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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medical Reference in 2022

Des pneumonies dans les opérations d'extirpation du sein by Kaddour Ben Mohamed, Félix
Contribution à l'étude des abcès pneumoniques by Frey, Albert
Guide médical et pharmaceutique. Pharmacies portatives de la maison Dubail by Collectif
Des déplacements du cristallin, sous la conjonctive by Massie, Ferdinand
Contribution à l'étude de l'action de la digitale et du nitrate de potasse by Farmakovskii, Evgeni
De la tuberculose by Cazeneuve, Abel
Essai sur la pleurésie dans la diphtérie by Simeray, Paul
Kinésithérapie et hydrothérapie by Collectif
Deux arrêts du Parlement réglementant la pharmacie au XVIe siècle by Dorveaux, Paul
The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering Sisters Brought Medicine to Women and Women to Medicine by Nimura, Janice P.
Contribution à l'étude de l'alcoolisme chez le marin breton by Mével, Jules
Sur l'étiologie du typhus exanthématique by Fauvel, Antoine Sulpice
de la Physiologie Du Membre Inférieur Dans La Locomotion À Bicyclette by Bouny, Elisée
Contribution à l'histoire de la médecine dans le comté de Nice by Magnan, A.
La pharmacopée helvétique. 4e édition by Mayor, Albert, Wiki, Bernard
Tuberculose inflammatoire de l'endocarde by Minel, Henri
Lettre by Renaud, J. P.
Le charlatanisme démasqué ou La médecine appréciée à sa juste valeur by Leroy, Louis
Fragment sur les hautes sciences by Alliette, Jean-Baptiste
Le Docteur Jules Roux, Inspecteur-Général Du Service de Santé de la Marine, Sa Vie Et Ses Travaux by Aude, Philippe
Aperçus critiques d'hygiène et de médecine contemporaine by Un Ancien Praticien
Influence des différentes formes de l'électricité d'usage courant en électrothérapie by Debedat, X.
Étude clinique sur le traitement par l'acide carbonique aux eaux de Saint-Alban by Servajan, Docteur
Mémoire sur la ligature de l'aorte ventrale. 3e édition by Cooper, Astley Paston, Cooper, Astley, Bidault de Villiers, F. T.
Considérations sur l'emploi du feu en médecine by Gondret, Louis-François, Percy, Pierre-François
Les imperforations du vagin d'origine congénitale by Marchat, M.
Notice sur l'ambulance du Grand-Orient de France, 1870-1871 by Thévenot, Gilbert
Contribution à l'étude du syndrome de Stokes-Adams. Un cas avec thromboses bulbaires by Maurice, Mathieu
Contribution à l'étude du sarcome primitif de l'intestin grêle by Carrus, Ange
Contribution à l'étude de la stase intestinale chronique d'origine caecale by Grizard, Alfred
L'hôpital du Saint-Esprit de Gray, 1238-1790 by Gauthier, Jules
L'Exercice Illégal de la Médecine Et Les Médicastres Des Cévennes by Cantaloube, Paul
Étude sur la méningite aigue des buveurs et en particulier sur la méningite dans le delirium tremens by Rabjeau, Émile
Étude sur le xanthélasma by Duroselle, Fernand Eugène Jean Baptiste
De quelques symptômes insolites de l'ataxie locomotrice progressive by Gauch, Émile
De l'Épithélioma primitif de l'amygdale by Derecq, Léon
L'entérocolite muco-membraneuse, symptômes, complications, étiologie et traitement by De Langenhagen, Maurice
Anatomie et radiologie de l'entéroptose. Partie 1. Anatomie de l'entéroptose by Glénard, Frantz
De l'Influence de la première dentition sur le développement de la blépharo-conjonctivite by Augé, Auguste
Documents sur la céruse. Sur l'interdiction de l'emploi de la céruse dans la peinture by Collectif
Quelques considérations sur la pneumonie typhoïde et sur la pneumonie lobaire by Veil, Abraham
Contribution à l'étude de la pneumonie catarrhale, fluxion de poitrine by Soppovitch, Démétrius
Considérations sur l'hygiène dans la neurasthénie by Roubion, Jules
De l'hypochondrie et de l'hystérie by Georget, Étienne-Jean
Des Travaux Des Conseils d'Hygiène Et de Salubrité Du Département de l'Hérault, Rapport: Septembre 1854-27 Juin 1857 by Dumas, Adolphe
Essai sur l'angine de poitrine by Viguier, Joseph Henri Dieudonné
Considérations sur les granulations conjonctivales by Andrieu, Henri
Essai sur la paralysie diphthérique du nerf pneumogastrique by Gulat, Louis Émile
