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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1990

The Immune Response to Viral Infections by
The Methodist Hospital of Houston: Serving the World by Sibley, Marilyn McAdams
Barium: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 107 by Ilo, Unep
Tri-N-Butyl Phosphate: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 112 by Ilo, Unep
Methoxyethanol (2-), Ethoxyethanol (2-), and their Acetates: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 115 by Ilo, Unep
Tributyltin Compounds: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 116 by Ilo, Une3p
Toxikologische Und Klinisch-Pharmakologische Prüfungen: Anforderungen, Methoden, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven by
Pschyrembel Klinisches Wörterbuch: Mit Klinischen Syndromen Und Nomina Anatomica by Pschyrembel, Willibald
Language, Structure, and Change: Frameworks of Meaning in Psychotherapy by Lukens, Robert J., Lukens, Michael D., Efran, Jay S.
Child Multimodal Therapy by Keat, Donald
Frontiers European Radiology Volume 7: by Baert, A., Heuck, F., Baert
Blood Pressure Measurements: New Techniques in Automatic and 24-Hour Indirect Monitoring by Meyer-Sabellek, W.
How to Measure Angles from Foot Radiographs: A Primer by Oestreich, Alan E.
Propanol (1-Propanol): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 102 by ILO, Unep
Angiologische Notfälle by
Vinylidene Chloride: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 100 by ILO, Unep
Propanol (2-Propanol): Environmental Health Criteria Series No 103 by ILO, Unep
Selected Mycotoxins: Ochratoxins, Trichothecenes, Ergot: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 105 by Unep, ILO
Beryllium: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 106 by Unep, ILO
Summary Report on the Evaluation of Short-Term Tests for Carcinogens: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 109 by Unep, ILO
Fully Halogenated Chlorofluorocarbons: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 113 by Unep, ILO
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 117 by Unep, ILO
Lyme-Borreliose: Epidemiologie, Ätiologie, Diagnostik, Klinik Und Therapie by Herzer, P.
Ökologische Krise Und Risikobewußtsein: Zu Psychischen Verarbeitung Von Umweltbelastungen by Ruff, Frank M.
Rheinisch-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 376 by Stoffel, Wilhelm
Neurobiology of Sensory Systems by Naresh Singh, R., Strausfeld, Nicholas J.
Poor Eaters: Helping Children Who Refuse to Eat by Macht, Joel
Keyboard, Graphic and Handwriting Skills: Helping People with Motor Disabilities by Penso, Dorothy E.
Practical Physiotherapy with Older People by Smyth, Lucinda, Kinsman, Rowena, Ransome, Helen
Bills of Lading: Law and Practice by Mitchelhill, Alan
The Skin in Rheumatic Disease by Campion, G. V., Maddison, P. J., Lovell, C. R.
Diabetes in Elderly People by Kesson, Colin M., Knight, Paul V.
A Handbook of Parenteral Nutrition: Hospital and Home Applications by Venkat Raman, G., Lee, H. a.
Occupational Therapy in Rheumatology: An Holistic Approach by Sandles, Lynne
Connectionistic Problem Solving: Computational Aspects of Biological Learning by Hampson
Gene Transfer and Expression: A Laboratory Manual by Kriegler, Michael
Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies by Borrebaeck, C., Larrick, James W.
The Practice Nurse: Theory and practice by Jeffree, P. A. U. L. I. N. E.
Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors by Campanacci, Mario
Developing Your Career in Nursing by Cormack, Desmond F. S.
Multiple Sclerosis: Approaches to Management by Loparo, Kenneth A., De Souza, Lorraine
Acute Head Injury: Practical Management in Rehabilitation by Garner, Ruth
Assessing Physically Disabled People at Home by Maczka, Kathleen
Community Occupational Therapy with Mentally Handicapped Adults by Isaac, Debbie
Occupational Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation by Thompson, Simon B. N., Morgan, Maryanne
Special Issue on Ionic Channels II by Blaustein, M. P.
