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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1984

Reorienting Health Services: Application of a Systems Approach by
Drugs and the Lung by
Not in Our Backyards by Freudenberg, Nicholas
Not in Our Backyards by Freudenberg, Nicholas
The Pathway for Oxygen by Weibel, Ewald R.
Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds, Part 2, Carbon Blacks, Mineral Oils and Some Nitroarenes. IARC Vol 33 by Iarc
Pets and the Elderly: The Therapeutic Bond by Smith, Elaine, Cusack, Odean
Geriatrics by Platt, Wallace
The Elderly by MacLennan, MacLennan, W. J.
Sertoli Cells/Leydig Cells: by Schulze, Cornelia, Schulze
Neue Aspekte in Der Regionalanaesthesie III: Plexus- Und Epiduralanästhesie; Technik Und Komplikationen. Opiate Epidural/Intrathekal by
Anorexia Nervosa: A Clinician's Guide to Treatment by Meermann, Rolf, Vandereycken, Walter
Das Herpesbuch by Hamilton, R.
Community-Based Systems of Long-Term Care by
Pharmakotherapie in Der Reanimation Nach Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand: Untersuchungen an Hunden Und an Isolierten Meerschweinchenherzen by Meuret, G.
Gießener Gynäkologische Fortbildung 1983: XIII. Fortbildungskurs Für Fachärzte Der Frauenheilkunde Und Geburtshilfe by
The Tranformed Phenotype by
Adrenal and Endocrine Tumors in Children: Adrenal Cortical Carcinoma and Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia by Humphrey, G. Bennett
Pathogenese Und Klinik Der Harnsteine X: (Bericht Über Das Symposium in Bonn Vom 21.-23.4.1983) by
Therapie Im Alter: Grundlagen, Medikamentöse Und Chirurgische Therapie, Psychotherapie by
Arzneistoffe: Lehrbuch Der Pharmazeutischen Chemie by Schunack, Walter, Mayer, Klaus, Haake, Manfred
Augenbewegungsstörungen in Neurologie Und Ophthalmologie by
Grenzen Der Behandlung: Soziale Kontrolle Und Psychiatrie by Eisenbach-Stangl, Irmgard
Mild Hypertension: Current Controversies and New Approaches by Hayduk, K.
Mechanisms of Viral Pathogenesis: From Gene to Pathogen by Kohn, A.
Vol 34 IARC Monographs: Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds, Part 3, Industrial Exposures in Aluminium Production, Coal Gasification, Coke Producti by Iarc
Balanced Alpha/Beta Blockade of Adrenoceptors / Balancierte Blockade Von Alpha- Und Beta-Adrenozeptoren: A Rational Therapeutic Concept in the Treatme by Woodcock, Barry G., Rietbrock, Norbert
George Devereux Zum 75. Geburtstag Eine Festschrift by Frießem, Dieter H., Schröder, Ekkehard
Aging and Behavior: A Comprehensive Integration of Research Findings by Botwinick, Jack
The History of Lithium Therapy by Johnson, Frederick Neil
Movement Disorders: Tremor by
Biopsy Pathology of Muscle by Schwartz, Martin S., Swash, Michael
Gene Cloning: The Mechanics of DNA Manipulation by Glover, David M.
Antimalarial Drugs I: Biological Background, Experimental Methods, and Drug Resistance by
Annual Review of Nursing Research by
Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Selection of Doses in Chronic Toxicity/Carcinogenicity Studies: Age-Associated (Geriatric) Pathology: Its Impact on Long-Term Toxicity Studies by
The Medial Geniculate Body of the Cat by Winer, J. a.
Posttraumatische Schäden Des Schultergürtels: 17. Reisensburger Workshop Zu Ehren Von M. E. Müller Und J. Rehn, 3. - 5. März 1983 by
The Hospital Handbook: A Practical Guide to Hospital Visitation by Reimer, Lawrence D., Wagner, James T.
Managing Health Care Costs: Private Sector Innovation by Sullivan, Sean
Acute Nonlymphocytic Leukaemia in Adults: Treatment and Infection Prevention by Dekker, A. W.
Adjunctive Medical Therapy for Acromegalic Patients by Nortier, J. W. R.
Amiodaron by Späth, Gudrun
Lungenembolie by Heinrich, F., Klink, K.