Neuf années de scarlatine à l'hôpital de la Charité, 1891-1900 by Johanny de Rochely, Charles
Pneumococcie à localisations multiples by Prestrelle, Fernand
La photographie de la rétine by Guinkoff, Vassile
Où l'on recherche comment l'air suivant ses différentes qualités agit sur le corps humain by Boissier de Sauvages, François
Médecine et médecins militaires de l'armée française en 1888 by Chassagne, Amédée
De l'opposant, appareil spécial de gymnastique applicable au traitement des maladies by Pichery, Jules-Léandre
Anatomie et physiologie élémentaires, résumé de conférences, 1908 by Savornin, Armand Raoul
Corps thyroïde et maladie de Basedow by Brissaud, Édouard
Contribution à l'étude médico-légale et pathogénique des ecchymoses sous-pleurales by Vicq, Camille Bernard
Contribution à l'étude de la fièvre typhoïde sudorale by Cousin, Émile
De la dilatation de l'angle gauche du colon transverse by Poésy, André
La gangrène pulmonaire by Tarrius, Pierre
Contribution à l'étude des cavernes muettes by Roy, Charles
Rapport Des Travaux Des Conseils d'Hygiène Et de Salubrité de l'Hérault, Septembre 1854-27 Juin 1857 by Dumas, Adolphe
Le sens auriculaire de l'espace by Bonnier, Pierre
Where Spirit Touches Matter: a journey toward wholeness by Friedman, Melvin R.
El Codigo del Cancer by Fung, Jason
Hypnotism: A Complete Manual on Hypnotism for the Beginner Intermediate and Advanced Practitioner (Learn Mind Control Techniques by Frost, Jose
Advances in Minimally Invasive Surgery by
Die Implementierung einer betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung in einem Pflegeheim by Paktiawal, Tareq
The Art and Science of Abdominal Hernia by
Rheumatoid Arthritis by
Male Reproductive Anatomy by
Central Nervous System Tumors by
Cerebrospinal Fluid by
Sacred Lives by Bone, Ian
Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment by
Die Nichtaufklärung des Patienten aus therapeutischen Gründen: Auslegung der Zulässigkeit der Nichtaufklärung gem. § 630e III BGB by Anonymous
Körperliche Aktivität und psychische Gesundheit. Ein systematischer Review by Hinkes, Kathrin
Cindynics, the Science of Danger: A Wake-Up Call by Planchette, Guy
Institutionelle Gewalt am Beispiel von Altenpflegeheimen. Wirkt sich die Art der Beziehung zwischen Pflegenden und Pflegebedürftigen begünstigend auf by Schary, Stefanie
Neurointervention in the Medical Specialties: A Comprehensive Guide by
Ethical Challenges for Healthcare Practices at the End of Life: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
A Quick Guide to Pediatric Retina by
Quantitative Genetics by Xu, Shizhong
Non-Aligned Psychiatry in the Cold War: Revolution, Emancipation and Re-Imagining the Human Psyche by Antic, Ana
Oxford Handbook of Women's Health Nursing by
Mobile Midwives: Transforming Birth Options by Foley, Marge
Ccma Exam Secrets Study Guide: Ccma Review and Practice Questions for the Certified Clinical Medical Assistant Test by
Pharmaceutical Dissolution Testing, Bioavailability, and Bioequivalence: Science, Applications, and Beyond by Banakar, Umesh V.
Global Health in Practice: Investing Amidst Pandemics, Denial of Evidence, and Neo-Dependency by Adeyi, Olusoji
Drug Delivery Using Nanomaterials by
Covid-19 Pandemic: The Threat and Response by
Clinical Research at MENA: Challenges and Solutions by
Basic Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences by Vančik, Hrvoj
#Rippedat50: A Journey to Self Love by Casey, Troy
Die Entwicklung der Telemedizin im Bereich der Psychotherapie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der SARS-CoV-2 Pandemie by Briegert, Kesha-Laurita
Pflegerische Behandlung mit Wärme und Kälteanwendungen bei unspezifischen Kreuzschmerzen by Watzinger, Thomas
Medikalisierung und Pathologisierung von Herz- und Hirntod. Spezifikation Transplantationsmedizin by Kluge, Samira
Das ADHS-Syndrom im Grundschulalter und die Bewältigung des schulischen Alltags. Unterstützungsmöglichkeiten und Rahmenbedingungen betroffener Lehrer by Gerber, Simone
The Five Health Frontiers: A New Radical Blueprint by Thomas, Christopher
Risk Management for Medical Device Manufacturers: [MD and IVD] by Simon, Joe W.
