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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1991

The Sociology of the Health Service by
Kognition Und Emotion in Der Frühkindlichen Entwicklung by Kaufmann-Hayoz, Ruth
MRI of the Central Nervous System: A Pathology Atlas by
The Information Society: Evolving Landscapes by
Ermüdungsbruch Durch Osteoporose: Risiken Von Zyklusstörungen Und Leistungssport by
Home Care for the Elderly: An International Perspective by Cox, Carole, Monk, Abraham, Capitman, John
Histological Typing of Tumours of the Gallbladder and Extrahepatic Bile Ducts by Albores-Saavedra, Jorge, Henson, D. E., Sobin, Leslie H.
Spinning Straw Into Gold: Your Emotional Recovery from Breast Cancer by Kaye, Ronnie
The Psychology of Jealousy and Envy by
PCR Topics: Usage of Polymerase Chain Reaction in Genetic and Infectious Diseases by
Nuclear Analytical Methods in the Life Sciences by Zeisler, Rolf, Guinn, Vincent P.
Psychosoziale Kompetenz in Der Ärztlichen Primärversorgung: Ein Lernbuch Für Ärztinnen, Ärzte Und Studierende by Hesse, Eberhard, Köhle, Karl, Helmich, Peter
A Disease of Society: Cultural and Institutional Responses to AIDS by
A Disease of Society: Cultural and Institutional Responses to AIDS by
Principles of Pharmacology: A Tropical Approach by Okpako, D. T., D. T., Okpako
Corticonics: Neural Circuits of the Cerebral Cortex by Abeles, Moshe
Science and Empire by Cranefield, Paul F.
Human Change Process: The Scientific Foundations of Psychotherapy by Mahoney, Michael J.
Datenbanksysteme in Büro, Technik Und Wissenschaft: Gi-Fachtagung, Kaiserslautern, 6.-8.März, 1991 Proceedings by
Infektionen Auf Intensivstationen: (9. Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage, 1.-2. März 1991) by
Genomanalyse Und Gentherapie: Ethische Herausforderungen in Der Humanmedizin by
Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing by Davies, Janet L., Davies
PRAXIS Der Ernährungsberatung by Pudel, Volker
Coeliac Disease: 40 Years Gluten-Free by
Melanoma Research: Genetics, Growth Factors, Metastases, and Antigens by
Written Language Disorders by
The Fungal Spore and Disease Initiation in Plants and Animals by
Biomedical Light Microscopy by Tanke, H. J., James, J.
Partnerschaft Und Sexualität Bei Geistiger Behinderung by
Interfaces in Medicine and Mechanics--2 by
Causation and Prevention of Human Cancer: Proceedings of the 8th Annual Symposium of the European Organization for Cooperation in Cancer Prevention St by
Teil II: Sitzungsbericht by
Einführung in Die Informatik: Algorithmenentwicklung by Kröger, Fred
Lipid Biochemistry: An Introduction by Gurr, M. I., Harwood, J. L.
Saccharomyces by
Databases for Cardiology by Pinciroli, Francesco, Meester, Geert Ed.
Prognosis in the Rheumatic Diseases by Bellamy, Nicholas Ed., Bellamy, Nicholas
Selective Activation of Drugs by Redox Processes by Adams, Ed, Adams, Matthew, Adams, Gerald E.
The Paramyxoviruses by Kingsbury, David Ed.
Frcr Part I by
Coffee, Tea, Mate, Methylxanthines and Methylglyoxal by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
Crack Cocaine: A Practical Treatment Approach For The Chemically Dependent by Wallace, Barbara C.
Biosensors with Fiberoptics by Wingard, Jr., Wise, Donald L.
Rethinking Psychiatry: From Cultural Category to Personal Experience by Kleinman, Arthur
Diseases in the Ancient Greek World by Grmek, Mirko D.
Culture and Politics in Northern Ireland 1960-1990 by Hughes, Eamon, Hughes, Eammon, Hughes Eammon
Preclinical Drug Disposition: A Laboratory Handbook by Tse Francis, Lai-Sing
Codependency Conspiracy: How to Break the Recovery Habit and Take Charge of Your Life by Katz, Stan J., Liu, Aimee
Traffic Safety and the Driver by Evans, Leonard
Beyond Love by Lapierre, Dominique
Gas-Liquid-Solid Chromatography by Berezkin, Victor G.
Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents: Evaluation and Intervention by Schinke, Steven, Botvin, Gilbert J., Orlandi, Mario A.
Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents: Evaluation and Intervention by Botvin, Gilbert J., Orlandi, Mario A., Schinke, Steven
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1990 by
The Future of Social Psychology by
Cognitive Therapy in Clinical Practice: An Illustrative Casebook by
The State of the Prisons - 200 Years on by
Frcr Part I by Blakeney, Charles G., Brooks, Alan, Butler, Paul
Die Pflege Des Brandverletzten by Grabosch, Alfons, Günnewig, Michael
Vergleichende Histologie: Cytologie Und Mikroanatomie Der Tiere by Kolb, Gertrud M. H.
Allgemeine Pathologie: Ein Bilderlehrbuch by Govan, Alasdair D. T.
Woman as Healer by Achterberg, Jeanne
New Harvest by Wisest, Walter E., Keyes, C. Don
HPLC in the Pharmaceutical Industry by
Phospholipases: Volume 197 by
Das Maligne Melanom: Derzeitiger Stand in Diagnose Und Therapie by
Pulmonary Function in Mechanically Ventilated Patients by
Strategy in Bedside Hemodynamic Monitoring by
Tissue Oxygen Utilization by
Update 1991 by
Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms by Giddan, Jane J., Giddan, Norman
Psychologische Probleme in Der Reproduktionsmedizin by
The Expectant Parent's Guide to Preventing a Cesarean Section by Jones, Carl
Doctors and the State: The Politics of Health Care in France and the United States by Wilsford, David
The Expectant Parent's Guide to Preventing a Cesarean Section by Jones, Carl
The Complete Herbal Handbook for Farm and Stable by de Baïracli Levy, Juliette
Röntgen Kontrastmittel: Nebenwirkungen - Prophylaxe - Therapie by
Sleep and Health Risk by
Methodologie Der Medizinischen Diagnostik: Entwicklung, Beurteilung Und Anwendung Von Diagnoseverfahren in Der Medizin by Richter, Klaus, Köbberling, Johannes
The Natural History of Rabies, Second Edition by Baer, George M.
Nursing Informatics '91: Pre-Conference Proceedings by
Shattered Nerves: Doctors, Patients, and Depression in Victorian England by Cppenheim, Janet, Oppenheim, Janet
Nutrition in the '90s: Current Controversies and Analysis by Gerald E Gaull
Physiological Strategies for Gas Exchange and Metabolism by Woakes, A. J. Ed
Monoclonal Antibodies: Cytokines and Arthritis, Mediators of Inflammation and Therapy by Kresina
The Medical Detectives: The Classic Collection of Award-Winning Medical Investigative Reporting by Roueche, Berton
Atlas of IR Spectra of Organophosphorus Compounds: Interpreted Spectrograms by Chernova, A. V., Vinogradova, V. S., Shagidullin, R. R.
Light, Lasers, and Synchrotron Radiation: A Health Risk Assessment by
Prevention in Nephrology by
Quantitative Coronary Arteriography by
Approaches to Breast Cancer Prevention by
Childhood Leukemia: Present Problems and Future Prospects: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Children#x2019;s Cancer Tokyo, Japan, by
Mental Imagery by
Recent Advantages in the Epidemiology and Prevention of Gallstone Disease by Capocaccia, Livio, International Workshop on the Epidemiology and Prevention of
Nitroarenes: Occurence, Metabolism, Biological Impact by International Conference on N-Substituted Aryl Compounds Occ, Howard, Robert, Beland, F. a.
Modern Approaches to Endometriosis by
Purines: Basic and Clinical Aspects by Simmonds, H. a., Simmonds, Anne, Stone, T. W.
Blood Cell Biochemistry, Volume 3: Lymphocytes and Granulocytes by Harris
Therapy of Renal Diseases and Related Disorders by
Relevance to Human Cancer of N-Nitroso Compounds, Tobacco Smoke and Mycotoxins by Chen, J., Bartsch, H., O'Neill, I. K.
Forensic Science Progress 5 by
Geriatric Case Practice in Nursing Homes by Mercer, Susan O., Garner, J. Dianne, Leon, Joel
The Strategic Health Care Manager by Stevens, George H.
