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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 2000

Microanatomical Aspects for Neurosurgeons and Neuroradiologists by Seeger, Wolfgang, Seeger, W.
Disinfectants & Disinfectants By-products: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 216 by Ilo, Unep
Obesity: Preventing and Managing the Global Epidemic by World Health Organization
Fumonisin B1: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 219 by Ilo, Unep
WHO Expert Committee on Malaria by World Health Organization
Analysis of Hospital Costs by Shepard, D. S.
Creating Community-Responsive Physicians: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Medical Education by
Vision Loss in an Aging Society: A Multidisciplinary Perspective by
The World Health Report 2000 by Who, World Health Organization, Unaids
Human Exposure Assessment: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 214 by Ilo, Unep
Fluid Balance and Volume Resuscitation for Beginners by Roe, P. G., Park, G. R.
Adult Orthopaedic Nursing by Schoen, Delores Christina Harmon
Developing Research in Primary Care by Hancock, Beverley, Saks, Mike, Williams, Martin
Accommodation and Vergence Mechanisms in the Visual System by
Bion, Rickman, Foulkes and the Northfield Experiments: Advancing on a Different Front by Harrison, Tom
Unternehmen Zahnarztpraxis: Springers Großer Wirtschafts- Und Rechtsratgeber Für Zahnärzte by Borkircher, Helmut
Medical Selection of Life Risks by
The Long Road Called Goodbye by Akin, Charlotte A.
Spina Bifida by
Current Perspectives of the Extracorporeal Circulation by
Anthropological Approaches to Psychological Medicine: Crossing Bridges by
I Am Special: Narratives from Psychotherapy by Vermeulen, Peter
A Dentist and a Gentleman: Gender and the Rise of Dentistry in Ontario by Adams, Tracey L.
Merging Past, Present, and Future in Cross-cultural Psychology by
Handbook of Disaster Medicine by
From Molecule to Men: Molecular Basis of Congenital Cardiovascular Disorders by
Complex Analysis, Operators, and Related Topics: The S. A. Vinogradov Memorial Volume by
An Introduction to Clinical Diagnosis in the Tropics by Falase, A. O.
Exercise for Preventing Common Diseases by
Nursing Practice, Policy and Change by Gott, Marjorie
The Pause (Revised Edition): The Landmark Guide by Barbach, Lonnie
Health and Medical Informatics Education in Europe by
The Psychoanalytic Study of Lives Over Time: Clinical and Research Perspectives on Children Who Return to Treatment in Adulthood by
The Problem of Herbal Medicines Legal Status by Brady, John Luis
Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 2000 by
Use of Agriculturally Important Genes in Biotechnology by Hrazdina, G.
Mathematical Modelling in Medicine by
Information Technology Strategies from the United States and the European Union by
The Complete Guide to Alzheimer's Proofing Your Home by Warner, Mark L.
Food Poisoning by Isle, Mick
Atypical Antipsychotics by
Theraplay: Innovations in Attachment-Enhancing Play Therapy by
Can Survive by Nessim, Susan
Medicine, Society, and Faith in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds by Amundsen, Darrel W.
Advanced Nursing Skills: Principles and Practice by Molly, Courtenay, Courtenay, Molly
Dinitro-ortho-cresol: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 220 by Who, Ipcs
Art as Therapy: Collected Papers by Kramer, Edith
Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development by Dweck, Carol S.
How to Heal the Sick by Hunter, Charles, Hunter, Frances
Garlic: Nature's Original Remedy by Blackwood, John, Fulder, Stephen
Reforming Markets in Health Care by Smith
Progress in Haematology: Volume 2 by
Untersuchung der verletzungsprophylaktischen Wirkung des Aufwärmens durch Befragung verletzter Sportler bezüglich ihres Aufwärmverhaltens: Eine retros by Schiffer, Heike
Regional Chemotherapy: Clinical Research and Practice by
Ibn Al-Jazzar on Fevers by Bos, Gerrit
Bioceramics #3 CT Vol 110 by
Is There a Duty to Die? by
AIDS-Related Cancers and Their Treatment by Levine, Alexandra M., Biggar, Robert J., Feigal, Ellen G.
Enhancing Human Traits: Ethical and Social Implications by
Einsatzfelder von Workflow-Management im Krankenhaus by Calzo, Pino
Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Vol. 4: Aquaculture: Part A:: Seaweeds and Invertebrates by
The Practice of Hypnotism by Weitzenhoffer, Andre M.
Ist Magersucht heilbar?: Therapiemöglichkeiten und Heilungsprognosen der Magersucht unter Berücksichtigung der Bedingungsfaktoren und des Krankheitsve by Wamhof, Annette
Key Issues in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Craig, A. M., Malek, M.
Men's Health: Perspectives, Diversity and Paradox by Williamson, Peter, Luck, Mike, Bamford, Margaret
Medicine the Marketplace: The Moral Dimensions of Managed Care by Wong, Kenman L.
On Growth and Form: Spatio-Temporal Pattern Formation in Biology by McLachlan, J. C.
