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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1993

Enseigner pour mieux apprendre: Guide à l'attention des enseignants du personnel de soins de santé primaires (Deuxième édition) by Abbatt, F. R.
On Nursing: A Literary Celebration by Styles, Margretta, Moccia, Patricia, Styles
Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Quality Programming by Burke, Cheryl L., Will, Carol, Parker, Sandra D.
Hunnius Pharmazeutisches Wörterbuch by Hunnius, Curt
Adult-Child Research & Experience: Personal and Professional Legacies of a Dysfunctional Co-Dependant Family by Haskell, Robert E.
Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Working with Residents with Significant Physical and Cognitive Disabilities by Will, Carol
Biological Approaches to the Study of Human Intelligence by Vernon, Philip
The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication, Second Edition by Todd, Alexandra Dundas, Fisher, Sue
Inhibitors of Monoamine Oxidase B: Pharmacology and Clinical Use in Neurodegenerative Disorders by
Psychobiology and Cognitive Therapy of the Neuroses by Becker, R., Lungwitz, Hans, Lungwitz, H.
Manual of Biological Markers of Disease Including Sections A; B; And C by
Metallothionein III by Suzuki, K. T.
A Glossary of Anesthesia and Related Terminology by Klein, Sanford L.
The Naked Neuron: Evolution and the Languages of the Body and Brain by Joseph, Rhawn
Doctors on Horseback: Pioneers of American Medicine by Flexner, James T.
Experimental Pulse NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach by Roeder, Stephen B. W., Fukushima, Eiichi
Methyl Parathion: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 145 by ILO, Unep
Dichloropropene (1,3), Dichloropropane (1,2) and Mixtures: Environmental Health Criteria Series No 146 by ILO, Unep
Ethnic Variations in Dying, Death and Grief: Diversity in Universality by
Promoting the Development of Young Children with Cerebral Palsy by Who, Wcpt, Wfot
Sym Vol 57 Cell Surface (C) by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Superantigens #7 (93) by Brigitte T Huber
Prädiktoren Und Therapieresistenz in Der Psychiatrie by
The Code of Codes: Scientific and Social Issues in the Human Genome Project by
A Measure of Malpractice: Medical Injury, Malpractice Litigation, and Patient Compensation by Hiatt, Howard H., Newhouse, Joseph P., Weiler, Paul C.
Contraceptive Care: Meeting Individual Needs by Skrine, Ruth, Montford, Heather
Movement and Drama in Therapy by Wethered, Audrey G.
Groupwork in Occupational Therapy by Finlay, Linda
Diagnose Von Technischen Systemen: Grundlagen, Methoden Und Perspektiven Der Fehlerdiagnose by Althoff, Klaus-Dieter
Verhandlungen Der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft Für Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe: Jahresversammlung Lugano, 24.-26. Juni 1993 by Hochuli, Ernst, Loparo, Kenneth A.
Elder Abuse: Concepts, Theories and Interventions by Bennett, Gerry, Kingston, Paul W.
Midwives, Research and Childbirth: Volume 3 by Thomson, Ann M., Robinson, Sarah
Teamwork in Neurology by Nieuwenhuis, Ruth
Occupational Therapy for Orthopaedic Conditions by Penrose, Dina
Teaching Students in Clinical Settings by Stengelhofen, Jackie
Down Syndrome: Moving Through Life by Gunn, Yvonne Burns and Pat
Changing Services for People with Learning Disabilities by Farmer, R., Rohde, J., Sacks, B.
Elderly Care: A World Perspective by Tout, Ken
The Practice of Health Services Research by Ong, Bie Nio
Aphasia Treatment: World Perspectives by Forbes, Audrey L. Holland and Margaret M.
Perceptuo-Motor Difficulties: Theory and Strategies to Help Children, Adolescents and Adults by Penso, Dorothy E.
Health Research in Practice: Political, Ethical and Methodological Issues by Colquhoun, Derek, Kellehear, Allan
The Myth of Community Care: An Alternative Neighbourhood Model of Care by Baldwin, Steve
Complementary Medicine and Disability: Alternatives for People with Disabling Conditions by Vickers, Andrew
Rehabilitating Blind and Visually Impaired People: A Psychological Approach by Dodds, Allan
Neurophysiology of Consciousness by Libet
Health Services Research: Key to Health Policy by
The Profit Motive and Patient Care: The Changing Accountability of Doctors and Hospitals by Gray, Bradford H.
