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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 2003

Kinderneurologie. by Catsman, C. E., Stroink, H., Brouwer, O. F.
Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment by Moul, Judd W., Hofmann, Reiner, Heidenreich, Axel
Nitro and Nitro-Oxy-Polycyclic: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 229 by Ilo, Unep
Nitrobenzene by Davies, John
Adherence to Long-Term Therapies by
The Sorcerer's Apprentice: Medical Miracles and Other Disasters by Tisdale, Sallie
Collaboration Social Wrk Pract by Weinstein, Jenny
Careers in Alternative Medicine by Steinfeld, Alan
Juvenile Arthritis by Fall, Guy
Epidemiologists: Life Tracking Deadly Diseases by Asher, Dana
The Human Genome Project by Toriello, James
Red Flower: Rethinking Menstruation by Taylor, Dena
Nature Cure by Lindlahr, Henry
Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions by Semel, Eleanor, Rosner, Sue R.
Seeing Space by Crone, Robert A.
Applied Laser Medicine by Berlien, H. -P, Muller, G. J.
Remodelling Hospitals and Health Professions in Europe: Medicine, Nursing and the State by Dent, M.
Cosmetic Surgery, Gender and Culture by Fraser, S.
Women's Minds, Women's Bodies: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Women's Health by
Pocket Guide to Colorectal Cancer by Berg, Deborah T.
The Oral Health Bible by Mindell, Earl L., Bonner, Michael
User's Guide to Healthy Digestion by Toews, Victoria Dolby
User's Guide to Saw Palmetto & Men's Health by Janson, Michael
User's Guide to Vitamin E by Challem, Jack, Smith, Melissa Diane
A Victim No More: Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Safe, Effective Therapies for Relief from Bowel Complaints by Berkowitz, Jonathan M.
The Clinical Management of Early Alzheimer's Disease: A Handbook by
Mechanical Properties of Engineered Materials by Soboyejo, W. O., Soboyejo, Soboyejo, Soboyejo, Wole
Recent Advances in Marine Biotechnology, Vol. 8: Bioremediation by
User's Guide to Healthy Digestion by Toews, Victoria Dolby
American Dietetic Association Guide to Better Digestion by Bonci, Leslie
Where the Germs Are: A Scientific Safari by Bakalar, Nicholas
Mevrouw Schouten: Werkboek Voor Kwalificatieniveau 4, Deelkwalificatie 410 by Van Halem, Nicolien, Otten, C.
Obsit: Prvention Et Prise En Charge de L'Pidmie Mondiale by
Explorations in Dementia: Theoretical and Research Studies Into the Experience of Remediable and Enduring Cognitive Losses by Bender, Michael, Bender, Mike
Understanding Williams Syndrome: Behavioral Patterns and Interventions by Rosner, Sue R., Semel, Eleanor
International Strabismological Association ISA 2002 by
Sociale Geneeskunde of Public Health: Toekomstperspectief Van Een Uitdagend Vakgebied by Groothoff, J. W., Post, D., Bsl Fictief
Unternehmen Zahnarztpraxis: Springers Großer Wirtschafts- Und Rechtsratgeber Für Zahnärzte by Börkircher, Helmut
Coping with Trauma by Defares, Peter B., Kleber, Rolf J., Brom, Danny
User's Guide to Vitamin E by Smith, Melissa Diane, Challem, Jack
The Oral Health Bible by Bonner, Michael, Mindell, Earl L.
Spin Doctors: The Chiropractic Industry Under Examination by Benedetti, Paul, MacPhail, Wayne
User's Guide to Coenzyme Q10: Don't Be a Dummy, Become an Expert on What Coenzyme Q10 Can Do for Your Health by Zucker, Martin
The Good Carbohydrate Revolution by Shintani, Terry
Vine of the Soul: Medicine Men, Their Plants and Rituals in the Colombian Amazonia by Schultes, Richard Evans, Raffauf, Robert F.
Fiscal and Generational Imbalances: New Budget Measures for New Budget Priorities by Smetters, Kent, Gokhale, Jagadeesh
Key Facts in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care by Park, Gilbert R., Serrano, Alcira
The Feldenkrais Method: Teaching by Handling by Rywerant, Yochanan
Financieel Management Voor Medici by Voetelink, D. W., Sanders, F. B. M.
