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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 1996

Midwifery and Medicine in Early Modern France: Louise Bourgeois by Perkins, Wendy
Symposium in Immunology V: Antiviral Immunity by
Not All of Us Are Saints: A Doctor's Journey with the Poor by Hilfiker, David
Social Theory, Social Change and Social Work by
Social Theory, Social Change and Social Work by
Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology: Continuation of Residue Reviews by Ware, George W.
Knowing Practice: The Clinical Encounter Of Chinese Medicine by Farquhar, Judith
Navigating the NHS: Core Issues for Clinicians by Lees, Peter
Shared Care: A Model for Clinical Management by Edwards, Peter, Stephen, Jones, Shale, Dennis
The Golden Years: A 12-Step Anti-Aging Plan for a Longer, Healthier, and Happier Life by
Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine by Vincent, Jean-Louis
Fungal Genetics: Principles and Practice by
Dr. Scott's Knee Book: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Knee Problems Including Torn Cartilage, Ligament Damage, Arthritis, Tendinitis, by Scott, W. Norman
Nursing in Primary Health Care: Policy into Practice by Ross, Fiona, MacKenzie, Ann
EJB Reviews by
Nursing in Primary Health Care: Policy into Practice by MacKenzie, Ann, Ross, Fiona
Kostenmanagement in Der Arztpraxis by
The Five-Factor Model of Personality: Theoretical Perspectives by
Narrative Therapy: The Social Construction of Preferred Realities by Combs, Gene, Freedman, Jill
Polio's Legacy: An Oral History by Gottfried, George, Sorem, Anthony, Sass, Edmund J.
The Human Cost of a Management Failure: Organizational Downsizing at General Hospital by Allcorn, Seth S., Stein, Howard F.
Case and Care Management by
Electromyography in Ergonomics by
Nursing Negligence: Analyzing Malpractice in the Hospital Setting by Beckmann, Janet Pitts
Soul Searching: Why Psychotherapy Must Promote Moral Responsibility by Doherty, William J.
Children of Choice: Freedom and the New Reproductive Technologies by Robertson, John A.
Self-Assessment In Accident and Emergency Medicine by Burke, Derek, Greaves, Ian, Hormbrey, Philip
Cancer Free: The Comprehensive Cancer Prevention Program by Winawer, Sidney J., Shike, Moshe
Primary Prevention Practices by Bloom, Martin
Quality of Life in Health Promotion and Rehabilitation: Conceptual Approaches, Issues, and Applications by
Working for Equality in Health by
Naturbilder: Ökologische Kommunikation Zwischen Ästhetik Und Moral by
Chirurgisches Forum '96 Fur Experimentelle Und Klinische Forschung: 113. Kongreß Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Chirurgie, Berlin, 9.-13. April 1996 by
Blood Substitutes: New Challenges by
Handbook of Diabetes Medical Nutrition Therapy 2e by Powers, Margaret A., Powers, Shelley
Working for Equality in Health by
Cell Therapy: Stem Cell Transplantation, Gene Therapy, and Cellular Immunotherapy by
Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Manual of the Experiential Method by Gendlin, Eugene T.
Melancholia: A Disorder of Movement and Mood: A Phenomenological and Neurobiological Review by
Mental Health Service Evaluation by
Models for Infectious Human Diseases by Isham, Isham, Valerie
Chemical Aspects of Drug Delivery Systems by
Drug-Induced Infertility and Sexual Dysfunction by Robert G., Forman, Forman, Robert, Forman, Natalie
Psychotherapy, Psychological Treatments and the Addictions by
Nutrition Et Retablissement: Guide A L Intention Des Professionnels Pour Une Alimentation Saine Au Cours Du Retablissement D Une Toxicomanie by Dekker, Trish, Dean, Michael, Lange, Phillip
Microbial Growth on C1 Compounds: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Microbial Growth on C1 Compounds, Held in San Diego, U.S.A., 27 Au by
DNA and RNA Cleavers and Chemotherapy of Cancer and Viral Diseases by
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis: Principles of Management by
Anxiety and Phobic Disorders: A Pragmatic Approach by Silverman, Wendy K., Kurtines, Wiliam M.
