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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 2001

Listening to Speech: An Auditory Perspective by
Internet Resources for Nurses by Nye, Robert D.
The Nurses' Guide to Consumer Health Websites by
The trial of Ebenezer Haskell by Haskell, Ebenezer
Dictionary of Neurological Signs: Clinical Neurosemiology by Larner, Andrew
Pattern Recognition: Concepts, Methods and Applications by Marques de Sa, J. P., Marques de Sa, Joaquim P.
Biomarkers in Risk Assessment: Validity and Validation: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 222 by Ilo, Unep
Principles for Evaluating Health Risks to Reproduction Associated with Exposure to Chemicals: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 225 by Unep, Ilo
Questions of Ethics in Counselling and Therapy by Jones, Caroline, Shillito-Clarke, Carol, Syme, Gabrielle
Arsenic and Arsenic Compounds by World Health Organization
Fluorides: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 227 by Unep, Ilo
Pharmacoepidemiology: Principles & Practice by Waning, Brenda
Evaluation in Health Promotion by Who Regional Office for Europe, Goodstadt, Michael
Zinc: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 221 by Ilo, Unep
Legal Status of Traditional Medicine and Complementary/Alternative Medicine: A Worldwide Review by
Steroids and Your Muscles by Spring, Albert
Crack and Your Circulatory System by Manley, Claudia
Ecstasy and Your Heart: The Incredibly Disgusting Story by Werther, Scott
Human Paillomavirus by Carter, Elizabeth
Relationship Violence by White, Katherine
Coping with Cerebral Palsy by Gilman, Laura
Careers in Physical Therapy by Hawkins, Trisha
Vision Disorders by Stanley, Debbie
Coping with Leukemia by Apel, Melanie
The Respiratory System by Lee, Justin
Circulatory System by Oleksy, Walter
Digestive System by Morrison, Ben
Skeletal System by Gilbert, Laura
Immune System by Derkins, Susie
AIDS by Cefrey, Holly
Smallpox by Ridgway, Tom
Drugs and Dieting by Roberts, Jeremy
Malaria by Isle, Mick
Coping with Chemotherapy by Giddens, Sandra
Cholera by Hayhurst, Chris
Influenza by Ramen, Fred
AVOIDING Attendants from HELL: A Practical Guide to Finding, Hiring & Keeping Personal Care Attendants. 2nd Edition by Price, June
An Illness in Your Family by Wainwright, Tabitha
Continuity and Adaptation in Aging: Creating Positive Experiences by Atchley, Robert C.
Introduction to Fluorescence Sensing by Demchenko, Alexander P.
The Encyclopedia of Aging: A Comprehensive Resource in Gerontology and Geriatrics by Maddox, George L.
The Middle Ear: The Role of Ventilation in Disease and Surgery by Takahashi, H.
Fictions of Disease in Early Modern England: Bodies, Plagues and Politics by Healy, M.
The Colour of Disease: Syphilis and Racism in South Africa, 1880-1950 by Jochelson, K.
Quality Assurance Workbook for Radiographers and Radiological Technologists by Lloyd, Peter J.
Das Medizinische Gutachten: Rechtliche Grundlagen, Relevante Klinik, Praktische Anleitung by
Applied Parameter Estimation for Chemical Engineers by Englezos, Peter, Kalogerakis, Nicolas, Englezos, Englezos
First Responder Patient Assessment Nyfd Edition by AAOS
Handbuch Zur Abrechnung Von Krankenhausleistungen by Scheinert, H. D., Straub, C., Strehlau-Schwoll, H.
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy by Webb, S.
Handbuch Zur Abrechnung Von Krankenhausleistungen by Strehlau-Schwoll, H., Scheinert, H. D., Straub, C.
Neurotoxicity Risk Assessment: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 223 by Ilo, Unep
Therapeutic Communities for the Treatment of Drug Users by Yates, Rody
Psychological Aesthetics: Painting, Feeling and Making Sense by Maclagan, David
Vision in the Brain by Simos, P. G.
Staff Supervision in Social Care: Making a Real Difference for Staff and Service Users by Morrison, Tony
Naturheilverfahren Und Unkonventionelle Medizinische Richtungen by Bühring, M., Resch, K. D.
Active Treatment of Depression by O'Connor, Richard
Antidepressants by Leonard, B. E.
