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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 1988

The Register of William Melton, Archbishop of York, 1317-1340, III by
Lopes: The English in Portugal 1383-1387 by Lomax, Derek W., Oakley, R. J.
Three Old English Elegies by
Westminster Abbey Charters, 1066-C.1214 by
Christians and Moors in Spain, Volume I: AD 711-1150 by Smith, Colin
Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women Volume 1 by Bynum, Caroline Walker
Renaissance Humanism, Volume 1: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy by
Renaissance Humanism, Volume 2: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy by
Renaissance Humanism, Volume 3: Foundations, Forms, and Legacy by
Reichtum und Macht im mittelalterlichen Venedig by Fees, Irmgard
Daily Life in the World of Charlemagne: With Expanded Footnotes by Riché, Pierre
Two Churches: England and Italy in the Thirteenth Century, with an Additional Essay by the Author. by Brentano, Robert
The Cambridge History of China: Volume 7, the Ming Dynasty, 1368 1644, Part 1 by
The Hundred Years War: Revised Edition by Allmand, Christopher, Allmand, C. T.
London in the Age of Chaucer by Myers, Alec R.
The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood, Volume II: Papers from the Third Strawberry Hill Conference, 1986 by
The Mountains and the City: The Tuscan Appennines in the Early Middle Ages by Wickham, Chris
Boethius's in Ciceronis Topica: An Annotated Translation of a Medieval Dialectical Text by Boethius
War, Justice, and Public Order: England and France in the Later Middle Ages by Kaeuper, Richard W.
Allgemeine Wirtschaftsgeschichte Des Mittelalters Und Der Neuzeit: Band I: Das Mittelalter. Band II: Die Neuzeit. Mit Register Zu Band I-II by Kulischer, Josef
Medieval Japan: Essays in Institutional History by
The Crusades by Mayer, H. E., Mayer, Hans Eberhard
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People: A Historical Commentary by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
Society, State, and Urbanism: Ibn Khaldun's Sociological Thought by Baali, Fuad
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy: A Primer in the Social History of Pictorial Style by Baxandall, Michael
Medieval Christian Literary Imagery: A Guide to Interpretation by Kaske, R. E.
Saint Jerome in the Renaissance by Rice, Eugene F.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier 5: Die Stifte St. Severus in Gemünden, St. Maria in Diez Mit Ihren Vorläufern, St. Petrus i by
Prince Marko: The Hero of South Slavic Epics by Popovic, Tanya
The Premature Reformation by Hudson, Anne
Prince of Darkness: Radical Evil and the Power of Good in History (Revised) by Russell, Jeffrey Burton
Anglo-Norman Studies X: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1987 by
The Emperor Maurice and His Historian: Theophylact Simocatta on Persian and Balkan Warfare by Whitby, Michael
Duke Richard of York 1411-1460 by Johnson, P. A.
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Salzburg. Das Bistum Freising 1. Das Augustinerchorherrenstift Dietramszell by
Nomads and Crusaders: A.D. 1000-1368 by Lewis, Archibald R.
The Thought of Gregory the Great by Evans, G. R.
The Acts of Robert I (1306-1329) by Duncan, A. A. M.
Die Gedenkenüberlieferung Der Angelsachsen: Mit Einem Katalog Der Libri Vitae Und Necrologien by Gerchow, Jan
Thirteenth Century England II: Proceedings of the Newcastle Upon Tyne Conference 1987 by
Das Dichtergebet in Der Deutschen Literatur Des Mittelalters by Thelen, Christian
Renaissance- und Humanistenhandschriften by
The Cortes of Castile-León, 1188-1350 by O'Callaghan, Joseph F.
Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Band 22 by
Ideologie Und Gesellschaft Im Hohen Und Späten Mittelalter by