Detection Systems in Lung Cancer and Imaging, Volume 1 by
Urological Care for the Transgender Patient: A Comprehensive Guide by
Autoimmune Bullous Diseases: Text and Review by
Cancer Biomarkers: Methods and Protocols by
Service Design Practices for Healthcare Innovation: Paradigms, Principles, Prospects by
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Band 9: Merkblätter 3332-3734 by
Food Packaging: The Smarter Way by
Sleep Disorders in Selected Psychiatric Settings: A Clinical Casebook by
Evidence Based Validation of Traditional Medicines: A Comprehensive Approach by
Central Asia and the Covid-19 Pandemic by
The Five Health Frontiers: A New Radical Blueprint by Thomas, Christopher
Disaster Planning: A Practical Guide for Effective Health Outcomes by Keim, Mark
Endocrine Surgery Comprehensive Board Exam Guide by
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Assessment to Intervention by McConaughy, Stephanie H., Whitcomb, Sara A.
Smart Nanomaterials in Biomedical Applications by
Gut Microbiota, Immunity, and Health in Production Animals by
Tamoxifen Tales: Suggestions for Scientific Survival by Jordan, V. Craig
Neuroplasticity: Simple Strategies to Better Manage Your Life (Newest Guide to Working Brain Plasticity and Rewiring Your Brain) by Galante, Joseph
Sex- And Gender-Based Women's Health: A Practical Guide for Primary Care by
Heal Hemorrhoids Through Ayurveda by Kullolli, Dr Vivekanand Mohan, Kullolli, Dr Krishna Thorat
Advances in Clinical Chemistry: Volume 106 by
Particulates, Coronaviruses and Greenhouse Gases by Holst, Peter a. J. Phd
Handbuch Der Gefährlichen Güter. Erläuterungen II: Gewässerverunreinigung by
Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis in the Young Patient: Evaluation and Management by
Duck Production and Management Strategies by
Female Urinary Incontinence by
Dialysis Access Management by
Agenda 2030 - Bildung: Wertevermittlung Und Werteorientierung by Herwald, Heiko
Toxicology at Environmentally Relevant Concentrations in Caenorhabditis Elegans by Wang, Dayong
Endovascular Surgery of Cerebral Aneurysms by
Effect of Phenolic Compounds on Human Health by
Immunotherapy in Myeloma: A Theme Issue in Honor of Prof. Dr. G]osta Gahrton by
Microalgae Cultures: Environmental Tool and Bioenergy Source by
Newborn Screening in Japan-2021 by
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia by
Ortho Review: A Resident's Study Guide to the Orthopaedic Surgery Board Exam (Second Edition) by Burrow, Sarah R., Ayeni, Olufemi R., Hartman, Jeffrey A.
The Caregiver of the Active Patient: 7 Aspects That Affected Me by Walbourne, Isabel
Anatomy coloring book by Fleur by Banaś, Dagna
The Beginner's Guide to the Eight Extraordinary Vessels by Johanison, Dolma
Complications in Neck Dissection: A Comprehensive, Illustrated Guide by
Old and Thrown Away: One woman's journey with her mom through the nursing home experience in the United States by Thunderwest, Marie
Ortho Review: A Resident's Study Guide to the Orthopaedic Surgery Board Exam (Second Edition) by Burrow, Sarah R., Ayeni, Olufemi R., Hartman, Jeffrey A.
Access: Addressing the Obesity Crisis by Carpenter Rdn Mba, Jessica, Lee, Amy, Ramsthel Cfp(r), Douglas
Palliative Care Perspectives by Hallenbeck, James L.
Temas variados de Cardiologia: Manual para la atencion primaria de salud. by Serra Colina, Jorge
Female Bladder Outlet Obstruction and Urethral Reconstruction by
The Book of Genes and Genomes by Haga, Susanne B.
