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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1989

Manual of Epidemiology for District Health Management by Vaughan, J. P., Morrow, R. H.
Minor and Trace Elements in Breast Milk: Report of a Joint WHO/IAEA Collaborative Study by Iaea
Who Model Prescribing Information: Drugs Used in Anaesthesia by
Opening Doors: What Happens in Gestalt Therapy by Rosenblatt, Daniel
The Treatment Of Psychiatric Disorders by William H Reid George U Balis James
Frontiers in European Radiology Volume 8: by Baert, Baert, A., Heuck, F.
Travel Medicine: by Steffen, Robert
Intrapartum Biochemical Monitoring of the Fetus: Proceedings of the First International Symposium, Atlantic City, Usa, June 1987 by
Schmerz -- Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven: Beiträge Zur 9. Internationalen Fachkonferenz Ethnomedizin in Heidelberg Vom 6.5.-8.5.1988 by
Vitamine by Bässler, K. H.
Die Krebsbehandlung in Der Thoraxklinik Heidelberg: Festschrift Zum 10jährigen Bestehen Der Onkologie by Drings, P., Vogt-Moykopf, I.
Perspectives in Antiinfective Therapy: Bayer AG Centenary Symposium Washington, D. C., Aug. 31-Sept. 3, 1988 by
Selenium in Medicine and Biology: Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology. March 1988, Avoriaz, Fra by
Protocols for Elective Use of Life-Sustaining Treatments: A Design Guide by Miles, Steven H., Gómez, Carlos Fernández
Molecular Diagnostics of Human Cancer by
Infektionen: Praktische Hinweise Zur Antimikrobiellen Therapie Und Diagnostik by Braveny, Ilja, Milatovic, Danica
NMR in Biomedicine: The Physical Basis by
Lasers in Medicine: An Introductory Guide by Absten, Gregory T., Joffe, Stephen N.
Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology by Lobo, Barry G. Wren and Rogerio a.
Antidepressants for Elderly People by Ghose, K.
Teaching Interpersonal Skills: A Handbook of Experiential Learning for Health Professionals by Burnard, Philip
Senile Dementia: Policy and Services by Ineichen, Bernard
Current Issues in Nursing by Allan, Peta, Jolley, Moya
Research in General Practice by Howie, J. G. R.
Family Planning: Fundamentals for Health Professionals by Cowper, Ann, Young, Cyril
Schlaf- Und Schlafmittelforschung: Neue Ergebnisse Und Therapeutische Konsequenzen by Engfer, Adalbert, Kubicki, Stanislaw
Verhandlungen Der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Für Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe: Jahresversammlung Flims, 6.-8. April 1989 by Kind, C., Petersen, E. E., Schneider, H.
Working with Bilingual Language Disability by Duncan, Deirdre M.
Professionelle Sozialisation Und Moralentwicklung: Zum Berufsethos Von Medizinern by Raven, Uwe
Immunobiology of HLA: Volume II: Immunogenetics and Histocompatibility by DuPont, Bo
Expressive Movement: Posture and Action in Daily Life, Sports, and the Performing Arts by Pierce, Alexandra
Prädisponierende Bedingungen Für Akute Ischämiesyndrome by
Mechanisms of Physical and Emotional Stress (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 245) by Gold, Philip W., Chrousos, George P., Loriaux, D. Lynn
Stress & Coping in Nursing by Bailey, Roy D., Clarke, Margaret
Ethics in Paediatric Nursing by Brykczyńska, Gosia
Modulare Organisation nervöser Zentralorgane, vor allem der Hirnrinde by Szentágothai, János
Zugänge Zu Ursachen, Klinik Und Pharmakotherapie Der Demenz Vom Alzheimer-Typ by Hoyer, Siegfried
Anorexia Nervosa & Other Dyscontrol Syndromes: by Edelstein, E. L.
Adult Aural Rehabilitation by Brooks, Denzil N.
Mobilizing Against AIDS: Revised and Enlarged Edition by Nichols, Eve K.
The Dread Disease: Cancer and Modern American Culture by Patterson, James T.
Albinus on Anatomy by Albinus, Bernhard Siegfried, Hale, Robert Beverly
Pankreatitis by Morgenroth, Konrad, Kozuschek, W.
