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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1985

Multiple Sclerosis: Present and Future by
The Reticuloendothelial System: A Comprehensive Treatise Volume 7b Physiology by Reichard, Sherwood M.
Mutation, Cancer, and Malformation by Generoso, Walderico M., Chu, Ernest H. Y.
Health Psychology: Treatment and Research Issues by Walker, C. Eugene, Zeiner, Arthur R., Bendell, Debra
Computers and Control in Clinical Medicine by Cramp, Derek G., Carson, Ewart R.
Psychological and Behavioral Assessment: Impact on Pediatric Care by
Vol 36 IARC Monographs: Allyl Compounds, Aldehydes, Epoxides and Peroxides by Iarc
The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews by Unknown, Mishler, Elliot G.
Steps to Follow: A Guide to the Treatment of Adult Hemiplegia by Davies, Patricia M.
What Do I Do?: How to Care for, Comfort, and Commune With Your Nursing Home Elder, Revised and Illustrated Edition by Karr, Katherine, Karr, Jess
Coloprotology: by Nicholls, Gill, Nicholls, R. J.
Advances Neurosurg: by Dietz, Norman, Deutsche Gesellschaft F Ur Neurochirurgie
Der Risikopatient in Der Anästhesie: 3. Stoffwechselstörungen by
Naturgemäße Heilmethoden: Eine Einführung by Jungmann, H.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs Basis for Variability in Response: 16-18 May, 1985, at Leura, New South Wales, Australia by Brooks, Day
Chemotaxonomie Der Pflanzen: Eine Übersicht Über Die Verbreitung Und Die Systematische Bedeutung Der Pflanzenstoffe by Hegnauer, R.
Angiographic Anatomy of the Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery by Lohman, A. H. M., Heimans, J. J., Valk, J.
Die Proximal-Selektive Vagotomie in Der Behandlung Der Gastroduodenalen Ulkuskrankheit by Muller, C.
Therapie Des Mammakarzinoms by
Viral Etiology of Cervical Cancer by
Quest for the Killers by Goodfield
Sprachwirkung: Psychophysiologische Forschungsgrundlagen Und Ausgewählte Experimente by Kegel, Gerd
Traumatischer Schock Und Die Lunge: Gefäßschädigung Und Volumentherapeutika Im Experiment by Sturm, J. a.
Therapie Chronischer Schmerzzustände in Der PRAXIS by
Hormonale Kontrazeption by
Psychosomatik in Der Geriatrie by
Praktische Lungen- Und Bronchialheilkunde: Grundlagen -- Diagnosen -- Therapie by Rieben, F. W., Fritze, D.
Zerebrale Gefäßkrankheiten Im Alter: Diagnostik, Therapie, Rehabilitation by
Massage: Eine Einführung in Die Techniken Der Massage by Krauss, H., Dalicho, W. a., Haase, H.
Pathogenese Und Klinik Der Harnsteine XI: Bericht Über Das Symposium in Wien Vom 21.-23.3.1985 by
Für Alle Leiden Gibt Es Eine Pille: Über Psychopharmakakonsum Und Das Geschlechtsrollenspezifischen Gesundheitskonzept Bei Mädchen Und Frauen by Vogt, Irmgard
Die Behandlung Chronisch Nierenkranker Mit Hämodialyse Und Nierentransplantation. Stufen Der Carcinogenese: 320. Sitzung Am 9. Januar 1985 in Düsseldo by Losse, Heinz
The Hospice: Development and Administration by
The Discourse of Medicine: Dialectics of Medical Interviews by Mishler, Elliot G.
Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Wren, Barry G.
Vol 35 IARC Monographs: Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds, Part 4, Bitumens, Coal-Tars and Derived Products, Shale-Oils and Soots by Iarc
Medication in Maternity: Infant Exposure and Maternal Information by McManus, Karen, Woodward, Lynn, Brackbill, Yvonne
Lasers in Medicine: An introductory guide by Absten, Gregory T., Joffe, Stephen N.
Archives of Gynecology: Organ of the Deutsche Gesellschaft Für Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe by Hirsch, H. a., Loeffler, F. E., Ludwig, H.
Zum Begriff Der Aussichtslosigkeit Einer Entziehungskur Nach § 64 Abs. 2 StGB: Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Effizienzkontrolle Der Strafgerichtlichen Unte by Penners, Bernd-Michael
The Detection of New Adverse Drug Reactions by Talbot, J. C. C., Stephens, M. D. B.