11th Hour: Introduction to Immunology by Decker, Janet M.
Human Error and System Design and Management by
Human Osteology: In Archaeology and Forensic Science by
Apoptosis and Its Modulation by Drugs by
Generalized Quantifiers and Computation: 9th European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information, Esslli'97 Workshop, Aix-En-Provence, France, by
Review of Perioperative Nursing by Phippen, Mark L., Wells, Maryann Papanier, Hutchisson, Bettyann
Getting Doctors to Listen: Ethics and Outcomes Data in Context by Boyle, Philip J.
Organization Ethics in Health Care by Spencer, Edward M., Mills, Ann E., Rorty, Mary
Chronic Venous Insufficiency: Diagnosis and Treatment by Ballard, Jeffrey L., Bergan, John J.
Akupunktur und Ihre indischen Wurzeln by Klüber, Dietrich
Group Therapy for Cancer Patients: A Research-Based Handbook of Psychosocial Care by Spiegel, David, Classen, Catherine
Analyse und Optimierung von Transportketten an der Charité by Heidmeier, Sven
Unstructuring Chinese Society: The Fictions of Colonial Practice and the Changing Realities of Land in the New Territories of Hong Kong by Chun, Allen
Dementia: A Positive Approach by Phair, Lynn, Good, Valerie
Psychology of the Home by Gunter, Barrie
Quantitative Molecular Pharmacology and Informatics in Drug Discovery by Kenakin, Terry, Lutz, Michael
Stress in Health Professionals: Psychological and Organisational Causes and Interventions by
Population Genetics of Multiple Loci by Christiansen, Freddy B.
Protein Engineering For Industrial Biotechnology by
Language and the Brain: Representation and Processing by
Bones: A Forensic Detective's Casebook by Scammell, Henry, Ubelaker, Douglas
Communicative Psychoanalysis with Children by Bonac, Vesna
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 29 by
Frontiers in Whiplash Trauma by
Crying as a Sign, a Symptom, and a Signal: Clinical, Emotional and Developmental Aspects of Infant and Toddler Crying by
Dehydroepiandrosterone (Dhea): Biochemical, Physiological and Clinical Aspects by
Winning in the Women's Health Care Marketplace: A Comprehensive Plan for Health Care Strategists by James, Genie
Giant Vesicles by
Holomorphic Dynamics by Morosawa, S., Nishimura, Y., Taniguchi, M.
Degeneration and Regeneration in the Nervous System by
Diseases of the Spine and Spinal Cord by Byrne, Thomas N., Waxman, Stephen G., Benzel, Edward
Kardiologie Kompakt by
Fermat's Last Theorem: A Genetic Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory by Edwards, Harold M.
Return of Dr Knock: An Essay on Cardiovascular Risk / Le Retour du Dr Knock: Essai sur le risque cardiovasculaire by Corvol, Pierre, Postel-Vinay, Nicolas
Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution by Graur, Dan, Li, Wen-Hsiung Li
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume II by
Rotaviruses: Methods and Protocols by
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume II by
Klinische Biochemie: 100 Fall-Orientierte Fragen Mit Antworten by Luduena, Richard F.
Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals by
Stronger Links: A Guide to Good Practice for Children's Family-Based Short-Term Care Services by Robinson, Carol
Chaperonin Protocols by
Legal Protection Against Breaches of Duty on the Part of the German Works Council -- A Fata Morgana? by Belling, Detlev W.
Dangerous Sexualities: Medico-Moral Politics in England Since 1830 by Mort, Frank
An Ethic for Health Promotion: Rethinking the Sources of Human Well-Being by Buchanan, David Ross
Nonparametric Simple Regression: Smoothing Scatterplots by Fox, John
Metallocene-Based Polyolefins: Preparation, Properties, and Technology, Volume 2 by
Handbook of Bacterial Adhesion by
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems by Hoppensteadt, Frank C.
Monte Carlo Methods in Bayesian Computation by Ibrahim, Joseph G., Shao, Qi-Man, Chen, Ming-Hui
Mentoring, Preceptorship and Clinical Supervision: A Guide to Professional Roles in Clinical Practice by Morton Cooper, Alison, Palmer, Anne
Developmental Biology Protocols: Volume III by
Advice for New Faculty Members by Boice, Robert
Classic Papers in Child Abuse by
Framing the Sexual Subject: The Politics of Gender, Sexuality, and Power by
Techniques in Quantification and Localization of Gene Expression by
Plasma Physics: Basic Theory with Fusion Applications by Nishikawa, K., Wakatani, M.
Life Choices: A Hastings Center Introduction to Bioethics by
Adolescent Diversity in Ethnic, Economic, and Cultural Contexts by Adams, Gerald R., Gullotta, Thomas P., Montemayor, Raymond
Homeopathic Remedies: A Quick and Easy Guide to Common Disorders and Their Homeopathic Remedies by Hershoff, Asa
Measuring Patient Outcomes by Mock, Victoria, Nolan, Marie T.
Adolescent Diversity in Ethnic, Economic, and Cultural Contexts by
Politics as Usual: The Cyberspace `Revolution′ by Margolis, Michael, Resnick, David K.
