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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1995

How to Analyze Survey Data by Fink, Arlene G.
A Practical Guide to Clinical Bacteriology by Gruneberg, R. N., Holton, J., Pattison, John R.
Small Gtpases and Their Regulators, Part A: Ras Family: Volume 255 by
The Behavioral High-Risk Paradigm in Psychopathology by
Craniopharyngioma: Surgical Treatment by
Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection by Blasi, Francesco, Allegra, Luigi
Pharmaka in Der Intensiv- Und Notfallmedizin: Arzneistoffprofile Für Anwender by Dirks, Burkhard
Handbook of Development Economics: Volume 3b by
International Review of Cytology: Volume 160 by
Case Studies in Bayesian Statistics, Volume II by
Medical Talk and Medical Work: The Liturgy of the Clinic by Atkinson, Paul
The Imperative of Health: Public Health and the Regulated Body by Lupton, Deborah
Medical Talk and Medical Work by Atkinson, Paul
Dermatotherapie: Ein Leitfaden by Korting, Hans C.
The Culture of Long Term Care: Nursing Home Ethnography by Henderson, J. Neil, Vesperi, Maria
Urodynamik-Leitfaden by Poll, Toni, Fröhlich, Gert
The Imperative of Health: Public Health and the Regulated Body by Lupton, Deborah
Parallel Computing Technologies: Third International Conference, Pact-95, St. Petersburg, Russia, September 12-15, 1995. Proceedings by
Nutrition and Healthtopics and Controversies by Bronner, Felix
Lehrbuch Der Psychosozialen Medizin: Grundlagen Der Medizinischen Psychologie, Psychosomatik, Psychotherapie Und Medizinischen Soziologie by
Handbook of Clinical Toxicology of Animal Venoms and Poisons by White, Julian, Meier, Jurg
Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters by Halberstam, Jack
Ayurveda Secrets of Healing by Tiwari, Maya
Relationship Conflict: Conflict in Parent-Child, Friendship, and Romantic Relationships by Cupach, William R., Canary, Daniel J., Messman, Susan J.
SS 1352 Qualified Nurses, Midwives and Healers by Na, Na
Spürnasen Und Feinschmecker: Die Chemischen Sinne Des Menschen by Plattig, Karl-Heinz
Gesund Oder Krank: Das Immunsystem Entscheidet by Hilgers, Arnold, Hofmann, Inge
Schlafstörungen: Und Was Dagegen Hilft by Volk, Stephan
Rauchen?: Der Erfolgreiche Ausstieg by Mohl, Hans
Ernährung, Immunität, Krebsvorsorge: Gesund Durch Natürliche Lebensmittel by Grimme, L. Horst
Mode Und Chemie: Fasern, Farben, Stoffe by Maute-Daul, Gabriele
The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code: Human Rights in Human Experimentation by Annas, George Ed
Process Development: Fine Chemicals from Grams to Kilograms by Lee, Stan, Robinson, Graham
Biosensors: Theory and Applications by Buerk, Donald G.
Crossing Frontiers: Gerontology Emerges as a Science by Achenbaum, W. Andrew
The Western Medical Tradition: 800 BC to Ad 1800 by Conrad, L., Conrad, Lawrence, Nutton, Vivian
The Peroxisome by Masters, Colin, Crane, Denis
Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster: The Structure of Human Chaos by
Early CT Diagnosis of Hemispheric Brain Infarction by Kummer, Rüdiger V.
Hearing by
Oncogene Techniques: Volume 254 by
Redox-Active Amino Acids in Biology: Volume 258 by
Disorders of Communication: The Science of Intervention by Leahy, Margaret M.
Clinical Measurement in Drug Evaluation by
Bioenergetics at a Glance: An Illustrated Introduction by Harris, D. a.
Feminist Perspectives on Family Care: Policies for Gender Justice by Hooyman, Nancy R., Gonyea, Judith G.
Animal Welfare: Tools for the Analysis of Biodiversity by Webster, John
The Culture of Long Term Care: Nursing Home Ethnography by
Diagnostik Und Therapie Der Posttraumatischen Osteitis by
Illustrated Handbook of Cardiac Surgery by Harlan, Bradley J., Harwin, Fredric M., Starr, Albert
Münchner Manual Zur Orthopädischen Rückenschule by Böhle, E., Höfling, Siegfried, Kaisser, Peter J.