Operator Theory and Analysis: The M.A. Kaashoek Anniversary Volume Workshop in Amsterdam, November 12-14, 1997 by
Cataclysmic Variable Stars - How and Why They Vary by Hellier, Coel
Das Medizinische Gutachten: Rechtliche Grundlagen Relevante Klinik Praktische Anleitung by
Nonlinear Multiobjective Optimization: A Generalized Homotopy Approach by Hillermeier, Claus
From Strangers to Citizens: The Integration of Immigrant Communities in Britain, Ireland and Colonial America, 1550-1750 by
From Strangers to Citizens: The Integration of Immigrant Communities in Britain, Ireland and Colonial America, 1550-1750 by
Biochemistry for Clinical Medicine by Thabrew, Ira, Ayling, Ruth M.
Death, Dissection and the Destitute by Richardson, Ruth
Quality of Orthodontic Care by
The Irritable Heart: The Medical Mystery of the Gulf War by Wheelwright, Jeff
Public Budgeting and Financial Management in the Federal Government (PB) by McCaffery, Jerry
Public Budgeting and Financial Management in the Federal Government (Hc) by McCaffery, Jerry
Integration of Assistive Technology in the Information Age: Icorr'2001: 7th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics by Arroyo, Ernest Eileen, International Conference on Rehabilitati
Health Communication: A Multicultural Perspective by Alex, Shane
Effective Health Risk Messages: A Step-By-Step Guide by Martell, Dennis, Witte, Kim, Meyer, Gary
The Internet and Health Communication: Experiences and Expectations by
Psychotic Disorders in Children and Adolescents by Schulz, S. Charles
Cystic Fibrosis by Lee, Justin
The Reproductive System by O'Donnell, Kerri
Tuberculosis by Ramen, Fred
Grief, Mourning and Death Ritual by Katz, Jeanne, Small, Neil, Hockey, Jennifer Lorna
Consent Rights and Choices in Health by
Collaborative Care 2e by
Performance Based Budgeting by Miller, Gerald, Hildreth, W. Bartley, Rabin, Jack
Bose-Einstein Condensation - From Atomic Physics to Quantum Fluids, Procs of the 13th Physics Summer Sch by
Geschichte der Neurologie in Berlin by
Creation of Quantum Chromodynamics and the Effective Energy, The: In Honour of a Zichichi on the Occasion of the Galvani Bicentenary Celebrations by
Anxiety Disorders in Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach to Psychological Treatment by McLean, Peter D., Woody, Sheila R.
Morality, Mortality: Volume II: Rights, Duties, and Status by Kamm, F. M., Kamm, Frances Myrna
Lattice Gas Hydrodynamics by Boon, J. P., Rivet, J. -P
Toward a Theory of Neuroplasticity by
Promoting Human Wellness: New Frontiers for Research, Practice, and Policy by
How the Circulatory System Works by Mehler, Robert E.
WHO Model Prescribing Information: Drugs Used in Bacterial Infections by World Health Organization
Values and Ethics in the Practice of Psychotherapy and Counselling by Palmer, Diana, Barnes, Rudol, Jr.
Environmental Health in Emergencies and Disasters by Wisner, B., Adams, J.
Infertility in the Modern World: Present and Future Prospects by
Infertility in the Modern World: Present and Future Prospects by
Half a Brain Is Enough: The Story of Nico by Battro, Antonio
Interpretation of Semen Analysis Results by Jeyendran, Rajasingam S., Jeyendran, R. S.
Nursing as Caring: A Model for Transforming Practice: A Model for Transforming Practice by Boykin, Anne, Schoenhofer, Savina
Flu: The Story of the Great Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Search for the Virus That Caused It by Kolata, Gina
The Purchasing of Health Care by Primary Care Organizations by Mays
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation: Second International Workshop, Mabs 2000, Boston, Ma, Usa, July 2000; Revised and Additional Papers by
Pareto, Economics and Society: The Mechanical Analogy by McLure, Michael
Cloning and the Future of Human Embryo Research by
Handbook of Psychological Services for Children and Adolescents by
Textsammlung Sterbehilfe by Conrads, Christoph, Wolfslast, Gabriele
Magnetic Flux Structures in Superconductors: Extended Reprint of a Classic Text by Huebener, R. P.