Molecular Design and Bioorganic Catalysis by
The Molecular and Cellular Biology of Wound Repair by
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives by
Anxiety and Phobic Disorders: A Pragmatic Approach by Silverman, Wendy K., Kurtines, Wiliam M.
Antiviral Chemotherapy 4: New Directions for Clinical Application and Research by
The Bunyaviridae by
The Construction of Cognitive Maps by
Neural Representation of Temporal Patterns by Covey, Ellen Ed., Hawkins, Harold L., Covey, Ellen
Biotechnology and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, Processing, and Preservation by
Secular Bioethics in Theological Perspective by
Human Voice by Trall, R. T.
Occult Family Physician and Botanic Guide to Health by Matteson, Antonette
Cursed Before Birth: A Few Straight Tips Regarding Our Social Condition by Tilden, John H., Tilden, J. H.
Appendicitis: The Etiology, Hygienic and Dietetic Treatment by Tilden, John H.
The Chiropractor by Palmer, D. D.
Subconscious and the Superconscious Planes of Mind by Atkinson, William Walker
Practical Treatise of Astral Medicine and Therapeutics by Duz, M.
Data Book on Mechanical Properties of Living Cells, Tissues, and Organs by
Tamoxifen: Beyond the Antiestrogen by Kellen, John A.
Odyssey Now by Grove, Nicola, Park, Keith
Making Sense of Dental Practice Management by Rattan, Raj
Printing Processes and Printing Inks: Carbon Black and Some Nitro Compounds by The International Agency for Research on Cancer
Medical Astrology by Daath, Heinrich
Hormones and Cancer by
Blood and its Third Anatomical Element by Bechamp, A.
Toxemia Explained: The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease by Tilden, John H.
What is Toxemia? by Tilden, J. H., Tilden, John H.
Our Right to Drugs: The Case for a Free Market by Szasz, Thomas
Using Self Psychology in Child Psychotherapy: The Restoration of the Child by Miller, Jule P.
The Christian Virtues in Medical Practice by Pellegrino, Edmund D., Thomasma, David C.
Changing Services for Older People by Walker, Alan, Walker, Lawrie
Counselling in Criminal Justice by Williams, Robert, Williams, Angela, Williams, Brian
Neurodermitis Bewältigen: Verhaltenstherapie Dermatologische Schulung Autogenes Training by Stangier, Ulrich, Gieler, Uwe, Ehlers, Anke
Thermoinkubierte Knochentransplantate Und Koralline Knochenersatzmaterialien: Mechanische, Tierexperimentelle Und Klinische Untersuchungen by Kühne, Jobst-Henner
The Models of Similarity and Association by Corter, James E.
Advances in Pharmacology: Volume 35 by
Querschnittlähmungen: Aktuelles Aus Therapie Und Forschung by
Molecular Immunology by
Echokardiographie-Handbuch by Hien, Peter
Integrated Mental Health Services: Modern Community Psychiatry by
Psychiatric Diagnosis by Goodwin, Donald W.
Counselling in Terminal Care and Bereavement by Couldrick, Ann, Parkes, Colin Murray, Relf, Marilyn
Counselling for Heart Disease by Bennett, Paul
Cystic Fibrosis by Shale, Dennis J.