Men′s Health and Illness: Gender, Power, and the Body by
Advances in Imaging Techniques in Ischemic Heart Disease by Van Der Wall, Ernst E., Van Der Wall, E. E.
The Frontal Lobes and Voluntary Action by Passingham, Richard
Occupational Health: A Practical Guide for Managers by Fingret, Ann, Smith, Alan
Technical and Biological Components of Marrow Transplantation by
Molecular Cardiology for the Cardiologists by Swynghedauw, Bernard
Healthy, Wealthy or Wise?: Issues in American Health Care Policy by Stewart, David W.
Healthy, Wealthy or Wise?: Issues in American Health Care Policy by Stewart, David W.
Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum by
Gendered Moods: Psychotropics and Society by Ettorre, Elizabeth, Riska, Elianne
Problem-Based Learning in a Health Sciences Curriculum by
Pediatric Neuropsychology in the Medical Setting by Voeller, Kytja K. S., Fennell, Eileen B., Baron, Ida Sue
Sourcebook of Adult Assessment Strategies by Schutte, Nicola S., Malouff, John M.
Evaluating Managed Mental Health Services: The Fort Bragg Experiment by Foster, E. M., Bickman, Leonard, Breda, C. S.
Chemists' Views of Imaging Centers by
Human Gross Anatomy: An Outline Text by Leonard, Robert J.
Traumatic Stress: From Theory to Practice by
Commuting Stress: Causes, Effects, and Methods of Coping by Reich, Mordechai, Koslowsky, Meni, Kluger, Avraham N.
Chiral Reactions in Heterogeneous Catalysis by DuBois, Vincent, European Symposium on Chiral Reactions in Heterogeneous Cata, Jannes, Georges
Inclusion Chemistry with Zeolites: Nanoscale by Design by
The Pacemaker Clinic of the 90's: Essentials in Brady-Pacing by
Technical Advances in AIDS Research in the Human Nervous System by Major, Eugene Ed., Major, Eugene O., Major, Engene O.
Gendered Moods: Psychotropics and Society by Riska, Elianne, Ettorre, Elizabeth
Aspartic Proteinases: Structure, Function, Biology, and Biomedical Implications by
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Hiv-Related Research by Wollmann, Emmanuelle E.
Occupational Health: A Practical Guide for Managers by Fingret, Ann, Smith, Alan
Multisensory Control of Posture by Mergner, Th, Mergner, T., Mergner, T. Ed.
The Crisis of Care: Affirming and Restoring Caring Practices in the Helping Professions by
A Developmental-functionalist Approach To Child Language by Budwig, Nancy
Dry-Cleaning, Some Chlorinated Solvents and Other Industrial Chemicals by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
In the Midst of Winter: Counseling Families, Couples, and Individuals with AIDS Infection (Revised) by Walker, Gillian
Dendritic Cells in Fundamental and Clinical Immunology: Volume 2 by International Symposium on Dendritic Cells in Fundamental an, Banchereau, James, Banchererau, Jaques Ed.
A Career and Life Planning Guide for Women Survivors: Making the Connections Workbook by Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, Patricia
Attention and Interpretation by Bion, Wilfred
Creating Health: How to Wake Up the Body's Intelligence by Chopra, Deepak
The Psychology of Growing Old by Slater, Robert, Slater, P. Ed
Profiles in Caregiving: The Unexpected Career by Aneshensel, Carol S.
Marketing and Healthcare Organizations by Gilligan, Colin, Lowe, Robin
Klinische Anästhesiologie: Praxisorientierter Leitfaden Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Operativen Vorgehens by
Molekularbiologische Grundlagen Der Gastroenterologie by
Therapieverweigerung Bei Kindern Und Jugendlichen: Medizinrechtliche Aspekte 6. Einbecker Workshop Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Medizinrecht in Zusa by
Tauglichkeitsuntersuchungen Bei Tauchern by Ehm, Oskar F.
Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Cognitive Treatment by Roberts, Albert R.