Interventional Ultrasound by
Ethnobotanik--Ethnobotany: Beiträge Und Nachträge Zur 5. Internationalen Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin in Freiburg, 30.11.-3.12.1980 by Schröder, Ekkehard
11th Annual Meeting of the Ebmt: European Cooperative Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation by Barrett, A. J., Lechner, K., Hinterberger, W.
Deutsche Pharmakologische Gesellschaft by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Securing a Safer Blood Supply: Two Views by Eckert, Ross D., Wallace, Edward L.
Psychosomatische Medizin: Grundlagen Und Anwendungsgebiete by Alexander, Franz
Praktische Kardiologie: Für Studium, Klinik Und PRAXIS by Wagner, Joachim
Läsionen des Plexus brachialis by
Sarcoidosis by Scadding, J. G., Mitchell, D. N.
Coping in Medical School by Virshup, Bernard
Prevention: The Michigan Experience by Hess, Robert E.
Ernährungsforschung. Band 29, Heft 1 by
Beiträge Zum III. Wissenschaftlichen Kolloquium Zur Organisation Der Informationsverarbeitung: "Probleme Der Informatik in Medizin Und Biologie", Berl by
Gene, Gentechnik, Genmanipulation by Parthier, Benno
Aktuelle Probleme Der Lebensmittelforschung by Schmandke, Horst
Artefizielle Insemination, In-Vitro-Fertilisation Und Embryotransfer Beim Menschen by Kyank, Helmut
Immunologische Abwehr Und Krebs by Milleck, Jürgen
Cellular and Molecular Aspects of the Regulation of the Heart: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Berlin from 26.-28. August 1982 the Symposium Was by
Tierernährung by Bergner, Hans
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 3: Der Stoffwechsel by Hofmann, Eberhard
Cytochrome P-450: Structural and Functional Relationships Biochemical and Physicochemical Aspects of Mixed Function Oxidases by
Nuklearmedizinische Diagnostik Maligner Tumoren by Altenbrunn, H. -J, Deckart, H., Franke, W. G.
Zur Funktionellen Normalität Des Menschen by Jordan, Herbert
Molekulare Wirkungsmechanismen Von Pharmaka: Eine Einführung in Die Molekularpharmakologie by Nuhn, Peter, Hofmann, Hans-Jörg
Selective Toxicity: The Physico-Chemical Basis of Therapy by Albert, Adrien
Child Survival: Strategies for Research by Mosley, W. Henry, Chen, Lincoln C.
Immunobiology of the Head and Neck by
Monitoring for Adverse Drug Reactions by
The Race Against Time: Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis in the Second Half of Life by Colarusso, Calvin a., Nemiroff, Robert a.
Molecular Components of Hepatitis B Virus by Feitelson, M.
Drug Determination in Therapeutic and Forensic Contexts by Reid, Eric, Wilson, Ian D.
Preventing Low Birthweight by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee to Study the Prevention of Low Birthweight
Preventing Low Birthweight: Summary by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Committee to Study the Prevention of Low Birthweight
Vaccine Supply and Innovation by National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Nutrition Education in U.S. Medical Schools by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences
Galliumszintigraphie: Diagnostik Bei Entzündlichen Erkrankungen Und Tumoren by Botsch, H.
Akutbehandlung Des Schädel-Hirn-Traumas by Kretschmer, H.
Clinical Experiences with Budipine in Parkinson Therapy by
Handbuch Der Praxis-Rationalisierung by Frank-Schmidt, H. J., Graul, E. H.
Schmerzklinik: Neurobiologische Grundlagen, Therapie Und Organisation by Kreuscher, H., Jimenez-Saenz, M. A.
Tafelwerk Zur Pflanzensystematik: Einführung in Das Natürliche System Der Blütenpflanzen Durch Neuartige Bildmethode by Graf, J.
Narkose- Und Überwachungssysteme Für Die Kinderanaesthesie: Experimentelle Und Klinische Untersuchungen Zur Bewertung Und Neuentwicklung by Altemeyer, Karl-Heinz
Psychosoziale Intensivmedizin: Untersuchungen Zum Spannungsfeld Von Medizinischer Technologie Und Heilkunde by Klapp, Burghard F.