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics: Volume 9, 1989 by
Annals of Oncology: Official Journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Acquired Speech and Language Disorders: A Neuroanatomical and Functional Neurological Approach by Murdoch, B. E.
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing: Theory and Practice by Cormack, Desmond, Reynolds, William
The Autonomic Nervous System and Exercise by Green, J. Hilary
Care of the Ophthalmic Patient: A Guide for Nurses and Health Professionals by Tullo, Andrew B., Perry, John P.
Health Education: Effectiveness and Efficiency by Robinson, Yvonne Keeley, Tilford, Sylvia, Tones, Keith
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Expert Systems by Fieschi, M.
Arzt Und Patient Im Spannungsfeld: Natur - Technische Möglichkeiten - Rechtsauffassung by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Machinery of the Mind: Data, Theory, and Speculations about Higher Brain Function by John
Principles for the Toxicological Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Food: Environmental Health Criteria Series 104 by Unep, ILO
Management of Hospitals and Health ServicesSchulz by Schulz, Rockwell, Johnson, Alton C.
Aktuelle Standortbestimmung der konservativen Therapie des Prostatakarzinoms by
Glukokortikoide bei obstruktiven Atemwegserkrankungen by
Spätkomplikationen des Diabetes mellitus by
Life Paints Its Own Span by Bach, Susan
The Human Embryo: Aristotle and the Arabic and European Traditions by
Drive, Ego, Object, and Self: A Synthesis for Clinical Work by Pine, Fred
Safer Childbirth?: A critical history of maternity care by Tew, Marjorie
Aids: Individual, Cultural and Policy Dimensions by
Photobiology Of Low-Power Lase by Karu, T. I.
Manual of Law French by Baker, J. H.
Immunosuppression and Human Malignancy by Tarcic, Nora, Naor, David, Klein, Benjamin Y.
Readings in Risk by Gough, Michael, Glickman, Theodore S.
Clinical Ethics: An Invitation to Healing Professionals by Depender, Depender, William, Ikeda-Chandler, Wanda
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 6 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 7 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 5 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 2 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 1 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 4 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 3 by
Der Iatrogene Schaden by Lignitz, Eberhard, Mattig, Wolfgang
Grundriß Der Biomechanik by Glaser, Roland
Basis and Mechanisms of Regulation of Cytochrome P-450 by
The Use of Lasers in Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery by Kásler, Miklós, Bánhidy, Ferenc
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen by Hofmann, Eberhard
Pharmakognosie: Biogene Arzneimittel, Teil 2 by Teuscher, Eberhard
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 2: Enzyme Und Bioenergetik by Hofmann, Eberhard
Der Iatrogene Schaden by Mattig, Wolfgang, Lignitz, Eberhard
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 1: Die Stofflichen Grundlagen Des Lebens by Hofmann, Eberhard
Pharmakognosie, Teil 2: Biogene Arzneimittel by Teuscher, Eberhard
Pathophysiologie Des Herz-Kreislaufsystems by Nitschkoff, Stefan
Pharmakognosie: Biogene Arzneimittel, Teil 3 by Teuscher, Eberhard
Einführung in Die Klinische Genetik by Herrmann, Falko H., Witkowski, Regine
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 12 by
Radontherapie Heute by Jordan, Herbert
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 8 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 9 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 10 by
Agroselekt. Reihe 4: Veterinärmedizin. Band 34, Heft 11 by
Dynamische Biochemie, Teil 1: Die Stofflichen Grundlagen Des Lebens by Hofmann, Eberhard
Funktionelle Biochemie Des Menschen, Band 1 by Hofmann, Eberhard
Core Collection in Nursing and the Allied Health Sciences: Books, Journals, Media by Stephan, Aurelia, Terry, Edwin, Peretz, Annette
Sexuell Übertragbare Erkrankungen by Korting, Hans C., Gschnait, Fritz
The Red Cell Membrane: A Model for Solute Transport by
A History of Neglect: Health Care for Blacks and Mill Workers in the Twentieth-Century South by Beardsley, Edward H.