Praktische Geburtshilfe Mit Geburtshilflichen Operationen by Dudenhausen, Joachim W., Pschyrembel, Willibald
Leitfaden Zur Therapie Der Herzrhythmusstörungen by Gülker, Hartmut
Counselling Skills for Health Professionals by Burnard, Philip
18. Hämophilie-Symposion Hamburg 1987: Verhandlungsberichte: Ärztliche Versorgung Hiv-1-Infizierter Hämophiler: Verlauf Der Hiv-1-Infektion Und Verhüt by
Intervention In Child Nutrition by Hoorweg, Jan, Niemeijer, Rudio
Social Work & Received Ideas by Rojek, Chris
Observations on Maniacal Disorder by Pargeter, Reverend William
Fritz Heidernotebooksvol 4, Balance Theory by Benesh-Weiner, M.
Fritz Heidernotebooksvol 5, Attribution by Benesh-Weiner, M.
Group Process and Structure in Psychosocial Occupational Therapy by Gibson, Diane
Treatment of Substance Abuse: Psychosocial Occupational Therapy Approaches by Gibson, Diane
Depression: Ergebnisse Des Symposiums Der Sektion Psychiatrie Der Gesellschaft Für Psychiatrie Und Neurologie Der DDR Vom 29./30. by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 33, Heft 3 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 33, Heft 2 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 33, Heft 4 by
Ernährungsforschung. Band 33, Heft 6 by
1988: Ernf-B, Band 33, Heft 6 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 1 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 2 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 4 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 3 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 12 by
Autorenregister 1988 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 7 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 6 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 10 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 9 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 8 by
Deskriptorenregister 1987: (Hefte 1-12) by
Die Nahrung. Volume 32, Number 9 by
Diagnostische Laboratoriumsmethoden AB (D. L.) - Ddr, Lieferung 3: Herausgegeben Vom Minister Für Gesundheitswesen Aufgrund Des § 3 Absatz 1 Der Anord by
Nicolaus Stenonis Versuch Einer Annäherung. Essai: Dem Essai Vorangestellt: Vorläufer Einer Dissertation Über Feste Körper, Die Innerhalb Anderer Fest by Steno, Nikolaus, Fabian, Eginhard
Electrocardiology '87: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Berlin, August 17-20th, 1987 by
Electrocardiology '87: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Electrocardiology, Berlin, August 17th-20th, 1987 by
Kanzerostatische Anthrazykline, Physikochemische Eigenschaften Und Wirkungsmechanismen by Berg, Hermann
Vom Gen Zum Verhalten: Der Mensch ALS Biopsychosoziale Einheit by
Anfänge Von Systematischer Anatomie Und Teratologie Im Alten Babylon by Scharf, Joachim-Hermann
Die Zöliakie - Eine Besondere Form Der Eiweissunverträglichkeit by Mühle, Werner, Müller, Fritz
Herzrhythmusstörungen in Theorie Und PRAXIS by Rostock, Karl-Joachim
11. Mai Bis 15. Mai 1988 in Sofia by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 5 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 33, Heft 11 by
The Selected Correspondence of Karl A. Menninger: 1919-1945 by Menninger, Karl A.
Kinderanästhesie -- Symposium: 29./30. Mai 1987 -- Klinikum Steglitz Der Freien Universität Berlin by
Medicine, Mind, and the Double Brain: A Study in Nineteenth-Century Thought by Harrington, Anne
Gruppenarbeit in Der Allgemeinpraxis by
Neue Makroökonomik Und Außenhandel by Franke, Jan
Eicosanoids, Lipid Peroxidation and Cancer by
PRAXIS - Theorie - Variationen - Leitungstechnik - Forschung Entwicklung Und Anwendung in Verschiedenen Ländern Berufspolitik - Kritische Glosse by Neubig, Herbert, Rosin, Ulrich, Körner, Jürgen
Computer Simulation in Brain Science by
Lessons from the First Twenty Years of Medicare: Research Implications for Public and Private Sector Policy by
Methods in Medicine: A Descriptive Study of Physicians' Behaviour by Ridderikhoff, J.