Spelend Begeleiden Van Kinderen in Het Ziekenhuis: Het Werk Van de Pedagogisch Medewerker by Fontaine, B., Van Deutekom, M. J., Magnee, M.
Manuele Therapie Van de Perifere Gewrichten, Deel 3: Kraakbeen, Heup, Knie, Enkel En Voet by Winkel, F. D., Matthijs, O., Van Paridon-Edauw, Didi
Zelfstandige (Be)Handelingen Voor de Tandartsassistent: In Het Kader Van de Wet Big Deel 1 by Voet, D. M.
Klinische Genetica by Curfs, L. M. G., Van Ree, J. W., Schrander-Stumpel, C. T. R. M.
Zelfstandige (Be)Handelingen Voor de Tandartsassistent: In Het Kader Van de Wet Big Deel 2 by Voet, D. M.
Gezondheidspsychologie Voor de Fysiotherapeut 2: Van Visie Naar Interventie by Van Burken, Peter
Handleiding Chirurgisch Onderzoek by Kramer, W. L. M.
Methods in Neuronal Modeling, second edition: From Ions to Networks by
Where the Germs Are: A Scientific Safari by Bakalar, Nicholas
Proven Solutions for Improving Health and Lowering Health Care Costs (PB) by Pegels, C. Carl
Proven Solutions for Improving Health and Lowering Health Care Costs (Hc) by Pegels, C. Carl
Media and Health by Seale, Clive
How to Conduct Self-Administered and Mail Surveys by Bourque, Linda, Fielder, Eve P.
Welcome, Silence by North, Carol
The Feldenkrais Method: Teaching by Handling by Rywerant, Yochanan
Asthma: Relax, You're Not Going to Die: Breathe More Easily with Safe and Effective Natural Therapies by Berkowitz, Jonathan M.
User's Guide to Coenzyme Q10: Don't Be a Dummy, Become an Expert on What Coenzyme Q10 Can Do for Your Health by Zucker, Martin
Risk and Luck in Medical Ethics by Dickenson, Donna L.
Team-Based Organizing by
Chinese Herbal Medicine by Li, M. D. C. P.
Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Diagnosis and Treatment by
Doc Jones: A small town physician s story by Tuttell, Richard V., Jones, Martin E.
Doc Jones: A small town physician s story by Jones, Martin E., Tuttell, Richard V.
Nutrition in Early Life by
Sedation and Analgesia for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures by
Veterinary Drug Handbook: Client Information Edition by Plumb, Donald C., Davidson, Elizabeth J.
Annual Review of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Volume 22, 2002: Economic Outcomes in Later Life: Public Policy, Health and Cumulative Advantage by
Genetics and Genomics of Neurobehavioral Disorders by
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields: Mechanisms, Modeling, Biological Effects, Therapeutic Effects, International Standards, Exposure Criteri by
Nuclear Medicine in the Management of Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases by
Protein Complexes That Modify Chromatin by
Medicine Through Time Core Student Book by Shuter, Paul, Kelly, Nigel, Rees, Bob
Distributing Health Care: Economic and Ethical Issues by Dolan, Paul, Olsen, Jan Abel
The Autonomic Nervous System Anatomical Chart by
Stabilität hoher Fluorchinolonresistenz bei Enterobakterien ohne Selektionsdruck by Schulte, Ansgar
A Merciful End: The Euthanasia Movement in Modern America by Dowbiggin, Ian
Kontroverses Zum Hws-Schleudertrauma: Unfallmechanik Erstdiagnose Neuroradiologie Physikalische Therapie Op-Indikation by
Befund: Positiv: Ratgeber HIV Und AIDS by Hetz, Siegfried, Teufl-Bruckbauer, Maritta
The Dressing Station: A Surgeon's Chronicle of War and Medicine by Kaplan, Jonathan
The Autonomic Nervous System Anatomical Chart by
Lifestyle Obesity Management by Foreyt, John, Carlos Poston, Walker, McInnis, Kyle
Qualität steigern, Kosten senken - mit klinischen Pfaden die (DRG-) Situation im Krankenhaus verbessern by Blecher, Jörg
Home Delivered Services: Building and Maintaining Your Program by Walker, Michael C.