Geriatric Case Practice in Nursing Homes by Leon, Joel, Mercer, Susan O., Garner, J. Dianne
Praktische Geburtshilfe by Dudenhausen, Joachim W., Pschyrembel, Willibald
Pneumocystis-Carinii-Pneumonie Bei Immunsuppression: Prophylaxe Und Therapie in Der Hämatologie, Onkologie Und Bei Organtransplantation by
Osteoporose by
In Search of Safety: Chemicals and Cancer Risk by Graham, John D., Green, Laura C., Roberts, Marc J.
Ideology and Insanity: Essays on the Psychiatric Dehumanization of Man by Szasz, Thomas
Virus of Invertebrates by
Mitralklappenprolaps Und Mitralklappenprolaps-Syndrom by Werdan, Karl, Müller, Ursula
Nichtmedikamentöse Therapie Kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktoren by
Doctors' Careers: Aims and Experiences of Medical Graduates by Parkhouse, James
Breast Cancer by Clark, Andrew, Fallowfield, Lesley
Chirurgisches Forum '91 Für Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung: 108. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie München, 16.-20. April 1991 by
Heterocyclic N-Oxides by Albini, Angelo
Alcohol and the Public Health: A Study by a Working Party of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine of the Royal Colleges of Physicians on the Prevent by Kemm, John
The Open Packing -- Laparostomy --: In Pancreatitis and Peritonitis by
Quantitative Methoden in Der Epidemiologie: 35. Jahrestagung Der Gmds Berlin, September 1990 by
Arzneimittelforschung Nach Der Zulassung: Bestandsaufnahme Und Perspektiven by Schäfer, H., Nowak, H., Victor, N.
Court-Brown: Atlas Closed Nail, Ing of the Tibia by Court-Brown, C.
Im Leben Bleiben: Psychosoziale Aspekte Der Nachsorge Brustkrebskranker Frauen by
Experiments on Embryos by
Der Tracheotomierte Patient by Knöbber, Dirk F.
Verstehender Umgang Mit Alten Menschen: Eine Einführung in Die Praktische Gerontopsychiatrie by Kipp, Johannes, Jüngling, Gerd
Gene Transfer and Expression Protocols by Murray, Edward J.
Topics in Colorectal Disease by
Chemie Für Mediziner: Begleittext Zum Gegenstandskatalog Für Die Fächer Der Ärztlichen Vorprüfung by Latscha, Hans P., Klein, Helmut A.
Statistical Methods in Toxicology: Proceedings of a Workshop During Eurotox '90 Leipzig, Germany, September 12-14, 1990 by
Teil I: Referate: Teilresektionen Des Kehlkopfes Bei Karzinomen. Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Krankheiten Bei Kindern by
Activities in Action: Proceedings of the National Association of Activity Professionals 1990 Conference by
Intracranial Angiomas. Neurosurgical Intensive Care. Supratentorial Tumors in Children: Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesells by
Selektive Re-Uptake-Hemmung Und Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Depression by
Klinisch-Mikrobiologisches Management by Miksits, Klaus, Hahn, Helmut
Advances in Ergometry by
Umweltorientiertes Krankenhausmanagement: Strategien Und Maßnahmen Für Eine Größere Umweltverträglichkeit by Wilhelm, Ernst, Janischowski, Axel J. F.
Irrtum Und Erkenntnis: Fehlerquellen Im Erkenntnisprozeß Von Biologie Und Medizin by Bässler, Ulrich
Das Münchner Blutdruckprogramm: Ein Demonstrationsprojekt Zur Hypertoniebekämpfung in Der Bevölkerung by Hense, Hans-Werner, Keil, Ulrich
Psychoanalysis and the Concept of a Rule: An Essay in the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis by Mooij, Anton
Plant Genetic Resources of Ethiopia by
Representations of Vision by
Shame and the Self by Broucek, Francis J.
Fits and Faints by Stephenson, J. B. P.
Rehabilitationsprogramm Nach Knieoperationen by Bochdansky, Thomas, Kollos, Silvia, Bosina, Elisabeth
Apolipoproteins in Lipid Disorders: Risk Assessment and Monitoring by
Alcohol by Miller, Norman S., Gold, Mark S.
The Analysis, Communication, and Perception of Risk by
Chemistry of Nucleosides and Nucleotides by
Day Treatment for Children with Emotional Disorders by
Biochemistry of the Eye by Berman, Elaine R.