The Framework of Systemic Organization: A Conceptual Approach to Families and Nursing by Friedemann, Marie-Luise
Futureproofing: If You Can Imagine it, it Will Happen, If You Can't - You're Out of it by Lilley, Roy, Cochrane, Peter
European Review of Social Psychology, Volume 6 by
Eating Disorders in Adolescence by
Relationships in Chronic Illness and Disability by Lyons, Renee F., Sullivan, Michael J. L., Ritvo, Paul G.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Diagnosis, Psychology, and Treatment by
The Sociology of HIV Transmission by Bloor, Michael
The Sociology of HIV Transmission by Bloor, Michael
Crisis Intervention and Time-Limited Cognitive Treatment by Roberts, Albert R.
Medical Virology: A Practical Approach by
Catastrophic Politics - Ppr. by Himelfarb, Richard
Phlebology '95: Proceedings of the XII Congress Union Internationale de Phlébologie, London 3-8 September 1995 Volume 1 by
Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist by Browning, Michael, Maples, William R.
The Analysis of Drugs in Biological Fluids by Chamberlain, Joseph
Lehrbuch für Krankenpflege by
Oxidativer Stress in Der Kinderheilkunde: Theoretische Spekulation Oder Praxisrelevante Tatsache? by
Sexual Behaviour and AIDS in the Developing World by
Sexual Behaviour and AIDS in the Developing World by
Children′s Mental Health Services: Research, Policy, and Evaluation by
Neural Networks: Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Applications: Proceedings of the Third Annual Snn Symposium on Neural Networks, Nijmegen, the by
GPs Guide to Professional and Private Work Outside the NHS by Lindsay, John, Ellis, Norman
Concepts In Inhalation Toxicology by McClellan, Roger O.
Pharmaceutical Powder ComPattion Technology by
Age Differences in Word and Language Processing: Volume 110 by
Sexual Health Promotion in General Practice by Curtis, Hilary
Thermoradiotherapy and Thermochemotherapy: Biology, Physiology, Physics by
No Less a Woman: Femininity, Sexuality, and Breast Cancer by Kahane, Deborah Hobler
No Less a Woman: Femininity, Sexuality, and Breast Cancer by Kahane, Deborah Hobler
Kinder- En Adolescentenpsychiatrie: Een Praktisch Leerboek by Duyx, J. H. M., Brans, H. C. M., Eussen, M. L. J. M.
Advances in Protein Chemistry: Volume 47 by
Future Options for General Practice by Meads, Geoff, Carruthers, Ian
Species and Specificity: An Interpretation of the History of Immunology by Mazumdar, Pauline M. H.
Kinetics for the Life Sciences: Receptors, Transmitters and Catalysts by Gutfreund, H.
Immunological Aspects of the Vascular Endothelium by
Kinetics for the Life Sciences: Receptors, Transmitters and Catalysts by Gutfreund, H., Gutfreund, Herbert
Gametes - The Spermatozoon by Grudzinskas
The Outer Reaches of Life by Postgate, John, Postgate
Social Support and Psychiatric Disorder: Research Findings and Guidelines for Clinical Practice by
Neurotransmitter Release and Its Modulation by
The Coronaviridae by
Neurobiology and Clinical Aspects of the Outer Retina by Djamgoz, Djamgoz, M. B., Archer, S.
Advanced Lims Technology: Case Studies and Business Opportunities by
Hereditary Diseases and Blood Transfusion: Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Symposium on Blood Transfusion, Groningen 1994, Organized by th by
Women at Risk: Issues in the Primary Prevention of AIDS by
Methods of Pesticide Exposure Assessment by
Foundations of Neuroscience by Jacobson, Marcus
Physical Methods to Characterize Pharmaceutical Proteins by
The Retroviridae Volume 4 by
Active Oxygen in Biochemistry by
Curbing Population Growth: An Insider's Perspective on the Population Movement by Harkavy, Oscar
Bacterial Growth and Form by Koch, A. L.
Advances in X-Ray Analysis: Volume 38 by
Human Identification: The Use of DNA Markers by
The Pineal Gland and Its Hormones:: Fundamentals and Clinical Perspectives by Fraschini, Franco Ed., Fraschini, F., Fraschini, Franco
Molecular and Subcellular Cardiology: Effects of Structure and Function by Sideman, Samuel Ed., Goldberg Workshop on Molecular and Subcellular Cardiology Ef, Sideman, Samuel
Biotechnology of Ectomycorrhizae by Stocchi, Vilberto Ed., Bonfante, Paola, Stocchi, Vilberto
Active Oxygen in Biochemistry by Valentine, Joan S.