Aesthetic and Regenerative Gynecology by
The Surgery-First Orthognathic Approach: With Discussion of Occlusal Plane-Altering Orthognathic Surgery by Choi, Jong-Woo, Lee, Jang Yeol
Ultrasound Scoring of Joint Synovitis: Objective Quantification of Articular Inflammation by Kaeley, Gurjit S., Ranganath, Veena K., Ben-Artzi, Ami
Investment in China's Health and Care Sector: Opportunities and Possibilities for Foreign Investors by Etgen, Björn
Nanotechnology in Medicine by
Surgery of Spinal Cord Tumors Based on Anatomy: An Approach Based on Anatomic Compartmentalization by
Sustainable Community Health: Systems and Practices in Diverse Settings by
The BREATHE! Journal: Live A Happier Smoke-Free Life Using The Quit Smoking Formula by Airuehia, Efosa
Sustainability in Ruminant Livestock: Management and Marketing by Rout, Pramod Kumar, Behera, Basanta Kumara
Bearing Witness: Ruth Harrison and British Farm Animal Welfare (1920-2000) by Kirchhelle, Claas
Regulatory B Cells: Methods and Protocols by
(Un)Doing Diabetes: Representation, Disability, Culture by
Innovationen Im Gesundheitswesen: Rechtliche Und Ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen Und Potentiale by
A War on My Body: A War on My Rights by Allred, Gloria, Smith, Paxton
A Case of Culture: How Cultural Brokers Bridge Divides in Healthcare by Nandipati, Snigdha
Living with Dementia: Neuroethical Issues and International Perspectives by
Science and Practice for Heated Tobacco Products: Japan as a Test Bed for Novel Tobacco Products by Tabuchi, Takahiro
Design of Experiments for Pharmaceutical Product Development: Volume II: Applications and Practical Case Studies by
Nanocarriers: Drug Delivery System: An Evidence Based Approach by
Arts and Health Promotion: Tools and Bridges for Practice, Research, and Social Transformation by
Probiotic Research in Therapeutics: Volume 4: Probiotics in Neurodegenerative Disorders by
Family Resilience and Recovery from Opioids and Other Addictions by
Radionuclide Imaging of Infection and Inflammation: A Pictorial Case-Based Atlas by
Das erste Auftreten der Syphilis (Lustseuche) in der europäischen Kulturwelt by Bloch, Iwan
Klinische Simulation als Lehr-Lern-Methode in der Notfallsanitäterausbildung by Piel, Daniel
Biomedical Product and Materials Evaluation: Standards and Ethics by
The Making of a Doctor by Sodipo, Julius Adebiyi
The Making of a Doctor by Sodipo, Julius Adebiyi
Ernährungscoaching nach dem GROW-Modell von John Withmore by Kretz, Anika
The Mysterious Winging Scapula: A Recovery Plan for Therapists and their Patients by Delorme, Janet
Psychiatry and Neuroscience Update: From Epistemology to Clinical Psychiatry - Vol. IV by
Eosinophils: Methods and Protocols by
Guidelines for Nurse Practitioners in Ambulatory Obstetric Settings, Third Edition by Cibulka, Nancy, Rosenberger, Kelly D., Barron, Mary Lee
Extrem- und Risikosport im Kontext gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung by Erdem, E.
The Happy Vulva: How to Love Your Down-Under by D'Arcy-Tehan, Frances
The Mysterious Winging Scapula: A Recovery Plan for Therapists and their Patients by Delorme, Janet
Michlovitz's Modalities for Therapeutic Intervention by Nolan Jr, Thomas P., Bellew, James W.
Abandoned Topeka, Psychiatric Capital of the World by Cowan, Emily
Healing Plants of Nigeria: Ethnomedicine and Therapeutic Applications by Adodo, Anselm, Iwu, Maurice M.
Diabetes Without Needles: Non-Invasive Diagnostics and Health Management by Rydosz, Artur
The Nursing Assistant, Brief Edition: Essentials of Holistic Care by Boydston, Renae
Pharmacology in Rehabilitation, Updated 5th Edition by Ciccone, Charles D.
Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach by Hayes, Andrew F.
Fundamentals of Nursing by Potter, Patricia A., Stockert, Patricia A., Perry, Anne G.
Private Parts: How to Really Live with Endometriosis by Thom, Eleanor
Inlays - Onlays: céramique ou composite ? by Steullet, Guillaume
Die Medizinstudentinnen der Universitaet Erlangen in der Weimarer Republik und im Nationalsozialismus by Derichs, Dana
Orchids Phytochemistry, Biology and Horticulture: Fundamentals and Applications by
Atlas of Orbital Imaging by
Essential Echocardiography: A Review of Basic Perioperative Tee and Critical Care Echocardiography by
Healthy Eating Policy and Political Philosophy: A Public Reason Approach by Barnhill, Anne, Bonotti, Matteo
Solving for Why: A Surgeon's Journey to Discover the Transformative Power of Purpose by Shrime, Mark
Bioprospecting of Enzymes in Industry, Healthcare and Sustainable Environment by
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