., Nusselt, S.
Oral Complications of Cancer Chemotherapy by
New Anesthetic Agents, Devices and Monitoring Techniques: Annual Utah Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology 1983 by
Biology and Management of Lung Cancer by
Gynecologic Oncology by
Flora of Connemara and the Burren by Webb, D. a., Scannell, Mary J. P.
Positron Emission Tomography of the Brain by
O-(β-Hydroxyethyl)-Rutoside: Neue Ergebnisse in Experiment Und Klinik by
Influence of Economic Instability on Health: Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Gesellschaft Für Strahlen- Und Umweltforschung, Institut Für by
Cerebrovascular Transport Mechanisms: International Congress of Neuropathology, Vienna, September 5-10, 1982 by
Prämedikation Im Kindesalter by
Regionale Plastische Und Rekonstruktive Chirurgie Im Kindesalter by
Modern Trends in Human Leukemia V: New Results in Clinical and Biological Research Including Pediatric Oncology by
Kernspin-Tomographie in Der Medizin: Theorie - PRAXIS - Klinische Ergebnisse by
Catalogue of Unbalanced Chromosome Aberrations in Man by Schinzel, Albert
Hormones in Normal and Abnormal Human Tissues. Volume 3 by
Heparin. New Biochemical and Medical Aspects: Proceedings of the Symposium of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Klinische Chemie, Titisee, Breisgau, Germa by
Principles of Recepterology by
American Melodrama by
Fundamentals of Dermatology by Sauerbrey, W., Nasemann, T., Burgdorf, W. H. C.
Neural Membranes by Wu, Jang-Yen, Sun, Grace Y., Bazan, Nicolas
Teil I: Referate by
Fertility, Biology, and Behavior: An Analysis of the Proximate Determinants by Bongaarts, John, Potter, Robert E.
Immunochemical Techniques, Part F: Conventional Antibodies, FC Receptors, and Cytotoxicity: Volume 93 by
X-Ray Fluorescent Scanning of the Thyroid by
Perspectives in High Frequency Ventilation: Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 17-18 September 1982 by
Regulatory Function of Adenosine: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adenosine, Charlottesville, Virginia, June 7-11,1982 by
Health Manpower Planning: Methods and Strategies for the Maintenance of Standards and for Cost Control by
Enzyme Induction and Modulation by
Diabetes and the Endocrine Pancreas: A Biochemical Approach by Montague, W.
Sudden Cardiac Death and Congestive Heart Failure: Diagnosis and Treatment: Proceedings of the Symposium on New Drugs and Devices, Held at Philadelphi by
Endoscopy of the Paranasal Sinuses: Technique, Typical Findings, Therapeutic Possibilities. Slides by Draf, W., Pohl, W. E.
Strafrechtliche Grenzen Ärztlicher Therapiefreiheit by Siebert, Arvid
Handbook of Neurochemistry: Volume 4 Enzymes in the Nervous System by Lajtha, Abel
Neues von "alten" Erregern und neue Erreger by
Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner Der Entdecker Des Morphiums: Lebensbild Und Neudruck Der Original-Morphiumarbeiten by
Reptilian Lungs: Functional Anatomy and Evolution by Perry, Steven F.
Gallopamil: Pharmakologisches Und Klinisches Wirkungsprofil Eines Kalziumantagonisten by
Experimentelle Traumatologie Neue Klinische Erfahrungen: Forumband Der 4. Deutsch-Österreichisch-Schweizerischen Unfalltagung Lausanne, 8.-11. Juni 19 by
Narkosebeatmung Im Kindesalter by
"Denn Nur Also Beschränkt War Je Das Vollkommene Möglich...": Eine Wissenschaftstheoretische Interpretation Von Goethes Gedicht "Metamorphose Der Tier by Cramer, F.
Tracer Kinetics and Physiologic Modeling: Theory to Practice. Proceedings of a Seminar Held at St. Louis, Missouri, June 6, 1983 by
Reinhard Dohrn 1880-1962: Reden, Briefe Und Veröffentlichungen Zum 100. Geburtstag by
Honorarkürzung Und Schadensersatz Wegen Unwirtschaftlicher Behandlungs- Und Verordnungsweise Im Kassenarztrecht by Baader, E.
Your Face Never Lies: What Your Face Reveals About You and Your Health, an Introduction to Oriental Diagnosis by Kushi, Michio
Ethics and Animals by Miller, Harlan B., Williams, William H.
Ethics and Animals by Miller, Harlan B., Williams, William H.
The Human Teratomas: Experimental and Clinical Biology by
Therapeutic Laser Endoscopy in Gastrointestinal Disease by
Molecular Virology: Molecular and Medical Aspects of Disease-Causing Viruses of Man and Animals by Becker, Yechiel
Handbook of Hospital Medicine by Mitchell, P. J., Platt, P., Wren, C.
Present State and Future Needs in General Practice by Fry, John
Neonatal Kidney and Fluid-Electrolytes: Proceedings of Pediatric Nephrology Seminar IX, Held at Bal Harbour, Florida, January 31 - February 4, 1982 by
Interferon and Cancer by Sikora, Karol
Bildverarbeitung Von Computer-Tomogrammen Zur Unterstützung Der Neuroradiologischen Diagnostik by Henrich, G.
PRAXIS Der Insulintherapie by Berger, M.