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: From Basic Science to Clinical Phenotypes by
Pediatric Urology by
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
The Epidemiology of Schizophrenia by
Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Volume 1, Mathematical Logic by Tourlakis, George, George, Tourlakis
Anatomy of Gene Regulation by Tsonis, Panagiotis A.
Hodge Theory and Complex Algebraic Geometry I: Volume 1 by Voisin, Claire, Voisin, C.
Ethics and Evidence-Based Medicine: Fallibility and Responsibility in Clinical Science by Goodman, Kenneth S., Goodman, Kenneth W.
Die Augenheilkunde Des Ibn Sina by
Medicina Perioperatoria Terapia Intensiva Emergenza by
In Quest of Tomorrow's Medicines by Drews, Jürgen
Medical Group Management: Strategies for Enhancing Performance: Strategies for Enhancing Performance by Valentine, Steven T., Jacobs, Laura P.
Modeling and Inverse Problems in Imaging Analysis by Chalmond, Bernard
Capillary Electrophoresis of Carbohydrates by
Surgical Oncology: An Algorithmic Approach by
Unified Methods for Censored Longitudinal Data and Causality by Laan, Mark J. Van Der, Robins, James M.
Medical Data Management: A Practical Guide by
Fundamentals of Family Medicine: The Family Medicine Clerkship Textbook by
Die Sehnenüberpflanzung Und Ihre Verwertung in Der Behandlung Der Lähmungen by Vulpius, Oscar
Intermediate Heat Transfer by Wong, Kau-Fui Vincent
Food, Agriculture, and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa by
Assistive Technology and Telecare: Forging Solutions for Independent Living by Bradley, David, Brownsell, Simon
Controlling and Preventing Disease: The Role of Water and Environmental Sanitation Interventions by Ince, Margaret, Rottier, Erik
Hormonal Chaos: The Scientific and Social Origins of the Environmental Endocrine Hypothesis by Krimsky, Sheldon
Poison Mysteries in History, Romance and Crime by Thompson, C. J. S.
Qualità Della Vita by Amato, Maria Pia
Practice of Autosuggestion by Brooks, C. Harry
Handbook of Botulinum Toxin Treatment by
Communication in Cancer Care by Nicholson Perry, Kathryn, Burgess, Mary
The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice by Mol, Annemarie
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine Part 1 by Gould, George M., Pyle, Walter L.
Imaging of the Larynx by
The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition and Health by Case, Linda P.
Wound Healing: Methods and Protocols by
The Medically Indigent: Will Work for RX Medicine by Nicholson, M. B.
Capacity Reservation for Capital-Intensive Technologies: An Options Approach by Spinler, Stefan
Programme Evaluation and Treatment Choice by Frölich, Markus
Topics in Spatial Stochastic Processes: Lectures Given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School Held in Martina Franca, Italy, July 1-8, 2001 by Merzbach, Ely, Capasso, Vincenzo
Experimental Robotics VIII by
Smallpox: The Fight to Eradicate a Global Scourge by Koplow, David
Nonlinear Estimation and Classification by
Point Defects in Semiconductors and Insulators: Determination of Atomic and Electronic Structure from Paramagnetic Hyperfine Interactions by Overhof, Harald, Spaeth, Johann-Martin
Neues in Der Knieendoprothetik by
Handbook of Diagnostic Endocrinology by
Long-Term Care and Medicare Policy: Can We Improve the Continuity of Care? by
Computational Partial Differential Equations: Numerical Methods and Diffpack Programming by Langtangen, Hans P.
Study of Pleasure and Pain by Wood, Ernest
Prevention of Infertility and Complications in Women: A Comprehensive Guide to the Preservation of Female Reproductive Health by Meniru, Godwin I.
Verdict of Science on Chiropractic by Erz, August Andrew
Curing Diseases of Heart and Arteries by Alsaker, R. L.
Prevention of Infertility and Complications in Women: A Comprehensive Guide to the Preservation of Female Reproductive Health by Meniru, Godwin I.
Pharmacogenomics by
Conversation and Brain Damage [With CDROM] [With CDROM] [With CDROM] [With CDROM] by
Hypericum: The genus Hypericum by
The Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience by Shanon, Benny
Keeping in Time with Your Body Clock by Reilly, T., Waterhouse, J., Minors, D.