Clinical Physiology of Acid-Base and Electrolyte Disorders by Post, Theodore, Rose, Burton David
Babies in Intensive Care: Born and Reborn (with the collaboration of Martine Bloch) / Bébés en réanimation: Naître et renaître (avec la collabor by Golse, Bernard, Gosme-Séguret, Sylvie
Galen: Über Die Anatomie Der Nerven: Originalschrift Und Alexandrinisches Kompendium in Arabischer Überlieferung by Al-Dubayan, Ahmad M.
Zum Neuen Jahrhundert: Ein Alter Bericht Über Die Gestaltung- Der Pathologischen Anatomie in Deutschland, Wie Sie Ist Und Wie Sie Werden Muss by Virchow, Rudolf
Gene Knockout Protocols by
Das Halswirbelsaulen-Schleudertrauma: Neue Wege Der Funktionellen Bildgebung Des Gehirns. Ein Ratgeber Fa1/4r A"rzte Und Betroffene by Otte, Andreas
Onderzoek Van Het Bewegingsapparaat: Fysische Diagnostiek in de Algemene Praktijk by Mens, J. M. a., de Wolf, A. N.
Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks: International Workshop, Policy 2001 Bristol, Uk, January 29-31, 2001 Proceedings by
Using Story Telling as a Therapeutic Tool with Children by Sunderland, Margot
Biopolyesters by
Chiral Environmental Pollutants: Trace Analysis and Ecotoxicology by Kallenborn, R., Hühnerfuss, H.
Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials: Preparation, Properties, and Applications by
Integrative Verhaltenstherapie Bei Alkoholabhängigkeit: Ein Therapiemanual by Burtscheidt, Wilhelm
Focal Points in Framed Games: Breaking the Symmetry by Casajus, Andre
Introduction to Algebraic Independence Theory by
Gutachtenkolloquium 15: Posttraumatische Achsabweichungen an Der Unteren Extremität Begutachtung Im Rahmen Der Haftpflicht Begutachtung Und Da by
Praktische Arrhythmiediagnostik Und -Therapie: Ein Leitfaden Fa1/4r Studenten Und A"rzte in Klinik Und Praxis by Wehr, Michael
Biomedizin Im Zeitalter Der Globalisierung Und Medizinische Versorgung in Zeiten Knapper Kassen: Herausforderungen Für Recht Und Ethik by
Wissenschaftlicher Briefwechsel Mit Bohr, Einstein, Heisenberg U.A. Band IV, Teil III: 1955-1956. Scientific Correspondence with Bohr, Einstein, Heise by Pauli, Wolfgang
A History of Genetics by Sturtevant, A. H.
Capillary Electrophoresis of Nucleic Acids by
Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risks: Basic Facts Plus Four Simple Changes That Work by Smolkin, Joyce C.
Hypnosis Treatment for Addictions by O'Neill, Kristi
Wages of Sickness by Hoffman, Beatrix
Disease Management: A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Outcomes by Todd, Warren E., Nash, David B.
Quality of Life in Epilepsy: Beyond Seizure Counts in Assessment and Treatment by
Planning, Estimating, and Control of Chemical Construction Projects by Navarrete, Pablo F., Cole, William C.
Argomenti Di Patologia Esofagea: Volume 5 by
The Mediterranean Diet: Constituents and Health Promotion by
Die innere Freiheit: Das juedische Element bei Viktor E. Frankl by Nurmela, Risto
Optik: Oder Abhandlung Über Spiegelungen, Brechungen, Beugungen Und Farben Des Lichts by Newton, Isaac
Promoting Health: Knowledge and Practice by
Transgenic Crops II by Bajaj, Y. P. S.
Quasielastic Neutron Scattering and Solid State Diffusion by Hempelmann, Rolf
Novartis Found Symposium 234 by
Renal Cancer: Methods and Protocols by
The Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses: Surgical Anatomy by Navarro, Joao A. C., Navarro, Jooao A. C., de Lima Navarro, Joao
Advancing Federal Sector Health Care: A Model for Technology Transfer by
Harmonic Function Theory by Wade, Ramey, Axler, Sheldon, Bourdon, Paul
Pharmacology of Gaba and Glycine Neurotransmission by Mohler, Hanns, Nohler, Hanns
Problems and Methods in Mathematical Physics: The Siegfried Prassdorf Memorial Volume - Proceedings of the 11th Tmp, Chemnitz, Germany, March 25-28, 1 by Elschner, J.