Notes on Clinical Biochemistry by Crook, Martin, Candlish, John K.
Dangerous to Your Health by Navarro, Vicente
The Social Organization of Doctor-Patient Communication by Todd, Alexandra, Fisher, Sue
Notes on Clinical Biochemistry by Candlish, John K., Crook, Martin
Stufendiagnostik und -therapie benigner Magenerkrankungen by Miederer, S. E., Kurtz, Winfried
Diagnostische Methoden in der Pneumologie by
Private Choices and Public Health: The AIDS Epidemic in an Economic Perspective by Posner, Richard A., Philipson, Tomas J.
Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability by
Progress in Standardization in Health Care Informatics by
Advances in Biomedical Engineering by
Successful Focus Groups: Advancing the State of the Art by Morgan, David, Morgan, Sally
Controversial Issues in Health Care Policy by Kelly, Rita Mae, Palumbo, Dennis, Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs
Angry Gut: Coping with Colitis and Crohn's Disease by Thompson, W. Grant
Developing Minds: Challenge and Continuity Across the Lifespan by Rutter, Rutter, Marjorie, Rutter, Michael J.
AIDS Prevention Through Education: A World View by
Exercise Psychology: The Influence of Physical Exercise on Psychological Processes by
Coping Skills Interventions for Children and Adolescents by Forman, Susan G.
In Memoriam Albert Döderlein by
A Dictionary of Concepts in NMR by Homans, S. W.
National Health Systems of the World: Volume II: The Issues by Roemer, Milton I.
Human Cardiovascular Control by Rowell, Loring B.
Clinical Electrophysiology of the Somatosensory Cortex: A Combined Study Using Electrocorticography, Scalp-Eeg, and Magnetoencephalography by Baumgartner, Christoph
The Sonar of Dolphins by Au, Whitlow W. L.
Symptoms of Depression by
Herzfunktion Unter Beatmung by Forst, Helmuth
Updates in Colo-Proctology by
Glycoprotein Analysis in Biomedicine by
Noise, Noise Sensitivity and Psychiatric Disorder: Epidemiological and Psychophysiological Studies by Stansfeld, Stephen A.
Konzepte Zur Sicherheit in Der Anästhesie: Teil 2: Risiken Durch Pharmaka by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1992/93 by
The Merging of the Senses by Stein, Barry E., Meredith, M. Alex
Mechanics of Human Joints: Physiology: Pathophysiology, and Treatment by
The Politics of Medical Encounters: How Patients and Doctors Deal with Social Problems by Waitzkin, Howard
Statistical Methods in Cancer Research by Breslow, Norman E., Day, Nicholas E.
Muscles, Masses and Motion: The Physiology of Normality, Hypotonicity, Spasticity and Rigidity by Walsh, E. Geoffrey
Grundbegriffe Der Manuellen Medizin: Terminologie - Diagnostik - Therapie by
The Immunology of Human Pregnancy by Claman, Henry N.
The Floppy Infant by Dubowitz, Victor
Risk and Protective Factors in the Development of Psychopathology by
Life and Death: Philosophical Essays in Biomedical Ethics by Brock, Dan W.
Urban Ecology Health in Third by
The Alcoholic Society: Addiction and Recovery of the Self by Denzin, Norman K.
God of the Machine by Paterson, Isabel
The Phantom Public by
The Essentials of Peritoneal Dialysis by Khanna, Ramesh, Nolph, K. D., Khanna, R.