Biocatalysts for Industry by
Essential Psychology by Burns, R. B.
Advances in Radiation Protection by
Fibrinogen, Thrombosis, Coagulation and Fibrinolysis by Liu, Chung Y., Chien, Shu, International Scientific Symposium on Fibrinogen Thrombosis
Heart Failure. Mechanisms and Management by
Cardiac Electrophysiology, Circulation, and Transport by
Molecular and Cellular Biology of Multidrug Resistance in Tumor Cells by Roninson, Igor Ed.
Interventional Techniques in Cardiovascular Medicine by Hombach, V. Ed., Universitat Ulm
Mandated Health Care: Issues and Strategies by Westerfield, Donald L.
Handbook of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings by
Handbook of Clinical Behavior Therapy with the Elderly Client by
Sex and Love: Addiction, Treatment, and Recovery by Griffin-Shelley, Eric
Psychosocial Aspects of HIV and AIDS and the Evaluation of Preventive Strategies: Report on a Who Meeting by Centers of Disease Control
Saying Goodbye: A Casebook of Termination in Child and Adolescent Analysis and Therapy by
Biologie des Alterns by
Adolescent Self: Strategies for Self-Management, Self-Soothing, and Self-Esteem in Adolescents by Wexler, Wexler, David B.
Substance Abuse as Symptom: A Psychoanalytic Critique of Treatment Approaches and the Cultural Beliefs That Sustain Them by Berger, Louis S.
Middle-Class Waifs: The Psychodynamic Treatment of Affectively Disturbed Children by Siegel, Elaine V.
The Nature of Their Bodies: Women and Their Doctors in Victorian Canada by Mitchinson, Wendy
Studying Families by
Meta-Analytic Procedures for Social Research by Rosenthal, Robert
Caring for Life and Death by Samarel, Nelda
The Geometrical Optics Workbook by Loshin, David S.
Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome: An Aspect of Multiple Organ Failure Results of a Prospective Clinical Study by
Psychosomatische Rheumatologie by
Güterabwägung in Der Medizin: Ethische Und Ärztliche Probleme by
Das Zervixkarzinom by Elling, Dirk
Zns-Metastasierung Des Mammakarzinoms by
Ethik in Der Psychiatrie: Wertebegründung -- Wertedurchsetzung by
Degenerative Und Metabolische Erkrankungen by Cervos-Navarro, J.
Dekubitus by Braun, Michael
Gene-Mapping Techniques and Applications by
Shock, Sepsis, and Organ Failure: Second Wiggers Bernard Conference May 27-30, 1990, Schloß Dürnstein, Austria by
The Measurement of Health: Concepts and Indicators by Larson, James S.
Delivering Health Care Comprehensively by Brotman, Richard, Hutson, David, Silverman, Irving
Health Care Services in the 1990s: A Consumer's Guide by Williams, Stephen Joseph, Guerra, Sandra J.
Alcohol Education and Young Offenders: Medium and Short Term Effectiveness of Education Programs by Baldwin, Steve
Die Peronaeussehnenluxation by Orthner, Ernst
Single-Dose Antibiotikaprophylaxe by Mindermann, Thomas
Der Text Und Seine Verknüpfungen: Studien Zur Psychoanalytischen Methode by Argelander, Hermann
Public Health: Texte Zu Stand Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by
Osteologie -- Interdisziplinär: Untersuchungsmethoden, Rheumatologie, Sportmedizin by
Health Care Services in the 1990s: A Consumer's Guide by Williams, Stephen Joseph, Guerra, Sandra J.
Mental Health Work in the Community: Theory and Practice in Social Work and Community Psychiatric Nursing by Sheppard, Michael
NMR Imaging: Recent Developments and Future Prospects by
Neuronal Networks of the Hippocampus by Traub, Roger D., Miles, Richard
Coronary Blood Flow: Mechanics, Distribution, and Control by Spaan, J. a.
Cataract: Biochemistry, Epidemiology and Pharmacology by Harding, J. J.
Tubulo-Interstitial Nephropathies: Proceedings of the 4th Bari Seminar in Nephrology, Bari, Italy, April 25-28, 1990 by
Recombinant Technology in Hemostasis and Thrombosis by Hoyer, Leon W., Hoyer, Leon Ed, Drohan, William
See More