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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1986

Some Chemicals Used in Plastics and Elastomers by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
Vol 38 IARC Monographs: Tobacco Smoking by Iarc
Managing Doctors by Sheldon, Alan
Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch: Mit Klinischen Syndromen Und Nomina Anatomica by
Current Cancer Research 1986 by
Nitrattherapie Heute: Die Bedeutung Von Pharmakodynamik Und Pharmakokinetik Für Arzneiform, Dosierung Und Klinische Wirksamkeit by
Polymeric Materials in Medication by
Arthritis Und Spondylitis Psoriatica by Schilling, F.
Depressionen Im Alter by
Traditionelle Heilkundige -- Ärztliche Persönlichkeiten Im Vergleich Der Kulturen Und Medizinischen Systeme / Traditional Healers -- Iatric Personalit by Schievenhövel, Wolfgang
Psychotherapy of Everyday Life: Training in Partnership and Self-Help by Peseschkian, Nossrat
Grundfragen Der Familientherapie: Systemische Theorie Und Methodologie by Brunner, Ewald J.
Experimentelle Rheumatologie: Experimentelle Arthritis -- Neosynovialmembran by Weber, U., Schmidt, K. L.
Genetically Altered Viruses and the Environment by
Mechanisms in Tobacco Carcinogenesis by
Die Basistherapie Der Chronischen Polyarthritis Mit Oralem Gold by
Therapie Der Koronaren Herzkrankheit Mit Teopranitol: Neuere Pharmakologische Und Klinische Erkenntnisse by
Zytostatische Therapie Urologischer Tumoren by
Die Geburt Aus Ethnomedizinischer Sicht: Beiträge Und Nachträge Zur IV. Internationalen Fachkonferenz Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Ethnomedizin Über Tradit by
Biopsy Pathology of the Bronchi by McDowell, Elizabeth M., Beals, Theodore F.
Grundlagen Der Hämatologie by Hoffbrand, A. V., Pettit, J. E.
Dioxin, Agent Orange: The Facts by Gough, Michael
Therapie Mit Allopurinol: Klinische Wirksamkeit Verschiedener Allopurinol-Präparate by Harrisulis, S., Ewald, W.
Therapeutics in Rheumatology by Rushton, A., Moll, J. M. H., Bird, H. A.
Clinical Information Systems by Blum, Bruce I.
Neural Transplantation and Regeneration by Loparo, Kenneth A., Berry, Martyn
Introduction to Drug Metabolism by Skett, Paul, Gibson, G. Gordon
Das Atopische Palmoplantarekzem by Schwanitz, Hans J.
Intraoperative Autotransfusion: Untersuchungen Zur Effektivität Und Qualität Der Aufarbeitung Gewaschener, Autologer Erythrozyten by Paravicini, D.
Is Prevention Better than Cure? by Russell, Louise B.
Health Through Balance: An Introduction to Tibetan Medicine by Dhonden, Yeshi
Technique of Child Psychoanalysis: Discussions with Anna Freud by Kennedy, Hansi, Tyson, Robert L., Sandler, Joseph
Guidelines for Training Community Health Workers in Nutrition by
Homocystinuria: A Risk Factor of Premature Vascular Disease by Boers, G. H. J.
Ciclosporin in Pediatric Renal Transplantation: Proceedings of a Workshop, Scheveningen, December [21st] 1985, the Netherlands by
Neurochirurgia Moguntiaca 1985 by
Bakterielle nosokomiale Infektionen by
Kopf und Hals, Auge, Ohr, Gehirn, Arm, Brust by Mayet, Anton, Waldeyer, Anton
Dioscorides on Pharmacy and Medicine by Riddle, John M.
Wintzer: Equine Diseases, by Wintzer
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 10 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 9 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 8 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 7 by
Autorenregister 1985: (Hefte 1-12) by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 11 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 2 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 1 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 12 by
Biovitrokeram Implantatwerkstoffe by Thieme, V., Wihsmann, F. G., Berger, G.
Die Bedeutung Otto Warburgs Für Die Entwicklung Der Biochemie, Zellbiologie Und Medizin by Langen, Peter, Hofmann, Eberhard, Rapoport, Samuel Mitja
9. Juni Bis 13. Juni 1985 in St. Vincent/Torino by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 4 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 5 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 30, Heft 6 by
Antibiotika Chemie Und Anwendung by Onken, Dieter
Arterielle Hypertonie: Nichtinvasive Kardiovaskuläre Funktionsdiagnostik. Methodik, Ergebnisse, Schlußfolgerungen Für Die PRAXIS by
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen, Band 1 by Hofmann, Eberhard
The World of Surgery, 1945-1985: Memoirs of One Participant by M. D.