Neuroscientific Basis of Dementia by Ihara, Yasuo, Tanaka, Chikako, McGeer, Patrick L.
Marek's Disease by Cooper, M., Compans, R. W., Ito, Y.
Stochastic Analysis and Related Topics VII: Proceedings of the Seventh Silivri Workshop by
Virus Dynamics: Mathematical Principles of Immunology and Virology by Nowak, Martin, Nowak, M. A., May, Robert
Don't Kill Your Baby: Public Health and the Decline of Breastfeeding in the 19th and 20th Centuries by Wolf, Jacqueline
Eating Disorders: Time For Change: Plans, Strategies, and Worksheets by Villapiano, Mona, Goodman, Laura J.
Patientenaufklärung in Der Urologie: Risiken Und Komplikationen by Siebels, Michael
Knochenzemente Für Die Endoprothetik: Ein Aktueller Vergleich Der Physikalischen Und Chemischen Eigenschaften Handelsüblicher Pmma-Zemente by Kühn, K. -D
Thinking Teams / Thinking Clients: Knowledge-Based Team Work by Opie, Anne
Advances in Behavioral Economics: Essays in Honor of Horst Todt by
Innovation Interactions Between Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: An Analysis in Terms of Evolution, Knowl by Muller, Emmanuel
Fibre Optic Communication Devices by
Cell Polarity and Subcellular RNA Localization by
Diagnostik Und Therapie Sexuell Übertragbarer Krankheiten: Leitlinien 2001 Der Deutschen Std-Gesellschaft by
Nonlinear Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots by Dawson, Darren M., Zergeroglu, Erkan, Dixon, Warren E.
Special Functions by Andrews, George E., Askey, Richard, Roy, Ranjan
State-Space Realisations of Linear 2-D Systems with Extensions to the General ND (N > 2) Case by Galkowski, Krzysztof
Psychologie, Soziologie Und Pädagogik Für Die Pflegeberufe by Schaub, Monika
Nuclease Methods and Protocols by
Klinische Endokrinologie Und Stoffwechsel by
Public Key Cryptography: 4th International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptosystems, Pkc 2001, Cheju Island, Korea, February by
Product Development and Design for Manufacturing: A Collaborative Approach to Producibility and Reliability, Second Edition, by Priest, John, Sanchez, Jose
Eyecare Business: Marketing and Strategy by Moss, Gary L., Shaw-McMinn, Peter G.
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: First International Workshop, Aose 2000 Limerick, Ireland, June 10, 2000 Revised Papers by
The False Fat Diet: The Revolutionary 21-Day Program for Losing the Weight You Think Is Fat by Stauth, Cameron, Haas, Elson
Bipolar Disorders: 100 Years After Manic-Depressive Insanity by
Frontiers in Biomedicine by
New Trends in Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics: Volume 2 Advanced Problems and Complex Systems Paris, France, 1999 by
Iutam Symposium on Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics: Proceedings of the Iutam Symposium Held in Madras, Chennai, India 4-8 January 1999 by
Taurine 4 by
Modern Electrochemistry 2b: Electrodics in Chemistry, Engineering, Biology and Environmental Science by Reddy, Amulya K. N., Bockris, John O'm
Properties and Applications of Amorphous Materials by
Biocontrol Potential and Its Exploitation in Sustainable Agriculture: Crop Diseases, Weeds, and Nematodes by
Advances in Electromagnetic Fields in Living Systems by
Language for Those Who Have Nothing: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Landscape of Psychiatry by Good, Peter
Residential Exposure Assessment: A Sourcebook by
Prolactin by
Mountain Geoecology and Sustainable Development of the Tibetan Plateau by
Society, Behaviour, and Climate Change Mitigation by
Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man X by
A Global Perspective on Real Estate Cycles by
Radiation Science for Physicians and Public Health Workers by Rossi, Harald H., Zaider, Marco
Cancer Chemoprevention by
Biomonitoring: General and Applied Aspects on Regional and Global Scales by
Properties and Applications of Amorphous Materials by
Coping with Flash Floods by
The Theory of Classes of Groups by Guo Wenbin
Recent Theoretical and Experimental Advances in Hydrogen Bonded Clusters by
Modelling of Environmental Chemical Exposure and Risk by
Cutaneous Biometrics by
Cell and Molecular Biology of the Ear by
See More