Rhythms in Biology and Other Fields of Application: Deterministic and Stochastic Approaches by
Immunologie in Anaesthesie Und Intensivmedizin: Eine Kritische Bestandsaufnahme. Herrn Professor Dr. Hans Bergmann Zum 60. Geburtstag Gewidmet by
Metabolische Und Kardioprotektive Effekte Durch Beta-Rezeptorenblockade by
Glaucoma Update II: Glaucoma Society of the International Congress of Ophthalmology Carmel/California, October 22-27, 1982 by
Dynamische Computertomographie: Grundlagen Und Klinische Anwendung by Claussen, C., Lochner, B.
Proceedings (Selected) of the Third International Congress of Clinical Enzymology Salzburg, Austria, September 6-9, 1981 by
Hirsutism by Gwinup, Grant, Elias, Alan N.
Women and Health: The Politics of Sex in Medicine by Fee, Elizabeth
Computed Tomography of the Body: A Radiological and Clinical Approach by
Language in Primates: Perspectives and Implications by
Ethics of Withdrawal of Life-Support Systems: Case Studies on Decision Making in Intensive Care by Walton, Douglas N.
Development in Adolescence: Psychological, Social and Biological Aspects by
Mystical Bedlam: Madness, Anxiety and Healing in Seventeenth-Century England by MacDonald, Michael
Exercises in Diagnostic Ultrasonography of the Abdomen by Weill, F. S., Lemouel, A.
Diagnostik Intrakranieller Blutungen Beim Neugeborenen by
Intubation, Tracheotomie Und Bronchopulmonale Infektion: 1. Internationales Erlanger Anästhesie-Symposion, 17. Bis 19. Juni 1982 by
20. Bis 23. Oktober 1982, Hamburg by
Dekompression -- Dekompressionskrankheit by Bühlmann, A. a.
Hämoblastosen Zentrale Motorik Iatrogene Schäden Myositiden: 56. Tagung. Jahrestagung Vom 14.-16. Oktober 1982 in Hamburg Gemeinsam Mit Der Gesellscha by
A Biomechanical and Morphological Analysis of Human Hand Joints by Koebke, J.
Kinderanaesthesie: Prämedikation -- Narkoseausleitung Ergebnisse Des Zentraleuropäischen Anaesthesiekongresses Berlin 1981 Band 4 by
Objective Medical Decision-Making; Systems Approach in Acute Disease: Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 19-22 April 1983 Proceedings by
Compartmental Modeling and Tracer Kinetics by Anderson, David H.
Psychobiology of Language by
Girls at Puberty: Biological and Psychosocial Perspectives by
Myocarditis Cardiomyopathy: Selected Problems of Pathogenesis and Clinic by
Utilization of Mammalian Specific Locus Studies in Hazard Evaluation and Estimation of Genetic Risk by De Serres, F. J.
Der Einfluß Verschiedener Stichprobencharakteristika Auf Die Effizienz Der Parametrischen Und Nichtparametrischen Varianzanalyse by Boehnke, K.
Toxicology in the Use, Misuse, and Abuse of Food, Drugs, and Chemicals: Proceedings of the European Society of Toxicology Meeting, Held in Tel Aviv, M by
Humanbiologie: Ergebnisse Und Aufgaben by
Multivariate Datenbeurteilung: Statistische Untersuchungen Über Krankheitsbedingte Lage- Und Strukturveränderungen Klinisch-Chemischer Kenngrößen by Rehpenning, Wolfgang
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1983 by
Inflammation and Demyelination in the Central Nervous System: International Congress of Neuropathology, Vienna, September 5-10, 1982 by
Allgemeine Und Spezielle Pharmakologie Und Toxikologie: Teil 1 Allgemeine Pharmakologie, Chemotherapie, Endokrines System, Vitamine, Toxikologie by Oberdisse, E.
Hämodynamisches Monitoring: Workshop Erbach 14. Mai 1982 by
Histopathologie Des Weiblichen Genitaltraktes by Genton, C. y.
Histopathology of the Female Genital Tract by Genton, C. y.
Profits and Professions: Essays in Business and Professional Ethics by Pritchard, Michael S., Ellin, Joseph, Robison, Wade L.
Disease and Its Control: The Shaping of Modern Thought by Hudson, Robert P.
International Pharmaceutical Marketing. by Pradhan, Suresh B.
Polyamines: Volume 94 by
Plant Proteins for Human Food by
Cardiac Therapy by
The Reoviridae by
Endocrinology by
Replication of Viral and Cellular Genomes: Molecular Events at the Origins of Replication and Biosynthesis of Viral and Cellular Genomes by
Cardiology by
Supportive Care in Cancer Therapy by
Handbook of Psychiatry: Volume 2, Mental Disorders and Somatic Illness by
Lively Membranes by Robertson, Rutherford, Robertson, R. N.
Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for Their Detection Volume 8 by De Serr, Frederick J., Hollaender, A.
Selected Topics in Preventive Cardiology by
Die Künstliche Beatmung Auf Intensivstationen by Wolff, G.
Renaissance Des Hausarztes: Konzept Für Eine Wissenschaftliche Grundlegung Hausärztlicher Tätigkeit Und Für Eine Wissenschaft Vom Patienten by Sturm, Eckart
Medizinische Tauchfibel: Dritte, Neubearbeitete Auflage by Matthys, H.
Chirurgische Grundkenntnisse Für Heilberufe: In 892 Fragen Und Antworten by Steffens, K.
Koronare Herzkrankheit I: Fragen -- Antworten by Sesto, F.
Die Zervikalen Gleichgewichtsstörungen by Hülse, M.
Früherkennung Und Prävention Von Hypertensiven Komplikationen in Der Schwangerschaft by Öney, T., Kaulhausen, H.
Zentraleuropôischer Anaesthesiekongress Zak 83 Zürich: 13.-17. September 1983 by
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