• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Medieval & Renaissance History in 1990

Ancrene Riwle by
The Phoenix by
Anatomy of a Crusade, 1213-1221 by Powell, James M.
Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations' by
Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Des Feudalismus. Band 13 by
Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe by Brundage, James A.
The Five Books of the Histories and the Life of St. William by
Lovesickness in the Middle Ages: The Viaticum and Its Commentaries by Wack, Mary Frances
A Lost English County: Winchcombeshire in the Tenth and Eleventh Centuries by Whybra, Julian
Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power by Byock, Jesse L.
History of the Goths by Wolfram, Herwig
Popular Medicine in 13th-Century England: Introduction and Texts by Hunt, Tony
King Stephen by Davies, Ralph Henry Carless
Das Pferd Und Seine Epische Funktion Im Mittelhochdeutschen 'Prosa-Lancelot' by Ackermann-Arlt, Beate
The Monastic Ritual of Fleury: (Orleans, Bibliotheque Municipale MS 123 [101]) by
Radical Puritans in England 1550 - 1660 by Acheson, R. J.
The Orphan Stone: The Minnesinger Dream of Reich by Berleth, Richard J.
The Cambridge History of Japan, Volume 3: Medieval Japan by
Michaelis Pselli Historia Syntomos by
History, Religion, and Antisemitism by Langmuir, Gavin I.
The Art of Courtly Love by Capellanus, Andreas
Naukar, Rajput, and Sepoy: The Ethnohistory of the Military Labour Market of Hindustan, 1450 1850 by Kolff, Dirk H. a., Kolff, D. H. a., Dirk H. a., Kolff
Lectures on the History of Philosophy. the Lectures of 1825-26 Volume III: Medieval and Modern Philosophy by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Medieval and Early Renaissance Medicine: An Introduction to Knowledge and Practice by Siraisi, Nancy G.
Medieval Psychology by Kemp, Simon
Women, Production, and Patriarchy in Late Medieval Cities by Howell, Martha C.
Anglo-Norman Studies XII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 1989 by
The History of the Church of York, 1066-1127 by Hugh the Chanter
The Poet's Art: Literary Theory in Castile c. 1400-60 by Weiss, Julian
The Wars of the Roses by Goodman, Anthony
From the Baltic to the Black Sea: Studies in Medieval Archaeology by
The Papacy, 1073 1198: Continuity and Innovation by Robinson, I. S.
Always among Us by Wandel, Lee Palmer
The Papacy, 1073 1198: Continuity and Innovation by Robinson, I. S.
The Guitar of God: Gender, Power, and Authority in the Visionary World of Mother Juana de la Cruz, 1481-1534 by Surtz, Ronald E.
The History of al-Ṭabarī Vol. 38: The Return of the Caliphate to Baghdad: The Caliphates of al-Muʿtaḍid, al-Muktafī and al- by
Prophecy and People in Renaissance Italy by Niccoli, Ottavia
Das Concilium Quinisextum Und Seine Bischofsliste by Ohme, Heinz
Western Society and the Church in the Middle Ages by Southern, R. W.
Thomas Becket by Barlow, Frank
Florentine Histories: Newly Translated Edition by Machiavelli, Niccolò
The State and Economic Knowledge by
The Ideals and Practice of Medieval Knighthood, Volume III: Papers from the Fourth Strawberry Hill Conference, 1988 by
Slavery and African Life: Occidental, Oriental, and African Slave Trades by Manning, Patrick
Die Bistümer Der Kirchenprovinz Trier. Das Erzbistum Trier 6: Die Stifte St. Walpurgis in Weilburg Und St. Martin in Idstein by
The Italian Renaissance: The Origins of Intellectual and Artistic Change Before the Reformation by Stephens, John
The Medieval Town in England 1200-1540 by Holt, Richard, Rosser, Gervase
The World of Bede by Peter Hunter, Blair, Blair, Peter Hunter, Hunter Blair, Peter
The World of Bede by Hunter Blair, Peter, Blair, Peter Hunter
Christianizing Death: Reconciling Family and Factory by Paxton, Frederick S.
Concilii Actiones I - XI by
The Correspondence of Pope Gregory VII: Selected Letters from the Registrum by
The Cosmographia of Bernardus Silvestris by Silvestris, Bernardus
Charity and Children in Renaissance Florence: The Ospedale degli Innocenti, 1410-1536 by Gavitt, Philip
Medieval Warfare: History of the Art of War, Volume III by Delbrück, Hans
Early Tudor Parliaments 1485-1558 by Graves, Michael a. R.
Frühmittelalterliche Studien. Band 24 by