Fortschritte Der Praktischen Dermatologie Und Venerologie: Vorträge Der X. Fortbildungswoche Der Dermatologischen Klinik Und Poliklinik Der Ludwig-Max by
Ergometrie: Bei Hochdruck- Und Koronarkranken in Der Täglichen PRAXIS by Franz, I. -W
Grundlagen Der Immunologie by Friemel, Helmut, Brock, Josef
1982 by
Augenunabhängige Optosensorische Wahrnehmungsformen by Sachsenweger, Rudolf
Die Nahrung. Band 27, Heft 7 by
Neues Über Die Pupille by Drischel, Hans
Regine Witkowski; Otto Prokop: Genetik Erblicher Syndrome Und Missbildungen. Teil 2 by Witkowski, Regine, Prokop, Otto
Grundriß Der Biomechanik by Glaser, Roland
The Control of Tumour Growth and Its Biological Bases by
Pränatale Diagnostik Genetisch Bedingter Leiden: Helmut Kraatz Zum 80. Geburtstag by Kraatz, Helmut
11. Mai Bis 15. Mai 1983 in Wien by
Computertomographie: Eine Übersicht by Voelssner, Wilhelm
Neue Ergebnisse Auf Dem Gebiet Der Gerichtlichen Medizin: Otto Prokop Zum 60. Geburtstag by
Regine Witkowski; Otto Prokop: Genetik Erblicher Syndrome Und Missbildungen. Teil 1 by Witkowski, Regine, Prokop, Otto
Krebsviren: Suche, Gedanken, Theorien, Ausblick by Parnes, Vera A.
Intraocular Tumors: International Symposium Under the Auspices of the European Ophthalmological Society Schwerin, May 17-20, 1981 by
Microbial Activities by
Nuclear Radiation: Risks and Benefits by Pochin, Edward E.
Molecular Pathology of Nerve and Muscle: Noxious Agents and Genetic Lesions by Tomkins, John K., Morris, Carol A., Kidman, Antony D.
Textbook of Contraceptive Practice by Diggory, Peter, Potts, Malcolm
Resolving Grievances in the Nursing Home: A Study of the Ombudsman Program by Kaye, Lenard, Litwin, Howard, Monk, Abraham
Women and Disability: The Double Handicap by Deegan, Mary Jo
New Directions in Guided Wave and Coherent Optics: Volume I and Volume II by
Transglutaminase by
The Rat as Animal Model in Breast Cancer Research: A Histopathological Study of Radiation- And Hormone-Induced Rat Mammary Tumors by Van Zwieten, Matthew J.
Visual System in Myelin Disorders by
Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Children by
Behavioral Assessment and Rehabilitation of the Traumatically Brain-Damaged by
Quality Assurance in Blood Banking and Its Clinical Impact: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen 1982, Organize by
The Control of Tumour Growth and Its Biological Bases by
Laser Treatment and Photocoagulation of the Eye by
Longitudinal Research in Alcoholism by
Antibiotic Associated Diarrhoea and Colitis: The Role of Clostridium Difficile in Gastrointestinal Disorders by
Vitamin D: Basic and Clinical Aspects by
Toxicity Testing: Strategies to Determine Needs and Priorities by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Probleme Des Jugendalters: Neuere Sichtweisen by
Intensivtherapie Nach Schädel-Hirn-Trauma by Gobiet, Wolfgang
Structure and Fiber Connections of the Hippocampus: A Comparative Study by Schwerdtfeger, Walter K.
Evolutionäre Erkenntnistheorie: -- Ein Plädoyer Für Ein Forschungsprogramm -- by Mohr, H.
CNS Metastases Neurosurgery in the Aged: Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Neurochirurgie, Mannheim, April 27-30 by
¿Qué Pasó?: An English-Spanish Guide for Medical Personnel by Kantrowitz, Martin P., Mondragón, Antonio, Coleman, William Lord
Cancer - Immunology - Metabolic Diseases: Proceedings Second Winter Workshop on Pteridines March 6-9, 1983, St. Christoph, Arlberg, Austria by
Vitamin Politics by Fried, John J.
Plastische Und Wiederherstellende Maßnahmen Bei Unfallverletzungen: Primär- Und Sekundärversorgung by
Nmr-Tomographie Und -Spektroskopie in Der Medizin: Eine Einführung by Roth, Klaus
Onkologie by
Anästhesie in Der Neurochirurgie by
Working with the Family in Primary Care: A Systems Approach to Health and Illness by Christie Seely, Janet
Reproduction in Mammals: Volume 3, Hormonal Control of Reproduction by
Phosphorous-31 NMR: Principles and Applications by
Statistical Methods for Cancer Studies by Cornell, Richard G.
Nuclear Imaging in Clinical Cardiology by
Ethics and Mental Retardation by
Tachycardias by
Clinical Perspectives on the Supervision of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy by
Cardiovascular Disease in the Elderly by
Regulationsmodelle Und Ihre Anwendung Auf Die Blutbildung by Wichmann, H. -E
Gastrointestinale Symptome: Pathophysiologie -- Klinik -- Diagnostik by Hansen, W. E.