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychopathology by
Advances in Clinical Child Psychology: Volume 15 by
Colour Vision Deficiencies XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh Symposium of the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies, Held in Sydne by
Heart Function in Health and Disease by
Creating Wholeness: A Self-Healing Workbook Using Dynamic Relaxation, Images, and Thoughts by Holt, Catherine F., Peper, Erik
The Management of Mass Burn Casualties and Fire Disasters: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Burns and Fire Disasters by
Cardiac Surgery by Cernaianu, Aurel
The Use of Resealed Erythrocytes as Carriers and Bioreactors by Deloach, J. R., International Society for the Use of Resealed Erythrocytes a
Mass Spectrometry: Clinical and Biomedical Applications by
Development of the Central Nervous System in Vertebrates by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Development of the Central
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy: Toward Clinical Trials of Glioma Treatment by
Recovery from Brain Damage by Rose, David, European Brain and Behaviour Society (Ebbs) Workshop on Reco
Genetically Engineered Vaccines by Ciardi, J. E., National Institute of Dental Research (U S )
Issues in Risk Assessment by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Effects of Health Programs on Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Assessment of the Possible Health Effects of the Ground Wave Emergency Network by Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Laughing Gas by Wallechinsky, David, Salyer, Saunie
Exercise Echange Program: Unique System That Allows You to Design Your Own Diet by Rippe, James M.
A Path with a Heart: Ericksonian Utilization with Resistant and Chronic Clients by Dolan, Yvonne M.
The Gifts of Civilization: Germs and Genocide in Hawaii by Bushnell, O. a.
Addictive Behaviors Across the Life Span by
Parkinson's Disease: The Complete Guide for Patients and Caregivers by Lieberman, Abraham N.
The Dual Disorders Recovery Book: A Twelve Step Program for Those of Us with Addiction and an Emotional or Psychiatric Illness by Anonymous
Beatmung: (11. Wiener Intensivmedizinische Tage, 5.-6. Februar 1993) by
Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy by Kent, James Tyler
Effects of Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents by Weiss, Bahr, Weisz, John R.
Enzymatic Analysis: A Practical Guide by Passonneau, Janet V., Lowry, Oliver H.
Biomedical Ethics Reviews - 1992 by
Peep Und ARDS: Modellsimulation Atemmechanischer Kenngrößen by Heinrichs, Wolfgang
Rehabilitation Bei Querschnittlähmung: Ein Multidisziplinärer Leitfaden by Beckers, Dominiek, Buck, Math
Death in Childbirth: An International Study of Maternal Care and Maternal Mortality 1800-1950 by Loudon, Irvine
Fundamentals of Genetic Epidemiology by Cohen, Bernice H., Beaty, Terri H., Khoury, Muin J.
The Complete Book of Foaling: An Illustrated Guide for the Foaling Attendant by Hayes, Karen E. N.
Ökosystem Darm IV: Immunologie, Mikrobiologie, Funktionsstörungen, Klinische Manifestation, Klinik Und Therapie Akuter Und Chronischer Da by
Nutrients as Ergogenic AIDS for Sports and Exercise by Bucci, Luke R.
Experiencing Psychiatry: Users' Views of Services by Pilgrim, David, Lacey, Ron, Rogers, Anne
Reeder and Felson's Gamuts in Bone, Joint and Spine Radiology: Comprehensive Lists of Roentgen Differential Diagnosis by Reeder, Maurice M.
Biostatistics: Experimental Design and Statistical Inference by Zolman, James F., Zolman
Fractures of the Acetabulum by Letournel, Emile
Sitzungsbericht by
Community Participation in Health: The Politics of Primary Care in Costa Rica by Morgan, Lynn Marie
Developing Staff Competencies for Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities: An Orientation Handbook, Second Edition by Gardner, James, Chapman, Michael
Risky Sexual Behaviors Among African-Americans by Johnson, Ernest H.
Cellular Function and Metabolism by
Osteosarcoma in Adolescents and Young Adults: New Developments and Controversies by
Fungal Infections and Immune Responses by
Electrocardiography Pocket Book by Rowlands, D. J.
History of Ophthalmology 5: Sub Auspiciis Academiae Ophthalmologicae Internationalis by
Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes in Human Malignancies by
Targeting of Drugs, Volume 3:: The Challenge of Peptides and Proteins by NATO Advanced Study Institute on Targeting of Drugs the Chal, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Florence, A. T.