Statistics for the 21st Century: Methodologies for Applications of the Future by
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: First International Symposium, Foiks 2000, Burg, Germany, February 14-17, 2000 Proceedings by
Perspectives of System Informatics: Third International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, Psi'99, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6-9, 1999 by
Emergencies in Mental Health Practice: Evaluation and Management by
Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: Directions for Research and Practice by Kazdin, Alan E.
Rehabilitation of Visual Disorders After Brain Injury by Zihl, Josef
Genetic Aberrancies and Neurodegenerative Disorders: Volume 3 by
Frühgeburt Und Frühgeborenes: Eine Interdisziplinäre Aufgabe by
Color Vision: From Genes to Perception by
Krankenhauspolitik in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Historische Entwicklung Und Probleme Der Politischen Steuerung Stationärer Krankenversorgung by Simon, Michael
Soziale Phobie: Diagnostik Und Pharmakotherapie by Kasper
Human Growth Hormone: Research and Clinical Practice by
Infectious Diseases Diagnosis: Current Status and Future Trends by
Design Theory: Volume 2 by Jungnickel, Dieter, Lenz, Hanfried, Beth, Thomas
Several Complex Variables by
Clean Living Movements: American Cycles of Health Reform by Engs, Ruth C.
Molecular Modeling and Prediction of Bioactivity by
A Physician's Guide to Clinical Forensic Medicine by
Surgical Options for the Treatment of Heart Failure by
Robot Force Control by Siciliano, Bruno, Villani, Luigi
Duality Principles in Nonconvex Systems: Theory, Methods and Applications by Yang Gao, David
Parallel Algorithms for Linear Models: Numerical Methods and Estimation Problems by Kontoghiorghes, Erricos
Advances in Quality of Life Theory and Research by
Social Factors in Mental Health and Illness by
Safety in Medicine by
Youth Unemployment and Health: A Comparison of Six European Countries by Kieselbach, Thomas
Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis of Enteric Diseases 2 by
Advances in Nutrition and Cancer 2 by
The Ecology of Mycobacteria by Kazda, J.
Recent Developments in Complex Analysis and Computer Algebra: This Conference Was Supported by the National Science Foundation Through Grant Int-96030 by
Advances in Steiner Trees by
Plant Polyphenols 2: Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology, Ecology by
Prehistoric Iberia: Genetics, Anthropology, and Linguistics by
The Ecology of Mycobacteria by Kazda, J., Kazda, Jindrich
Animal Cell Technology: Products from Cells, Cells as Products: Proceedings of the 16th Esact Meeting April 25-29, 1999, Lugano, Switzerland by
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VI by
Economic Simulations in Swarm: Agent-Based Modelling and Object Oriented Programming by
Myocardial Viability by
Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXI by
Understanding Representation in the Cognitive Sciences: Does Representation Need Reality? by
Cleaning Validation: A Practical Approach by Bismuth, Gil, Neumann, Shosh
Therapeutic Perspectives on Working with Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Clients by Davies, Glyn Ed
Good Practice in Working with Victims of Violence by
Early Experience and the Life Path by Clarke, Ann, Clarke, Alan
Introducing Narrative Psychology by Crossley Michele, Crossley, Michele L.
Promise & Performance Managed Care by Freeborn, Donald K., Pope, Clyde R.
Advanced Abnormal Child Psychology by
Bugs in Armor: A Tale of Malaria and Soldiering by Bwire, Robert
Myopia Updates II: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Myopia, 1998 by
Major Histocompatibility Complex: Evolution, Structure, and Function by
Progress in Anti-Cancer Chemotherapy by Khayat, David, Hortobagyi, Gabriel N.
Venus Envy: A History of Cosmetic Surgery by Haiken, Elizabeth
Chinese Pediatric Massage: A Practitioner's Guide by Cline, Kyle
Proteases as Targets for Therapy: by Korant, B. D., Cheronis, J. C., Von Der Helm, K.
Leitlinien Zur Diagnostik Und Therapie Von Angsterkrankungen: II. Beiträge Zu Ausgewählten Themen by
King of Hearts: The True Story of the Maverick Who Pioneered Open Heart Surgery by Miller, G. Wayne
Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine by
Clinical Data Management by
Common Skin Diseases by Poyner, Thomas
AIDS in Europe: New Challenges for the Social Sciences by
Critical Perspectives on Mental Health by Coppock, Vicki, Hopton, John
AIDS in Europe: New Challenges for the Social Sciences by
Research in Organizational Change and Development by
Political Power and Social Theory by
Through the Eyes of the Child: Revisioning Children as Active Agents of Family Life by
Poultry Health and Management: Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Quail by Sainsbury, David
Toxicology and Clinical Pharmacology of Herbal Products by Cupp, Melanie Johns
Engineering the Human Germline by
Free Radicals in Inflammation by Blake, David R., Winyard, Paul G., Winyard, P. G.
Critical Perspectives on Mental Health by Coppock, Vicki, Hopton, John
See More