Corona- And Related Viruses: Current Concepts in Molecular Biology and Pathogenesis by Talbot, Pierre Ed, International Symposium on Corona and Related Viruses, Talbot, Pierre J.
Haemophilus, Actinobacillus, and Pasteurella by
Cardiac Arrhythmias 1995: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias (Venice, 6-8 October 1995) by Raviele, Antonio
Brain Plasticity and Behavior by Kolb, Bryan
Disorders of the Self: New Therapeutic Horizons: The Masterson Approach by
Women Healers: Portraits of Herbalists, Physicians, and Midwives by Brooke, Elisabeth
Electromagnetic Compatibility in Medical Equipment: A Guide for Designers and Installers by Gerke, Daryl, Kimmel, William D.
The Reflexology Manual: An Easy-To-Use Illustrated Guide to the Healing Zones of the Hands and Feet by Wills, Pauline
On Monsters and Marvels by Pare, Ambroise
Health and the News Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health by
Persons with Disabilities: Issues in Health Care Financing and Service Delivery by
Arguing Euthanasia: The Controversy Over Mercy Killing, Assisted Suicide, and the "Right to Die" by Moreno, Jonathan
Cognitive-Behavioral Play Therapy by Knell, Susan M.
Disease and Class: Tuberculosis and the Shaping of Modern North American Society by Feldberg, Georgina D.
Living Shadow Death Tuberculosis by Rothman, Sheila M.
Dialog Im Krankenhaus: 243 Interviews Mit Ärzten Und Pflegepersonal by Leher, Stephan P.
Social Aspects of Obesity by
Wet Mind: The New Cognitive Neuroscience by Kosslyn, Stephen M.
An Introduction to Radioimmunoassay and Related Techniques: Volume 6 by
Progress in Psychobiology and Physiological Psychology by
Organizing Aids: Workplace and Organizational Responses to the HIV/AIDS Epidemic by Adam-Smith, Derek, Goss, David
Genetics and You by Jackson, John F.
Genetics and You by Jackson, John F.
Public Relations in Health Care: A Guide for Professionals by Lewton, Kathleen Larey
The Caregiving Dilemma: Work in an American Nursing Home by Foner, Nancy
The Reflecting Team in Action: Collaborative Practice in Family Therapy by
Mathematical Modeling of Pharmacokinetic Data by Bourne, Davidw a.
Does Speech and Language Therapy Work? by Enderby, Pamela, Emerson, Joyce
Aurale Rehabilitation Hörgeschädigter: Aller Anfang Ist Hören by Ding, Herbert
Patients as Victims: Sexual Abuse in Psychotherapy and Counselling by Jehu, Derek
Advances in Applied Microbiology: Volume 41 by
Membranes and Circadian Rythms by
Scapegoats: Transferring Blame by Douglas, Tom
Pflegemanagement Im Wandel: Perspektiven Und Kontroversen by Borsi, Gabriele M., Schröck, Ruth
Scapegoats: Transferring Blame by Douglas, Tom
Home Health Financial Management by McKeon, Tad
Hagers Handbuch Der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Folgeband 1: Waren Und Dienste by
Health Policy Reform and the States by
Dance and Other Expressive Art Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough by
Vitamins and Hormones: Volume 51 by
Suizidalität: Die Biologische Dimension by
Dancing in Limbo: Making Sense of Life After Cancer by Halvorson-Boyd, Glenna, Hunter, Lisa K.
Wisdom of the Body Moving: An Introduction to Body-Mind Centering by Hartley, Linda
Plague Doctors: Responding to the AIDS Epidemic in France and America by Feldman, Jamie L.
Children and Addiction by Ottomanelli, Gennaro
How to Prevent Breast Cancer by Pelton, Ross
Worlds of Illness: Biographical and Cultural Perspectives on Health and Disease by Radley, Alan
Traumatic Head Injury in Children by Broman, Michel
The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the Generation of Culture by
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