Behavioral Medicine: Work, Stress and Health by
The Present State of Leptospirosis Diagnosis and Control by
Kidney Metabolism and Function by
Anesthesiology 1986: Annual Utah Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology 1986 by
Malignant Lymphomas and Hodgkin's Disease: Experimental and Therapeutic Advances: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Malignant Lymp by
Diagnostic and Laboratory Testing in Psychiatry by
The Neurological Examination of the Newborn by O'Doherty, N.
Fire and Smoke: Understanding the Hazards by Division on Earth and Life Studies, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
Structural variants and interactions by
Receptor-Mediated Uptake in the Liver by
Psychosomatische Probleme in Der Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1985 by
Das Urologische Gutachten by Bichler, Karl-Horst
Uveitis: Klinik, Diagnose, Therapie Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Smith, Ronald E.
You, Your Parent and the Nursing Home by Fox, Nancy
Modern Analysis of Antibodies by
Psychosoziale Medizin Gesundheit Und Krankheit in Bio-Psycho-Sozialer Sicht: 2 Klinik Und PRAXIS by Willi, Jürg, Heim, Edgar
Objective Medical Decision-Making Systems Approach in Disease: Workshop, Crete, Greece, April 30-May 5, 1985 Proceedings by
The Auditory Midbrain: Structure and Function in the Central Auditory Pathway by Aitkin, Lindsay
Left Side/Right Side: A Review of Laterality Research by Beaton, Alan
The Discovery of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Lessons in the Practice of Political Medicine by Bergman, Abraham
The American Midwife Debate: A Sourcebook on Its Modern Origins by Litoff, Judy Barrett, Barrett Litoff, Judt
Vitamins and Cancer: Human Cancer Prevention by Vitamins and Micronutrients by Prasad, Kedar N., Meyskens, Jr.
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1985 by
NMR in Living Systems by
Determining Risks to Health: Federal Policy and Practice by United States, Unknown, U. S. Department of Health and Human Servi
Cumulative Subject Index, Volumes 61-74, 76-80: Volume 95 by
Cancer Immunology: Innovative Approaches to Therapy by
Diagnosis of Mycotoxicoses by
Social Behavior in Autism by
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics of Cancer Metastasis: Proceedings of the Symposium on Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics of Cancer Metastasis Bet by
Applied Microbiology by Hedén, C. G., Doelle, H. W.
Coping with Life Crises: An Integrated Approach by
Monitoring for Drug Safety by
Health Psychology: A Psychobiological Perspective by Labbé, Elise E., Kuczmierczyk, Andrzej R., Feuerstein, Michael
Postnatal Growth Neurobiology by
Benzodiazepine: Rückblick Und Ausblick by
Koronare Herzkrankheit II: Fragen - Antworten by Sesto, Fred
Leitfaden Für Den Klinischen Assistenten by Völcker, Anneliese, Friese, Gernot
Schmerz- Eine Interdisziplinäre Herausforderung: III. Internationales Schmerz-Symposium München, 29.11.-1.12.85 by
Schnelligkeit Und Güte ALS Dimensionen Kognitiver Leistung by Nährer, Walter
Immunpharmakologie: Grundlagen Und Perspektiven by Drews, Jürgen
Teaching Self-Hypnosis: An Introductory Guide for Clinicians by Soskis, David A.
The Papers of George Catlett Marshall: We Cannot Delay, July 1, 1939-December 6, 1941 Volume 2 by Marshall, George Catlett
Verzeichnis Der Ärzte Für Anästhesiologie in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich Und Der Schweiz by
Peripheral Auditory Mechanisms: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Boston University, Boston, Ma, August 13-16, 1985 by
Relevanz zirkadianer Rhythmen in der Pneumologie by
Röntgen-Generatoren by Masswig, Ingrid, Krause, Rolf A., Wolf, Manfred
Fibrin formation and Fibrinolysis by
Freedom from Headaches: A Personal Guide for Understanding and Treating Headache, Face, and Neck Pain by Saper, Joel
Neuropsychopharmacology of the Trace Amines: Experimental and Clinical Aspects by
The Medicare System of Prospective Payment: Implications for Medical Education and Practice by Garg
Internistische Geriatrie by Tragl, K. H.