Implications of the Blood-Brain Barrier and Its Manipulation: Volume 1 Basic Science Aspects by
Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Heart by
Ultrastructure of Human Gametogenesis and Early Embryogenesis by
Approaches to Traditional Chinese Medical Literature: Proceedings of an International Symposium on Translation Methodologies and Terminologies by
A Clinical Guide for the Treatment of Schizophrenia by
Clinical and Molecular Aspects of Neurotropic Virus Infection by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Treatment Research by
Nutrition, Aging, and the Elderly by
Fibrinklebung in Der Endoskopie by
Trends and Changes in Drug Research and Development by
Treatment of Soft Tissue Sarcomas by
The Psychology of the Physically Ill Patient: A Clinician's Guide by Backman, M. E.
Talking Points in Dermatology - III by
Cholesterol Transport Systems and Their Relation to Atherosclerosis by
Drinking Water and Health, Volume 9: Selected Issues in Risk Assessment by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Biologic Markers in Reproductive Toxicology by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Biologic Markers in Pulmonary Toxicology by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Biologic Markers in Pulmonary Toxicology by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Care of the Elderly Patient: Policy Issues and Research Opportunities by Institute of Medicine, Council on Health Care Technology
Medically Assisted Conception: An Agenda for Research by Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Committee on the Basic Science Foundations of Medically Assi
Primary Care Physicians: Financing Their Graduate Medical Education in Ambulatory Settings by Institute of Medicine, Committee to Study Strategies for Supporting Graduate Medica
Clinical Chemistry: An Overview by
Progress in Neuropeptide Research: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Lódź, Poland, September 8-10, 1988 by Döhler
Immunologie auf einen Blick by Playfair, J. H. L.
Understanding the Neurotransmitters: Key to the Workings of the Brain by Riederer, Peter, Birkmayer, Walter
The Serotonin Receptors by Sanders-Bush, Elaine
Diagnosis and Treatment of Multiple Personality Disorder by Putnam, Frank W.
Principles of Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Neuroscience by Steward, Oswald
Lipids and Related Compounds by
Statistical and Scientific Database Management: Fourth International Working Conference Ssdbm, Rome, Italy, June 21-23, 1988. Proceedings by
Lipoprotein Subfractions Omega-3 Fatty Acids by
Dopplersonographie in Der Geburtshilfe by Fendel, Heinrich, Sohn, Christof
The Meaning of AIDS: Implications for Medical Science, Clinical Practice, and Public Health Policy by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1988 by
Skull Traction and Cervical Cord Injury: A New Approach to Improved Rehabilitation by Breig, Alf
Ergonomische Gestaltung Der Benutzerschnittstelle Am Antriebssystem Des Greifreifenrollstuhls by Traut, Ludwig
Acute Myocardial Infarction: Emerging Concepts of Pathogenesis and Treatment by
Genregulation: Der Biologische Schalter Bei Phage ? by Ptashne, Mark
Dying for Work: Workers' Safety and Health in Twentieth-Century America by
Your Body Doesn't Lie by Diamond, John
Data for Biochemical Research by Elliott, Daphne C., Elliott, William H., Dawson, Rex M. C.
Veränderung Kognitiver Prozesse in Psychoanalysen: 2 Fünf Aggregierte Einzelfallstudien by Leuzinger-Bohleber, Marianne
Algae and Human Affairs by
AIDS: Social Representations And Social Practices by
Luxationsfrakturen Des Oberen Sprunggelenkes: Operative Behandlung Und Spätergebnisse by Hanke, Joachim
Electrocardiography and Cardiac Drug Therapy by
Platelets: Receptors, Adhesion, Secretion, Part a: Volume 169 by
Children and Health Care: Moral and Social Issues by
Carcinogenesis and Dietary Fat by
Neurosurgical and Medical Management of Pain: Trigeminal Neuralgia, Chronic Pain, and Cancer Pain by
Sexuality and Disability: A Guide for Everyday Practice by Cooper, Elaine, Guillebaud, John
Clinical Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies by Marks, Vincent, Hubbard, Ron
Social Psychology of Health and Illness by
Searching for Health Information: The Cancer Information Service Model by Freimuth, Vicki S., Stein, Judith A., Kean, Thomas J.