Teil II: Sitzungsbericht: Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Archiv Für Ohren-, Nasen- Und Kehlkopfheilkunde Supplement 1983/II by
Giardia and Giardiasis: Biology, Pathogenesis, and Epidemiology by
Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: 4th International Symposium by
Allgemeinchirurgische Operationen: Prinzipien Und Organisation Der Allgemeinchirurgischen Arbeit. Das Instrumentarium, Die Indikationen Und Die Operat by Bieber, Erika, Friedl, Wilhelm
Die Transrektale Transversale Sonographie Der Prostata by Reindl, Peter
Katastrophenmedizin: 1. Tagung Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Katastrophenmedizin E.V. in München Am 1. Und 2. Juli 1982 by
Fortbildung Für Ärzte -- Beiträge Aus Der Psychosomatischen Medizin by
Klinikübergreifende Tumorverlaufsdokumentation: Zwischenbericht Aus Der Anlaufphase Des Tumorregisters München by Thieme, C., Hölzel, D., Schubert-Fritschle, G.
Hippocratic Writings by
Protein Synthesis: Translational and Post-Translational Events by Eikhom, Thor S., Pryme, Ian F., Abraham, Abraham K.
The Search for Certainty by Spradlin, W. W., Porterfield, P. B.
Of Foxes and Hen Houses: Licensing and the Health Professions by Gross, Stanley J.
Enzyme Purification and Related Techniques, Part C: Volume 104 by
The Developmental Neurotoxicity of Lead by Winder, C.
Antibodies: Their Structure and Function: Their Structure and Function by Steward, M. W.
Screening and Management of Potentially Treatable Genetic Metabolic Disorders: Proceeding of the Workshop Held in London, March 17-18, 1983 by
Human Leukemias: Cytochemical and Ultrastructural Techniques in Diagnosis and Research by
Viral Heart Disease by
Übungen Zur Abdominalen Ultraschalldiagnostik by Lemouel, A., Weill, F. S.
Colo-Proctology: Proceedings of the Anglo-Swiss Colo-Proctology Meeting, Lausanne, May 19/20, 1983 by
Blood Viscosity and Shock: The Role of Hemodilution, Hemoconcentration and Defibrination by Goslinga, H.
Bakterien- Und Phagengenetik: Eine Einführung by Birge, E. A.
The Psychobiology of Anorexia Nervosa by
Die Soziale Umwelt Des Kindes: Eine Ökopsychologische Analyse by Schmidt-Denter, U.
Current Topics in Tumor Cell Physiology and Positron-Emission Tomography by
Röntgenfibel: Praktische Anleitung Für Eingriffe in Der Röntgendiagnostik by Rau, W. S., Kauffmann, G. W.
Chirurgisches Forum '84 Für Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung: 101. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie, München, 25.-28. April 1984 by
Verbrennung Und Feuerungen by Günther, R.
Human in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer by Quigley, Martin M., Wolf, Don P.
Immunopharmacology of Endotoxicosis: Proceedings of the 5th International Congress of Immunology Satellite Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, August 27, 1983 by
Unfallheilkunde Für Die PRAXIS: Vormals Ehalt "Unfallpraxis" by
Der Abwehrgeschwächte Patient by
Verzeichnis Deutsch-Europäischer Arzneinamen: Und Tabellen Der Maximaldosen (Arzneimittel, Wirkstoffe) Mak- Und Bat-Werte (Arbeitsstoffe) by
Metal Ions in Biological Systems: Volume 17: Calcium and Its Role in Biology by
Hüftgelenksendoprothetik: Aktueller Stand -- Perspektiven by
Psychosomatik Nicht-Epileptischer Anfälle by Mangold, Burkart
Etoposid (VP 16-213) in Der Therapie Maligner Erkrankungen: Präklinische Und Klinische Studien by
The Laboratory Diagnosis of Selected Inborn Errors of Metabolism by Legrys, Vicky Allen
Fibrinklebung by
Medieval Islamic Medicine: Ibn Ridwan's Treatise on the Prevention of Bodily Ills in Egypt Volume 9 by
Neurobiology of the Trace Amines: Analytical, Physiological, Pharmacological, Behavioral, and Clinical Aspects by
Flora of the British Isles: Illustrations by Clapham, Clapham, A. R., Tutin, T. G.
Flora of the British Isles: Illustrations by Tutin, T. G., Clapham, Clapham, A. R.
Flora of the British Isles: Illustrations by Tutin, T. G., Clapham, Clapham, A. R.