Acute Leukemias II: Prognostic Factors and Treatment Strategies by
Dissoziierter Hirntod: Computergestützte Verfahren in Diagnostik Und Dokumentation by Schwarz, Gerhard
Panik: Angstanfälle Und Ihre Behandlung by Margraf, Jürgen, Schneider, Silvia
Modern Methods in Orchid Conservation by
Deciding for Others: The Ethics of Surrogate Decision Making by Brock, Dan W., Buchanan, Allen, Allen E., Buchanan
Statistical Evaluation of Mutagenicity Test Data by
Herbicides and Plant Metabolism by
Neurologische Probleme Des Intensivpatienten by
Lovesickness in the Middle Ages: The Viaticum and Its Commentaries by Wack, Mary Frances
Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Cancer Patients by
Thioxanthene: In Der Neuroleptischen Behandlung by
Edmund Burke: Appraisals and Applications by
Handbook of Clinical Behavioral Pediatrics by
Endosonography by Fornage, B. D.
Drugs and the Kidney by
Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems: Volume 10 by
Social Stress in Domestic Animals by
Anesthesiology and the Heart: Annual Utah Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology 1990 by
Recent Developments in Alcoholism: Volume 8: Combined Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence by
Inheritance of Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases by
Evolutionary Biology: Volume 24 by
Brain Mechanisms in Problem Solving and Intelligence: A Lesion Survey of the Rat Brain by Thompson, Robert, Crinella, Francis M., Yu, Jen
Handbook of Outpatient Treatment of Adults: Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders by
Handbook of the Brief Psychotherapies by
Handbook of Sexual Assault: Issues, Theories, and Treatment of the Offender by
The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions by MacLean, P. D.
Handbook of Behavior Modification with the Mentally Retarded by
Acute Myocardial Infarction: Setting Priorities for Effectiveness Research by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services
Broadening the Base of Treatment for Alcohol Problems by Institute of Medicine, Committee on Treatment of Alcohol Problems
Reports of the Committee on Vision: 1947-1990 by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Human Factors Research Needs for an Aging Population by Board on Human-Systems Integration, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Nutrition During Pregnancy: Part I: Weight Gain, Part II: Nutrient Supplements by Committee on Nutritional Status During Pregnancy and Lactati, Institute of Medicine
Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance, Volume I by Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assura, Institute of Medicine
Medicare: A Strategy for Quality Assurance, Volume II: Sources and Methods by Institute of Medicine, Committee to Design a Strategy for Quality Review and Assura
Advances in Photoreception: Proceedings of a Symposium on Frontiers of Visual Science by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Consensus Development at the Nih: Improving the Program by Report of a Study by a Committee of the Institute of Medicin, Institute of Medicine, Council on Health Care Technology
Modern Methods of Clinical Investigation by Institute of Medicine, Committee on Technological Innovation in Medicine
Hip Fracture: Setting Priorities for Effectiveness Research by Institute of Medicine, Division of Health Care Services
Contemporary Neuropsychology and the Legacy of Luria by
Nitroglycerin 6 by
The Meanings of Menopause: Historical, Medical, and Cultural Perspectives by
Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Health and Disease by Lees
Schocklunge - ARDS by Dietlein, E., Dietlein, M., Heine, Heinrich
Health by Aggleton, Peter
Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast '89: A Selection of Papers from the International Workshop Eurocast '89, Las Palmas, Spain, February 26 - Mar by
Early Diagnosis of Cancer in General Practice: A Manual by Holtedahl, Knut
Prescriptions: The Dissemination of Medical Authority by
Klinische Chemie Und Mikroskopie by Rick, Wirnt
Protein Production by Biotechnology by Harris, T. J. R.