Quacks of Old London by Thompson, C. J. S.
The Voice: Its Production, Care and Preservation by Miller, Frank E.
Some Apostles of Physiology by Stirling, William
How Nature Cures Comprising a New System of Hygiene; Also The Natural Food of Man by Densmore, Emmet
Digital Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry by Piper, M., Lerer, L.
Krankheiten Der Schilddrüse by Mödder, Gynter
Form and Function in the Brain and Spinal Cord: Perspectives of a Neurologist by Waxman, Stephen G.
Action and the Mind / Le Geste et l'Esprit: La nouvelle ère de la chirurgie by Pouliquen, Yves
Your Hidden Fear Is Making You Sick: Understanding the Instinct/Intellect/Body by Crowe, Donald W.
Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach by
Your Hidden Fear Is Making You Sick: Understanding the Instinct/Intellect/Body by Crowe, Donald W.
Parametric and Nonparametric Inference from Record-Breaking Data by Gulati, Sneh, Padgett, William J.
Intensive Care Medicine: Annual Update 2002 by
Levels of Perception by
Medizin und Spiritualität: ein Geschmack vom Heilen by Platsch, Klaus Dieter
Medical Therapy of Breast Cancer by
The U.S. Experiment in Social Medicine: The Community Health Center Program, 1965-1986 by Sardell, Alice
Mathematical Biology II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications by Murray, James D.
Alltag im Zivilisationsbruch by Müller, Bernhard
Das Schweigen brechen: Berliner Lektionen zu Spaetfolgen der Schoa by
Respiratory Control and Disorders in the Newborn by
Manual of Chinese Herbal Medicine: Principles and Practice for Easy Reference by Fan, Warner J-W
Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Carey, George W., Perry, Inez Eudora
Photochemistry of Organic Molecules in Isotropic and Anisotropic Media by
Neurochirurgische Und Neurologische Pflege: Spezielle Pflege Und Intensivpflege by Thomé, Ulrich
Issues in Palliative Care Research by
Language in Action: Psychological Models of Conversation by Turnbull, William
The Black Death Transformed: Disease and Culture in Early Renaissance Europe by Cohn Jr, Samuel K.
Institutions of Confinement: Hospitals, Asylums, and Prisons in Western Europe and North America, 1500 1950 by
Language in Action: Psychological Models of Conversation by Turnbull, William
Die Notfalltherapie Und Intensivtherapie Bei Schlaganfall by
Exogenous Factors in Colonic Carcinogenesis by
Bile Acids: From Genomics to Disease and Therapy by
Structural Classification of Minerals: Volume 2: Minerals with Apbqcrds to Apbqcrdsexf by Lima-de-Faria, J.
Lacrimal Gland, Tear Film, and Dry Eye Syndromes 3: Basic Science and Clinical Relevance Part B by
Statistics Applied to Clinical Trials: Self-Assessment Book by Cleophas, A. F., Cleophas, Ton J., Zwinderman, A. H.
Handbook of Transportation Science by
Neuropilin: From Nervous System to Vascular and Tumor Biology by
Cytokines and Chemokines in Autoimmune Disease by
Research on Alcoholism Treatment: Methodology Psychosocial Treatment Selected Treatment Topics Research Priorities by Galanter, Marc
Language and Language-In-Education Planning in the Pacific Basin by Kaplan, R. B., Baldauf Jr, Richard B.
Signal Transduction and Cardiac Hypertrophy by
Cooperative Control: Models, Applications and Algorithms by
These Cults by Hale, Annie Riley
Fractures of the Shoulder Girdle by Levine, William N., Marra, Guido
Metabolic Profiling: Its Role in Biomarker Discovery and Gene Function Analysis by
Visual Attention Mechanisms by
European Integration and Health Policy: The Artful Dance of Economics and History by
Medical Practice in Modern England: The Impact of Specialization and State Medicine by Stevens, Rosemary
Welfare Medicine in America: A Case Study of Medicaid by Stevens, Rosemary A.
Advances in Quality of Life Research 2001 by
Emerging Nodes in the Global Economy: Frankfurt and Tel Aviv Compared by
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