Flora of the British Isles: Illustrations by Tutin, T. G., Clapham, A. R., Warburg, E. F.
Ambulatory Monitoring: Cardiovascular System and Allied Applications Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Pisa, April 11-12, 1983. Sponsored by by
The Experience of Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach by Goldstein, I. F., Goldstein, M.
Antiviral Drugs and Interferon: The Molecular Basis of Their Activity: The Molecular Basis of Their Activity by
Haemostatic Failure in Liver Disease by
Advances in Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 6: Proceedings of the 6th Meeting of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosu by
The Reticuloendothelial System: A Comprehensive Treatise, Volume 7a: Physiology by
Infusionsapparate, Testergebnisse by
Forschungen Zur Biologischen Psychiatrie: 2. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Biologische Psychiatrie, Düsseldorf, 23.-25. September 1982 by
Child Abuse by
Ultraschall in Der Bildgebenden Diagnostik: Mit Einem Geleitwort Von Roland Felix by Fiegler, W.
The Development of the Rat Spinal Cord by Altman, Joseph, Bayer, Shirley A.
Ausblicke Auf Die Psychiatrie by
Die Kassenärztliche Tätigkeit by Häussler, S., Liebold, R., Narr, H.
Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen: Diagnostik Und Therapie by Heipertz, W., Schmitt, E.
Verhandlungsbericht 1984 Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Hals- Nasen- Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- Und Hals-Chirurgie: Teil I: Referate by
Silent Myocardial Ischemia by
Drugs and Nutrients: The Interactive Effects by Roe, D. A.
Psychosomatische Probleme in Der Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe by
The Surface-Contact Glia by Hajos, F., Basco, E.
Quantitative Myokardszintigraphie Bei Koronaroperationen: Darstellung Eines Methodischen Quantifizierungsversuchs in Der Perioperativen Diagnostik Der by Eichstädt, Hermann
Das Hirnödem: Intensivmedizinische Probleme in Der Neurochirurgie Symposium Vom 17.11.-20.11.1983 in Cannes by
Der Zerebrale Angiospasmus: Experimentelle Und Klinische Grundlagen, Fortschritte Der Diagnostik Und Therapie by
Roberts: Neural Origin Rymic by 37, Seb
Science and Civilisation in China, Part 2, Agriculture by Needham, Joseph, Bray, Francesca
Handbook of Psychiatry: Volume 4, the Neuroses and Personality Disorders by Psy, Hdbk
Examens-Fragen Chirurgie: Zum Gegenstandskatalog 3 by Kasperek, E., Schön, F., Heinzler, J.
The Kidney and Body Fluids in Health and Disease by Klahr
Calcium Entry Blockers in Cardiovascular and Cerebral Dysfunctions by
Stress, Immunity, and Aging by Cooper, E. L.
Clinical Management of Gastrointestinal Cancer by
Interventions in the Acute Phase of Myocardial Infarction by
Perinatal Epidemiology by
Calcium Antagonists: Mechanism of Action on Cardiac Muscle and Vascular Smooth Muscle by
Cultural Conceptions of Mental Health and Therapy by Marsella, Anthony J., White, G.
Health, Disease, and Causal Explanations in Medicine by
Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems by
Abbruch Der Ungewollten Schwangerschaft: Ein Konfliktlösungsversuch? by Goebel, P.
Euthanasia by
Neurographische Normalwerte: Methodik, Ergebnisse Und Folgerungen by Ferber, G., Gutjahr, L.
Gestagene in Oralen Kontrazeptiva by
Nahrung Und Ernährung: Altbekanntes Und Neuerforschtes by Glatzel, H.
Numerical Analysis: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Conference Held at Dundee, Scotland, June 28 - July 1, 1983 by
Die Ventrikelfunktion Bei Patienten Mit Angina Pectoris: Einfluß Von ?-Adrenerger Blockade Und Nitraten by Nechwatal, W.
Anleitungen Zur Anästhesiologischen PRAXIS by Osswald, P. M., Hartung, H. -J
Biological Dosimetry: Cytometric Approaches to Mammalian Systems by
Farbatlas Diabetes by Ireland, John, Bloom, Arnold
Children and Sport: Paediatric Work Physiology by
Pain, Pleasure, and American Childbirth: From the Twilight Sleep to the Read Method, 1914-1960 by Shearer, Barbara, Sandelowski, Margarete
In the Mind's Eye: The Power of Imagery for Personal Enrichment by Lazarus, Arnold A.
Foods for Health and Healing: Remedies and Recipes: Based on the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan by Bhajan, Yogi, Harbhajan
Metipranolol: Pharmacology of Beta-Blocking Agents and Use of Metipranolol in Ophthalmology by
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