Popular Medicine in 13th-Century England: Introduction and Texts by Hunt, Tony
Beyond Baby M: Ethical Issues in New Reproductive Techniques by Bartels, Dianne M., Priester, Reinhard, Vawter, Dorothy E.
Psychosomatik Der Ulkuskrankheit: Psychodiagnostik, Soziales Arrangement Und Prognose Beim Ulcus Duodeni by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1989/90 by
Fritz Heider Notebooksvol VI, Units & Coinciding Units by Benesh-Weiner
Rules of Hope by Chon, Kyum K., Averill, James R., Catlin, George
Prostacyclin and Hypertension by Rahn, Karl-Heinz, Bönner, Gerd
Ecological Perception Research, Visual Communication, and Aesthetics by
Neuropsychological Treatment of Dyslexia by Bakker, Dirk J.
Östrogene in Diagnostik Und Therapie by
Gallstone Disease: Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Approaches by
Vorträge Der XII. Fortbildungswoche Der Dermatologischen Klinik Und Poliklinik Der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München in Verbindung Mit Dem Berufs by
Macromolecular Medical Biochem by Thompson, R. J., Luzio, J. P.
Molecular Biology of the Islets of Langerhans by
Vascular Epiphytes: General Biology and Related Biota by Benzing, David H.
Moral Theory and Medical Practice by Fulford, K. W. M.
Freunde in Der Zeit Des Aufbruchs Der Chemie: Der Briefwechsel Zwischen Theodor Curtius Und Carl Duisberg by Becke-Göhring, Margot
Stress Doppler Echocardiography by
Physical Processes in Hot Cosmic Plasmas by Brinkmann, W., Giovannelli, Franco, Fabian, A. C.
Advances in Psychological Assessment: Volume 7 by
The Screening Handbook: A Practitioner's Guide by Fry, John, Jeffree, P., Scott, K.
Scintigraphy of Inflammation with Nanometer-Sized Colloidal Tracers by De Schrijver, Marc
Economic Aspects of AIDS and HIV Infection by
Die Wuhan-Studie: Eine Prospektive Vergleichsstudie Über Risikofaktoren Und Häufigkeit Der Koronaren Herzerkrankung Bei 40- Bis 60jährig by Feng, Zongchen, Siegrist, Johannes, Bernhardt, Ralph
Immunotherapy of Disease by
New Trends in Gastric Cancer: Background and Videosurgery by
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 1990: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, Jerusalem, September 10-13, 1989 by
Clinical Stories and Their Translations: Volume 3 by Stein, Howard F., Apprey, Maurice
Stress Management: An Integrated Approach to Therapy by Cotton, Dorothy H. G.
Health and Lifestyles by Blaxter, Mildred
New Pharmacological and Epidemiological Data in Analgesics Research by Brune
Diagnostik und Therapie der erektilen Dysfunktion mit vasoaktiven Substanzen by
Children of Battered Women by Wilson, Susan Kaye, Jaffe, Peter G., Wolfe, David A.
Partners in Birth: Your Complete Guide to Helping a Mother Give Birth by Cain, Kathy
Fetus Into Man: Physical Growth from Conception to Maturity, Revised Edition by Tanner, James M.
Advanced Histopathology by Stamp, Gordon W. H., Wright, N. a.
Krebs -- Bewältigung Und Verlauf by Wirsching, M.
Struma by
Psychopharmakologie: Anwendung Und Wirkungsweise Von Psychopharmaka Und Drogen by Rockstroh, Brigitte, Elbert, Thomas
Indoor Air Quality by
Radiologische Dünndarmdiagnostik by
Notfallmedizin by
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1989 by
Successful Models of Community Long Term Care Services for the Elderly by Killeffer, Eloise H., Bennett, Ruth
Die Kalkaneusfraktur by Forgon, Mihaly, Zadravecz, György
Update 1990 by
Pattern Thinking by Coward, L. Andrew
Aktuelle Pankreaschirurgie by
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