Epidemiology in Old Age by
New Paradigms of Coronary Artery Disease: Hibernation, Stunning, Ischemic Preconditioning by
Feminism & Bioethics: Beyond Reproduction by
Physicians, Colonial Racism, and Diaspora in West Africa by Patton, Adell
Culture of Immortalized Cells by
Intrakardiale Elektrophysiologie: Einführung Anhand Typischer Fallbeispiele by Schmitt, Claus
Letters to a Young Doctor by Selzer, Richard, Selzer
Mortal Lessons by Selzer, Richard
Rethinking Life and Death: The Collapse of Our Traditional Ethics by Singer, Peter
Prion Diseases by
Neurophysiologische Aspekte Des Bewegungssystems: Eine Einführung in Die Neurophysiologische Theorie Der Manuellen Medizin by Wolff, Hanns-Dieter
The Oxford Practice Skills Course: Ethics, Law, and Communication Skills in Health Care Education by Yates, Anne, Hope, R. A., Fulford, K. W. M.
The Activist Cancer Patient: How to Take Charge of Your Treatment by Zakarian, Beverly
Outcome Measures for Health Education and Other Health Care Interventions by Stewart, Anita, Ritter, Philip
The Black Stork: Eugenics and the Death of Defective Babies in American Medicine and Motion Pictures Since 1915 by Pernick, Martin S.
Food Safety and Quality Assurance: Foods of Animal Origin by Hagstad, Harry V., Spangler, Elizabeth, Hubbert, William T.
Computerization Behavioral Healthc(DP11) by
Theories of Vision from Al-kindi to Kepler by Lindberg, David C.
Genetic Data Analysis II: Methods for Discrete Population Genetic Data by Weir, Bruce S.
Progress in Nucleic Acid Research and Molecular Biology: Volume 53 by
Analyzing Costs, Procedures, Processes, and Outcomes in Human Services: An Introduction by Yates, Brian T.
Urinary Continence: Assessment & Promotion by Palmer, Diana, Palmer, Mary H.
Operative Gynecologic Endoscopy by
Verhandlungsbericht 1996 Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- Und Hals-Chirurgie: Teil I: Referate Aktuelle Rhinologie. -- by
Religion and Medical Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward by
Manual Joslin Para La Diabetes: Un Programa Para El Manejo de Su Tratamiento by Beaser, Richard S.
Guidebook on Molecular Modeling in Drug Design by
La Bioética En Una Sociedad Liberal by Charlesworth, Maxwell John
Therapeutischer Schlafentzug: Klinik Und Wirkmechanismen by
The History of Mental Symptoms: Descriptive Psychopathology Since the Nineteenth Century by Berrios, G. E., Berrios, German E.
Cancer in Pregnancy: Maternal and Fetal Risks by Koren, G. Ed
Charitable Knowledge by Lawrence, Susan C.
Psychopathology by
Cancer in Transplantation: Prevention and Treatment: Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Transplantation and Clinical Immunology, 22-24 May 1995 by
Aerosol Inhalation: Recent Research Frontiers: Prodeedings of the International Workshop on Aerosol Inhalation, Lung Transport, Deposition and the Rel by
Eicosanoids: From Biotechnology to Therapeutic Applications by
Biological Flows by
Sanctity of Life and Human Dignity by
Improving the Regulatory Review Process: Industry and Regulatory Initiatives by
Neurodegenerative Diseases: Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Advances by
Platinum and Other Metal Coordination Compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy 2 by
Vanadium Compounds: Biochemical and Therapeutic Applications by
The Heart in Diabetes by
Technical Knowledge in American Culture: Science, Technology, and Medicine Since the Early 1800s by Marcus, Alan I., Cravens, Hamilton, Katzman, David M.
Psychosocial Aspects of Narcolepsy by Pollak, Charles P., Goswami, Meeta
The Shambhala Guide to Traditional Chinese Medicine by Reid, Daniel P.
Health Issues for Minority Adolescents by Kagawa-Singer, Marjorie, Katz, Phyllis a., Taylor, Dalmas
HIV & AIDS And The Older Adult by
Food and the Status Quest: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
The Environment for Children: Understanding and Acting on the Environmental Hazards That Threaten Children and Their Parents by Al, Et, Satterthwaite, David
Microbial Quality Assurance in Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Toiletries by Baird, R., Bloomfield, Sally F.
Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology: Volume II by
Manual for Using the Mmpi-2 as a Therapeutic Intervention by Finn, Stephen E.
HIV & AIDS and the Older Adult by
Vaccination Against Smallpox by Jenner, Edward
Germ Theory and Its Applications to Medicine and on the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery by Pasteur, Louis
Reproducing Persons: Philosophical Essays by Purdy, Laura M.
Neural Cell Culture: A Practical Approach by
General Surgery by Jacocks, M. Alex
Pediatrics by Puls, Jane E., Osburn, A. Eugene
Family Medicine by Hirsch, Jeffrey G.
Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience by Brumback, Roger
Handbook of Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders by
Reproducing Persons: Philosophical Essays by Purdy, Laura M.
Internal Medicine by Jarolim, Dala R.
Ecotherapy: Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth by Clinebell, Howard
Handbook of Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method by Johnson, T., Sargent, Carolyn
Drug Testing in Hair by
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, Ai'96, Toronto, Canad by
Psychiatric Morbidity Report 5: Physical Complaints by Na, Na
Treating the Elderly by
Prevention of Myocardial Infarction by Manson, Ridker Gaziano
SM an Intern Medicine by Ihle, Sherri L., Shaw, Darcy H.
Total Purchasing: A Model for Locality Commissioning by Butler, Fran, Powell, Mike, Smith, Rod
Tobacco-Specific N-Nitrosamines Recent Advances by McClellan, Roger O.
Proteolysis in Wound Repair by
Addictive Behaviour: Molecules to Mankind: Perspectives on the Nature of Addiction by
Addictive Behaviour: Molecules to Mankind: Perspectives on the Nature of Addiction by
Self-Care Nursing in a Multicultural Context by Steiger, Nancy J., Lipson, Juliene G.
Cell Chemistry and Physiology: Part II: Volume 4b by
Environmental Sampling for Unknowns by Hess-Kosa, Kathleen
Relating: Dialogues and Dialectics by Baxter, Leslie A., Montgomery, Barbara M.
Textbook of Transpersonal Psychiatry and Psychology by Battista, John R., Scotton, Bruce W., Chinen, Allan B.
The Healing Power of Ginseng & the Tonic Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide by Bergner, Paul
Wife Rape: Understanding the Response of Survivors and Service Providers by Bergen, Raquel Kennedy
Nutrient Management of Food Animals to Enhance and Protect the Environment by Kornegay, E. T.
Man and Microbes: Disease and Plagues in History and Modern Times by Karlen, Arno
Infant Vision by
Censure and Sanctions by Von Hirsch, Andrew
Researching Cultural Differences in Health by
Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde by
Histological Typing of Skin Tumours by Elder, D., Sobin, L. H., Heenan, P. J.
Methods in Observational Epidemiology by Whittmore, Alice S., Kelsey, Whittemore Evans, Thompson, W. Douglas
Contemporary Interpersonal Theory and Research: Personality, Psychopathology, and Psychotherapy by Kiesler, Donald J.
Enzymology Primer for Recombinant DNA Technology by Eun, Hyone-Myong
USMLE Step 1 Review: The Study Guide by
Hagers Handbuch Der Pharmazeutischen Praxis: Band 5: Drogen E-O by
Psychiatry by Shaffer, Lawrence B., Krug, Ronald S.
Reliable Software Technologies - ADA Europe 96: 1996 Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies, Montreux, Switzerland, Jun by
Wife Rape: Understanding the Response of Survivors and Service Providers by Bergen, Raquel Kennedy
Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method, Revised Edition by Johnson, T.
Recent Advances in Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Angiotensin Receptors by
Enteric Infections and Immunity by
Pol POW Soc Theo V10 by
Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods by
Molecular Genetics and Therapy of Leukemia by
Causes and Control of Colorectal Cancer: A Model for Cancer Prevention by
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