Synthetic Microstructures in Biological Research by
Pet Studies on Amino Acid Metabolism and Protein Synthesis by European Economic Community
Anesthesia and the Central Nervous System: Papers Presented at the 38th Annual Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, February 19-23, 1993 by
Cerebral Damage Before and After Cardiac Surgery by Willner, Allen
Developmental Neurocognition: Speech and Face Processing in the First Year of Life by
Cardiac Output and Regional Flow in Health and Disease by
Ethics at the Bedside by
Ordnungsmacht Psychiatrie?: Psychiatrische Zwangseinweisung ALS Soziale Kontrolle by Bruns, Georg
Self-Disclosure by Derlega, Valerian J.
Hospice Handbook 1993 by Beresford, Larry
The Health of Poultry by
The Efferent System of Cranial Nerve Nuclei: A Comparative Neuromorphological Study by Matesz, Clara, Szekely, George
Computergestützte Sonographische Gewebedifferenzierung Des Myokards: Habilitationsschrift, Zur Erlangung Der Venia Legendi an Dem Universitätsklinikum by Lieback-Zimmermann, Evelin
Psychology and Mental Health Nursing: A Problem-Solving Approach by Milne, David
Two Careers, One Family: The Promise of Gender Equality by Gilbert, Lucia Albino
Estrogen: Is It Right for You? Thorough, Factual Guide to Help You Decide by Dranov, Paula
Creating the New American Hospital: A Time for Greatness by Sherman, V. Clayton
Breaking Out Again: Feminist Ontology and Epistemology by Wise, Sue, Stanley, Liz
Attachment Across the Life Cycle by
Hands by Napier, John
Respiratoren in Der Klinischen PRAXIS by
Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine 1993 by Vincent, Jean-Louis
Combined Effects of Drugs and Toxic Agents: Modern Evaluation in Theory and Practice by Pöch, Gerald
Kurzpsychotherapie Nach Suizidversuch: Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Reimer, Christian, Arentewicz, Gerd
Disease Transmission by Insects: Its Discovery and 90 Years of Effort to Prevent It by Busvine, James
Allgemeinmedizin by
Clinical Photomedicine by Lim, H. W.
Doctors' Stories: The Narrative Structure of Medical Knowledge by Hunter, Kathryn Montgomery
Intestinal Anastomoses with Bioabsorbable Anastomosis Rings: Proceedings of the First European Workshop by
Cancer Factories: America's Tragic Quest for Uranium Self-Sufficiency by Ball, Howard
The Biology of Neuropeptide Y and Related Peptides by Colmers, William F., Wahlestedt, Claes
Negotiating Health Care: The Social Context of Chronic Illness by Thorne, Sally E.
Primate Laterality: Current Behavioral Evidence of Primate Asymmetries by
The Moral Dimensions of Marriage and Family Therapy by Lageman, August G.
Biostatistics for Epidemiologists by Ahlbom, Anders
Die Brust: Signal, Symbol, Organ by Gödtel, Reiner
Älterwerden: Die Neue Herausforderung by Nikolaus, Thorsten
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Impulsive Children, Second Edition by Kendall, Philip C., Braswell, Lauren
Chronic Pain by Hooshmand, Hooshang
Handbook of Bereavement by
Healing Sounds from the Malaysian Rainforest: Temiar Music and Medicine Volume 28 by Roseman, Marina
Motor Development in Early and Later Childhood: Longitudinal Approaches by
Biophysical Labeling Methods by Likhtenshtein, Gertz I., Likhtenshtein, G. I.
Sebs 53 Post-Transltn Modifcat by Battey, N. H.
Perspektiven Des Videos in Der Klinischen Psychiatrie Und Psychotherapie by
Das Ovarialkarzinom: 1 Tumorbiologie, Screening, Staging by
Assessing Risks to Health: Methodologic Approaches by
Tools for Statistical Inference: Observed Data and Data Augmentation Methods by Tanner, Martin A.
Surgery and Society in Peace and War: Orthopaedics and the Organization of Modern Medicine, 1880-1948 by Cooter, R.
Surgery and Society in Peace and War: Orthopaedics and the Organization of Modern Medicine, 1880-1948 by Cooter, R.
Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology by
The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center II: Structure, Spectroscopy and Dynamics by
Leukemia: Advances in Research and Treatment by
Sexual Behavior: Problems and Management by McConaghy, Nathaniel
Handbook of Behavior Therapy in the Psychiatric Setting by
Stains and Cytochemical Methods by Hayat, M. A.
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychotherapy Integration by
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