Red Blood Cell Membranes: Structure: Function: Clinical Implications by
Practice of Multimodal Therapy: Systematic, Comprehensive, and Effective Psychotherapy by Lazarus, Arnold A.
Sexualitäten in unserer Gesellschaft by
Perspektive Verhaltensmedizin by
Lymphocytes in Immunotherapy of Cancer by
Ketamin in Der Intensiv- Und Notfallmedizin by
Iatrogenic Vascular Injuries by Bergentz, Sven-Erik, Bergqvist, David
Sexual Solutions by Castleman, Michael
New Directions in Cancer Treatment by
Mild Head Injury by
Family Perspectives in Child and Youth Services by Beker, Jerome, Olson, David
Klinische Forschung: Hinweise Und Checkliste Für Die Planung Von Therapeutischen Studien by Koch, Winfried
Infection Control in Intensive Care Units by Selective Decontamination: The Use of Oral Non-Absorbable and Parenteral Agents by
Update 1989 by
Metabolic and Endocrine Problems in the Elderly by MacLennan, William J., Peden, Norman R.
106. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie München, 29. März -- 1. April 1989 by
Einbauverhalten Autologer Knochentransplantate: Bedeutung Der Transplantatverdichtung Und Der Lagerstabilität by Eggers, Christoph
Komplikationen in Der Unfallchirurgie: Computergestützte Datenanalyse Über Einen Fünfjahreszeitraum by Biewener, Angelika, Wolter, Dietmar
Experiential Therapies for Eating Disorders by
Diabetes Mellitus: Pathophysiology and Therapy: Bayer AG Centenary Symposium Edinburgh, U.K., May 25-28, 1988 by
The Pulmonary Circulation, Normal and Abnormal: Mechanisms, Management, and the National Registry by
Früherkennung Und Nachsorge Des Dickdarmkrebses by
Behavioral Teratogenesis and Behavioral Mutagenesis: A Primer in Abnormal Development by Abel, E. L.
Neurotische Körpersymptomatik: Zum Verständnis Der Psychosomatischen Medizin by Zander, Wolfgang
Correctional Psychiatry by
Developmental-Behavioral Disorders: Selected Topics Volume 2 by
Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals: Foundational Issues by
Evolution and Control in Biological Systems: Proceedings of the Iiasa Workshop, Laxenburg, Austria, 30 November - 4 December 1987 by
Biology of Sleep Substances by Inoue, Shojiro
Herpesvirus Diseases of Cattle, Horses, and Pigs by
Neuropsychological Function and Brain Imaging by
Philosophy and Medical Welfare by Bell, J. M., Mendus, Susan
Genetic Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Principles and Applications by Kammermeyer, John
Immunology of the Fungal Diseases by Cox, Rebecca a.
Bed Number Ten by Schomaker, Mary Zimmeth, Baier, Sue
Mechanisms of Psychological Influence on Physical Health: With Special Attention to the Elderly by Carstensen, Laura L.
Prehistoric Stress in Australian Aborigines: A Palaeopathological Study of a Hunter-Gatherer Population by Webb, Stephen
Factor VIII - Von Willebrand Factor, Volume I by
Stance and Motion: Facts and Concepts by Gurfinkel, V. S., Ioffe, M. E., Massion, J.
Prediabetes by Camerini-Davalos, Rafael A., Cole, Harold S.
Endometriose - neue Therapiemöglichkeiten durch Buserelin by
Psychosomatische Krankheitsbilder in Der PRAXIS by Liesenfeld, Rudolf
Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing by Gurudas
Legal Aspects of Medicine: Including Cardiology, Pulmonary Medicine, and Critical Care Medicine by
Neuromuskuläre Läsionen Bei Malignomen by Grisold, Wolfgang
Affirmative Action in Perspective by Blanchard, Fletcher A., Crosby, Faye J.
Neuropathien Bei Lyme-Borreliose by Kristoferitsch, Wolfgang
Pathophysiologie by Bühlmann, Albert A.
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1988 by
On Biomineralization by Lowenstam, Heinz A.
Referate: Bildgebende Verfahren in Der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- Und Hals-Chirurgie by
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