Vitamins and Coenzymes, Part H: Volume 123 by
The Nicaraguan Revolution in Health: From Somoza to the Sandinistas by Donahue, John M., Donohue, John
The Law on Medicines: Volume 1 a Comprehensive Guide by Harrison, H. S.
Chemical Mutagens: Principles and Methods for Their Detection by
Handbook of Phycological Methods: Volume 4: Ecological Field Methods: Macroalgae by
Minimal Residual Disease in Acute Leukemia 1986 by
Advanced Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis by Fiori, C. E., Echlin, Patrick, Goldstein, Joseph
Acute Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Combined Alcohol and Drug Abuse Typologies of Alcoholics the Withdrawal Syndrome Renal and Electrolyte Consequences by
Calcium, Neuronal Function and Transmitter Release: Proceedings of the Symposium on Calcium, Neuronal Function and Transmitter Release Held at the Int by
Safety of Diving Operations by
Radiation Dosimetry: Physical and Biological Aspects by
Endocrine and Metabolic Effects of Lithium by Lazarus, J. H.
The Theory of Advanced First Aid by Wood, J. a.
Cardiac Anaesthesia: Problems and Innovations by
Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 6, Biology and Biological Technology, Part 1, Botany by Needham, Joseph
Amphetamines and pH-shift Agents for Brain Imaging by
Der Verlauf Schizophrener Psychosen: Unter Den Gegenwärtigen Behandlungsbedingungen by Zerssen, D. V., Möller, H. J.
PRAXIS Der Insulintherapie by Jörgens, Viktor, Berger, Michael
Nuclear Medicine in Clinical Oncology: Current Status and Future Aspects by
Einfluß Von Leistungssport Auf Das Endokrine System Der Frau by Wurster, Kurt G.
Die Ärztliche Fortbildung: Ziele, Organisation, Programmgestaltung Und Modelle Einer Permanenten Fortbildung by Kerger, Hermann
Die Zwangsweise Unterbringung Psychisch Kranker: Problematik Aus Der Sicht Von Richtern Und Ärzten by Bergener, Manfred
Körpererleben: Ein Subjektiver Ausdruck Von Leib Und Seele. Beiträge Zur Psychosomatischen Medizin by
Minimale Cerebrale Dysfunktion Und/Oder Hyperaktivität Im Kindesalter: Überblick Und Literaturdokumentation Ein Leitfaden Für Eltern, Lehrer, Psycholo by Bauer, Annette
Die Osteosynthese Der Thoraxwandinstabilitäten by Rehm, Klaus E.
Experimentelle Pflanzenphysiologie: Band 1 Einführung in Die Methoden by Schopfer, P.
6th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium, April 15-18, 1986 by
Genetic Control of the Susceptibility to Bacterial Infection by
Neue Techniken in Der Operativen Medizin by
Primary Hypertension: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications by
103. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie München, 23.-26. April 1986 by
Die Antero-Laterale Rotationsinstabilität Des Oberen Sprunggelenkes by Zwipp, Hans
Untersuchungs- Und Behandlungsverfahren in Der Gerontopsychiatrie by
Moyamoya Disease by Suzuki, Jiro
Referate by
Zur Optimierung Der Beatmungsbehandlung Bei Früh- Und Neugeborenen by Heller, Klaus
Alfentanil by
Immunology and Epidemiology: Proceedings of an International Conference Held in Mogilany, Poland, February 18-25, 1985 by
Kleine Gesetzeskunde für Medizinalfachpersonen by
Heirs of General Practice by McPhee, John
Meta-Analysis: Quantitative Methods for Research Synthesis by
Hidden Addiction and How to Get Free: Recognizing and Breaking the Habits That Control Your Life by Nourse, Alan E.
International Symposium: Retroviruses and Human Pathology by Gallo, Robert C., Stehelin, Dominique, Varnier, Oliviero E.
Biologie Für Mediziner by Bachmann, Konrad
A Simplified Approach to Electrocardiography by Johnson, Richard, Swartz, Mark H.
Biological Methylation and Drug Design: Experimental and Clinical Role of S-Adenosylmethionine by Borchardt, Ronald T., Creveling, Cyrus R., Ueland, Per Magne
Positive Approaches to Living with End Stage Renal Disease: Psychosocial and Thanatalogic Aspects by Hardy, Thomas, Hardy, Thomas Defendant, Hardy, Michael A.