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring and Toxicology by Liquid Chromatography by
Teaching Seminar with Milton H. Erickson by
Industrial Enzymes by Royal Society
The Spectrum of Psychiatric Research by Shepherd, Michael
Environmental Geochemistry and Health: Report to the Royal Society's British National Committee for Problems of the Environment by
Diagnosis and Therapy of Coronary Artery Disease by
Experimental and Clinical Progress in Cancer Chemotherapy by
Ovarian Cancer by
The Cancer Patient and Supportive Care: Medical, Surgical, and Human Issues by
Smoking and the Lung by Cumming, G., Bonsignore, G.
First and Foremost in Community Health Centres: The Centre in Sault Ste Marie and the Chc Alternatives by Lomas, Jonathan
The Lactoperoxidase System: Chemistry and Biological Significance by Pruitt, Kenneth
Exercise Endocrinology by
Mehrdimensionale Nicht-Parametrische Normbereiche: Methodologische Und Medizinische Aspekte by Ackermann, Hanns
102. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie München, 10.-13. April 1985 by
Psychosomatische Probleme in Der Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1984 by
Auditory Development in Infancy by Schneider, Bruce, Trehub, Sandra E.
Ergebnisse Einzelfallstatistischer Untersuchungen in Psychosomatik Und Klinischer Psychologie by
Dermatologie Und Nuklearmedizin by
Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine Brussels, Bel by
Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease: Results of New Trials by
Instrumentarium und Lagerungstechnik bei unfallchirurgischen Operationen by Jonasch, E., Arzinger-Jonasch, H.
Reden Und Aufsätze 1930-1984 by Wachsmuth, W.
The Black Death: Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe by Gottfried, Robert S.
Four Steps Toward Modern Art: Giorgione, Caravaggio, Manet, Cezanne by Clarks Chart, Unknown, Venturi, Lionello
Atlas of Topographical Anatomy of the Brain and Surrounding Structures for Neurosurgeons, Neuroradiologists, and Neuropathologists by Seeger, W.
Talking with Patients, Volume 1: The Theory of Doctor-Patient Communication by Cassell, Eric J.
Talking with Patients, Volume 2: Clinical Technique by Cassell, Eric J.
Simulation and Imaging of the Cardiac System: State of the Heart by
Digital Cardiac Imaging by
Elements of Micropalaeontology by
Elements of Micropalaeontology by
Common Infections by
Neurogenesis of Central Respiratory Rhythm: Electrophysiological, Pharmacological & Clinical Aspects by
Psychoactive Drugs and Sex by Abel, E. L.
Medical Ethics in Antiquity: Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia by Carrick, P.
Virtue and Medicine: Explorations in the Character of Medicine by
Pathogenesis of Stress-Induced Heart Disease: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, June 26-29, 1984, Winnipeg, Cana by
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Psychological and Pharmacological Treatment by
Medical Ethics in Antiquity: Philosophical Perspectives on Abortion and Euthanasia by Carrick, P.
Blood Viscosity by Dintenfass, L.
RNA Tumor Viruses, Oncogenes, Human Cancer and Aids: On the Frontiers of Understanding: Proceedings of the International Conference on RNA Tumor Virus by
Stress and Heart Disease: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Stress and Heart Disease, June 26-29, 1984 Winnipeg, Canada by
Viral Messenger RNA: Transcription, Processing, Splicing and Molecular Structure by
Diätkatalog: Ernährungstherapie, Indikation Und Klinische Grundlagen by Haase, J., Daweke, H.
Nutritional Pathology: Pathobiochemistry of Dietary Imbalances by Sidransky, H.
Fragenkatalog Zur Orthopädie: 365 Ausgewählte Fragen Zur Selbstprüfung Aus Dem Gebiet Der Orthopädie Und Der Traumatologie Des Bewegungsapparates by Grob, D.
H2-Antagonisten in Der Prämedikation: Präventive Maßnahmen Zur Vermeidung Von Aspirationspneumonien Und Anaphylaktoiden Reaktionen by Tryba, M.
Therapeutische Wirksamkeitsnachweise Bei Nootropen Und Vasoaktiven Substanzen: Fortschritte in Der Klinischen Und Experimentellen Nicergolin-Forschung by
Histamin Und Histamin-Rezeptor-Antagonisten by
Morphology and Innervation of the Fish Heart by Santer, Robert M.
Mononitrates: International Symposium on Mononitrates Montreux, Suisse, June 14-16, 1984 by
Infusions- Und Ernährungstherapie Des Polytraumatisierten: Klinische Untersuchungen by Schmitz, J. E.
Kombinationsanästhesie by
Einführung in Die Allgemeine Biologie by Sengbusch, P. V.
Rabies in the Tropics by
Evozierte Potentiale in Der PRAXIS by
Complement by
Anaesthesia -- Innovations in Management by
Das Kompartment-Syndrom: Diagnostik Und Therapie Eine Klinische Und Tierexperimentelle Studie by Echtermeyer, V.
Aktuelles Zur Rektumchirurgie by
Geistige Grundlagen Der Medizin by
Combined Care of the Rheumatic Patient by Legallez, P., Bird, H. a.
Krankenhausbedarfsplanung: Was Brachte Sie Wirklich? by Altenstetter, Christa
Aspartic Proteinases and Their Inhibitors by
Calcium and Contractility: Smooth Muscle by
Monoclonal Antibodies in Cancer by
Case Histories in Offshore Engineering by
Reproduction in Mammals: Volume 4, Reproductive Fitness by
Steroids and Isoprenoids, Part B: Volume 111 by
Herpetic Eye Diseases: Proceedings of the International Symposium at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Beglium, May 17-19, 1984 by
Interferon Alpha-2: Pre-Clinical and Clinical Evaluation: Proceedings of the Symposium Held in Adjunction with the Second International Conference on by
Screening for Biological Response Modifiers: Methods and Rationale by Oldham, R. K., Talmadge, James E., Fidler, Isaiah J.
Social Support: Theory, Research and Applications by
Cardiac Arrhythmias: New Therapeutic Drugs and Devices: Proceedings of the Symposium on New Drugs and Devices, Held at Philadelphia, Pa October 4 and by
Practical Approaches to Alcoholism Psychotherapy by
Determinants of Substance Abuse: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental Factors by
Biochemistry of Arachidonic Acid Metabolism by
Prostaglandins and Immunity by
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism and Tumor Promotion by
Arachidonic Acid Metabolism and Tumor Initiation by Marnett, Lawrence J.
The Diabetic Pancreas by Volk, Bruno W., Arquilla, Edward R.
Epilepsy and the Corpus Callosum by
Annual Review of Nursing Research, Volume 3, 1985 by
Permanent Weight Control by Mahoney, Kathryn, Mahoney, Michael J.
Weiterbildung Für Den Operationsdienst: Richtlinien -- Lernziele -- Lerninhalte -- Organisation by
Beweiswert Und Beweisfolgen Des Statistischen Unwirtschaftlichkeits- Beweises Im Kassenarztrecht by Baader, Emil
Computers in Critical Care and Pulmonary Medicine: 6th Annual International Symposium Heidelberg, June 4-7, 1984 by
Beikost in Der Säuglingsernährung by
Der Präoperative Streß by Tolksdorf, W.
Venerologie Und Andrologie by Fritsch, Peter, Trenkwalder, Burghard, Schill, Wolf-Bernhard
Ultraschallgeführte Biopsie by Otto, R.
Angewandte Kriminologie: Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Göppinger, H.
Gastroenterologische Labordiagnostik by Kuntzen, O., Kaess, H.
Einführung in Die Biomechanik Des Hüftgelenks by Kummer, B.
Prolactinomas, an Interdisciplinary Approach: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Prolactinomas Graz (Austria), April 29 - May 2, 1984 by
Topographische Anatomie Des Plexus Brachialis Und Thoracic-Outlet-Syndrom by Lang, J.
Wissen für die Umwelt by
Lh-Rh and Its Analogues: Fertility and Antifertility Aspects by
Evaluationsforschung: Aufgaben, Probleme Und Anwendungen by Wittmann, Werner W.
Drug and Enzyme Targeting, Part a: Volume 112 by
Kosten und Effizienz im Gesundheitswesen by
Transfusionsbedingte Zytomegalievirusinfektionen by Luthardt, T.
The Benzodiazepines: Current Standards for Medical Practice by
Aspects Human Memory by Royal Society
Aerial Transmission of Disease by Royal Society
Photoperception by Pla by Royal Society
Technology in 1990 by Royal Society
Advances in Research on Cholera and Related Diarrheas 2 by
The Biochemistry of Migraine by
Communication Problems in Autism by
Biology and Therapy of Acute Leukemia: Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Detroit Cancer Symposium Detroit, Michigan -- April 12-13, 1984 by
Updating in Headache by
Zur Geschichte Der Diabetesdiät by Chantelau, Ernst A., Berger, Michael, Oyen, Detlef
Medical Consequences of Natural Disasters by Beinin, Lazar
Coloproctology: Diagnosis and Outpatient Management by Nicholls, R. J.
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