General Neurochemical Techniques by
Biomembranes, Part M: Transport in Bacteria, Mitochondria, and Chloroplasts: General Approaches and Transport Systems: Volume 125 by
Trace Elements in Human and Animal Nutrition by
Quantitative Coronary and Left Ventricular Cineangiography: Methodology and Clinical Applications by Slager, C. J., Reiber, Johan H. C., Serruys, P. W.
Paediatrics by McCarthy, C., Evans, A.
A Practical Guide to Real-Time Office Sonography in Obstetrics and Gynecology by Gleicher, Norbert, Giglia, R. V., Mayden, K. L.
Behavior, Health, and Environmental Stress by Cohen, Sheldon, Evans, Gary W., Stokols, Daniel
Examination of the Back - An Introduction by Burn, L., Paterson, J. K.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 1986: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Jerusalem, September 8-11, 1985 by
Lung Cancer: Basic and Clinical Aspects: Basic and Clinical Aspects by
Suffering Presence by Hauerwas, Stanley
Suffering Presence: Theological Reflections on Medicine, the Mentally Handicapped, and the Church by Hauerwas, Stanley
Cancer, Stress, and Death by
Zak Zürich: Band I: Notfallmedizin - Reanimation Schädel-Hirn-Trauma - ARDS Hochfrequenzbeatmung by
Statistics for Toxicologists by Salsburg
Treatment of Schizophrenia: Family Assessment and Intervention by
New Aspects in Regional Anesthesia 4: Major Conduction Block: Tachyphylaxis, Hypotension, and Opiates by
Zak Zürich: Band II Intravenöse Und Inhalationsnarkose Muskelrelaxanzien - Psychopharmaka Schmerztherapie - Postoperative Analgesi by
Zak Zürich: Band III: Neonatologie - Herzchirurgie Arteriosklerose - Eph-Gestose Postoperative Ernährung by
Nichtambulante Krisenintervention Und Notfallpsychiatrie: Versuch Einer Bestandsaufnahme Der Lage in Westeuropa by Alzheimer, Christian
Viktor Von Weizsäcker (1886-1957): Materialien Zu Leben Und Werk by Henkelmann, Thomas, Krehl, Peter O. K.
Biophilosophy: Analytic and Holistic Perspectives by Sattler, Rolf
11th Congress of the Society for Forensic Haemogenetics (Gesellschaft Für Forensische Blutgruppenkunde E.V.): Copenhagen, August 6-10, 1985 by
Hat Das Menschengeschlecht Eine Biologische Zukunft?: Vorgetragen in Der Sitzung Vom 12. April 1986 by Doerr, Wilhelm
Das Späte Alter Und Seine Häufigsten Erkrankungen: Praktische Geriatrie by
Querschnittanatomie Zur Computertomographie: Eine Einführung Mit Ausgewählten Schnitten Aus Dem Kopf-, Hals-, Brust- Und Beckenbereich. Ein Lernprogra by Farkas, Michael
Intrinsic Geometry of Biological Surface Growth by Todd, Philip H.
Der Stoffwechsel Der Plasmalipoproteine Und Seine Bedeutung Für Die Pathogenese Der Arteriosklerose: Vorgetragen in Der Sitzung Vom 6. Juli 1985 by Schettler, Gotthard
The Effects of Whole-Body Vibration by Dupuis, Heinrich, Zerlett, Georg
Dextrananaphylaxie, Pathomechanismus Und Prophylaxe: Ergebnisse Einer Multizentrischen, Klinischen Studie by Laubenthal, Heinz
Handbook of Structured Techniques in Marriage and Family Therapy by Fredman, Norman, Sherman, Robert
Spina Bifida - Neural Tube Defects: Basic Research, Interdisciplinary Diagnostics and Treatment, Results and Prognosis by
Männer und Frauen der Medizin by Winau, R., Helfer, O.
A Sourcebook on Child Sexual Abuse by Finkelhor, David
Social Psychology by Gergen, M. M., Gergen, K. J.
Diabetes and Pregnancy: Teratology, Toxicity and Treatment by Jovanovic
Pathology of the Eye by Naumann, G. O. H.
Consistency in Personality: A Methodological Framework by Ozer, Daniel J.
The Climacteric in Perspective: Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on the Menopause, Held at Lake Buena Vista, Florida, October 28 Novem by Notelovitz, M., Van Keep, P. a.
The Togaviridae and Flaviviridae by
Polymeric Biomaterials by
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